Uses of Interface

Packages that use Consumer
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.buffer Provides various building blocks for building an Emacs-like text editor. 
gnu.jemacs.lang Contains classes to implement the Emacs Lisp language. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
gnu.lists Contains utility classes and interfaces for sequences (lists), arrays, and trees. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 
gnu.q2.lang Support for the experimental Q2 language. 
gnu.text Supports various utility classes for formatting, parsing, and manipulating text (strings). 
gnu.xml Utilities for working with XML. 
kawa Classes for user interaction with Kawa. 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 

Uses of Consumer in gnu.expr

Methods in gnu.expr that return Consumer
 Consumer Language.getOutputConsumer( out)

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type Consumer
 void Language.eval( in, Consumer out)
          Read expressions from a Reader and write the result to a Consumer.
 void Language.eval(java.lang.String string, Consumer out)
          Evaluate a string and write the result value(s) to a Consumer.
 void Special.print(Consumer out)
 void Keyword.print(Consumer out)
 void Expression.print(Consumer out)
static void Symbols.print(java.lang.String name, Consumer out)
 void out)
static void ModuleBody.runCleanup(CallContext ctx, java.lang.Throwable th, Consumer save)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.jemacs.buffer

Methods in gnu.jemacs.buffer with parameters of type Consumer
 void Buffer.consume(int start, int count, Consumer out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.jemacs.lang

Methods in gnu.jemacs.lang with parameters of type Consumer
 void Print.write(int v, Consumer out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.jemacs.swt

Methods in gnu.jemacs.swt with parameters of type Consumer
 void BufferContent.consume(int start, int count, Consumer out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.kawa.brl

Methods in gnu.kawa.brl that return Consumer
 Consumer BRL.getOutputConsumer( out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type Consumer
 void DisplayFormat.write(int v, Consumer out)
 void DisplayFormat.writeBoolean(boolean v, Consumer out)
 void DisplayFormat.writeObject(java.lang.Object obj, Consumer out)
 void DisplayFormat.writeObjectRaw(java.lang.Object obj, Consumer out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.kawa.sax

Classes in gnu.kawa.sax that implement Consumer
 class ContentConsumer
          Forward Consumer events to a SAX2 ContentHandler.
 class KawaXMLReader
          An implementation of SAX2 XMLReader.

Uses of Consumer in gnu.kawa.servlet

Classes in gnu.kawa.servlet that implement Consumer
 class ServletPrinter
          A Consumer that sends output to a ServletResponse.

Uses of Consumer in gnu.kawa.xml

Classes in gnu.kawa.xml that implement Consumer
 class HttpPrinter
          Output as an Http response.
 class Nodes
          Manages a sequence of node references.
 class SortedNodes
          Manages a sequence of node references in document order without duplicates.

Methods in gnu.kawa.xml that return Consumer
 Consumer HttpPrinter.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq)
 Consumer HttpPrinter.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
 Consumer Nodes.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq, int start, int end)

Methods in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type Consumer
static void Attributes.attributes(java.lang.Object node, Consumer consumer)
static void Attributes.attributes(TreeList tlist, int index, Consumer consumer)
static void Children.children(java.lang.Object node, Consumer consumer)
static void Children.children(TreeList tlist, int index, Consumer consumer)
 void KNode.consume(Consumer out)
static void MakeElement.endElement(Consumer out, java.lang.Object type)
static void Document.parse(java.lang.Object name, Consumer out)
static void NodeConstructor.popNodeConsumer(Consumer saved, Consumer current)
static void NodeConstructor.popNodeContext(Consumer saved, CallContext ctx)
 void XDataType.print(java.lang.Object value, Consumer out)
static void MakeProcInst.procInst$C(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.Object content, Consumer out)
static XMLFilter NodeConstructor.pushNodeConsumer(Consumer out)
static void MakeAttribute.startAttribute(Consumer out, java.lang.Object type)
static void MakeElement.startElement(Consumer out, java.lang.Object qname, int copyNamespacesMode)
static void MakeElement.startElement(Consumer out, java.lang.Object qname, int copyNamespacesMode, NamespaceBinding namespaceNodes)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.kawa.xslt

Classes in gnu.kawa.xslt that implement Consumer
 class XslTranslator
          Translate an XSLT stylesheet to a Kawa Expression tree.

