Γραμμή πληροφοριών (InfoBar)
Μια InfoBar μπορεί να εμφανίσει μικρά στοιχεία πληροφοριών ή να ζητήσει σύντομες ερωτήσεις. Αντίθετα με έναν Dialog, εμφανίζεται στην κορυφή του τρέχοντος παραθύρου αντί για άνοιγμα ενός νέου παραθύρου. Η API της είναι πολύ παρόμοια με την API Gtk::Dialog.
- 7.5.1. Παράδειγμα
7.5.1. Παράδειγμα
File: examplewindow.h (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
#ifndef GTKMM_EXAMPLEWINDOW_H #define GTKMM_EXAMPLEWINDOW_H #include <gtkmm.h> class ExampleWindow : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow(); virtual ~ExampleWindow(); protected: //Signal handlers: void on_infobar_response(int response); void on_button_quit(); void on_button_clear(); void on_textbuffer_changed(); //Child widgets: Gtk::Box m_VBox; Gtk::ScrolledWindow m_ScrolledWindow; Gtk::TextView m_TextView; Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextBuffer> m_refTextBuffer; Gtk::InfoBar m_InfoBar; Gtk::Label m_Message_Label; Gtk::ButtonBox m_ButtonBox; Gtk::Button m_Button_Quit, m_Button_Clear; }; #endif //GTKMM_EXAMPLEWINDOW_H
File: examplewindow.cc (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
#include "examplewindow.h" ExampleWindow::ExampleWindow() : m_VBox(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6), m_Button_Quit("_Quit", true), m_Button_Clear("_Clear", true) { set_title("Gtk::InfoBar example"); set_border_width(6); set_default_size(400, 200); add(m_VBox); // Add the message label to the InfoBar: auto infoBarContainer = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Container*>(m_InfoBar.get_content_area()); if (infoBarContainer) infoBarContainer->add(m_Message_Label); // Add an ok button to the InfoBar: m_InfoBar.add_button("_OK", 0); // Add the InfoBar to the vbox: m_VBox.pack_start(m_InfoBar, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); // Create the buffer and set it for the TextView: m_refTextBuffer = Gtk::TextBuffer::create(); m_TextView.set_buffer(m_refTextBuffer); // Add the TreeView, inside a ScrolledWindow: m_ScrolledWindow.add(m_TextView); // Show the scrollbars only when they are necessary: m_ScrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); m_VBox.pack_start(m_ScrolledWindow); // Add button box: m_VBox.pack_start(m_ButtonBox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Clear, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Quit, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK); m_ButtonBox.set_spacing(6); m_ButtonBox.set_layout(Gtk::BUTTONBOX_END); // Connect signals: m_InfoBar.signal_response().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_infobar_response) ); m_Button_Quit.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_button_quit) ); m_Button_Clear.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_button_clear) ); m_refTextBuffer->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_textbuffer_changed) ); show_all(); // Keep the InfoBar hidden until a message needs to be shown: m_InfoBar.hide(); // Make the clear button insensitive until text is typed in the buffer. When // the button is sensitive and it is pressed, the InfoBar is displayed with a // message. m_Button_Clear.set_sensitive(false); } ExampleWindow::~ExampleWindow() { } void ExampleWindow::on_infobar_response(int) { // Clear the message and hide the info bar: m_Message_Label.set_text(""); m_InfoBar.hide(); } void ExampleWindow::on_button_quit() { hide(); } void ExampleWindow::on_button_clear() { m_refTextBuffer->set_text(""); m_Message_Label.set_text("Cleared the text."); m_InfoBar.set_message_type(Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO); m_InfoBar.show(); } void ExampleWindow::on_textbuffer_changed() { m_Button_Clear.set_sensitive(m_refTextBuffer->size() > 0); }
File: main.cc (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
#include "examplewindow.h" #include <gtkmm/application.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { auto app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "org.gtkmm.example"); ExampleWindow window; //Shows the window and returns when it is closed. return app->run(window); }