Uses of Class

Packages that use PrimType
gnu.bytecode Contains classes to generate, read, write, and print Java bytecode in the form of .class files. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 

Uses of PrimType in gnu.bytecode

Fields in gnu.bytecode declared as PrimType
static PrimType Type.boolean_type
static PrimType Type.booleanType
static PrimType Type.byte_type
static PrimType Type.byteType
static PrimType Type.char_type
static PrimType Type.charType
static PrimType Type.double_type
static PrimType Type.doubleType
static PrimType Type.float_type
static PrimType Type.floatType
static PrimType Type.int_type
static PrimType Type.intType
static PrimType Type.long_type
static PrimType Type.longType
static PrimType Type.neverReturnsType
          The "return type" of an expression that never returns, such as a throw.
static PrimType Type.short_type
static PrimType Type.shortType
static PrimType Type.void_type
static PrimType Type.voidType

Methods in gnu.bytecode that return PrimType
static PrimType Type.signatureToPrimitive(char sig)
          Returns the primitive type corresponding to a signature character.

Methods in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type PrimType
static int type1, PrimType type2)
 void CodeAttr.emitAdd(PrimType type)
 void CodeAttr.emitSub(PrimType type)

Constructors in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type PrimType
PrimType(PrimType type)

Uses of PrimType in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Subclasses of PrimType in gnu.kawa.lispexpr
 class LangPrimType
          Use to implement some special types that convert differently.

Constructors in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type PrimType
LangPrimType(PrimType type)
LangPrimType(PrimType type, Language language)