JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 5. Clustered JNDI Services

5.1. How it works
5.2. Client configuration
5.2.1. For clients running inside the application server
5.2.2. For clients running outside the application server
5.3. JBoss configuration
5.3.1. Adding a Second HA-JNDI Service

JNDI is one of the most important services provided by the application server. The JBoss HA-JNDI (High Availability JNDI) service brings the following features to JNDI:

JNDI is a key component for many other interceptor-based clustering services: those services register themselves with JNDI so the client can look up their proxies and make use of their services. HA-JNDI completes the picture by ensuring that clients have a highly-available means to look up those proxies. However, it is important to understand that using HA-JNDI (or not) has no effect whatsoever on the clustering behavior of the objects that are looked up. To illustrate:

The JBoss client-side HA-JNDI naming Context is based on the client-side interceptor architecture (see Section 2.2.1, “Client-side interceptor architecture”). The client obtains an HA-JNDI proxy object (via the InitialContext object) and invokes JNDI lookup services on the remote server through the proxy. The client specifies that it wants an HA-JNDI proxy by configuring the naming properties used by the InitialContext object. This is covered in detail in Section 5.2, “Client configuration”. Other than the need to ensure the appropriate naming properties are provided to the InitialContext, the fact that the naming Context is using HA-JNDI is completely transparent to the client.

On the server side, the HA-JNDI service maintains a cluster-wide context tree. The cluster wide tree is always available as long as there is one node left in the cluster. Each node in the cluster also maintains its own local JNDI context tree. The HA-JNDI service on each node is able to find objects bound into the local JNDI context tree, and is also able to make a cluster-wide RPC to find objects bound in the local tree on any other node. An application can bind its objects to either tree, although in practice most objects are bound into the local JNDI context tree. The design rationale for this architecture is as follows:

  • It avoids migration issues with applications that assume that their JNDI implementation is local. This allows clustering to work out-of-the-box with just a few tweaks of configuration files.

  • In a homogeneous cluster, this configuration actually cuts down on the amount of network traffic. A homogenous cluster is one where the same types of objects are bound under the same names on each node.

  • Designing it in this way makes the HA-JNDI service an optional service since all underlying cluster code uses a straight new InitialContext to lookup or create bindings.

On the server side, a naming Context obtained via a call to new InitialContext() will be bound to the local-only, non-cluster-wide JNDI Context. So, all EJB homes and such will not be bound to the cluster-wide JNDI Context, but rather, each home will be bound into the local JNDI.

When a remote client does a lookup through HA-JNDI, HA-JNDI will delegate to the local JNDI service when it cannot find the object within the global cluster-wide Context. The detailed lookup rule is as follows.

  • If the binding is available in the cluster-wide JNDI tree, return it.

  • If the binding is not in the cluster-wide tree, delegate the lookup query to the local JNDI service and return the received answer if available.

  • If not available, the HA-JNDI service asks all other nodes in the cluster if their local JNDI service owns such a binding and returns the answer from the set it receives.

  • If no local JNDI service owns such a binding, a NameNotFoundException is finally raised.

In practice, objects are rarely bound in the cluster-wide JNDI tree; rather they are bound in the local JNDI tree. For example, when EJBs are deployed, their proxies are always bound in local JNDI, not HA-JNDI. So, an EJB home lookup done through HA-JNDI will always be delegated to the local JNDI instance.


If different beans (even of the same type, but participating in different clusters) use the same JNDI name, this means that each JNDI server will have a logically different "target" bound under the same name. (JNDI on node 1 will have a binding for bean A and JNDI on node 2 will have a binding, under the same name, for bean B). Consequently, if a client performs a HA-JNDI query for this name, the query will be invoked on any JNDI server of the cluster and will return the locally bound stub. Nevertheless, it may not be the correct stub that the client is expecting to receive! So, it is always best practice to ensure that across the cluster different names are used for logically different bindings.


If a binding is only made available on a few nodes in the cluster (for example because a bean is only deployed on a small subset of nodes in the cluster), the probability is higher that a lookup will hit a HA-JNDI server that does not own this binding and thus the lookup will need to be forwarded to all nodes in the cluster. Consequently, the query time will be longer than if the binding would have been available locally. Moral of the story: as much as possible, cache the result of your JNDI queries in your client.


You cannot currently use a non-JNP JNDI implementation (i.e. LDAP) for your local JNDI implementation if you want to use HA-JNDI. However, you can use JNDI federation using the ExternalContext MBean to bind non-JBoss JNDI trees into the JBoss JNDI namespace. Furthermore, nothing prevents you using one centralized JNDI server for your whole cluster and scrapping HA-JNDI and JNP.

Configuring a client to use HA-JNDI is a matter of ensuring the correct set of naming environment properties are available when a new InitialContext is created. How this is done varies depending on whether the client is running inside JBoss AS itself or is in another VM.

