Boîte de dialogue Message
MessageDialog est une classe de commodité, utilisée pour créer des boîtes de dialogues destinées à des messages standards simples ; elles comportent un message, une icône et des boutons pour la réponse de l'utilisateur. Vous pouvez définir le type de message et le texte à afficher dans le constructeur, de même que les boutons standards à utiliser par l'intermédiaire de l'énumération Gtk::ButtonsType.
- XVI.I.I. Exemple
XVI.I.I. Exemple
File: examplewindow.h (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
#ifndef GTKMM_EXAMPLEWINDOW_H #define GTKMM_EXAMPLEWINDOW_H #include <gtkmm.h> class ExampleWindow : public Gtk::Window { public: ExampleWindow(); virtual ~ExampleWindow(); protected: //Signal handlers: void on_button_info_clicked(); void on_button_question_clicked(); //Child widgets: Gtk::ButtonBox m_ButtonBox; Gtk::Button m_Button_Info, m_Button_Question; }; #endif //GTKMM_EXAMPLEWINDOW_H
File: (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
#include "examplewindow.h" #include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h> #include <iostream> ExampleWindow::ExampleWindow() : m_ButtonBox(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL), m_Button_Info("Show Info MessageDialog"), m_Button_Question("Show Question MessageDialog") { set_title("Gtk::MessageDialog example"); add(m_ButtonBox); m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Info); m_Button_Info.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_button_info_clicked) ); m_ButtonBox.pack_start(m_Button_Question); m_Button_Question.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_button_question_clicked) ); show_all_children(); } ExampleWindow::~ExampleWindow() { } void ExampleWindow::on_button_info_clicked() { Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*this, "This is an INFO MessageDialog"); dialog.set_secondary_text( "And this is the secondary text that explains things.");; } void ExampleWindow::on_button_question_clicked() { Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*this, "This is a QUESTION MessageDialog", false /* use_markup */, Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL); dialog.set_secondary_text( "And this is the secondary text that explains things."); int result =; //Handle the response: switch(result) { case(Gtk::RESPONSE_OK): { std::cout << "OK clicked." << std::endl; break; } case(Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL): { std::cout << "Cancel clicked." << std::endl; break; } default: { std::cout << "Unexpected button clicked." << std::endl; break; } } }
File: (For use with gtkmm 3, not gtkmm 2)
#include "examplewindow.h" #include <gtkmm/application.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Application> app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "org.gtkmm.example"); ExampleWindow window; //Shows the window and returns when it is closed. return app->run(window); }