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This command has the following options:

-Q <type>=<name> Adds to the search list the specific object type matched by the defined object identifier
-xQ <type>=<name> Removes from the search list the specific object type matched by the object identifier
--objname <query> Adds to the search list objects matched by the query similar
--xobjname <query> Removes from the search list objects matched by the query
--view <attr1>, <attr2>,... Selects the specific attribute of the object to view; by default, all attributes are displayed
--jmxurl <URL> Sets the JMX URL to connect to
--jmxuser <user> Sets the JMX user, used for authentication
--jmxpassword <password> Sets the JMX password, used for authentication
--jmxlocal Specifies to use the local JMX server instead of a remote server
--version Displays the version information
-h, -?, --help Displays the online help for this command
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