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Datasource Examples

Pooling DataSources
Non-pooling DataSources

Here are examples of configuring a JNDI datasource for various databases.


Read Configuring DataSources in Configuring JNDI for more information about configuring datasources.

All of these examples correspond to a resource-ref in web.xml.

     <description>My DataSource Reference</description>


These examples assume that all of the datasources are declared at the JVM scope, but you can use other scopes if desired. You can configure all JNDI resources in a jetty.xml file or in a WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml file, or a context XML file. See the section Deciding Where to Declare Resources for more information.


You must provide Jetty with the libraries necessary to instantiate the datasource you have configured by putting the corresponding Jar in JETTY_HOME/lib/ext.

Pooling DataSources

Pooling datasources enables connection pooling, which lets you reuse an existing connection instead of creating a new connection to the database. This is highly efficient in terms of memory allocation and speed of the request to the database. We highly recommend this option for production environments.

The following is a list of the pooled datasource examples we have worked with in the past:


Connection pooling, available at BoneCP Download. All configuration options for BoneCP are described here: BoneCP API.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
       <New class="com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPDataSource">
         <Set name="driverClass">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</Set>
         <Set name="jdbcUrl">jdbc.url</Set>
         <Set name="username">jdbc.user</Set>
         <Set name="password">jdbc.pass</Set>
         <Set name="minConnectionsPerPartition">5</Set>
         <Set name="maxConnectionsPerPartition">50</Set>
         <Set name="acquireIncrement">5</Set>
         <Set name="idleConnectionTestPeriod">30</Set>



Connection pooling, available at c3p0 Jar.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
      <New class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource">
         <Set name="driverClass">org.some.Driver</Set>
         <Set name="jdbcUrl">jdbc.url</Set>
         <Set name="user">jdbc.user</Set>
         <Set name="password">jdbc.pass</Set>



Connection pooling, available at dbcp Jar.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
         <New class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
            <Set name="driverClassName">org.some.Driver</Set>
            <Set name="url">jdbc.url</Set>
            <Set name="username">jdbc.user</Set>
            <Set name="password">jdbc.pass</Set>


Atomikos 3.3.2+

Connection pooling + XA transactions.

   <New id="DSTest" class="">
         <New class="com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosDataSourceBean">
            <Set name="minPoolSize">2</Set>
            <Set name="maxPoolSize">50</Set>
            <Set name="xaDataSourceClassName">com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource</Set>
            <Set name="UniqueResourceName">DSTest</Set>
            <Get name="xaProperties">
               <Call name="setProperty">
               <Call name="setProperty">
               <Call name="setProperty">



Implements javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
        <New class="com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource">
           <Set name="Url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/databasename</Set>
           <Set name="User">user</Set>
           <Set name="Password">pass</Set>



Implements javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
        <New class="org.postgresql.ds.PGConnectionPoolDataSource">
           <Set name="User">user</Set>
           <Set name="Password">pass</Set>
           <Set name="DatabaseName">dbname</Set>
           <Set name="ServerName">localhost</Set>
           <Set name="PortNumber">5432</Set>



Implements javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
        <New class="">
           <Set name="DatabaseName">dbname</Set>
           <Set name="User">user</Set>
           <Set name="Password">pass</Set>
           <Set name="ServerName">servername</Set>
           <Set name="PortNumber">50000</Set>


Non-pooling DataSources

If you are deploying in a production environment, we highly recommend using a Pooling DataSource. Since that is not always an option we have a handful of examples for non-pooling datasources listed here as well.

The following is a list of the non-pooled datasource examples:

SQL Server 2000

Implements javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
        <New class="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource">
           <Set name="User">user</Set>
           <Set name="Password">pass</Set>
           <Set name="DatabaseName">dbname</Set>
           <Set name="ServerName">localhost</Set>
           <Set name="PortNumber">1433</Set>

Oracle 9i/10g

Implements javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
      <New class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource">
        <Set name="DriverType">thin</Set>
        <Set name="URL">jdbc:oracle:thin:@fmsswdb1:10017:otcd</Set>
        <Set name="User">xxxx</Set>
        <Set name="Password">xxxx</Set>
        <Set name="connectionCachingEnabled">true</Set>
        <Set name="connectionCacheProperties">
          <New class="java.util.Properties">
            <Call name="setProperty">
            <!-- put the other properties in here too -->

For more information, refer to: Oracle Database JDBC documentation.


Implements javax.sql.DataSource.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
        <New class="org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource">
           <Set name="User">user</Set>
           <Set name="Password">pass</Set>
           <Set name="DatabaseName">dbname</Set>
           <Set name="ServerName">localhost</Set>
           <Set name="PortNumber">5432</Set>


Implements javax.sql.DataSource.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
        <New class="com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDataSource">
           <Set name="DatabaseName">dbname</Set>
           <Set name="User">user</Set>
           <Set name="Password">pass</Set>
           <Set name="ServerName">servername</Set>
           <Set name="PortNumber">5000</Set>


Implements javax.sql.DataSource.

  <New id="DSTest" class="">
        <New class="">
           <Set name="DatabaseName">dbname</Set>
           <Set name="User">user</Set>
           <Set name="Password">pass</Set>
           <Set name="ServerName">servername</Set>
           <Set name="PortNumber">50000</Set>

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