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JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

6.8.2.  < rich:dropDownMenu > available since 3.0.0

The <rich:dropDownMenu> component is used for creating multilevel drop-down menus.

All attributes except "value" are optional. The "value" attribute defines text to be represented. If you can use the "label" facet, you can even not use the "value" attribute.

Here is an example:


<f:facet name="label">
    <h:graphicImage value="/images/img1.png"/>

Use the "event" attribute to define an event for the represented element that triggers a menu appearance. An example of a menu appearance on a click can be seen below.


<rich:dropDownMenu event="onclick" value="Item1">
    <!--Nested menu components-->

The <rich:dropDownMenu> "submitMode" attribute can be set to three possible parameters:

Regular form submission request is used.

Ajax submission is used for switching.

The "action" and "actionListener" item's attributes are ignored. Menu items don't fire any submits themselves. The behavior is fully defined by the components nested into items.

The "direction" and "jointPoint" attributes are used for defining aspects of menu appearance.

Possible values for the "direction" attribute are:

Possible values for the "jointPoint" attribute are:

By default, the "direction" and "jointPoint" attributes are set to "auto".

Here is an example:


<rich:dropDownMenu value="File" direction="bottom-right" jointPoint="bl">
    <rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="New" action="#{ddmenu.doNew}"/>
    <rich:menuItem   submitMode="ajax"  value="Open" action="#{ddmenu.doOpen}"/>
    <rich:menuGroup value="Save As...">
        <rich:menuItem   submitMode="ajax" value="Text File"  action="#{ddmenu.doSaveText}"/>
        <rich:menuItem   submitMode="ajax" value="PDF File"  action="#{ddmenu.doSavePDF}"/>
    <rich:menuItem  submitMode="ajax" value="Close" action="#{ddmenu.doClose}"/>
    <rich:menuSeparator id="menuSeparator11"/>
    <rich:menuItem  submitMode="ajax" value="Exit"  action="#{ddmenu.doExit}"/>

This is the result:

You can correct an offset of the pop-up list relative to the label using the following attributes: "horizontalOffset" and "verticalOffset" .

Here is an example:


<rich:dropDownMenu value="File" direction="bottom-right" jointPoint="tr" horizontalOffset="-15" verticalOffset="0">
    <rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="New" action="#{ddmenu.doNew}"/>
    <rich:menuItem   submitMode="ajax"  value="Open" action="#{ddmenu.doOpen}"/>
    <rich:menuGroup value="Save As...">
        <rich:menuItem   submitMode="ajax" value="Text File"  action="#{ddmenu.doSaveText}"/>
        <rich:menuItem   submitMode="ajax" value="PDF File"  action="#{ddmenu.doSavePDF}"/>
    <rich:menuItem  submitMode="ajax" value="Close" action="#{ddmenu.doClose}"/>
    <rich:menuSeparator id="menuSeparator11"/>
    <rich:menuItem  submitMode="ajax" value="Exit"  action="#{ddmenu.doExit}"/>

This is the result:

The "disabled" attribute is used for disabling whole <rich:dropDownMenu> component. In this case it is necessary to define "disabled" attribute as "true". An example is placed below.


<rich:dropDownMenu value="File"  disabled="true">

Table of <rich:dropDownMenu> attributes.

You can find all necessary information about style classes redefinition in
Definition of Custom Style Classes section.

On the component LiveDemo page you can see the example of <rich:dropDownMenu> usage and sources for the given example.