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Asynchronous Programming : 33.3 Using AMI
Copyright © 2003-2009 ZeroC, Inc.

33.3 Using AMI

In this section, we describe the Ice implementation of AMI and how to use it. We begin by discussing a way to (partially) simulate AMI using oneway invocations. This is not a technique that we recommend, but it is an informative exercise that highlights the benefits of AMI and illustrates how it works. Next, we explain the AMI mapping and illustrate its use with examples.

33.3.1 Simulating AMI using Oneways

As we discussed at the beginning of the chapter, synchronous invocations are not appropriate for certain types of applications. For example, an application with a graphical user interface typically must avoid blocking the window system’s event dispatch thread because blocking makes the application unresponsive to user commands. In this situation, making a synchronous remote invocation is asking for trouble.
The application could attempt to avoid this situation using oneway invocations (see Section 32.14), which by definition cannot return a value or have any out parameters. Since the Ice run time does not expect a reply, the invocation blocks only as long as it takes to establish a connection (if necessary), marshal the request, and copy the message into the local transport buffer. However, these network activities may still block. Furthermore, the use of oneway invocations may require unacceptable changes to the interface definitions. For example, a twoway invocation that returns results or raises user exceptions must be converted into at least two operations: one for the client to invoke with oneway semantics that contains only in parameters, and one (or more) for the server to invoke to notify the client of the results.
To illustrate these changes, suppose that we have the following Slice definition:
interface I {
  int op(string s, out long l);
In its current form, the operation op is not suitable for a oneway invocation because it has an out parameter and a non-void return type. In order to accommodate a oneway invocation of op, we can change the Slice definitions as shown below:
interface ICallback {
  void opResults(int result, long l);

interface I {
  void op(ICallback* cb, string s);
We made several modifications to the original definition:
• We added interface ICallback, containing an operation opResults whose arguments represent the results of the original twoway operation. The server invokes this operation to notify the client of the completion of the operation.
• We modified I::op to be compliant with oneway semantics: it now has a void return type, and takes only in parameters.
• We added a parameter to I::op that allows the client to supply a proxy for its callback object.
As you can see, we have made significant changes to our interface definitions to accommodate the implementation requirements of the client. One ramification of these changes is that the client must now also be a server, because it must create an instance of ICallback and register it with an object adapter in order to receive notifications of completed operations.
A more severe ramification, however, is the impact these changes have on the type system, and therefore on the server. Whether a client invokes an operation synchronously or asynchronously should be irrelevant to the server; this is an artifact of behavior that should have no impact on the type system. By changing the type system as shown above, we have tightly coupled the server to the client, and eliminated the ability for op to be invoked synchronously.
To make matters even worse, consider what would happen if op could raise user exceptions. In this case, ICallback would have to be expanded with additional operations that allow the server to notify the client of the occurrence of each exception. Since exceptions cannot be used as parameter or member types in Slice, this quickly becomes a difficult endeavor, and the results are likely to be equally difficult to use.
At this point, you will hopefully agree that this technique is flawed in many ways, so why do we bother describing it in such detail? The reason is that the Ice implementation of AMI uses a strategy similar to the one described above, with several important differences:
1. No changes to the type system are required in order to use AMI. The on-the-wire representation of the data is identical, therefore synchronous and asynchronous clients and servers can coexist in the same system, using the same operations.
2. The AMI solution accommodates exceptions in a reasonable way.
3. Using AMI does not require the client to also be a server.
4. Ice guarantees that AMI requests never block the calling thread.

33.3.2 Overview

AMI operations have the same semantics in all of the language mappings that support asynchronous invocations. This section provides a language-independent introduction to the AMI model.

