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Ant task
install-component, Installing a component
install-shared-library, Installing a shared library
installing components, Installing a component, Installing a component
installing shared libraries, Installing a shared library, Installing a shared library
jbi-install-component, Installing a component
jbi-install-shared-library, Installing a shared library
jbi-shut-down-component, Shutting down a component
jbi-start-component, Starting a component
jbi-stop-component, Stopping a component
jbi-uninstall-component, Removing a component
jbi-uninstall-shared-library, Removing a shared library
removing components, Removing a component, Removing a shared library, Removing a component
removing shared libraries, Removing a shared library
shutdown-component, Shutting down a component
shutting down components, Shutting down a component, Shutting down a component
start-component, Starting a component
starting components, Starting a component, Starting a component
stop-component, Stopping a component
stopping components, Stopping a component, Stopping a component
uninstall-component, Removing a component
uninstall-shared-library, Removing a shared library
uninstalling components, Removing a component, Removing a shared library, Removing a component


binding component, Component types


clustering JBI endpoints, Overview
component life-cycle, Managing JBI components
componentName, Specifying the target components
consumer, Component roles


Java Management Extenstions, JMX
JBI clustering, Overview
jbi-install-component, Installing a component
failOnError, Installing a component
file, Installing a component
host, Installing a component
password, Installing a component
port, Installing a component
username, Installing a component
jbi-install-shared-library, Installing a shared library
failOnError, Installing a shared library
file, Installing a shared library
host, Installing a shared library
password, Installing a shared library
port, Installing a shared library
username, Installing a shared library
jbi-shut-down-component, Shutting down a component
failOnError, Shutting down a component
host, Shutting down a component
name, Shutting down a component
password, Shutting down a component
port, Shutting down a component
username, Shutting down a component
jbi-start-component, Starting a component
failOnError, Starting a component
host, Starting a component
name, Starting a component
password, Starting a component
port, Starting a component
username, Starting a component
jbi-stop-component, Stopping a component
failOnError, Stopping a component
host, Stopping a component
name, Stopping a component
password, Stopping a component
port, Stopping a component
username, Stopping a component
jbi-uninstall-component, Removing a component
failOnError, Removing a component
host, Removing a component
name, Removing a component
password, Removing a component
port, Removing a component
username, Removing a component
jbi-uninstall-shared-library, Removing a shared library
failOnError, Removing a shared library
host, Removing a shared library
name, Removing a shared library
password, Removing a shared library
port, Removing a shared library
username, Removing a shared library


Maven tooling
binding component, JBI components
component bootstrap class, JBI components
component implementation class, JBI components
component type, JBI components
JBI component, JBI components
project creation, Creating a JBI Maven project
service engine, JBI components
set up, Setting up the Maven tools, Setting up the Maven tools
shared libraries, Shared libraries
message exchange patterns, Message exchange patterns
in-only, Message exchange patterns
in-optional-out, Message exchange patterns
in-out, Message exchange patterns
robust-in-only, Message exchange patterns


provider, Component roles


service assembly, Packaging
seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
specifying the service units, Specifying the target components
service consumer, Component roles
service engine, Component types
service provider, Component roles
service unit, Packaging
seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
specifying the target component, Specifying the target components
service unit life-cycle, Managing service units
shutdown-component, Shutting down a component, Shutting down a component, Shutting down a component
sm.password, Shutting down a component
sm.port, Shutting down a component
sm.username, Shutting down a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a shared library, Removing a shared library
sm.install.file, Installing a component, Installing a shared library
sm.password, Installing a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a shared library, Removing a shared library
sm.port, Installing a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a shared library, Removing a shared library, Removing a shared library
sm.username, Installing a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a shared library, Removing a shared library
smx-arch, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
start-component, Starting a component, Starting a component, Starting a component
sm.password, Starting a component
sm.port, Starting a component
sm.username, Starting a component
stop-component, Stopping a component, Stopping a component, Stopping a component
sm.password, Stopping a component
sm.port, Stopping a component
sm.username, Stopping a component
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