JBoss.org Community Documentation

Chapter 22. JBossCache and JGroups Services

22.1. JGroups Configuration
22.2. Common Configuration Properties
22.3. Transport Protocols
22.3.1. UDP configuration
22.3.2. TCP configuration
22.3.3. TUNNEL configuration
22.4. Discovery Protocols
22.4.1. PING
22.4.3. TCPPING
22.4.4. MPING
22.5. Failure Detection Protocols
22.5.1. FD
22.5.2. FD_SOCK
22.5.4. FD versus FD_SOCK
22.6. Reliable Delivery Protocols
22.6.1. UNICAST
22.6.2. NAKACK
22.7. Other Configuration Options
22.7.1. Group Membership
22.7.2. Flow Control
22.7.3. Fragmentation
22.7.4. State Transfer
22.7.5. Distributed Garbage Collection
22.7.6. Merging
22.7.7. Binding JGroups Channels to a particular interface
22.7.8. Isolating JGroups Channels
22.7.9. Changing the Group Name
22.7.10. Changing the multicast address and port
22.7.11. JGroups Troubleshooting
22.7.12. Causes of missing heartbeats in FD

JGroups and JBossCache provide the underlying communication, node replication and caching services, for JBoss AS clusters. Those services are configured as MBeans. There is a set of JBossCache and JGroups MBeans for each type of clustering applications (e.g., the Stateful Session EJBs, HTTP session replication etc.).

The JBoss AS ships with a reasonable set of default JGroups and JBossCache MBean configurations. Most applications just work out of the box with the default MBean configurations. You only need to tweak them when you are deploying an application that has special network or performance requirements.