Proxy Method

Annotating a Slice operation with the AMI metadata tag does not prevent an application from invoking that operation using the traditional synchronous model. Rather, the presence of the metadata extends the proxy with an asynchronous version of the operation, so that invocations can be made using either model.
The asynchronous operation never blocks the calling thread. If the message cannot be accepted into the local transport buffer without blocking, the Ice run time queues the request and immediately returns control to the calling thread.
The parameters of the asynchronous operation are modified similar to the example from Section 33.3.1: the first argument is a callback object (described below), followed by any in parameters in the order of declaration. The operation’s return value and out parameters, if any, are passed to the callback object when the response is received.
The asynchronous operation only raises CommunicatorDestroyedException directly; all other exceptions are reported to the callback object. See Section 33.3.9 for more information on error handling.
Finally, the return value of the asynchronous operation is a boolean that indicates whether the Ice run time was able to send the request synchronously; that is, whether the entire message was immediately accepted by the local transport buffer. An application can use this value to implement flow control (see Section 33.3.6).

Callback Object

The asynchronous operation requires the application to supply a callback object as the first argument. This object is an instance of an application-defined class; in strongly-typed languages this class must inherit from a superclass generated by the Slice compiler. In contrast to the example in Section 33.3.1, the callback object is a purely local object that is invoked by the Ice run time in the client, and not by the remote server.
The Ice run time always invokes methods of the callback object from a thread in an Ice thread pool, and never from the thread that is invoking the asynchronous operation. Exceptions raised by a callback object are ignored but may cause the Ice run time to log a warning message (see the description of Ice.Warn.AMICallback in Appendix C).
The callback class must define two methods:
• ice_response
The Ice run time invokes ice_response to supply the results of a successful twoway invocation; this method is not invoked for oneway invocations. The arguments to ice_response consist of the return value (if the operation returns a non-void type) followed by any out parameters in the order of declaration.
• ice_exception
This method is called if an error occurs during the invocation. As explained in Section 33.3.9, the only exception that can be raised to the thread invoking the asynchronous operation is CommunicatorDestroyedException; all other errors, including user exceptions, are passed to the callback object via its ice_exception method. In the case of a oneway invocation, ice_exception is only invoked if an error occurs before the request is sent.
For an asynchronous invocation, the Ice run time calls ice_response or ice_exception, but not both. It is possible for one of these methods to be called before control returns to the thread that is invoking the operation.
A callback object may optionally define a third method:
• ice_sent
The ice_sent method is invoked when the entire message has been passed to the local transport buffer. The Ice run time does not invoke ice_sent if the asynchronous operation returned true to indicate that the message was sent synchronously. An application must make no assumptions about the order of invocations on a callback object; ice_sent can be called before, after, or concurrently with ice_response or ice_exception. Refer to Section 33.3.6 for more information about the purpose of this method.

33.3.3 Language Mappings

The AMI language mappings are described in separate subsections below.

C++ Mapping

The C++ mapping emits the following code for each AMI operation:
1. An abstract callback class whose name is formed using the pattern AMI_class_op. For example, an operation named foo defined in interface I results in a class named AMI_I_foo. The class is generated in the same scope as the interface or class containing the operation. Two methods must be defined by the subclass:
void ice_response(<params>);
void ice_exception(const Ice::Exception &);
2. An additional proxy method, having the mapped name of the operation with the suffix _async. This method returns a boolean indicating whether the request was sent synchronously. The first parameter is a smart pointer to an instance of the callback class described above. The remaining parameters comprise the in parameters of the operation, in the order of declaration.
For example, suppose we have defined the following operation:
interface I {
  ["ami"] int foo(short s, out long l);
The callback class generated for operation foo is shown below:
class AMI_I_foo : public ... {
    virtual void ice_response(Ice::Int, Ice::Long) = 0;
    virtual void ice_exception(const Ice::Exception&) = 0;
typedef IceUtil::Handle<AMI_I_foo> AMI_I_fooPtr;
The proxy method for asynchronous invocation of operation foo is generated as follows:
bool foo_async(const AMI_I_fooPtr&, Ice::Short);
Section 33.3.2 describes proxy methods and callback objects in greater detail.