If you want to access HA-JNDI from inside the application server, you must explicitly configure your InitialContext by passing in JNDI properties to the constructor. The following code shows how to create a naming Context bound to HA-JNDI:

Properties p = new Properties();  

p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");  
p.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
// HA-JNDI is listening on the address passed to JBoss via -b  
String bindAddress = System.getProperty("jboss.bind.address", "localhost");
p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, bindAddress + ":1100"); // HA-JNDI address and port.  
return new InitialContext(p);

The Context.PROVIDER_URL property points to the HA-JNDI service configured in the deploy/cluster/hajndi-jboss-beans.xml file (see Section 5.3, “JBoss configuration”). By default this service listens on the interface named via the jboss.bind.address system property, which itself is set to whatever value you assign to the -b command line option when you start JBoss AS (or localhost if not specified). The above code shows an example of accessing this property.

However, this does not work in all cases, especially when running several JBoss AS instances on the same machine and bound to the same IP address, but configured to use different ports. A safer method is to not specify the Context.PROVIDER_URL but instead allow the InitialContext to statically find the in-VM HA-JNDI by specifying the jnp.partitionName property:

Properties p = new Properties();

p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
p.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
// HA-JNDI is registered under the partition name passed to JBoss via -g  
String partitionName = System.getProperty("jboss.partition.name", "DefaultPartition");
p.put("jnp.partitionName", partitionName);
return new InitialContext(p);

This example uses the jboss.partition.name system property to identify the partition with which the HA-JNDI service works. This system property is set to whatever value you assign to the -g command line option when you start JBoss AS (or DefaultPartition if not specified).

Do not attempt to simplify things by placing a jndi.properties file in your deployment or by editing the AS's conf/jndi.properties file. Doing either will almost certainly break things for your application and quite possibly across the application server. If you want to externalize your client configuration, one approach is to deploy a properties file not named jndi.properties, and then programatically create a Properties object that loads that file's contents.

If your HA-JNDI client is an EJB or servlet, the least intrusive way to configure the lookup of resources is to bind the resources to the environment naming context of the bean or webapp performing the lookup. The binding can then be configured to use HA-JNDI instead of a local mapping. Following is an example of doing this for a JMS connection factory and queue (the most common use case for this kind of thing).

Within the bean definition in the ejb-jar.xml or in the war's web.xml you will need to define two resource-ref mappings, one for the connection factory and one for the destination.


Using these examples the bean performing the lookup can obtain the connection factory by looking up 'java:comp/env/jms/ConnectionFactory' and can obtain the queue by looking up 'java:comp/env/jms/Queue'.

Within the JBoss-specific deployment descriptor (jboss.xml for EJBs, jboss-web.xml for a WAR) these references need to be mapped to a URL that makes use of HA-JNDI.


The URL should be the URL to the HA-JNDI server running on the same node as the bean; if the bean is available the local HA-JNDI server should also be available. The lookup will then automatically query all of the nodes in the cluster to identify which node has the JMS resources available.

The ${jboss.bind.address} syntax used above tells JBoss to use the value of the jboss.bind.address system property when determining the URL. That system property is itself set to whatever value you assign to the -b command line option when you start JBoss AS.

The JNDI client needs to be aware of the HA-JNDI cluster. You can pass a list of JNDI servers (i.e., the nodes in the HA-JNDI cluster) to the java.naming.provider.url JNDI setting in the jndi.properties file. Each server node is identified by its IP address and the JNDI port number. The server nodes are separated by commas (see Section 5.3, “JBoss configuration” for how to configure the servers and ports).


When initialising, the JNP client code will try to get in touch with each server node from the list, one after the other, stopping as soon as one server has been reached. It will then download the HA-JNDI stub from this node.


There is no load balancing behavior in the JNP client lookup process itself. It just goes through the provider lists and uses the first available server to obtain the stub. The HA-JNDI provider list only needs to contain a subset of HA-JNDI nodes in the cluster; once the HA-JNDI stub is downloaded, the stub will include information on all the available servers. A good practice is to include a set of servers such that you are certain that at least one of those in the list will be available.

The downloaded smart proxy contains the list of currently running nodes and the logic to load balance naming requests and to fail-over to another node if necessary. Furthermore, each time a JNDI invocation is made to the server, the list of targets in the proxy interceptor is updated (only if the list has changed since the last call).

If the property string java.naming.provider.url is empty or if all servers it mentions are not reachable, the JNP client will try to discover a HA-JNDI server through a multicast call on the network (auto-discovery). See Section 5.3, “JBoss configuration” for how to configure auto-discovery on the JNDI server nodes. Through auto-discovery, the client might be able to get a valid HA-JNDI server node without any configuration. Of course, for auto-discovery to work, the network segment(s) between the client and the server cluster must be configured to propagate such multicast datagrams.


