IT_Bus::TransactionNotificationHandler Class Reference

#include <it_bus/transaction_notification_handler.h>

Inheritance diagram for IT_Bus::TransactionNotificationHandler:

IT_Bus::RefCountedBase List of all members.

Detailed Description

The event interface used to receive transaction notification events.

The operations on this interface are called by the Artix transaction system.

Code interested in the overall outcome of a transaction should implement this interface and register themselves using IT_Bus::TransactionManager::enlist_for_notification()

Definition at line 21 of file transaction_notification_handler.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual void commit_initiated (TransactionIdentifier_ptr tx_identifier)=0
 An event informing the participant that a commit has been initiated.
virtual void committed ()=0
 An event informing the handler that the transaction completed successfully.
virtual void aborted ()=0
 An event informing the handler that the transaction did not complete successfully and was aborted.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void IT_Bus::TransactionNotificationHandler::commit_initiated ( TransactionIdentifier_ptr  tx_identifier  )  [pure virtual]

An event informing the participant that a commit has been initiated.

This will be called before any participants are prepared.

TransactionIdentifier_ptr The identifier for the transaction on which commit has been called.

Generated on Tue Mar 20 15:28:08 2007 for Artix by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1