Java Mapping

The Java mapping emits the following code for each AMI operation:
1. An abstract callback class whose name is formed using the pattern AMI_class_op. For example, an operation named foo defined in interface I results in a class named AMI_I_foo. The class is generated in the same scope as the interface or class containing the operation. Three methods must be defined by the subclass:
public void ice_response(<params>);
public void ice_exception(Ice.LocalException ex);
public void ice_exception(Ice.UserException ex);
2. An additional proxy method, having the mapped name of the operation with the suffix _async. This method returns a boolean indicating whether the request was sent synchronously. The first parameter is a reference to an instance of the callback class described above. The remaining parameters comprise the in parameters of the operation, in the order of declaration.
For example, suppose we have defined the following operation:
interface I {
  ["ami"] int foo(short s, out long l);
The callback class generated for operation foo is shown below:
public abstract class AMI_I_foo extends ... {
    public abstract void ice_response(int __ret, long l);
    public abstract void ice_exception(Ice.LocalException ex);
    public abstract void ice_exception(Ice.UserException ex);
The proxy methods for asynchronous invocation of operation foo are generated as follows:
public boolean foo_async(AMI_I_foo __cb, short s);
public boolean foo_async(AMI_I_foo __cb, short s,
                         java.util.Map<String, String> __ctx);
As usual, the version of the operation without a context parameter forwards an empty context to the version with a context parameter.
Section 33.3.2 describes proxy methods and callback objects in greater detail.

C# Mapping

The C# mapping emits the following code for each AMI operation:
1. An abstract callback class whose name is formed using the pattern AMI_class_op. For example, an operation named foo defined in interface I results in a class named AMI_I_foo. The class is generated in the same scope as the interface or class containing the operation. Two methods must be defined by the subclass:
public abstract void ice_response(<params>);
public abstract void ice_exception(Ice.Exception ex);
2. An additional proxy method, having the mapped name of the operation with the suffix _async. This method returns a boolean indicating whether the request was sent synchronously. The first parameter is a reference to an instance of the callback class described above. The remaining parameters comprise the in parameters of the operation, in the order of declaration.
For example, suppose we have defined the following operation:
interface I {
  ["ami"] int foo(short s, out long l);
The callback class generated for operation foo is shown below:
public abstract class AMI_I_foo : ...
    public abstract void ice_response(int __ret, long l);
    public abstract void ice_exception(Ice.Exception ex);
The proxy method for asynchronous invocation of operation foo is generated as follows:
bool foo_async(AMI_I_foo __cb, short s);
bool foo_async(AMI_I_foo __cb, short s,
               Dictionary<string, string> __ctx);
As usual, the version of the operation without a context parameter forwards an empty context to the version with a context parameter.
Section 33.3.2 describes proxy methods and callback objects in greater detail.

Objective‑C Mapping

For each AMI operation, the Objective‑C mapping emits a method that has the name of the operation with the suffix _async. For example, consider the following definition:
["ami"] interface Intf {
    string op(int i, string s, out double d, out bool b);
The asynchronous proxy method for this operation looks as follows:1
(BOOL) op_async:(id)target_
                 s:(NSString *)s;
The return value and the parameters work as follows:
• An asynchronous invocation returns YES if it was written to the local transport and NO if it was queued for later delivery.
• The first parameter (target) of an asynchronous operation is the callback object that is notified once the invocation completes.
• The second parameter (response) is the selector of a method of the target callback object. This method is called by the Ice run time once the operation invocation completes successfully. In other words, this selector is used if the operation did not raise an exception.
• The third parameter (exception) is the selector of a method of the target callback object. This method is called by the Ice run time once the operation invocation completes unsuccessfully. In other words, this selector is used if the operation did raise an exception.
• The remaining parameters are the in-parameters for the operation, in the order in which they are defined in Slice. (Out-parameters are not visible on the invoking end of the API.)
Given a proxy to an object of type Intf, you can invoke op assynchronously as follows:
id<EXIntfPrx> proxy = ...; // Get proxy...

