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Mailing Lists


The mapserver-announce listserv is used to announce MapServer software updates or security issues. It is a very low-traffic volume list.

  • Subscribing to mapserver-announce

    To subscribe to the mapserver-announce listserv visit http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-announce and enter your subscription information. You can later change your subscription information or leave the list at this website.


    If your are subscribed to the mapserver-users listserv, you need not subscribe to mapserver-announce: all messages sent to mapserver-announce are also copied to mapserver-users.

  • Submitting Questions to mapserver-announce

    The mapserver-announce mailing list is “read only” - subscribers are not permitted to post to this list.


The mapserver-users is the primary means for MapServer users and developers to exchange application ideas, discuss potential software improvements, and ask questions.


A separate listserv is available for MapServer developers. It is meant to be used by individuals working on MapServer source code and related libraries to discuss issues that would not be of interest to the entire mapserver-users listserv.

  • Subscribing to mapserver-dev

    To subscribe to the mapserver-dev listserv visit http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-dev, enter your e-mail address, name, and create a password and click subscribe. You can later change your subscription information or leave the list at this website.

  • Submitting Questions to mapserver-dev

    To submit questions to the mapserver-dev listserv, first join the list by following the subscription procedure above. Then post questions to the list by sending an email message to mapserver-dev@lists.osgeo.org.

  • Searching the Archives

    All MapServer-Dev archives are located in http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-dev/. Searching the archives is best done with Nabble.

MapServer mailing lists in languages other than English

  • MapServer-DE (German)


    Please send a note to the mapserver-dev list if you know of any other MapServer mailing lists in additional languages.

Downloading list archives

The MapServer-Users and MapServer-Dev mailing lists have been migrated to the new OSGeo list server. One of the benefits of this migration is that you no longer need an account to download or read the archives. To access the MapServer archives, simply point your browser to http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-users/ and download the gzipped file or click on the link. For MapServer-Dev archives, go to http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-dev/.