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For consumers that follow the scheduled poll pattern (see Scheduled poll pattern), Fuse Mediation Router provides support for injecting parameters into consumer instances. For example, consider the following endpoint URI for a component identified by the custom prefix:


Fuse Mediation Router provides support for automatically injecting query options of the form consumer.*. For the consumer.myConsumerParam parameter, you need to define corresponding setter and getter methods on the Consumer implementation class as follows:

public class CustomConsumer extends ScheduledPollConsumer {
    String getMyConsumerParam() { ... }
    void setMyConsumerParam(String s) { ... }

Where the getter and setter methods follow the usual Java bean conventions (including capitalizing the first letter of the property name).

In addition to defining the bean methods in your Consumer implementation, you must also remember to call the configureConsumer() method in the implementation of Endpoint.createConsumer(). See Scheduled poll endpoint implementation). Example 8.1 shows an example of a createConsumer() method implementation, taken from the FileEndpoint class in the file component:

At run time, consumer parameter injection works as follows:

Fuse Mediation Router provides two special consumer implementations which can be used to convert back and forth between an event-driven consumer and a polling consumer. The following conversion classes are provided:

In practice, these classes are used to simplify the task of implementing an Endpoint type. The Endpoint interface defines the following two methods for creating a consumer instance:

package org.apache.camel;

public interface Endpoint {
    Consumer createConsumer(Processor processor) throws Exception;
    PollingConsumer createPollingConsumer() throws Exception;

createConsumer() returns an event-driven consumer and createPollingConsumer() returns a polling consumer. You would only implement one these methods. For example, if you are following the event-driven pattern for your consumer, you would implement the createConsumer() method provide a method implementation for createPollingConsumer() that simply raises an exception. With the help of the conversion classes, however, Fuse Mediation Router is able to provide a more useful default implementation.

For example, if you want to implement your consumer according to the event-driven pattern, you implement the endpoint by extending DefaultEndpoint and implementing the createConsumer() method. The implementation of createPollingConsumer() is inherited from DefaultEndpoint, where it is defined as follows:

public PollingConsumer<E> createPollingConsumer() throws Exception {
    return new EventDrivenPollingConsumer<E>(this);

The EventDrivenPollingConsumer constructor takes a reference to the event-driven consumer, this, effectively wrapping it and converting it into a polling consumer. To implement the conversion, the EventDrivenPollingConsumer instance buffers incoming events and makes them available on demand through the receive(), the receive(long timeout), and the receiveNoWait() methods.

Analogously, if you are implementing your consumer according to the polling pattern, you implement the endpoint by extending DefaultPollingEndpoint and implementing the createPollingConsumer() method. In this case, the implementation of the createConsumer() method is inherited from DefaultPollingEndpoint, and the default implementation returns a DefaultScheduledPollConsumer instance (which converts the polling consumer into an event-driven consumer).

Consumer classes can optionally implement the org.apache.camel.spi.ShutdownAware interface, which interacts with the graceful shutdown mechanism, enabling a consumer to ask for extra time to shut down. This is typically needed for components such as SEDA, which can have pending exchanges stored in an internal queue. Normally, you would want to process all of the exchanges in the queue before shutting down the SEDA consumer.

Example 8.2 shows the definition of the ShutdownAware interface.

The ShutdownAware interface defines the following methods:


Return true from this method, if you want to delay shutdown of the consumer. The shutdownRunningTask argument is an enum which can take either of the following values:

  • ShutdownRunningTask.CompleteCurrentTaskOnly—finish processing the exchanges that are currently being processed by the consumer's thread pool, but do not attempt to process any more exchanges than that.

  • ShutdownRunningTask.CompleteAllTasks—process all of the pending exchanges. For example, in the case of the SEDA component, the consumer would process all of the exchanges from its incoming queue.


Indicates how many exchanges remain to be processed by the consumer. A zero value indicates that processing is finished and the consumer can be shut down.

For an example of how to define the ShutdownAware methods, see Example 8.6.

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