@try {
    [proxy op_async:cb response:@selector(opResponse:d:b:)
                    i:99 s:@"Hello"]) {
} @catch (ICECommunicatorDestroyedException *ex)
        // Communicator no longer exists.
Note that the in-parameters passed to the operation are 99 and "Hello". (We will return to the callback parameters shortly.)
In your code, you are unlikely to catch ICECommunicatorDestroyedException for every asynchronous invocation. Instead, it usually is easier to catch this exception higher up in the call hierarchy and deal with it there. (After all, this indication most likely indicates that you have initiated program termination.) We have included the catch handler here for illustration purposes only.
Once the Ice run time has successfully initiated an asynchronous invocation, control returns to the caller. The actual invocation is processed in the background (if it could not be written to the network immediately). Eventually, the operation will complete, either successfully or with an exception.
If the operation raised an exception, the Ice run time delivers the exception to the selector that you passed to the invocation. The exception callback method accepts a single argument of type ICEException that informs it of the cause of the failure. The exception callback must have void return type.
If the operation completed successfully, the Ice run time calls the response callback method whose selector you passed to the invocation (opResponse:d:b: for the preceding example). The response callback must have void return type. The rules for how the parameter list of the response callback is formed are as follows:
• If an operation has void return type and does not use out-parameters, the response callback has no arguments.
• If an operation has non-void return type, the first parameter of the response callback is the return value of the operation.
• If an operation has out-parameters, each out-parameters becomes an argument for the response callback, in the same order as the order of out-parameters in the corresponding Slice definition. The arguments for out-parameters follow the argument for the return value (if any).
For our op_async invocation, here is how we could write our callback object to process the results:
@interface Callback
// ...

@implementation Callback
(void) opResponse:(NSString *)ret d:(ICEDouble) b:(BOOL)b
    // Process results...

(void) opException:(ICEException *)ex
    // Handle exception...
Of course, you are free to add constructors and other methods to your callback object. For example, it is common for the callback object to store a reference to an object that can further process the results (such as display them to the user). Typically, the constructor stores that reference in an instance variable.
On page 1033, we mentioned that each Slice operation generates four _async methods. Here is one of these for our example operation op:
(BOOL) op_async:(id)target_
                 s:(NSString *)s
                 context:(ICEContext *)context;
This is exactly the same as the version we have already seen, except for the trailing context parameter. This parameter allows you to pass a context with asynchronous operations. (See Section 32.12 for details on contexts.)
The remaining two variants also come in "without context" and "with context" versions, but also have a sent parameter:
(BOOL) op_async:(id)target_
                 s:(NSString *)s;
(BOOL) op_async:(id)target_
                 s:(NSString *)s
                 context:(ICEContext *)context;
When you invoke an operation asynchronously, the Ice run time attempts to write the invocation to the local network buffers immediately. However, if doing so would block, the invocation is instead queued for later processing in the background. In other words, once control returns to you after making an asynchronous invocation, you do not know whether the invocation was written to the local transport or whether it will be sent some time later.
The purpose of the sent parameter (which always follows the exception parameter and precedes the in-parameters) is to notify you if an asynchronous invocation could not be written immediately. If the invocation was queued because it could not be written to the local transport, the Ice run time calls the sent callback. The sent callback has void return type and accepts no parameters:
@implementation Callback
// ...

(void) sent
    // Invocation was queued for later delivery.
The reason for providing this callback is that, without it, a client could flood the Ice run time with asynchronous requests and run out of memory. For example, the client might asynchronously invoke operations in a loop. If the network is temporarily congested, or the client loses connectivity, all the client’s invocations will end up being queued in the Ice run time (at least until they time out, if the client has configured a timeout). Of course, there is only a limited amount of buffer space available and, unless the client realizes that all its invocations are piling up in memory, it will die an untimely death.
The sent callback allows you to implement flow-control for asynchronous invocations. If an asynchronous invocation returns NO, you know that the invocation has not been written to the local transport yet. In that case, you can increment a counter to keep track of the number of queued invocations. In the sent callback, you can decrement that counter again. This mechanism allows you to limit the number of queued invocations and avoid running out of memory.

