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MS RFC 7: MapServer CVS Commit Management

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MS RFC 7.1: MapServer SVN Commit Management

Author:Frank Warmerdam and Tom Kralidis
Contact:warmerdam at pobox.com and tomkralidis at hotmail.com
Last Edited:$Date: 2008-12-23 13:34:31 -0800 (Tue, 23 Dec 2008) $
Id:$Id: ms-rfc-7.1.txt 8278 2008-12-23 21:34:31Z hobu $


To formalize SVN commit access, and specify some guidelines for SVN committers.

Election to SVN Commit Access

Permission for SVN commit access shall be provided to new developers only if accepted by the MapServer Project Steering Committee. A proposal should be written to the PSC for new committers and voted on normally. It is not necessary to write an RFC document for these votes ... email to mapserver-dev is sufficient.

Removal of SVN commit access should be handled by the same process.

The new committer should have demonstrated commitment to MapServer and knowledge of the MapServer source code and processes to the committee’s satisfaction, usually by reporting tickets, submitting patches, and/or actively participating in the various MapServer forums.

The new committer should also be prepared to support any new feature or changes that he/she commits to the MapServer source tree in future releases, or to find someone to which to delegate responsibility for them if he/she stops being available to support the portions of code that he/she is responsible for.

All committers should also be a member of mapserver-dev mailing list so they can stay informed on policies, technical developments and release preparation.

Committer Tracking

A list of all project committers will be kept in the main mapserver directory (called COMMITTERS) listing for each SVN committer:

  • Userid: the id that will appear in the SVN logs for this person.
  • Full name: the users actual name.
  • Email address: A current email address at which the committer can be reached. It may be altered in normal ways to make it harder to auto-harvest.
  • A brief indication of areas of responsibility.

SVN Administrator

One member of the Project Steering Committee will be designed the SVN Administrator. That person will be responsible for giving SVN commit access to folks, updating the COMMITTERS file, and other SVN related management. Initially Steve Lime will be the SVN Administrator.

SVN Commit Practices

The following are considered good SVN commit practices for the MapServer project.

  • Use meaningful descriptions for SVN commit log entries.
  • Add a ticket reference like “(#1232)” at the end of SVN commit log entries when committing changes related to a ticket in Trac.
  • Include changeset revision numbers like “r7622” in tickets when discussing relevant changes to the codebase.
  • Include an entry in the HISTORY file for any significant change or fix committed in the main MapServer source tree. Make sure it is placed under the correct version heading and include ticket numbers in these messages too.
  • Changes should not be committed in stable branches without a corresponding ticket and HISTORY entry. Any change worth pushing into the stable version is worth a Trac ticket and good HISTORY notations.
  • Never commit new features to a stable branch: only critical fixes. New features can only go in the main development trunk.
  • Only ticket defects should be committed to the code during pre-release code freeze.
  • Significant changes to the main development version should be discussed on the -dev list before you make them, and larger changes will require an RFC approved by the PSC.
  • Do not create new branches without the approval of the PSC. Release managers are assumed to have permission to create a branch.
  • All source code in SVN should be in Unix text format as opposed to DOS text mode.
  • When committing new features or significant changes to existing source code, the committer should take reasonable measures to insure that the source code continues to build and work on the most commonly supported platforms (currently Linux and Windows), either by testing on those platforms directly, or by getting help from other developers working on those platforms. If new files or library dependencies are added, then the configure.in, Makefile.in, Makefile.vc and related documentations should be kept up to date.

Voting History

Adopted on 2008/07/02 with +1 from PericlesN, DanielM, TamasS, JeffM, UmbertoN, SteveW, AssefaY, FrankW, TomK