By default the auto-discovery feature uses multicast group address and port 1102.

In addition to the java.naming.provider.url property, you can specify a set of other properties. The following list shows all clustering-related client side properties you can specify when creating a new InitialContext. (All of the standard, non-clustering-related environment properties used with regular JNDI are also available.)

  • java.naming.provider.url: Provides a list of IP addresses and port numbers for HA-JNDI provider nodes in the cluster. The client tries those providers one by one and uses the first one that responds.

  • jnp.disableDiscovery: When set to true, this property disables the automatic discovery feature. Default is false.

  • jnp.partitionName: In an environment where multiple HA-JNDI services bound to distinct clusters (a.k.a. partitions), are running, this property allows you to ensure that your client only accepts automatic-discovery responses from servers in the desired partition. If you do not use the automatic discovery feature (i.e. jnp.disableDiscovery is true), this property is not used. By default, this property is not set and the automatic discovery selects the first HA-JNDI server that responds, regardless of the cluster partition name.

  • jnp.discoveryTimeout: Determines how many milliseconds the context will wait for a response to its automatic discovery packet. Default is 5000 ms.

  • jnp.discoveryGroup: Determines which multicast group address is used for the automatic discovery. Default is Must match the value of the AutoDiscoveryAddress configured on the server side HA-JNDI service. Note that the server side HA-JNDI service by default listens on the address specified via the -u startup switch, so if -u is used on the server side (as is recommended), jnp.discoveryGroup will need to be configured on the client side.

  • jnp.discoveryPort: Determines which multicast port is used for the automatic discovery. Default is 1102. Must match the value of the AutoDiscoveryPort configured on the server side HA-JNDI service.

  • jnp.discoveryTTL: specifies the TTL (time-to-live) f or autodiscovery IP multicast packets. This value represents the number of network hops a multicast packet can be allowed to propagate before networking equipment should drop the packet. Despite its name, it does not represent a unit of time.

Since AS 5.1.0.GA, there's a new system property called jboss.global.jnp.disableDiscovery that controls autodiscovery behaivour at the client VM level and it can take true or false (default value) boolean values. The system property works in such way that if missing or it's set to false, default auto discovery behaivour will be used. If set to true, the following can happen:

  • If jnp.DisableDiscovery not present when context is created, auto discovery will not be attempted.
  • If jnp.DisableDiscovery is present when context is created and this is set to true, auto discovery will not be attempted.
  • If jnp.DisableDiscovery is present when context is created and is set to false, the global auto discovery system property is ignored and auto discovery will be attempted. This enables global discovery client VM setting to be overriden.

The hajndi-jboss-beans.xml file in the JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy/cluster directory includes the following bean to enable HA-JNDI services.

<bean name="HAJNDI" class="org.jboss.ha.jndi.HANamingService">    

  <!-- The partition used for group RPCs to find locally bound objects on other nodes -->
  <property name="HAPartition"><inject bean="HAPartition"/></property>
  <!-- Handler for the replicated tree -->
  <property name="distributedTreeManager">
    <bean class="org.jboss.ha.jndi.impl.jbc.JBossCacheDistributedTreeManager">
      <property name="cacheHandler"><inject bean="HAPartitionCacheHandler"/></property>
  <property name="localNamingInstance">
    <inject bean="jboss:service=NamingBeanImpl" property="namingInstance"/>
  <!-- The thread pool used to control the bootstrap and auto discovery lookups -->
  <property name="lookupPool"><inject bean="jboss.system:service=ThreadPool"/></property>
  <!-- Bind address of bootstrap endpoint -->
  <property name="bindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</property>
  <!-- Port on which the HA-JNDI stub is made available -->
  <property name="port">
    <!-- Get the port from the ServiceBindingManager -->
    <value-factory bean="ServiceBindingManager" method="getIntBinding">
  <!-- Bind address of the HA-JNDI RMI endpoint -->
  <property name="rmiBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</property>
  <!-- RmiPort to be used by the HA-JNDI service once bound. 0 = ephemeral. -->
  <property name="rmiPort">
    <!-- Get the port from the ServiceBindingManager -->
    <value-factory bean="ServiceBindingManager" method="getIntBinding">
  <!-- Accept backlog of the bootstrap socket -->
  <property name="backlog">50</property>