Python Mapping

For each AMI operation, the Python mapping emits an additional proxy method having the mapped name of the operation with the suffix _async. This method returns a boolean indicating whether the request was sent synchronously. The first parameter is a reference to a callback object; the remaining parameters comprise the in parameters of the operation, in the order of declaration.
Unlike the mappings for strongly-typed languages, the Python mapping does not generate a callback class for asynchronous operations. In fact, the callback object’s type is irrelevant; the Ice run time simply requires that it define the ice_response and ice_exception methods:
def ice_response(self, <params>)
def ice_exception(self, ex)
For example, suppose we have defined the following operation:
interface I {
  ["ami"] int foo(short s, out long l);
The method signatures required for the callback object of operation foo are shown below:
class ...
    # Operation signatures:
    # def ice_response(self, _result, l)
    # def ice_exception(self, ex)
The proxy method for asynchronous invocation of operation foo is generated as follows:
def foo_async(self, __cb, s)
Section 33.3.2 describes proxy methods and callback objects in greater detail.

33.3.4 Example

To demonstrate the use of AMI in Ice, let us define the Slice interface for a simple computational engine:
module Demo {
    sequence<float> Row;
    sequence<Row> Grid;

    exception RangeError {};

    interface Model {
        ["ami"] Grid interpolate(Grid data, float factor)
            throws RangeError;
Given a two-dimensional grid of floating point values and a factor, the interpolate operation returns a new grid of the same size with the values interpolated in some interesting (but unspecified) way. In the sections below, we present C++, Java, C#, Objective‑C, and Python clients that invoke interpolate using AMI.

C++ Client

We must first define our callback implementation class, which derives from the generated class AMI_Model_interpolate:
class AMI_Model_interpolateI : public Demo::AMI_Model_interpolate
    virtual void ice_response(const Demo::Grid& result)
        cout << "received the grid" << endl;
        // ... postprocessing ...

    virtual void ice_exception(const Ice::Exception& ex)
        try {
        } catch (const Demo::RangeError& e) {
            cerr << "interpolate failed: range error" << endl;
        } catch (const Ice::LocalException& e) {
            cerr << "interpolate failed: " << e << endl;
The implementation of ice_response reports a successful result, and ice_exception displays a diagnostic if an exception occurs.
The code to invoke interpolate is equally straightforward:
Demo::ModelPrx model = ...;
AMI_Model_interpolatePtr cb = new AMI_Model_interpolateI;
Demo::Grid grid;
model>interpolate_async(cb, grid, 0.5);
After obtaining a proxy for a Model object, the client instantiates a callback object, initializes a grid and invokes the asynchronous version of interpolate. When the Ice run time receives the response to this request, it invokes the callback object supplied by the client.

Java Client

We must first define our callback implementation class, which derives from the generated class AMI_Model_interpolate:
class AMI_Model_interpolateI extends Demo.AMI_Model_interpolate {
    public void ice_response(float[][] result)
        System.out.println("received the grid");
        // ... postprocessing ...

    public void ice_exception(Ice.UserException ex)
        assert(ex instanceof Demo.RangeError);
        System.err.println("interpolate failed: range error");

    public void ice_exception(Ice.LocalException ex)
        System.err.println("interpolate failed: " + ex);
The implementation of ice_response reports a successful result, and the ice_exception methods display a diagnostic if an exception occurs.
The code to invoke interpolate is equally straightforward:
Demo.ModelPrx model = ...;
AMI_Model_interpolate cb = new AMI_Model_interpolateI();
float[][] grid = ...;
model.interpolate_async(cb, grid, 0.5);
After obtaining a proxy for a Model object, the client instantiates a callback object, initializes a grid and invokes the asynchronous version of interpolate. When the Ice run time receives the response to this request, it invokes the callback object supplied by the client.

