JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
The <rich:menuGroup> component is used to define an expandable group of items inside a pop-up list or another group.
Highly customizable look-and-feel
Grouping of any menu's items
Pop-up appearance event customization
Support for disabling
Smart user-defined positioning
The "value" attribute defines the text representation of a group element in the page.
The "icon" attribute defines an icon for the component. The "iconDisabled" attribute defines an icon for when the group is disabled. Also you can use the "icon" and "iconDisabled" facets. If the facets are defined, the corresponding "icon" and "iconDisabled" attributes are ignored and the facets' contents are used as icons. This could be used for an item check box implementation.
Here is an example:
<f:facet name="icon">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.property}"/>
The "iconFolder" and "iconFolderDisabled" attributes are defined for using icons as folder icons. The "iconFolder" and "iconFolderDisabled" facets use their contents as folder icon representations in place of the attribute values.
The "direction" attribute is used to define which way to display the menu as shown in the example below:
Possible values are:
"left - down" - a submenu is attached to the left side of the menu and is dropping down
"left - up" - a submenu is attached to the left side of the menu and is dropping up
"right - down" - a submenu is attached to the right side of the menu and is dropping down
"right - up" - a submenu is attached to the right side of the menu and is dropping up
"auto - smart" positioning activation
By default, the "direction" attribute is set to "auto".
Here is an example:
<rich:menuGroup value="Save As..." direction="left-down">
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="Text File" action="#{ddmenu.doSaveText}"/>
<rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="PDF File" action="#{ddmenu.doSavePDF}"/>
This would be the result:
The <rich:menuGroup> component was designed to be used only for pop-up menu list creation.
Table of <rich:menuGroup> attributes.
Table 6.81. Component Identification Parameters
Name | Value |
component-type | org.richfaces.MenuGroup |
component-class | org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlMenuGroup |
component-family | org.richfaces.DropDownMenu |
renderer-type | org.richfaces.MenuGroupRenderer |
tag-class | org.richfaces.taglib.MenuGroupTag |
Table 6.82. Facets
Facet | Description |
icon | Redefines the icon for the enabled item state. Related attribute is "icon" |
iconFolder | Redefines the folder icon for the enabled item state. Related attribute is "iconFolder" |
Table 6.83. Classes names that define an appearance of group elements
Class name | Description |
rich-menu-group | Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for a group |
rich-menu-item-label | Defines styles for a label of an item |
rich-menu-item-icon | Defines styles for the left icon of an item |
rich-menu-item-folder | Defines styles for the right icon of an item |
Table 6.84. Classes names that define different states
Class name | Description |
rich-menu-item-label-disabled | Defines styles for a label of a disabled item |
rich-menu-item-icon-disabled | Defines styles for the left icon of a disabled item |
rich-menu-item-folder-disabled | Defines styles for the right icon of a disabled item |
rich-menu-group-hover | Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element of a hover group |
rich-menu-item-icon-enabled | Defines styles for the left icon of an enabled item |
rich-menu-item-icon-selected | Defines styles for the left icon of a selected item |
On the component LiveDemo page you can see the example of <rich:menuGroup> usage and sources for the given example.