IT_Bus Namespace Reference


class  AllComplexType
 Base class for generated classes derived from all complex type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  Any
 Class representing xsd:Any implementation for the Bus. More...
class  AnyList
class  AnyHolder
 A holder class for a pointer to a type derived from AnyType. More...
class  AnySimpleType
 Base class for generated classes derived from simple type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  AnySimpleTypeReader
class  AnySimpleTypeBaseT
 Base template class for an AnySimpleType that wraps a primitive type. More...
class  AnySimpleTypeT
 Template implementation of AnySimpleType that holds a primitive type as a member variable. More...
class  AnySimpleTypeRefT
 Template implementation of AnySimpleType that holds a reference to a primitive type as a member variable. More...
class  AnySimpleTypeConstRefT
 Template implementation of AnySimpleType that holds a constant reference to a primitive type as a member variable. More...
class  AnySimpleTypeWriter
class  AnyType
 Base class for generated classes derived from the type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  AnyURI
class  ArrayCoordinateImpl
class  ArrayT
 Array implementation template class. More...
class  BinaryAnySimpleType
 Base class for implementations of AnySimleType that wrap a BinaryInParam or BinaryOutParam. More...
class  BinaryOutParamAnySimpleType
 Implementation of AnySimpleType that holds a reference to a BinaryOutParam. More...
class  BinaryInParamAnySimpleType
 Implementation of AnySimpleType that holds a const reference to a BinaryInParam. More...
class  BinaryBuffer
 Class implementing the binary buffer. More...
class  BinaryBufferNillable
 Nillable implementation that keeps the data object in a member variable. More...
class  BinaryOutParamNillable
class  BinaryInParamNillable
class  BinaryInParam
class  BinaryOutParam
class  HexBinaryInParam
class  HexBinaryOutParam
class  Base64BinaryInParam
class  Base64BinaryOutParam
class  HexBinary
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from hexBinary type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  Base64Binary
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from base64Binary type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ClientBinding
class  ServerBinding
class  BindingManager
class  BuiltInTypesFactory
 The IT_Bus::BuiltInTypeFactory class is used to create all the built-in types. More...
class  Bus
 The IT_Bus::Bus class manages a collection of plugins, which provide the underlying functional capabilities of a Bus application. More...
class  ChoiceComplexType
 Base class for generated classes derived from choice complex type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ClientProxyBase
 Base class for proxy code generated from a port type. More...
class  ClientService
 Class representing the service within a client application. More...
class  ComplexContentComplexType
 Base class for generated classes derived from complex content complex type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ComplexType
 Base class for generated classes derived from complex type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ComplexTypeReader
class  ComplexTypeWithSubstitution
 Base class for generated classes derived from complex type with substitution definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ComplexTypeWriter
class  ConnectException
class  Date
 Base class for generated classes derived from xsd:date type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  DateTime
 Base class for generated classes derived from xsd:dateTime type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  DeletingVector
 Simple vector of pointers that deletes each pointer when the vector is destroyed. More...
class  DeserializationException
class  UnknownElementException
class  Duration
 Base class for generated classes derived from xsd:duration type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ElementList
 Collection of objects of type IT_Bus::AnyType. More...
class  ElementListT
 Template base class for element list implementations. More...
class  EndpointReference
 Abstracting an ws endpoint. More...
class  Exception
 Base class for all Bus exceptions. More...
class  FaultCategory
 Class representing the categories of a fault There are a fixed number of categories that correspond to all types of system faults that may occur in a Bus. More...
class  FaultSource
 Class representing the source of a system fault There are 3 possible sources of a fault which is represented by an enum. More...
class  FaultCompletionStatus
 Class representing the completion status of the operation that was in progress when the fault occured. More...
class  FaultDetail
class  FaultException
 Class representing a system fault. More...
class  FileOutputStream
 Class implementing a file output stream. More...
class  GDay
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from gDay type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  GMonth
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from gMonth type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  GMonthDay
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from gMonthDay type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  GYear
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from gYear type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  GYearMonth
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from gYearMonth type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ID
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from ID type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ImplementationDetails
class  Integer
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from xsd:integer type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  NonPositiveInteger
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from xsd:nonPositiveInteger type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  NegativeInteger
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from xsd:negativeInteger type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  NonNegativeInteger
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from xsd:nonNegativeInteger type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  PositiveInteger
 Class encapsulated within generated classes derived from xsd:positiveInteger type definitions in a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  IntegerHashMap
class  IntHash
class  IntEq
class  IOException
class  Language
class  MessageReader
class  BindingHeaderProcessor
class  MessageReaderWriterFactory
class  MessageWriter
class  MinMaxList
class  MinMaxListT
class  Name
 Name class. More...
class  WrongTypeException
class  NoSuchAttributeException
class  NamedAttributes
class  NCName
 NCName class. More...
class  Nillable
 Represents a nillable element. More...
class  NillableBuiltInTypesFactory
class  NillablePtr
 Template implementation of Nillable as an auto_ptr. More...
class  AnyHolderNillable
 Class representing a nillable version of the AnyHolder. More...
class  BooleanNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Boolean type. More...
class  LongNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Long type. More...
class  ULongNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in ULong type. More...
class  UIntNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in UInt type. More...