C# Client

We must first define our callback implementation class, which derives from the generated class AMI_Model_interpolate:
using System;

class AMI_Model_interpolateI : Demo.AMI_Model_interpolate {
    public override void ice_response(float[][] result)
        Console.WriteLine("received the grid");
        // ... postprocessing ...

    public override void ice_exception(Ice.Exception ex)
        Console.Error.WriteLine("interpolate failed: " + ex);
The implementation of ice_response reports a successful result, and the ice_exception method displays a diagnostic if an exception occurs.
The code to invoke interpolate is equally straightforward:
Demo.ModelPrx model = ...;
AMI_Model_interpolate cb = new AMI_Model_interpolateI();
float[][] grid = ...;
model.interpolate_async(cb, grid, 0.5);

Objective‑C Client

The callback class for the invocation can be defined as follows:
@interface Callback
// ...

@implementation Callback
(void) interpolateResponse:(DemoGrid *)ret
    puts("received the grid\n");
    // ... postprocessing...

(void) interpolateException:(ICEException *)ex
    if ([ex isKindOfClass:[DemoRangeError class]]) {
        fputs("interpoate failed: range error\n", stderr);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "interpolate failed: %@\n", ex);
The interpolateResponse method reports a successful result, and the interpolateException method displays a diagnostic if an exception occurs.
The code to invoke interpolate is equally straightforward:
Callback *cb = [[[Callback alloc] init] autorelease];
id<DemoModelPrx> model = ...;
DemoGrid *data = ...;

[model interpolate_async:cb
                factor:0.5]) {

Python Client

We must first define our callback implementation class:
class AMI_Model_interpolateI(object):
    def ice_response(self, result):
        print "received the grid"
        # ... postprocessing ...

  def ice_exception(self, ex):
          raise ex
      except Demo.RangeError, e:
          print "interpolate failed: range error"
      except Ice.LocalException, e:
          print "interpolate failed: " + str(e)
The implementation of ice_response reports a successful result, and the ice_exception method displays a diagnostic if an exception occurs.
The code to invoke interpolate is equally straightforward:
model = ...
cb = AMI_Model_interpolateI()
grid = ...
model.interpolate_async(cb, grid, 0.5)

33.3.5 Concurrency Issues

Support for asynchronous invocations in Ice is enabled by the client thread pool (see Section 32.10), whose threads are primarily responsible for processing reply messages. It is important to understand the concurrency issues associated with asynchronous invocations:
• A callback object must not be used for multiple simultaneous invocations. An application that needs to aggregate information from multiple replies can create a separate object to which the callback objects delegate.
• Calls to the callback object are always made by threads from an Ice thread pool, therefore synchronization may be necessary if the application might interact with the callback object at the same time as the reply arrives. Furthermore, since the Ice run time never invokes callback methods from the client’s calling thread, the client can safely make AMI invocations while holding a lock without risk of a deadlock.
• The number of threads in the client thread pool determines the maximum number of simultaneous callbacks possible for asynchronous invocations. The default size of the client thread pool is one, meaning invocations on callback objects are serialized. If the size of the thread pool is increased, the application may require synchronization, and replies can be dispatched out of order. The client thread pool can also be configured to serialize messages received over a connection so that AMI replies from a connection are dispatched in the order they are received (see Section 32.10.4).
• AMI invocations do not use collocation optimization (see Section 33.3.10). As a result, AMI invocations are always sent "over the wire" and thus are dispatched by the server thread pool.

