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A set of xy pairs terminated with an END, for example:

POINTS 1 1 50 50 1 50 1 1 END


POLYGON/POLYLINE layers POINTS must start and end with the same point (i.e. close the feature).

TEXT [string]
String to use for labeling this feature.
WKT [string]

A geometry expressed in OpenGIS Well Known Text geometry format. This feature is only supported if MapServer is built with OGR or GEOS support.

WKT "POLYGON((500 500, 3500 500, 3500 2500, 500 2500, 500 500))"
WKT "POINT(2000 2500)"


Inline features should be defined as their own layers in the mapfile. If another CONNECTIONTYPE is specified in the same layer, MapServer will always use the inline features to draw the layer and ignore the other CONNECTIONTYPEs.