This page describes 3 different methods:
The instructions on this page describe how you compile the frePPLe source code into binaries. After compilation you need to return to the installation and configuration steps outlined on the previous page.
To work with the source code directly from the github repository you will need the following steps:
Update your system with the development software packages.
Pick up the latest code from the repository with the command:
git clone <project_directory>
Initialize the automake/autoconf/libtool scripts:
cd <project_directory>
make -f Makefile.dist prep
Configure the build with the following command:
./configure –sysconfdir=/etc
You can use the option ‘–help’ to see the list of available options.
The sysconfdir option is required to make sure the configuration files are always available under /etc, even when the package is compiled with a prefix such as /usr/local.
Compile the source code:
make all
Run the test suite:
make check
Not all tests are currently passing, so you shouldn’t be worried about a couple of failures.
Install the files:
make install
Free the disk space used during the build and test phases.
make clean
To sync your environment with the latest changes from the repository:
cd <project_directory>
git pull
Example Suse Enterprise 12 SP1 build script to create RPMs:
export GITURL=""
export GITBRANCH=master
# Basics
sudo zypper update
sudo zypper --non-interactive install --force-resolution libxerces-c-3_1 libxerces-c-devel openssl openssl-devel libtool make automake autoconf doxygen python3 python3-devel gcc-c++ graphviz rpm-build git libpq5 postgresql-devel
#create rpm tree
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
git clone $GITURL -b $GITBRANCH frepple-$RELEASE/
# PIP and PIP requirements
sudo python3 -m ensurepip
sudo pip3 install -r ~/frepple-$RELEASE/contrib/django/requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install psycopg2 Sphinx
cd ~/frepple-$RELEASE
make -f Makefile.dist prep config
cd contrib/rpm
make suse
The steps to work with such packages are standard:
Install the django package as described on the previous page.
Install the dpkg-dev package and all prerequisite packages for frepple:
apt-get install dpkg-dev debhelper cdbs autotools-dev python-dev libxerces-c-dev libtool python-sphinx
Build the source directory.
Expand all files listed in the .dsc file.
Build the package in the source directory.
dpkg-buildpackage -B
The steps to work with such packages are standard:
Install the django package as described on the previous page.
Install the rpmbuild package:
yum install rpmbuild
zypper in rpmbuild
Create a build directory structure:
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
Install the source RPM file:
This will create files in the SOURCES directory of your RPM building directory tree, and a .spec file in the SPECS directory.
rpm -i frepple-*.src.rpm
Build the RPM:
Go the SPECS directory and give the command to build the RPM:
cd /home/your_userid/rpm/SPECS
rpmbuild -bb frepple.spec