33.3.6 Flow Control

The Ice run time queues asynchronous requests when necessary to avoid blocking the calling thread, but places no upper limit on the number of queued requests or the amount of memory they can consume. To prevent unbounded memory utilization, Ice provides the infrastructure necessary for an application to implement its own flow-control logic.
The components were introduced in Section 33.3.2:
• The return value of the asynchronous proxy method
• The ice_sent method in the AMI callback object
The return value of the proxy method determines whether the request was queued. If the proxy method returns true, no flow control is necessary because the request was accepted by the local transport buffer and therefore the Ice run time did not need to queue it. In this situation, the Ice run time does not invoke the ice_sent method on the callback object; the return value of the proxy method is sufficient notification that the request was sent.
If the proxy method returns false, the Ice run time has queued the request. Now the application must decide how to proceed with subsequent invocations:
• The application can be structured so that at most one request is queued. For example, the next invocation can be initiated when the ice_sent method is called for the previous invocation.
• A more sophisticated solution is to establish a maximum allowable number of queued requests and maintain a counter (with appropriate synchronization) to regulate the flow of invocations.
Naturally, the requirements of the application must dictate an implementation strategy.

Implementing ice_sent in C++

To indicate its interest in receiving ice_sent invocations, an AMI callback object must also derive from the C++ class Ice::AMISentCallback:
namespace Ice {
    class AMISentCallback {
        virtual ~AMISentCallback();
        virtual void ice_sent() = 0;
We can modify the example from Section 33.3.4 to include an ice_sent callback as shown below:
class AMI_Model_interpolateI :
    public Demo::AMI_Model_interpolate,
    public Ice::AMISentCallback
    // ...

    virtual void ice_sent()
        cout << "request sent successfully" << endl;

Implementing ice_sent in Java

To indicate its interest in receiving ice_sent invocations, an AMI callback object must also implement the Java interface Ice.AMISentCallback:
package Ice;

public interface AMISentCallback {
    void ice_sent();
We can modify the example from Section 33.3.4 to include an ice_sent callback as shown below:
class AMI_Model_interpolateI
    extends Demo.AMI_Model_interpolate
    implements Ice.AMISentCallback {
    // ...

    public void ice_sent()
        System.out.println("request sent successfully");

Implementing ice_sent in C#

To indicate its interest in receiving ice_sent invocations, an AMI callback object must also implement the C# interface Ice.AMISentCallback:
namespace Ice {
    public interface AMISentCallback
        void ice_sent();
We can modify the example from Section 33.3.4 to include an ice_sent callback as shown below:
class AMI_Model_interpolateI :
    Ice.AMISentCallback {
    // ...

    public void ice_sent()
        Console.Out.WriteLine("request sent successfully");

Implementing ice_sent in Python

To indicate its interest in receiving ice_sent invocations, an AMI callback object need only define the ice_sent method.
We can modify the example from Section 33.3.4 to include an ice_sent callback as shown below:
class AMI_Model_interpolateI(object):
    # ...

  def ice_sent(self):
      print "request sent successfully"

33.3.7 Flushing Batch Requests

Applications that send batched requests (see Section 32.16) can either flush a batch explicitly or allow the Ice run time to flush automatically. The proxy method ice_flushBatchRequests performs an immediate flush using the synchronous invocation model and may block the calling thread until the entire message can be sent. Ice also provides an asynchronous version of this method for applications that wish to flush batch requests without the risk of blocking.
The proxy method ice_flushBatchRequests_async initiates an asynchronous flush. Its only argument is a callback object; this object must define an ice_exception method for receiving a notification if an error occurs before the message is sent.
If the application is interested in flow control (see Section 33.3.6), the return value of ice_flushBatchRequests_async is a boolean indicating whether the message was sent synchronously. Furthermore, the callback object can define an ice_sent method that is invoked when an asynchronous flush completes.

C++ Mapping

The base proxy class ObjectPrx defines the asynchronous flush operation as shown below:
namespace Ice {
    class ObjectPrx : ... {
        // ...
        bool ice_flushBatchRequests_async(
            const Ice::AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequestsPtr& cb)
The argument is a smart pointer for an object that implements the following class:
namespace Ice {
    class AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequests : ... {
        virtual void ice_exception(const Ice::Exception& ex) = 0;
As an example, the class below demonstrates how to define a callback class that also receives a notification when the asynchronous flush completes:
class MyFlushCallbackI :
    public Ice::AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequests,
    public Ice::AMISentCallback
    virtual void ice_exception(const Ice::Exception& ex);
    virtual void ice_sent();