class  IntNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Int type. More...
class  ShortNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Short type. More...
class  UShortNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in UShort type. More...
class  StringNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in String type. More...
class  ByteNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Byte type. More...
class  UByteNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in UByte type. More...
class  FloatNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Float type. More...
class  DoubleNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Double type. More...
class  DecimalNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Decimal type. More...
class  IntegerNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in Integer type. More...
class  PositiveIntegerNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in PositiveInteger type. More...
class  NonPositiveIntegerNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in NonPositiveInteger type. More...
class  NegativeIntegerNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in NegativeInteger type. More...
class  NonNegativeIntegerNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the built-in NonNegativeInteger type. More...
class  QNameNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the Qname type. More...
class  DateTimeNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the DateTime type. More...
class  DateNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the Date type. More...
class  TimeNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the Time type. More...
class  GYearNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the GYear type. More...
class  GYearMonthNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the GYearMonth type. More...
class  GMonthNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the GMonth type. More...
class  GMonthDayNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the GMonthDay type. More...
class  GDayNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the GDay type. More...
class  DurationNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the duration type. More...
class  AnyURINillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the AnyURI type. More...
class  NormalizedStringNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the NormalizedString type. More...
class  TokenNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the Token type. More...
class  LanguageNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the Language type. More...
class  NameNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the Name type. More...
class  NCNameNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the NCName type. More...
class  NMTokenNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the NMToken type. More...
class  NMTokensNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the NMTokens type. More...
class  IDNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the ID type. More...
class  Base64Nillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the Base64Binary type. More...
class  HexNillable
 Class representing a nillable implementation of the HexBinary type. More...
class  NillableValue
 Nillable template implementation that keeps the data object in a member variable. More...
class  NillableValueBase
 Nillable template implementation that keeps the data object in a member variable. More...
class  NMToken
class  NMTokens
class  NoDataException
class  NormalizedString
 NormalizedString class. More...
class  NumericConstants
class  ObjectBase
 Base class for contained objects. More...
class  OldLoggingHelper
class  MessageAttributesHolder
class  Operation
 Base class definition for ClientOperation and ServerOperation classes. More...
class  ClientOperation
 Class representing an operation within a client application. More...
class  ServerOperation
 Class representing an operation within a server application. More...
class  OutputStream
 Base class for output streams. More...
class  InParam
class  OutParam
class  InOutParam
class  InParamImpl
class  OutParamImpl
class  InOutParamImpl
class  NotModifiable
class  Part
 Class representing a part of a message. More...
class  PartList
 Class representing a list of message parts. More...
class  MessageAttributes
class  PortAttributes
class  NonTransactionalException
class  TransactionInterface
 Base class for transaction methods. More...
class  Port
 Class representing the Web service port. More...
class  PortFactory
class  PrefixResolver
class  QName
 The QName class represents a qualified name as defined in the XML specifications. More...
class  QNameHash
class  QNameEq
class  QNameHashMap
class  ResolverQNameFactory
class  ReadableMessage
 Class representing an input or output message with modifiable/deserializable parts. More...
class  ReceiveException
class  RefCountedBase
 Base class for reference counted objects. More...
class  ReferencePort
 Class representing a Web service endpoint/port. More...
class  IT_ReferencePortReflection
class  Reference
 Class representing a reference to a Web service. More...
class  IT_ReferenceReflection
struct  SchemaTypeTraits
 Schema traits associated with the compile-time type of a generated or built-in type. More...
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Boolean >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Float >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Double >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Int >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< UInt >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Long >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Short >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< ULong >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< UShort >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Byte >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< UByte >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< String >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< DateTime >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Decimal >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Base64Binary >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< HexBinary >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< BinaryBuffer >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< QName >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< AnyURI >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Date >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< GDay >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Duration >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< GMonth >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< GMonthDay >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< GYear >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< GYearMonth >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Integer >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Time >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< NormalizedString >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Token >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Language >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Name >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< NCName >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< NMToken >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< ID >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< PositiveInteger >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< NonPositiveInteger >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< NegativeInteger >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< NonNegativeInteger >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< Any >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< AnyList >