Methods in gnu.kawa.xslt that return Consumer
 Consumer XslTranslator.append(char v)
 Consumer XslTranslator.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq)
 Consumer XslTranslator.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq, int start, int end)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.lists

Subinterfaces of Consumer in gnu.lists
 interface XConsumer
          A Consumer extended with XML-specific methods.

Classes in gnu.lists that implement Consumer
 class FilterConsumer
          A Consumer that wraps some other Consumer.
 class PrintConsumer
          A Consumer that extends a PrintWriter.
 class TreeList
          A compact representation of a tree, that is a nested list structure.
 class VoidConsumer
          A Consumer that does nothing.

Fields in gnu.lists declared as Consumer
protected  Consumer FilterConsumer.base
protected  Consumer ConsumerWriter.out

Methods in gnu.lists that return Consumer
 Consumer Consumer.append(char c)
 Consumer FilterConsumer.append(char c)
 Consumer TreeList.append(char c)
 Consumer Consumer.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq)
 Consumer FilterConsumer.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq)
 Consumer TreeList.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq)
 Consumer Consumer.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
 Consumer FilterConsumer.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
 Consumer TreeList.append(java.lang.CharSequence csq, int start, int end)

Methods in gnu.lists with parameters of type Consumer
 void AbstractSequence.consume(Consumer out)
 void FVector.consume(Consumer out)
 void LList.consume(Consumer out)
 void FString.consume(Consumer out)
 void Consumable.consume(Consumer out)
 void TreeList.consume(Consumer out)
 void CharSeq.consume(int start, int count, Consumer out)
 void CharBuffer.consume(int start, int count, Consumer dest)
 void SimpleVector.consume(int start, int length, Consumer out)
 void SubCharSeq.consume(int start, int count, Consumer out)
 int TreeList.consumeIRange(int startPosition, int endPosition, Consumer out)
 boolean BitVector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean AbstractSequence.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
          Copy an element specified by a position pair to a Consumer.
 boolean S32Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean FVector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean S8Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean U64Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean SimpleVector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean U32Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean F64Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean FString.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean S16Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean F32Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean S64Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean TreeList.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean U16Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 boolean U8Vector.consumeNext(int ipos, Consumer out)
 void BitVector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void GeneralArray1.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void AbstractSequence.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void S32Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void GapVector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void StableVector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void FVector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void S8Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void U64Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void SimpleVector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void U32Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void F64Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void FString.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void S16Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void F32Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void S64Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void TreeList.consumePosRange(int startPos, int endPos, Consumer out)
 void U16Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void U8Vector.consumePosRange(int iposStart, int iposEnd, Consumer out)
 void AbstractFormat.endAttribute(Consumer out)
 void AbstractFormat.endElement(Consumer out)
 void AbstractFormat.format(java.lang.Object value, Consumer out)
 void AbstractFormat.startAttribute(java.lang.Object attrType, Consumer out)
 void AbstractFormat.startElement(java.lang.Object type, Consumer out)
 void AbstractFormat.write(int v, Consumer out)
protected  void AbstractFormat.write(java.lang.String str, Consumer out)
 void AbstractFormat.writeBoolean(boolean v, Consumer out)
 void AbstractFormat.writeInt(int i, Consumer out)
          Write an int.
 void AbstractFormat.writeLong(long v, Consumer out)
          Write a long.
abstract  void AbstractFormat.writeObject(java.lang.Object v, Consumer out)

Constructors in gnu.lists with parameters of type Consumer
ConsumerWriter(Consumer out)
FilterConsumer(Consumer base)
PrintConsumer(Consumer out, boolean autoFlush)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.mapping

Classes in gnu.mapping that implement Consumer
 class CharArrayOutPort
          Similar to CharArrayWriter.
 class OutPort
          An extended PrintWriter.
 class Values
          Encapsulate multiple values in a single object.
 class ValueStack

Fields in gnu.mapping declared as Consumer
 Consumer CallContext.consumer
          Function results are written to this Consumer.

