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Setting Port 80 Access for a Non-Root User

Using ipchains
Using iptables
Configuring Jetty's SetUID Feature
Using xinetd
Using the Solaris 10 User Rights Management Framework

On Unix-based systems, port 80 is protected; typically only the superuser root can open it. For security reasons, it is not desirable to run the server as root. This page presents several options to access port 80 as a non-root user, including using ipchains, iptables, Jetty's SetUID feature, xinetd, and the Solaris 10 User Rights Management Framework.

Using ipchains

On some Linux systems you can use the ipchains REDIRECT mechanism to redirect from one port to another inside the kernel (if ipchains is not available, then usually iptables is):

# /sbin/ipchains -I input --proto TCP --dport 80 -j REDIRECT 8080

This command instructs the system as follows: "Insert into the kernel's packet filtering the following as the first rule to check on incoming packets: if the protocol is TCP and the destination port is 80, redirect the packet to port 8080". Be aware that your kernel must be compiled with support for ipchains (virtually all stock kernels are). You must also have the ipchains command-line utility installed. You can run this command at any time, preferably just once, since it inserts another copy of the rule every time you run it.

Using iptables

On many Linux systems you can use the iptables REDIRECT mechanism to redirect from one port to another inside the kernel (if iptables is not available, then usually ipchains is).

You need to add something like the following to the startup scripts or your firewall rules:

# /sbin/iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

The underlying model of iptables is different from ipchains, so the forwarding normally happens only to packets originating off-box. You also need to allow incoming packets to port 8080 if you use iptables as a local firewall.

Be careful to place rules like this one early in your input chain. Such rules must precede any rule that accepts the packet, otherwise the redirection won't occur. You can insert as many rules as required if your server needs to listen on multiple ports, as for HTTPS.

Configuring Jetty's SetUID Feature

SetUID is a technique that uses Unix-like file system access right to allow users to run an executable that would otherwise require higher privileges.

Jetty's SetUID module allows you to run Jetty as a normal user even when you need to run Jetty on port 80 or 443. The module is hosted as part of the Jetty ToolChain project and it is released independently from Jetty itself (and as such it has a different version than Jetty releases). You can find the source code here, while the Maven coordinates are:


Jetty's SetUID module provides an implementation for Linux and OSX.

Since the SetUID feature requires native code, you may need to build it for your environment.

In order to use Jetty's SetUID module, you need to copy file jetty-setuid-java-<version>.jar into $jetty.home/lib, and make sure that the native library file (for Linux this file is called is present in the native library path of the JVM (see also Configuring Jetty for SetUID).

Jetty's SetUID module also provides a default configuration file in the Jetty XML format, in file jetty-setuid-java-<version>-config.jar. This file can be unjarred in $jetty.home/lib and it will provide a $jetty.home/etc/jetty-setuid.xml file that you can customize. Alternatively, follow the next section that specifies how to create a Jetty XML config file for Jetty's SetUID.

Creating a Jetty Config File

Jetty SetUID module works by replacing the usual org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server instance with a org.eclipse.jetty.setuid.SetUIDServer instance.

Create a Jetty config file as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Mort Bay Consulting//DTD Configure//EN" "">
<Configure id="Server" class="org.eclipse.jetty.setuid.SetUIDServer">
  <Set name="umask">UMASK</Set>
  <Set name="uid">USERID</Set>

where you replace:

  • UMASK with the umask setting you want the process to have.

    • You must enter it in decimal. That is, if you want the effect of umask 022, you must enter

      <Set name="umask">18</Set>
    • If you prefer octal, enter

      <Set name="umaskOctal">022</Set>
    • You can remove this line if you don't want to change this the umask at runtime.

    • Set it to 002 if you get an error to the effect that root does not have permission to write to the log file.

  • USERID with the ID of the user you want the process to execute as once the ports have been opened.

Configuring Jetty for SetUID

The easiest way to do this is to edit the $jetty.home/start.ini file:

  • uncomment --exec

  • add -Djava.library.path=lib/setuid, the path where the native library can be found

  • add an option for SetUID: OPTIONS=Server,jsp,jmx,resources,websocket,ext,jta,plus,jdbc,annotations,setuid

  • add etc/jetty-setuid.xml as the first file in the configuration file section. This allows the Server instance to be created as org.eclipse.jetty.setuid.SetUIDServer


You must ensure that the etc/jetty-setuid.xml file is first in the list of config files.

Running Jetty as Root User

Having edited start.ini as advised above, to run jetty as the root user:

  • Switch to the userid of your choice.

  • Optionally set the umask of your choice.

  • Enter the following command:

    sudo java -jar start.jar

Using xinetd

With modern Linux flavours, inetd has a newer, better big brother xinetd, that you can use to redirect network traffic. Since xinetd is driven by text files, all you need is a text editor. For detailed information, see

There are two ways to give xinetd instructions:

  • Add a new service to etc/xinetd.conf

  • Add a new file to the directory etc/xinetd.d

The format is the same; if you have a look at the file/directory, you will get the picture.

The following entry redirects all inward TCP traffic on port 80 to port 8888 on the local machine. You can also redirect to other machines for gimp proxying:

service my_redirector
 type = UNLISTED
 disable = no
 socket_type = stream
 protocol = tcp
 user = root
 wait = no
 port = 80
 redirect = 8888
 log_type = FILE /tmp/somefile.log


Be aware of the following:

  • Include a space on either side of the '=' or it is ignored.

  • type = UNLISTED means that the name of the service does not have to be listed in /etc/services, but then you have to specify port and protocol. If you want to do use an existing service name, for example, http:

    service http
     disable = no
     socket_type = stream
     user = root
     wait = no
     redirect = 8888
     log_type = FILE /tmp/somefile.log

    Have a browse in /etc/services and it will all become clear.

  • Logging might present certain security problems, so you might want to leave that out.

xinetd is a hugely powerful and configurable system, so expect to do some reading.

Using the Solaris 10 User Rights Management Framework

Solaris 10 provides a User Rights Management framework that can permit users and processes superuser-like abilities:

usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,net_privaddr myself

Now the myself user can bind to port 80.

Refer to the Solaris 10 and Solaris 11 Security Services documentation for more information.

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