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Complete the following steps to set up JBI endpoint clustering:

  1. Install the jbi-cluster feature included in Fuse ESB. See Installing the clustering feature.

  2. Optionally, configure the clustering engine with a JMS broker other than the Fuse Message Broker. See Changing the JMS broker.

  3. Optionally, change the default clustering engine configuration to specify different cluster and destination names. See Changing the default configuration.

  4. Add endpoints and register the endpoint definition in the Spring configuration. See Using clustering in an application.

See the following sections for additional information:

Fuse ESB has a pre-installed clustering engine that is configured to use the included Fuse Message Broker. The default configuration for the Fuse ESB cluster engine is defined in the jbi-cluster.xml file in the org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.config bundle. This bundle is located in the installation directory in \system\org\apache\servicemix\jbi\cluster.

The default cluster engine configuration, shown in Example 5.1, is designed to meet most basic requirements.

Example 5.1. Default cluster engine configuration

<bean id="clusterEngine" class="org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.engine.ClusterEngine">
  <property name="pool">
    <bean class="org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.requestor.ActiveMQJmsRequestorPool">
     <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory" />
     <property name="destinationName" value="${destinationName}" />
  <property name="name" value="${clusterName}" />
<osgi:list id="clusterRegistrations"
  <osgi:listener ref="clusterEngine" bind-method="register" unbind-method="unregister" />
<osgi:reference id="connectionFactory" interface="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory" />       
<osgi:service ref="clusterEngine">
    <entry key="NAME" value="${clusterName}" />
<osgix:cm-properties id="clusterProps" 
  <prop key="clusterName">${}</prop>
  <prop key="destinationName">org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster</prop>
<ctx:property-placeholder properties-ref="clusterProps" />

Fuse ESB has a preconfigured Fuse Message Broker instance that automatically starts when the container is started. This means you do not have to start a broker instance for the clustering engine to work.

To create a network of JBI containers, you must establish network connections between each of the containers in the network, and then establish a network connection between the active containers. You can configure these network connections as either static or multicast connections.

When a network connection is established, each container discovers the other containers' remote components and can route to them.

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