GT 4.0.2 Incremental Release Notes: Python WS Core

1. Introduction

These release notes are for the incremental release 4.0.2. It includes a summary of changes since 4.0.1, bug fixes since 4.0.1 and any known problems that still exist at the time of the 4.0.2 release. This page is in addition to the top-level 4.0.2 release notes at

For release notes about 4.0 (including feature summary, technology dependencies, etc) go to the Python WS Core 4.0 Release Notes.

2. Changes Summary

The following changes have occurred for Python WS Core since 4.0.1:

  • Various performance modifications, approximately halving the time for a single rpc operation.
  • Added python "proxy" tools for creating and managing a RFC 3820 compliant proxy.
  • Complete separation between the pyGridWare installation and your site.
  • New drop-in services based on twisted "rpy" scripts.
  • New tool "" that creates a new web/grid services site from a WSDL definition, so one can move quickly from WSDL authoring to deployment.
  • Additional "layer" on top of soap stack, making it easier to use ZSI python objects.
  • Additional support for M2Crypto, which is replacing as the crypto package for message layer security.
  • GRAM client "pyGridWare/bin/"
  • New Tutorial at

3. Bug Fixes

Many bugs have been fixed for Python WS Core in the ZSI SOAP layer since 4.0.1. Check out the ZSI bug tracker on sourceforge.

4. Known Problems

Message layer security in Python WS Core is in a state of flux, the release of 4.0.2 came as a surprise and we were in the middle of a move. The client- side is working with globus-4.0.2rc1.

5. For More Information

Click here for more information about this component.