struct  SchemaTypeTraits< AnyHolder >
class  SecurityException
class  SendException
class  SequenceComplexType
 Base class for generated classes derived from sequence complex type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  SerializationException
class  Servant
 Base class for stub and implementation classes generated from a WSDL file port type definition. More...
class  WrapperServant
 Base class for server management wrapper classes. More...
class  PerThreadServant
 Servant management wrapper class that provides a separate servant instance for each thread. More...
class  PerInvocationServant
 Servant management wrapper class that provides a newly instantiated servant instance for each invocation. More...
class  SerializedServant
 Servant management wrapper class that processes all invocations in a sequential order through a single instance of the servant. More...
class  ServerService
 This class represents a base service functionality common to services running within server runtime. More...
class  ServiceBase
 This class represents a base service functionality common to services running within client and server runtimes. More...
class  ServiceException
class  ServiceFactory
class  ServiceLifecycleException
 Base class for exceptions raised during service activation and deactivation. More...
class  ServiceActivationException
 Class representing a service lifecycle exception occuring during service activation. More...
class  ExceptionWrapper
class  ShutdownRequestException
 Exception class that, when caught by the Bus runtime, causes the process to exit gracefully. More...
class  SimpleContentComplexType
 Base class for generated classes derived from simple content complex type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  SimpleTypeList
 Base class for a list of simple types derived from definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  SimpleTypeListT
 Base template class for an SimpleTypeList. More...
class  SimpleTypeUnion
 Base class for generated classes derived from union simple type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  ArrayCoordinate
class  SoapEncArray
class  SoapEncArrayCoordinate
class  SoapEncArrayT
class  StreamTransformerException
class  KeywordTransformer
class  StreamTransformer
class  FilenameTransformer
class  KeywordTransformer_PID
class  String
 The String class represents the public interface of the Bus internationalized string. More...
class  StringBuilder
class  StringHash
class  StringEq
class  StringMap
class  StringOutputStream
class  Time
 Base class for generated classes derived from xsd:time type definitions within a WSDL or XSD file. More...
class  Token
 Token class. More...
class  NoActiveTransactionException
 Transaction related exceptions. More...
class  TransactionAlreadyActiveException
class  TransactionSystemAlreadyActiveException
class  TransactionSystemUnavailableException
class  TransactionInitializationException
class  InvalidTransactionIdentifierException
class  TransactionParticipantLimitException
class  TransactionIdentifier
 The interface used to represent an Identifier for a Transaction instance. More...
class  TransactionManager
 The Interface used to conduct non-demarcation related actions on a transaction instance within Artix. More...
class  TransactionManagerFacade
 The Interface is used as a delegating facade from one transaction system to another transaction system. More...
class  TransactionNotificationHandler
 The event interface used to receive transaction notification events. More...
class  TransactionParticipant
 The event interface used for participants of a transaction. More...
class  TransactionSystem
 The interface used to control Transaction demarcation in Artix. More...
class  TransportException
class  TypeFactory
class  TypeFactoryMap
class  TypeList
class  TypeListT
class  MalformedURLException
class  URL
struct  URLHash
struct  URLEq
class  URLMap
class  UserFaultException
 Base class which is used by all classes which are generated from fault messages in WSDL. More...
class  Var
 Smart pointer to a reference counted object. More...
class  WritableMessage
 Class representing an input or output message with writable/serializable parts. More...
class  XMLOutputStream
 Specialized output stream fow writing XML content. More...
class  EndpointAddress
 Base class for a Web service endpoint. More...
class  IIOPWSDLAddress
 Class representing the endpoint address Web service using IIOP_Tunnel transport. More...
class  JMSMessageAttributes
class  MimeWSDLContent
class  MimeWSDLMultipartRelated
 Class representing the <mime:multipartRelated> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <input> or <output> elements. More...
class  MimeWSDLPart
class  Soap12WSDLAddress
 Class representing the endpoint address for a SOAP over HTTP Web service. More...
class  Soap12WSDLBinding
 Class representing the <soap12:binding> child element within the WSDL file binding <wsdl:binding> element. More...
class  Soap12WSDLBody
 Class representing the <soap12:body> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <input> or <output> elements. More...
class  Soap12WSDLExtensionElement
 Base class for SOAP 1.2 binding or transport related WSDL extension elements. More...
class  Soap12WSDLFault
 Class representing the <soap12:fault> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <fault> element. More...
class  Soap12WSDLHeader
 Class representing the <soap12:header> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <input> or <output> elements. More...
class  Soap12WSDLHeaderFault
 Class representing the <soap12:header> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <input> or <output> elements. More...
class  Soap12WSDLOperation
 Class representing the <soap12:operation> child element within the WSDL file binding <operation> element. More...
class  SoapWSDLAddress
 Class representing the endpoint address for a SOAP over HTTP Web service. More...
class  SoapWSDLBinding
 Class representing the <soap:binding> child element within the WSDL file binding <wsdl:binding> element. More...
class  SoapWSDLBody
 Class representing the <soap:body> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <input> or <output> elements. More...
class  SoapWSDLExtensionElement
 Base class for SOAP binding or transport related WSDL extension elements. More...
class  SoapWSDLFault
 Class representing the <soap:fault> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <fault> element. More...
class  SoapWSDLHeader
 Class representing the <soap:header> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <input> or <output> elements. More...
class  SoapWSDLOperation
 Class representing the <soap:operation> child element within the WSDL file binding <operation> element. More...
class  TibrvMessageAttributes
class  TibrvWSDLArray
 Interface representing the <tibrv:array> child element within the WSDL file for Tibrv extensor elements:. More...
class  TibrvWSDLBinding
 Class representing the <tibrv:binding> child element within the WSDL file binding <binding> element. More...
class  TibrvWSDLExtensionElement
