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Chapter 10. OBR Console Commands

The obr shell provides commands for accessing the OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) Service API.


This feature is not installed by default. To install the obr shell, run the following command:

smx@root:/> features/install obr

Type obr at the smx@root> prompt to open the shell. Type help at the prompt to view the available commands (see Accessing the root commands).

Table 10.1 lists the commands available in the subshell. The commands are described in the sections that follow.

Table 10.1. OBR Console Commands

addUrl Adds a list of repository URLs to the OBR service
deploy Deploys a list of bundles using OBR
info Prints informations about OBR bundles
list Lists OBR bundles
listUrl Displays the repository URLs currently associated with the OBR service
refreshUrl Reloads the repositories to obtain a fresh list of bundles
removeUrl Removes a list of repository URLs from the OBR service
source Downloads the sources for an OBR bundle
start Deplosy and starts a list of bundles using OBR