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Chapter 5. Config Console Commands

The config subshell provides commands for managing the FUSE ESB Kernel configuration. The correct order for using these commands is:

  1. edit

  2. propset/add/del

  3. update/cancel

Type config at the smx@root> prompt to open the subshell. Type help at the prompt to view the available commands (see Accessing the root commands).

Table 5.1 lists the commands available in the subshell. The commands are described in the sections that follow.

Table 5.1. Config Console Commands

cancel Cancels the changes to the configuration being edited
edit Creates or edits a configuration
list Lists the existing configurations
propdel Deletes a property from the edited configuration
proplist Lists properties from the edited configuration
propset Sets a property on the edited configuration
update Saves and propagates the changes from the configuration being edited