 Base class for TIBRV binding or transport related WSDL extension elements. More...
class  TibrvWSDLInput
 Class representing the <tibrv:input> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <input> element. More...
class  TibrvWSDLInputOutput
 Implementation class for TIBRV binding input and output extension elements. More...
class  TibrvWSDLOperation
 Class representing the <tibrv:operation> child element within the WSDL file binding <operation> element. More...
class  TibrvWSDLOutput
 Class representing the <tibrv:output> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <outputt> element. More...
class  TibrvWSDLPort
 Class representing the <tibrv:port> child element within the WSDL file service <port> element. More...
class  TunnelWSDLAddress
 Class representing the <iiop:address> child element within the WSDL file service <port> element. More...
class  TunnelWSDLExtensionElement
 Base class for IIOP_tunnel transport related WSDL extension elements. More...
class  TunnelWSDLPayload
 Class representing the <iiop:payload> child element within the WSDL file service <port> element. More...
class  TunnelWSDLPolicy
 Class representing the <iiop:policy> child element within the WSDL file service <port> element. More...
class  TuxedoWSDLExtensionElement
 Base class for Tuxedo transport related WSDL extension elements. More...
class  XMLFormatWSDLBinding
 Class representing the <xformat:binding> child element within the WSDL file <binding> element. More...
class  XMLFormatWSDLBody
 Class representing the <xformat:body> child element within the WSDL file binding, operation <input> or <output> elements. More...
class  AnyStreamable
class  AnyTypeFactory
 Abstract interface for factories that can create AnyType instances from schema type names, and UserFaultException instances from message names. More...
class  AnyTypePersistenceHandler
class  QNameRef
class  XercesQNameRef
class  Attribute
class  Base64Encoding
class  BinaryBufferOutputStream
class  Evictor
class  BoundedCache
class  BuiltInType
 BuiltInType template implementation keeps the data object in a member variable. More...
class  BusORBPlugIn
 Class used to integrate the Bus plugin architecture into the underlying ORB architecture. More...
class  BusORBPlugInBase
class  PerBusORBStateBase
class  BusPlugIn
 Base class for Bus plugins. More...
class  BusPlugInFactory
 Base class for application specific factory classes that create instances of a class derived from BusPlugIn. More...
class  BusPlugInManager
class  BusPlugInResolver
class  ContextRegistry
 Class that maintains a collection of built-in and application specific contexts. More...
class  ContextContainer
 Class that manages collections of contexts. More...
class  ContextCurrent
 Class that manages instances of the context container. More...
class  AddressContext
 Class representing context that is accesible using the IT_ContextAttributes::SERVER_ADDRESS_CONTEXT key. More...
class  BindingContext
class  SOAP12HeaderContext
class  SOAPHeaderContext
class  WSAConfigurationContext
class  WSRMConfigurationContext
class  WSRMIncomingMessageContext
class  Context
class  ContextT
class  DBConfig
class  DBException
class  DBIterator
class  DBM
class  DelegatingTypeFactory
class  Endpoint
class  EndpointHandler
class  SyncEndpoint
class  SoftStopEndpoint
class  TransactionalEndpoint
class  EndpointManager
class  EndpointManagerFactory
class  EntityResolverBase
class  FairRWLock
class  ReadLocker
class  WriteLocker
struct  ForwardingDetails
class  GlobalBusORBPlugIn
class  HexEncoding
class  Interceptor
 Base class for both request and message interceptors. More...
class  ServerMessageInterceptor
 Base class for server message interceptors. More...
class  ServerRequestInterceptor
 Base class for server request interceptors. More...
class  ClientMessageInterceptor
 Base class for client message interceptors. More...
class  ClientRequestInterceptor
 Base class for client request interceptors. More...
class  InterceptorFactory
 Base class for interceptor factory classes. More...
class  InterceptorFactoryManager
 Class implementing the interceptor factory manager. More...
class  InterceptorNode
 Interceptor node. More...
class  ServerRequestInterceptorNode
class  ServerMessageInterceptorNode
class  LicensedBusORBPlugIn
class  SendMessageContext
class  ReceiveMessageContext
class  MessagingClientOperation
class  MessagingPort
class  MessagingServerOperation
class  TransportPolicyList
class  ClientTransport
class  DispatchInfo
class  TransportCallback
class  ServerTransport
class  ClientTransactionalTransport
class  ServerTransactionalTransport
class  TransportFactory
class  NamespaceURIPrefixMap
class  OTSInterposedTransaction
 Abstract class used to represent an interposed OTS Transaction. More...
class  OTSTransactionIdentifier
 Interface used to represent an OTSTransaction instance. More...
class  OTSTransactionManager
 Abstract class used to represent a CORBA OTS Transaction manager instance. More...
class  PartManager
 Class that creates parts and populates input and output messages of an operation. More...
class  ClientOperationPassThrough
 Class representing the Client Message Buffers of an operation. More...
class  ServerOperationPassThrough
 Class representing the Server Message Buffers of an operation. More...
class  ThreadCallback
class  ContainerPlugin
class  PDKBus
 Bus class that includes methods needed to register and manage plugins that implement bindings, transports, and interceptors. More...
class  PDKClientService
class  PDKServerService
class  PersistentMap
class  PODPersistenceHandler
class  PersistentMapBaseIterator
class  PersistentMapBase
class  StringPersistenceHandler
class  PersistentStringMap
class  QNameOrderedMap
class  QNamePersistenceHandler
class  Registry
class  RMEndpointManagerFactory
class  RMSequencePersistentStore
class  RMEndpointPersistentStore
class  RMPersistentManager
class  ServiceActivator
class  ServiceEvent
class  ServiceListener
class  SimpleContentXMLNode
class  SimplePool
 Utility template class for pooling objects. More...
class  SimpleReader
 Reader that throws DeserializationException from all read methods except those for simple types and nillables. More...
class  SimpleTypeConverter
class  SimpleTypeCast
class  SimpleWriter
class  TransportReadableMessage
class  TransportWritableMessage
class  TypeCastException
class  UnknownTypeException
class  UrlEncoding
class  WSATInterposedTransaction
 Abstract class used to represent an interposed WS-AtomicTransactions Transaction. More...
class  WSATTransactionIdentifier
 Interface used to represent an WS-AtomicTransactions Transaction instance. More...
class  WSATTransactionManager
 Abstract class used to represent a WS-AtomicTransactions Transaction manager instance. More...
class  XATransactionIdentifier
 Interface used to represent an XATransaction instance. More...
class  XATransactionManager
 Abstract class used to represent a CORBA XA Transaction manager instance. More...
class  XMLAttributeReader
class  XMLAttributeWriter
class  XMLAttributeNillableWriter
class  XercesString
class  XMLHelper
class  XMLIterator
class  XMLNode
class  XMLNodeReader
class  XMLParseException
class  XMLResolverRegistry
class  XMLResourceException
class  XMLResourceResolver
class  IT_SaxAttributesImpl
class  XMLSaxHandler
class  XMLSaxParser
class  XMLStreamDocument
class  XMLStreamNode
class  XMLStreamNodeFactory
class  XMLStreamNodeIterator
class  TreeWalker
class  XMLValueReader
class  XMLValueWriter


