
Any item/location/customer combination you wish frepple to compute the forecast for should be declared in this table.

Key Fields

Field Type Description
name non-empty string A unique name for this forecast record. We recommend “Item - Location - Customer” E.g : “keyboard - factory1 - Google”
item non-empty string The item for which the forecast should be computed.
location non-empty string The location for which the forecast should be computed.
customer non-empty string The customer for which the forecast should be computed.
method non-empty string

The method used to compute the forecast among following possibilities:

  • Automatic
  • Constant
  • Trend
  • Seasonal
  • Intermittent
  • Moving Average
  • Manual
  • Aggregate
planned boolean Indicates whether the forecasted quantity should be planned, possible values are : “TRUE” or “FALSE”.

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