IT_Bus::IT_ReferencePortReflection Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for IT_Bus::IT_ReferencePortReflection:

IT_Reflect::ReflectionImplT< IT_Bus::ReferencePort > IT_Reflect::ComplexTypeImpl IT_Reflect::ModelGroupImpl IT_Reflect::ReflectionImpl IT_Reflect::ComplexType IT_Reflect::ModelGroup IT_Reflect::Reflection IT_Reflect::Reflection IT_Reflect::ComplexType IT_Bus::RefCountedBase IT_Bus::RefCountedBase IT_Reflect::Reflection IT_Bus::RefCountedBase List of all members.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 221 of file reference.h.

Public Member Functions

const IT_Reflect::Reflectionget_element (size_t i) const throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException))
 Get read-only reflection of the i'th element, that is the element whos name is get_element_names()[i].
const IT_Reflect::Reflectionget_element (const IT_Bus::QName &name) const throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException))
 Get read-only reflection of named element.
const IT_Reflect::Reflectionget_attribute_value (const IT_Bus::QName &name) const throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException))
 Get read-only reflection of named attribute.
IT_Reflect::Reflectionuse_attribute_value (const IT_Bus::QName &name) throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException))
 Use the named attribute.
void remove_attribute (const IT_Bus::QName &name) throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException))
 Remove an optional attribute.

Private Attributes

IT_Reflect::Traits< IT_Bus::NCName
IT_Reflect::Traits< IT_Bus::QName

Static Private Attributes

static IT_ElementNames _it_sm_element_names
static IT_AttributeNames _it_sm_attribute_names


class  IT_AttributeNames
class  IT_ElementNames

Member Function Documentation

const IT_Reflect::Reflection* IT_Bus::IT_ReferencePortReflection::get_element ( size_t  i  )  const throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException)) [virtual]

Get read-only reflection of the i'th element, that is the element whos name is get_element_names()[i].

For a choice the i'th element must be the current element.

Reflection of element at the specified index. Caller must _remove_ref()
ReflectException if i is out of bounds, or this is a choice and the i'th element is not current.

Implements IT_Reflect::ModelGroup.

const IT_Reflect::Reflection* IT_Bus::IT_ReferencePortReflection::get_element ( const IT_Bus::QName name  )  const throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException)) [virtual]

Get read-only reflection of named element.

For a choice, the named element must be current.

name Name of element.
Reflection of named element. Caller must _remove_ref().
ReflectException if name is invalid or this is a choice and named element is not current.

Implements IT_Reflect::ModelGroup.

const IT_Reflect::Reflection* IT_Bus::IT_ReferencePortReflection::get_attribute_value ( const IT_Bus::QName name  )  const throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException)) [virtual]

Get read-only reflection of named attribute.

For optional attributes returns a 0 pointer if the attribute is missing.

name Attribute name.
Reflection of attribute or 0 if missing. Caller must _remove_ref().
ReflectException The attribute name is not valid.

Implements IT_Reflect::ComplexType.

IT_Reflect::Reflection* IT_Bus::IT_ReferencePortReflection::use_attribute_value ( const IT_Bus::QName name  )  throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException)) [virtual]

Use the named attribute.

Returns a reflection object that can be used to modify the attribute. For optional attributes returns a 0 pointer if the attribute is missing.

name Attribute name.
Reflection of attribute Caller must _remove_ref()
ReflectException The attribute is not present, or the name is invalid.

Reimplemented from IT_Reflect::ComplexTypeImpl.

void IT_Bus::IT_ReferencePortReflection::remove_attribute ( const IT_Bus::QName name  )  throw ((IT_Reflect::ReflectException)) [virtual]

Remove an optional attribute.

Does nothing for non-optional attributes.

name Attribute name.

Implements IT_Reflect::ComplexType.

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