namespace  Logging


typedef IT_Vector< StringNamespaceConstraints
typedef BusBus_ptr
typedef Var< BusBus_var
typedef Registry< String,
typedef BinaryOutParamNillable<
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_BASE64 > 
 XML Schema Base64Binary datatype.
typedef BinaryOutParamNillable<
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_HBIN > 
 XML Schema HexBinary datatype.
typedef BinaryInParamNillable<
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_BASE64 > 
 XML Schema Base64Binary datatype.
typedef BinaryInParamNillable<
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_HBIN > 
 XML Schema HexBinary datatype.
typedef QNameHashMap< MessageAttributesHolder * > MessageAttributesMap
typedef unsigned long CorrelationId
 Identifier to correlate request and response.
typedef IT_Reflect::ReflectedNillableValue<
typedef IT_Reflect::ReflectedNillablePtr<
typedef IT_Reflect::ReflectedNillableValue<
typedef IT_Reflect::ReflectedNillablePtr<
typedef IT_AutoPtr< ReferencePortReferencePortPtr
typedef IT_AutoPtr< ReferenceReferencePtr
typedef ServerService Service
 Typedef associating the type Service with the ServerService class.
typedef ServiceService_ptr
typedef Var< ServiceService_var
typedef Var< TransactionManagerTransactionManager_var
typedef TransactionManagerTransactionManager_ptr
typedef Var< TransactionManagerFacadeTransactionManagerFacade_var
typedef TransactionManagerFacadeTransactionManagerFacade_ptr
typedef Var< TransactionNotificationHandlerTransactionNotificationHandler_var
typedef TransactionNotificationHandlerTransactionNotificationHandler_ptr
typedef Var< TransactionSystemTransactionSystem_var
typedef TransactionSystemTransactionSystem_ptr
typedef Var< TransactionParticipantTransactionParticipant_var
typedef TransactionParticipantTransactionParticipant_ptr
typedef Var< TransactionIdentifierTransactionIdentifier_var
typedef TransactionIdentifierTransactionIdentifier_ptr
typedef StringMap< TransactionIdentifier_varTransactionIdentifierMap
typedef TransactionSystemTransactionSystem_ptr
typedef Var< TransactionSystemFactory > TransactionSystemFactory_var
typedef TransactionSystemFactory * TransactionSystemFactory_ptr
typedef TransactionManagerFacadeTransactionManagerFacade_ptr
typedef IT_Bool Boolean
 XML Schema Boolean datatype.
typedef IT_LongLong Long
 XML Schema Long datatype.
typedef IT_ULongLong ULong
 XML Schema ULong datatype.
typedef IT_ULong UInt
 XML Schema UInt datatype.
typedef IT_Long Int
 XML Schema Int datatype.
typedef IT_Short Short
 XML Schema Short datatype.
typedef IT_UShort UShort
 XML Schema UShort datatype.
typedef char Character
 XML intrinisc character datatype.
typedef signed char Byte
 XML Schema Byte datatype.
typedef unsigned char UByte
 XML Schema unsignedByte datatype.
typedef float Float
 XML Schema Float datatype.
typedef double Double
 XML Schema Double datatype.
typedef IT_FixedPoint Decimal
 XML Schema Decimal datatype.
typedef IT_Vector< MimeWSDLPart * > MimePartsT
typedef IT_Vector< Soap12WSDLHeaderFault * > HeaderFaultsT
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Boolean,
 XML Schema Boolean datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Byte,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_BYTE > 
 XML Schema Byte datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Short,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_SHORT > 
 XML Schema Short datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Int,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_INT > 
 XML Schema Int datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Long,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_LONG > 
 XML Schema Long datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::String,
 XML Schema String datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Float,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_FLOAT > 
 XML Schema Float datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Double,
 XML Schema Double datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::UByte,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_UBYTE > 
 XML Schema unsignedByte datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::UShort,
 XML Schema UShort datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::UInt,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_UINT > 
 XML Schema UInt datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::ULong,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_ULONG > 
 XML Schema ULong datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Decimal,
 XML Schema Decimal datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::QName,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_QNAME > 
 XML Schema QName datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::DateTime,
 XML Schema DateTime datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::HexBinary,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_HBIN > 
 XML Schema HBin datatype.
typedef BuiltInType< IT_Bus::Base64Binary,
&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_BASE64 > 
 XML Schema Base64 datatype.
typedef ContextT< ServerOperationServerOperationContext
typedef Registry< String,
typedef Registry< String,
IT_Vector< ForwardingDetails * > > 
typedef IT_Vector< ServerMessageInterceptorNode * > ServerMessageInterceptorChain
typedef IT_Vector< ServerRequestInterceptorNode * > ServerRequestInterceptorChain
typedef IT_Vector< ClientMessageInterceptor * > ClientMessageInterceptorChain
typedef IT_Vector< ClientRequestInterceptor * > ClientRequestInterceptorChain
typedef IT_Vector< InterceptorFactory * > InterceptorFactoryList
typedef StringMap< InterceptorFactory * > InterceptorFactoryMap
typedef Var< OTSInterposedTransactionOTSInterposedTransaction_var
typedef OTSInterposedTransactionOTSInterposedTransaction_ptr
typedef Var< OTSTransactionIdentifierOTSTransactionIdentifier_var
typedef OTSTransactionIdentifierOTSTransactionIdentifier_ptr
typedef Var< OTSTransactionManagerOTSTransactionManager_var
typedef OTSTransactionManagerOTSTransactionManager_ptr
typedef void *(*) AllocFunc (size_t)
typedef ObjectBase RegistryBase
typedef Registry< QName, ServiceActivatorServiceActivatorRegistry
typedef Var< WSATInterposedTransactionWSATInterposedTransaction_var
typedef WSATInterposedTransactionWSATInterposedTransaction_ptr
typedef Var< WSATTransactionIdentifierWSATTransactionIdentifier_var
typedef WSATTransactionIdentifierWSATTransactionIdentifier_ptr
typedef Var< WSATTransactionManagerWSATTransactionManager_var
typedef WSATTransactionManagerWSATTransactionManager_ptr
typedef Var< XATransactionIdentifierXATransactionIdentifier_var
typedef XATransactionIdentifierXATransactionIdentifier_ptr
typedef Var< XATransactionManagerXATransactionManager_var
typedef XATransactionManagerXATransactionManager_ptr
typedef StringMap< XMLStreamNode * > IdToXMLStreamNodeMap
typedef SimplePool< XMLStreamNode,


