Class PrimType

  extended by gnu.bytecode.Type
      extended by gnu.bytecode.PrimType
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PrimType
extends Type

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class gnu.bytecode.Type
boolean_ctype, boolean_type, booleanType, booleanValue_method, byte_type, byteType, char_type, charType, clone_method, double_type, doubleType, doubleValue_method, float_type, floatType, floatValue_method, int_type, intType, intValue_method, java_lang_Class_type, javalangBooleanType, javalangClassType, javalangNumberType, javalangObjectType, javalangStringType, javalangThrowableType, long_type, longType, longValue_method, neverReturnsType, nullType, number_type, objectType, pointer_type, reflectClass, short_type, shortType, string_type, throwable_type, toString_method, tostring_type, toStringType, typeArray0, void_type, voidType
Constructor Summary
protected PrimType(PrimType type)
  PrimType(java.lang.String nam, java.lang.String sig, int siz, java.lang.Class reflectClass)
Method Summary
static boolean booleanValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Coerce value to a boolean.
 char charValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Coerce value to a char.
 java.lang.Object coerceFromObject(java.lang.Object obj)
          Convert an object to a value of this Type.
static int compare(PrimType type1, PrimType type2)
 int compare(Type other)
          Return a numeric code showing "subtype" relationship: 1: if other is a pure subtype of this; 0: if has the same values; -1: if this is a pure subtype of other; -2: if they have values in common but neither is a subtype of the other; -3: if the types have no values in common.
 void emitCoerceFromObject(CodeAttr code)
          Compile code to coerce/convert from Object to this type.
 void emitCoerceToObject(CodeAttr code)
          Compile code to convert a object of this type on the stack to Object.
 void emitIsInstance(CodeAttr code)
Methods inherited from class gnu.bytecode.Type
coerceToObject, getImplementationType, getName, getReflectClass, getSignature, getSize, getSizeInWords, getType, hashCode, isInstance, isMoreSpecific, isSubtype, isValidJavaTypeName, isVoid, lookupType, lowestCommonSuperType, make, printSignature, promote, registerTypeForClass, setName, setReflectClass, setSignature, signatureLength, signatureLength, signatureToName, signatureToPrimitive, signatureToType, signatureToType, swappedCompareResult, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PrimType(java.lang.String nam,
                java.lang.String sig,
                int siz,
                java.lang.Class reflectClass)


protected PrimType(PrimType type)
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object coerceFromObject(java.lang.Object obj)
Description copied from class: Type
Convert an object to a value of this Type. Throw a ClassCastException when this is not possible.

Specified by:
coerceFromObject in class Type


public char charValue(java.lang.Object value)
Coerce value to a char. Only defined if getSignature() is "C".


public static boolean booleanValue(java.lang.Object value)
Coerce value to a boolean. Only defined if getSignature() is "Z".


public void emitCoerceToObject(CodeAttr code)
Description copied from class: Type
Compile code to convert a object of this type on the stack to Object.

emitCoerceToObject in class Type


public void emitIsInstance(CodeAttr code)
emitIsInstance in class Type


public void emitCoerceFromObject(CodeAttr code)
Description copied from class: Type
Compile code to coerce/convert from Object to this type.

emitCoerceFromObject in class Type


public static int compare(PrimType type1,
                          PrimType type2)


public int compare(Type other)
Description copied from class: Type
Return a numeric code showing "subtype" relationship: 1: if other is a pure subtype of this; 0: if has the same values; -1: if this is a pure subtype of other; -2: if they have values in common but neither is a subtype of the other; -3: if the types have no values in common. "Same member" is rather loose; by "A is a subtype of B" we mean that all instance of A can be "widened" to B. More formally, returns: 1: all B values can be converted to A without a coercion failure (i.e. a ClassCastException or overflow or major loss of information), but not vice versa. 0: all A values can be converted to B without a coercion failure and vice versa; -1: all A values can be converted to B without a coercion failure not not vice versa; -2: there are (potentially) some A values that can be converted to B, and some B values can be converted to A; -3: there are no A values that can be converted to B, and neither are there any B values that can be converted to A.

Specified by:
compare in class Type