Call for Community Testing: 3.9.5 WS GRAM

What is a "Call for Community Testing"?

A Call for Community Testing is a mechanism to notify our users that new Globus code is available for testing in the field. Through these calls, the Globus Alliance hopes to expose its code to a wide variety of usage scenarios early in its development process. The ultimate goals are to catch bugs that have historically been found only after final releases, and to elicit feedback from the community on ways our software can be improved.

Participating in the WS GRAM Testing Call is easy!

  1. Optional: Consider sending mail to [email protected] to let us know that you're helping out and describing what you intend to test.
  2. Install the software in a non-production environment. Use the 3.9.5 distribution from; the code can also be retrieved directly from the CVS trunk.
  3. Exercise the software.
  4. Log your experiences in under the "GRAM" product. Please mention 3.9.5 explicitly in the body of the report.
  5. Optional: Consider sending descriptions of your tests to [email protected] so that we might use them to build standard tests in the future.
  6. If you have any questions or comments about the process, send an email to [email protected].
  7. If you have any questions or comments regarding this component, join the gt4-friends list to participate in discussions with other testers. (To subscribe, send an email to [email protected] containing the words "subscribe gt4-friends" in the message body.)

Testing period

The testing period for this call is December 17 - January 31 2005.


Reasons for testing WS GRAM

We need volunteers to stress test WS GRAM to make it more scalable and robust. Compute clusters, scheduler installation and configuration, applications executed vary greatly. It is difficult to test for the wide variety of environments that GRAM interfaces with. Your help in testing and reporting problems with your site is appreciated.

Technology dependencies

Environment/build parameters and other special conditions to test

  1. Submit a burst of jobs. Many individual concurrent GRAM jobs.
  2. Submit a large number of long running jobs.
  3. Submit a variety of job descriptions, not just executable and arguments.