enum  ThreadingModel
enum  MessageType
 Message types.
enum  DeliveryAssurancePolicy
enum  InterceptorType
 An enum indicating the whether the interceptor is written in C++ or Java. More...
enum  ThreadingResourcesPolicy


bool operator== (const AnyURI &lhs, const AnyURI &rhs) throw (())
bool operator!= (const AnyURI &lhs, const AnyURI &rhs) throw (())
Bus_var IT_BUS_API init (int &argc, char *argv[], const char *orb_identifier="")
 Initialize an instance of the Bus.
void IT_BUS_API run ()
 Put event processing into an infinite loop to prevent the current thread from exiting until the bus is shut down.
void IT_BUS_API shutdown (IT_Bool wait_for_completion=true) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Shut down the Bus instance.
IT_AFC_API Date operator+ (const Date &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator for a Date and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API Date operator- (const Date &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator for a Date and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API DateTime operator+ (const DateTime &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator for a DateTime and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API DateTime operator- (const DateTime &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator for a DateTime and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API Duration operator+ (const Duration &rhs) throw (())
 Prefix addition operator.
IT_AFC_API Duration operator- (const Duration &rhs) throw (())
 Prefix subtraction operator.
void IT_BUS_XML_API from_string (const String &data, AnyType &result, const QName &element_name=default_from_string_element_name) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Read an AnyType object as an XML element.
void IT_BUS_XML_API from_file (const String &file_name, AnyType &result, const QName &element_name=default_from_string_element_name) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Read an AnyType object from an XML file.
IT_AFC_API GDay operator+ (const GDay &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator for a GDay and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GDay operator- (const GDay &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator for a GDay and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GMonth operator+ (const GMonth &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator for a GMonth and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GMonth operator- (const GMonth &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator for a GMonth and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GMonthDay operator+ (const GMonthDay &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator for a GMonthDay and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GMonthDay operator- (const GMonthDay &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator for a GMonthDay and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GYear operator+ (const GYear &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator for a GYear and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GYear operator- (const GYear &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator for a GYear and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GYearMonth operator+ (const GYearMonth &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator for a GYearMonth and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API GYearMonth operator- (const GYearMonth &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator for a GYearMonth and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API bool operator== (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Equality operator.
IT_AFC_API bool operator!= (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Inequality operator.
IT_AFC_API bool operator< (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Less-than operator.
IT_AFC_API bool operator> (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Greater-than operator.
IT_AFC_API bool operator>= (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Greater-than or equal-to operator.
IT_AFC_API bool operator<= (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Less-than or equal-to operator.
IT_AFC_API Integer operator+ (const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Prefix addition operator.
IT_AFC_API Integer operator- (const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Prefix subtraction operator.
IT_AFC_API bool operator! (const Integer &rhs) throw (())
 Not operator.
IT_AFC_API Integer operator+ (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator.
IT_AFC_API Integer operator- (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator.
IT_AFC_API Integer operator * (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Multiplication operator.
IT_AFC_API Integer operator/ (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Division operator.
IT_AFC_API Integer operator% (const Integer &lhs, const Integer &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Modulo operator.
template<class T>
Boolean equal_or_nil (const T *a, const T *b)
 Convenience function for testing whether two pointers are both nil, or both non-nil with the objects they point to being equal.
bool operator== (const NMTokens &val1, const NMTokens &val2) throw (())
bool operator!= (const NMTokens &val1, const NMTokens &val2) throw (())
bool operator== (const NormalizedString &s1, const NormalizedString &s2) throw (())
bool operator!= (const NormalizedString &s1, const NormalizedString &s2) throw (())