Java Mapping

The base proxy class ObjectPrx defines the asynchronous flush operation as shown below:
package Ice;

public class ObjectPrx ... {
    // ...
    boolean ice_flushBatchRequests_async(
        AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequests cb);
The argument is a reference for an object that implements the following class:
package Ice;

public abstract class AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequests ...
    public abstract void ice_exception(LocalException ex);
As an example, the class below demonstrates how to define a callback class that also receives a notification when the asynchronous flush completes:
class MyFlushCallbackI
    extends Ice.AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequests
    implements Ice.AMISentCallback
    public void ice_exception(Ice.LocalException ex) { ... }
    public void ice_sent() { ... }

C# Mapping

The base proxy class ObjectPrx defines the asynchronous flush operation as shown below:
namespace Ice {
    public class ObjectPrx : ... {
        // ...
        bool ice_flushBatchRequests_async(
            AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequests cb);
The argument is a reference for an object that implements the following class:
namespace Ice {
    public abstract class AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequests ... {
        public abstract void ice_exception(Ice.Exception ex);
As an example, the class below demonstrates how to define a callback class that also receives a notification when the asynchronous flush completes:
class MyFlushCallbackI : Ice.AMI_Object_ice_flushBatchRequests,
    public override void
    ice_exception(Ice.LocalException ex) { ... }

    public void ice_sent() { ... }

Python Mapping

The base proxy class defines the asynchronous flush operation as shown below:
def ice_flushBatchRequests_async(self, cb)
The cb argument represents a callback object that must implement an ice_exception method. As an example, the class below demonstrates how to define a callback class that also receives a notification when the asynchronous flush completes:
class MyFlushCallbackI(object):
    def ice_exception(self, ex):
        # handle an exception

    def ice_sent(self):
        # flush has completed

33.3.8 Timeouts

Timeouts for asynchronous invocations behave like those for synchronous invocations: an Ice::TimeoutException is raised if the response is not received within the given time period. In the case of an asynchronous invocation, however, the exception is reported to the ice_exception method of the invocation’s callback object. For example, we can handle this exception in C++ as shown below:
class AMI_Model_interpolateI : public Demo::AMI_Model_interpolate
    // ...

    virtual void ice_exception(const Ice::Exception& ex)
        try {
        } catch (const Demo::RangeError& e) {
            cerr << "interpolate failed: range error" << endl;
        } catch (const Ice::TimeoutException&) {
            cerr << "interpolate failed: timeout" << endl;
        } catch (const Ice::LocalException& e) {
            cerr << "interpolate failed: " << e << endl;

33.3.9 Error Handling

It is important to remember that all errors encountered by an AMI invocation (except CommunicatorDestroyedException) are reported back via the ice_exception callback, even if the error condition is encountered "on the way out", when the operation is invoked. The reason for this is consistency: if an invocation, such as foo_async could throw exceptions, you would have to handle exceptions in two places in your code: at the point of call for exceptions that are encountered "on the way out", and in ice_exception for error conditions that are detected after the call is initiated.
Where this matters is if you want to send off a number of AMI calls, each of which depends on the preceding call to have succeeded. For example:
If bar depends for its correct working on the successful completion of foo, this code will not work because the bar invocation will be sent regardless of whether foo failed or not.
In such cases, where you need to be sure that one call is dispatched only if a preceding call succeeds, you must instead invoke bar from within foo’s ice_response implementation, instead of from the main-line code.

33.3.10 Limitations

AMI invocations cannot be sent using collocated optimization. If you attempt to invoke an AMI operation using a proxy that is configured to use collocation optimization, the Ice run time will raise CollocationOptimizationException if the servant happens to be collocated; the request is sent normally if the servant is not collocated. Section 32.22 provides more information about this optimization and describes how to disable it when necessary.

Each asynchronous operation actually results in four methods. We will return to these once we have covered the basics.

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