  <!-- A flag to disable the auto discovery via multicast -->
  <property name="discoveryDisabled">false</property>
  <!-- Set the auto-discovery bootstrap multicast bind address. If not 
          specified and a BindAddress is specified, the BindAddress will be used. -->
  <property name="autoDiscoveryBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</property>
  <!-- Multicast Address and group port used for auto-discovery -->
  <property name="autoDiscoveryAddress">${jboss.partition.udpGroup:}</property>
  <property name="autoDiscoveryGroup">1102</property>
  <!-- The TTL (time-to-live) for autodiscovery IP multicast packets -->
  <property name="autoDiscoveryTTL">16</property>
  <!-- The load balancing policy for HA-JNDI -->
  <property name="loadBalancePolicy">

  <!-- Client socket factory to be used for client-server
          RMI invocations during JNDI queries
  <property name="clientSocketFactory">custom</property>
  <!-- Server socket factory to be used for client-server
          RMI invocations during JNDI queries
  <property name="serverSocketFactory">custom</property>

You can see that this bean has a number of other services injected into different properties:

Besides the above dependency injected services, the available configuration attributes for the HAJNDI bean are as follows:

  • bindAddress specifies the address to which the HA-JNDI server will bind to listen for naming proxy download requests from JNP clients. The default value is the value of the jboss.bind.address system property, or localhost if that property is not set. The jboss.bind.address system property is set if the -b command line switch is used when JBoss is started.

  • port specifies the port to which the HA-JNDI server will bind to listen for naming proxy download requests from JNP clients. The value is obtained from the ServiceBindingManager bean configured in conf/bootstrap/bindings.xml. The default value is 1100.

  • Backlog specifies the maximum queue length for incoming connection indications for the TCP server socket on which the service listens for naming proxy download requests from JNP clients. The default value is 50.

  • rmiBindAddress specifies the address to which the HA-JNDI server will bind to listen for RMI requests (e.g. for JNDI lookups) from naming proxies. The default value is the value of the jboss.bind.address system property, or localhost if that property is not set. The jboss.bind.address system property is set if the -b command line switch is used when JBoss is started.

  • rmiPort specifies the port to which the server will bind to communicate with the downloaded stub. The value is obtained from the ServiceBindingManager bean configured in conf/bootstrap/bindings.xml. The default value is 1101. If no value is set, the operating system automatically assigns a port.

  • discoveryDisabled is a boolean flag that disables configuration of the auto discovery multicast listener. The default is false.

  • autoDiscoveryAddress specifies the multicast address to listen to for JNDI automatic discovery. The default value is the value of the jboss.partition.udpGroup system property, or if that is not set. The jboss.partition.udpGroup system property is set if the -u command line switch is used when JBoss is started.

  • autoDiscoveryGroup specifies the port to listen on for multicast JNDI automatic discovery packets. The default value is 1102.

  • autoDiscoveryBindAddress sets the interface on which HA-JNDI should listen for auto-discovery request packets. If this attribute is not specified and a bindAddress is specified, the bindAddress will be used.

  • autoDiscoveryTTL specifies the TTL (time-to-live) for autodiscovery IP multicast packets. This value represents the number of network hops a multicast packet can be allowed to propagate before networking equipment should drop the packet. Despite its name, it does not represent a unit of time.

  • loadBalancePolicy specifies the class name of the LoadBalancePolicyimplementation that should be included in the client proxy. See ??? for details.

  • clientSocketFactory is an optional attribute that specifies the fully qualified classname of the java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory that should be used to create client sockets. The default is null.

  • serverSocketFactory is an optional attribute that specifies the fully qualified classname of the java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory that should be used to create server sockets. The default is null.

It is possible to start several HA-JNDI services that use different HAPartitions. This can be used, for example, if a node is part of many logical clusters. In this case, make sure that you set a different port or IP address for each service. For instance, if you wanted to hook up HA-JNDI to the example cluster you set up and change the binding port, the bean descriptor would look as follows (properties that do not vary from the standard deployments are omitted):

<-- Cache Handler for secondary HAPartition -->
<bean name="SecondaryHAPartitionCacheHandler"
  <property name="cacheManager"><inject bean="CacheManager"/></property>
  <property name="cacheConfigName">secondary-ha-partition</property>
<-- The secondary HAPartition -->
<bean name="SecondaryHAPartition" class="org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartition">
  <property name="cacheHandler">
    <inject bean="SecondaryHAPartitionCacheHandler"/>
  <property name="partitionName">SecondaryPartition</property>
<bean name="MySpecialPartitionHAJNDI" class="org.jboss.ha.jndi.HANamingService">   
  <property name="HAPartition"><inject bean="SecondaryHAPartition"/></property>
  <property name="distributedTreeManager">
    <bean class="org.jboss.ha.jndi.impl.jbc.JBossCacheDistributedTreeManager">
      <property name="cacheHandler">
        <inject bean="SecondaryHAPartitionPartitionCacheHandler"/>
  <property name="port">56789</property>      
  <property name="rmiPort">56790</property>      
  <property name="autoDiscoveryGroup">56791</property>