GT 4.0: Data Replication Service Command Reference

The DRS provides a set of command-line tools to control the creation and lifecycle of a given replication request. These command line tools are available on Unix and Windows platforms and will work in the same way (of course within the platform rules - the path syntax, variable definitions, etc.).

Table of Contents

globus-replication-create - This tool is used to create a replication resource by submitting a replication request to the designated replication service.
globus-replication-start - This tool starts the replication activities.
globus-replication-stop - This tool stops the replication activities.
globus-replication-suspend - This tool suspends the replication activities.
globus-replication-resume - This tool resumes the replication activities.
globus-replication-finditems - This tool queries the replication resource to return the status of individual replication item activities.