La selección

To find out what rows the user has selected, get the Gtk::TreeView::Selection object from the TreeView, like so:

Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> refTreeSelection =

9.4.1. Selección única o múltiple

By default, only single rows can be selected, but you can allow multiple selection by setting the mode, like so:


9.4.2. Las filas seleccionadas

For single-selection, you can just call get_selected(), like so:

TreeModel::iterator iter = refTreeSelection->get_selected();
if(iter) //Si hay algo seleccionado
  TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
  //Hacer algo con la fila.

For multiple-selection, you need to define a callback, and give it to selected_foreach(), selected_foreach_path(), or selected_foreach_iter(), like so:

    sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TheClass::selected_row_callback) );

void TheClass::selected_row_callback(
    const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter)
  TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
  //Hacer algo con la fila.

9.4.3. La señal «changed»

To respond to the user clicking on a row or range of rows, connect to the signal like so:

    sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Example_StockBrowser::on_selection_changed)

9.4.4. Evitar la selección de la fila

Maybe the user should not be able to select every item in your list or tree. For instance, in the gtk-demo, you can select a demo to see the source code, but it doesn't make any sense to select a demo category.

To control which rows can be selected, use the set_select_function() method, providing a sigc::slot callback. For instance:

m_refTreeSelection->set_select_function( sigc::mem_fun(*this,
    &DemoWindow::select_function) );

Y luego

bool DemoWindow::select_function(
    const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel>& model,
    const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& path, bool)
  const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = model->get_iter(path);
  return iter->children().empty(); // only allow leaf nodes to be selected

9.4.5. Cambiar la selección

To change the selection, specify a Gtk::TreeModel::iterator or Gtk::TreeModel::Row, like so:

Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = m_refModel->children()[5]; //La quinta fila.


Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = m_refModel->children().begin()