template<class T>
void set_modifiable_value (Part &part, T &value)
 Convenience template to wrap a simple type reference in an anytype wrapper and set the part to it.
template<class T>
void set_const_value (Part &part, T &value)
 Convenience template to wrap a simple type in an anytype wrapper and set the part to it.
template<class T>
void add_const_part (PartList &parts, const QName &name, const T &value)
 Convenience template to wrap a simple type in an AnyType wrapper and add it to the part list.
IT_AFC_API void add_const_part< BinaryInParam > (PartList &parts, const QName &name, const BinaryInParam &value)
 Specialization for binary params which have different wrapper.
IT_AFC_API void add_const_part< AnyType > (PartList &parts, const QName &name, const AnyType &value)
 Specialization for adding AnyType&.
template<class T>
void add_modifiable_part (PartList &parts, const QName &name, T &value)
 Convenience template to wrap a simple type reference in an AnyType wrapper and add it to the part list.
IT_AFC_API void add_modifiable_part< BinaryOutParam > (PartList &parts, const QName &name, BinaryOutParam &value)
 Specialization for binary params which have different wrapper.
IT_AFC_API void add_modifiable_part< AnyType > (PartList &parts, const QName &name, AnyType &value)
 Specialization for AnyType&.
IT_Bool operator== (const String &s1, const String &s2)
IT_Bool operator== (const String &s1, const char *s2)
IT_Bool operator== (const char *s1, const String &s2)
IT_Bool operator== (const String &s1, const IT_String &s2)
IT_Bool operator== (const IT_String &s1, const String &s2)
IT_Bool operator!= (const String &s1, const String &s2)
IT_Bool operator!= (const String &s1, const char *s2)
IT_Bool operator!= (const char *s1, const String &s2)
IT_Bool operator!= (const String &s1, const IT_String &s2)
IT_Bool operator!= (const IT_String &s1, const String &s2)
String operator+ (const String &s1, const String &s2)
String operator+ (const char *s1, const String &s2)
String operator+ (const String &s1, const char *s2)
String operator+ (char c, const String &s2)
String operator+ (const String &s, char c)
String operator+ (const IT_String &s1, const String &s2)
String operator+ (const String &s1, const IT_String &s2)
IT_AFC_API Time operator+ (const Time &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix addition operator for a Time and a Duration.
IT_AFC_API Time operator- (const Time &lhs, const Duration &rhs) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Infix subtraction operator for a Time and a Duration.
String IT_BUS_XML_API to_string (const AnyType &data, const QName &element_name=default_to_string_element_name) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Write an AnyType object as an XML element.
void IT_BUS_XML_API to_file (const String &file_name, const AnyType &data, const QName &element_name=default_to_string_element_name) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))
 Write an AnyType object as an XML element.
template<class T, class U>
T * dynamic_cast_var (Var< U > &var)
 Casting operations that preserve reference counts.
template<class T, class U>
T * static_cast_var (Var< U > &var)
 Casting operations that preserve reference counts.
template<class T, class U>
T * const_cast_var (Var< U > &var)
 Casting operations that preserve reference counts.
template<class T, class U>
T * dynamic_cast_var (U *ptr)
 Call ptr->_remove_ref if the cast fails.
template<class T, class U>
T * static_cast_var (U *ptr)
 Not really necessary but for symmetry.
template<class T, class U>
T * const_cast_var (U *ptr)
 Not really necessary but for symmetry.


const unsigned long IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start = 0xC0DE0020
const unsigned long IT_HTTP_E_COMM_ERROR = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 1
const unsigned long IT_HTTP_E_ACCESS_DENIED = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 2
const unsigned long IT_HTTP_E_UNSUPPORTED = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 3
const unsigned long IT_HTTP_E_BAD_CONFIG = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 4
const unsigned long IT_HTTP_E_BAD_REQUEST = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 5
const unsigned long IT_HTTP_E_BAD_PARAMETER = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 6
const unsigned long IT_HTTP_E_NOT_FOUND = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 7
const unsigned long IT_HTTP_E_SHUTTING_DOWN = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 8
const unsigned long IT_Bus_E_FAULT = IT_ErrCode_HTTP_Start + 9
const unsigned long IT_ErrCode_Deployer_Start = 0xC0DE0040
const unsigned long IT_DEPLOYER_SERVICE_ALREADY_DEPLOYED = IT_ErrCode_Deployer_Start + 1
const unsigned long IT_ErrCode_Management_Start = 0xC0DE0060
const unsigned long IT_MANAGEMENT_E_OBJECT_NAME = IT_ErrCode_Management_Start + 1
const unsigned long IT_MANAGEMENT_E_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = IT_ErrCode_Management_Start + 2
const unsigned long IT_MANAGEMENT_E_OPERATION_NAME = IT_ErrCode_Management_Start + 3
const unsigned long IT_MANAGEMENT_E_BAD_PARAM = IT_ErrCode_Management_Start + 4
IT_AFC_API StreamTransformer

Typedef Documentation

typedef BinaryInParamNillable<&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_BASE64> IT_Bus::Base64BinaryInParamNillable

XML Schema Base64Binary datatype.

Used in Fields of Complex Types

Definition at line 2276 of file nillable_types.h.

typedef BinaryOutParamNillable<&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_BASE64> IT_Bus::Base64BinaryOutParamNillable

XML Schema Base64Binary datatype.

