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Table A.4 shows the wire format options supported by the OpenWire protocol.

Table A.4. Transport Options Supported by OpenWire Protocol

OptionDefaultDescriptionNegotiation policy
wireformat .stackTraceEnabledtrue

Should the stack trace of an exception occuring on the broker be sent to the client?

Set to false if either side is false.

wireformat .tcpNoDelayEnabledfalse

Provides a hint to the peer that TCP nodelay should be enabled on the communications Socket.

Set to false if either side is false.

wireformat .cacheEnabledtrue

Should commonly repeated values be cached so that less marshalling occurs?

Set to false if either side is false.

wireformat .cacheSize1024

If cacheEnabled is true, this property specifies the maximum number of values to cache.

Use the smaller of the two values.

wireformat .tightEncodingEnabledtrue

Should wire size be optimized over CPU usage?

Set to false if either side is false.

wireformat .prefixPacketSizetrue

Should the size of the packet be prefixed before each packet is marshalled?

Set to true if both sides are true.

wireformat .maxInactivityDuration30000

The maximum inactivity duration (before which the socket is considered dead) in milliseconds. On some platforms it can take a long time for a socket to appear to die, so we allow the broker to kill connections if they are inactive for a period of time. Set to a value <= 0 to disable inactivity monitoring.

Use the smaller of the two values.

wireformat .maxInactivityDurationInitalDelay10000The initial delay in starting the maximum inactivity checks. Note: The mis-spelling, Inital, is a typographic error in the source code.  

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