Methods in gnu.mapping with parameters of type Consumer
 void Values.print(Consumer out)
 void OutPort.print(Consumer out)
 void InPort.print(Consumer out)
 void CallContext.runUntilValue(Consumer out)
          Run until no more continuations, sending result to a COnsumer.
 void CharArrayOutPort.writeTo(Consumer out)
 void CharArrayOutPort.writeTo(int start, int count, Consumer out)
static void Values.writeValues(java.lang.Object value, Consumer out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.q2.lang

Methods in gnu.q2.lang that return Consumer
 Consumer Q2.getOutputConsumer( out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.text

Methods in gnu.text with parameters of type Consumer
 void Char.print(Consumer out)
 void Printable.print(Consumer out)
static void Char.print(int i, Consumer out)
static void ReportFormat.print(java.lang.Object value, Consumer out)
 void EnglishIntegerFormat.writeBoolean(boolean value, Consumer out)
 void EnglishIntegerFormat.writeInt(int value, Consumer out)
 void EnglishIntegerFormat.writeLong(long value, Consumer out)
 void EnglishIntegerFormat.writeObject(java.lang.Object value, Consumer out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.xml

Classes in gnu.xml that implement Consumer
 class NamedChildrenFilter
          A FilterConsumer that only passes through matching children.
 class NodeTree
          Use to represent a Document or Document Fragment, in the XML DOM sense.
 class XMLFilter
          Fixup XML input events.
 class XMLPrinter
          Print an event stream in XML format on a PrintWriter.

Fields in gnu.xml declared as Consumer
 Consumer XMLFilter.out
          The specified target Consumer that accepts the output.

Methods in gnu.xml with parameters of type Consumer
static NamedChildrenFilter NamedChildrenFilter.make(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName, Consumer out)
static void XMLParser.parse( strm, java.lang.Object uri, SourceMessages messages, Consumer out)
static void XMLParser.parse(LineBufferedReader in, SourceMessages messages, Consumer out)
static void XMLParser.parse(java.lang.Object uri, SourceMessages messages, Consumer out)
static void TextUtils.textValue(java.lang.Object arg, Consumer out)

Constructors in gnu.xml with parameters of type Consumer
NamedChildrenFilter(java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String localName, Consumer out)
XMLFilter(Consumer out)

Uses of Consumer in gnu.xquery.lang

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang that return Consumer
 Consumer XQuery.getOutputConsumer( out)

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang with parameters of type Consumer
 void XQuery.applyWithFocus(Procedure proc, java.lang.Object values, Consumer out)
          Call a procedure with each item in a sequence as the context item.
 void XQuery.applyWithFocus(Procedure proc, java.lang.Object item, int position, int size, Consumer out)
          Call a procedure with a given focus (context).
 void XQuery.evalWithFocus( in, SourceMessages messages, java.lang.Object values, Consumer out)
          Evaluate an expression with each item in a sequence as the context item.
 void XQuery.evalWithFocus( in, SourceMessages messages, java.lang.Object item, int position, int size, Consumer out)
          Evaluate an expression with a given focus (context).

Uses of Consumer in gnu.xquery.util

Classes in gnu.xquery.util that implement Consumer
 class OrderedTuples
          Helper class used in conjunction with OrderedMap.
 class RelativeStepFilter
          Used to filter the output of RelativeStep.

Methods in gnu.xquery.util with parameters of type Consumer
static void IntegerRange.integerRange(IntNum first, IntNum last, Consumer out)
static void NodeUtils.prefixesFromNodetype(XName name, Consumer out)
static void SubList.subList(java.lang.Object seq, double start, double end, Consumer out)

Constructors in gnu.xquery.util with parameters of type Consumer
RelativeStepFilter(Consumer base)

Uses of Consumer in kawa

Classes in kawa that implement Consumer
 class ReplPaneOutPort
          A Writer that appends its output to a ReplPane.

Methods in kawa that return Consumer
static Consumer Shell.getOutputConsumer(OutPort out)
          Return a Consumer that formats using the appropriate format.

Methods in kawa with parameters of type Consumer
static boolean language, Environment env, InPort inp, Consumer out, OutPort perr, url)
static java.lang.Throwable language, Environment env, InPort inp, Consumer out, OutPort perr, url, SourceMessages messages)

Uses of Consumer in kawa.lang

Methods in kawa.lang with parameters of type Consumer
 void Syntax.print(Consumer out)
 void AnyPat.print(Consumer out)
 void VarListPat.print(Consumer out)
 void PairPat.print(Consumer out)
 void Promise.print(Consumer out)
 void ListRepeatPat.print(Consumer out)
 void Lambda.print(Consumer out)
 void Macro.print(Consumer out)
 void ListPat.print(Consumer out)
 void SyntaxPattern.print(Consumer out)
 void EqualPat.print(Consumer out)
 void SyntaxRules.print(Consumer out)