Used in Fields of Complex Types

Definition at line 2264 of file nillable_types.h.

typedef char IT_Bus::Character

XML intrinisc character datatype.

This is currently assumed to be using the ISO Latin-1 (8859.1) codeset but will be a wide character (UTF-16?) when wide char support is introduced.

Definition at line 56 of file types.h.

typedef unsigned long IT_Bus::CorrelationId

Identifier to correlate request and response.

Definition at line 266 of file operation.h.

typedef BinaryInParamNillable<&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_HBIN> IT_Bus::HexBinaryInParamNillable

XML Schema HexBinary datatype.

Used in Fields of Complex Types

Definition at line 2282 of file nillable_types.h.

typedef BinaryOutParamNillable<&IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_HBIN> IT_Bus::HexBinaryOutParamNillable

XML Schema HexBinary datatype.

Used in Fields of Complex Types

Definition at line 2270 of file nillable_types.h.

typedef BuiltInType<IT_Bus::String, &IT_W3CConstants::NT_SCHEMA_STRING> IT_Bus::StringHolder

XML Schema String datatype.

This is assumed to be using the ISO Latin-1 (8859.1) codeset.

Definition at line 265 of file built_in_type.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum IT_Bus::InterceptorType

An enum indicating the whether the interceptor is written in C++ or Java.

C++ interceptors are represented by the enum 0

Java interceptors are represented by an enum other than 0

Definition at line 53 of file interceptor.h.

Function Documentation

template<class T>
void IT_Bus::add_const_part ( PartList &  parts,
const QName &  name,
const T &  value 

Convenience template to wrap a simple type in an AnyType wrapper and add it to the part list.

Note the part list points to the data, it must remain valid until the part list is deleted.

Definition at line 152 of file part_list.h.

References IT_Bus::PartList::add_const_part().

template<class T>
void IT_Bus::add_modifiable_part ( PartList &  parts,
const QName &  name,
T &  value 

Convenience template to wrap a simple type reference in an AnyType wrapper and add it to the part list.

Note the part list points to the data, it must remain valid until the part list is deleted.

Definition at line 190 of file part_list.h.

References IT_Bus::PartList::add_modifiable_part().

template<class T, class U>
T* IT_Bus::const_cast_var ( Var< U > &  var  ) 

Casting operations that preserve reference counts.

The return value should be stored in a Var.

Definition at line 227 of file var.h.

References IT_Bus::Var< T >::get().

template<class T, class U>
T* IT_Bus::dynamic_cast_var ( Var< U > &  var  ) 

Casting operations that preserve reference counts.

The return value should be stored in a Var.

Definition at line 191 of file var.h.

References IT_Bus::Var< T >::get().

template<class T>
Boolean IT_Bus::equal_or_nil ( const T *  a,
const T *  b 

Convenience function for testing whether two pointers are both nil, or both non-nil with the objects they point to being equal.

Useful for testing equality of nillable values that are mapped to pointers in generated code.

Definition at line 94 of file nillable.h.

void IT_BUS_XML_API IT_Bus::from_file ( const String &  file_name,
AnyType &  result,
const QName &  element_name = default_from_string_element_name 
) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))

Read an AnyType object from an XML file.

file_name the XML file location.
element_name name of the element.
result the AnyType

void IT_BUS_XML_API IT_Bus::from_string ( const String &  data,
AnyType &  result,
const QName &  element_name = default_from_string_element_name 
) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))

Read an AnyType object as an XML element.

data the XML data.
element_name name of the element.
result the AnyType

Referenced by IT_Bus::AnyTypePersistenceHandler< T >::xml_string_to_anytype().

Bus_var IT_BUS_API IT_Bus::init ( int &  argc,
char *  argv[],
const char *  orb_identifier = "" 

Initialize an instance of the Bus.

argc parameter from the command line used to start the process
argv[] parameter from the command line used to start the process
Optional name of configuration scope from which to read configuration values
A smart pointer to the Bus instance.

void IT_BUS_API IT_Bus::run (  ) 

Put event processing into an infinite loop to prevent the current thread from exiting until the bus is shut down.

It is not necessary to call run() to process incoming requests; run prevents the process from exiting. Once a servant is registered with the Bus, it will receive incoming requests.

void IT_BUS_API IT_Bus::shutdown ( IT_Bool  wait_for_completion = true  )  throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))

Shut down the Bus instance.

IT_Bool indicating whether to delay return from this method until shutdown completes.

template<class T, class U>
T* IT_Bus::static_cast_var ( Var< U > &  var  ) 

Casting operations that preserve reference counts.

The return value should be stored in a Var.

Definition at line 209 of file var.h.

References IT_Bus::Var< T >::get().

void IT_BUS_XML_API IT_Bus::to_file ( const String &  file_name,
const AnyType &  data,
const QName &  element_name = default_to_string_element_name 
) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))

Write an AnyType object as an XML element.

data the object to write.
element_name name of the element.
the XML element as a String.

String IT_BUS_XML_API IT_Bus::to_string ( const AnyType &  data,
const QName &  element_name = default_to_string_element_name 
) throw ((IT_Bus::Exception))

Write an AnyType object as an XML element.

data the object to write.
element_name name of the element.
the XML element as a String.

Referenced by IT_Bus::AnyTypePersistenceHandler< T >::anytype_to_xml_string().

Generated on Tue Mar 20 15:27:56 2007 for Artix by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1