MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00039 class ForeignAPIRepo extends FileRepo {
00040         /* This version string is used in the user agent for requests and will help
00041          * server maintainers in identify ForeignAPI usage.
00042          * Update the version every time you make breaking or significant changes. */
00043         const VERSION = "2.1";
00045         var $fileFactory = array( 'ForeignAPIFile', 'newFromTitle' );
00046         /* Check back with Commons after a day */
00047         var $apiThumbCacheExpiry = 86400; /* 24*60*60 */
00048         /* Redownload thumbnail files after a month */
00049         var $fileCacheExpiry = 2592000; /* 86400*30 */
00051         protected $mQueryCache = array();
00052         protected $mFileExists = array();
00057         function __construct( $info ) {
00058                 global $wgLocalFileRepo;
00059                 parent::__construct( $info );
00061                 //
00062                 $this->mApiBase = isset( $info['apibase'] ) ? $info['apibase'] : null;
00064                 if( isset( $info['apiThumbCacheExpiry'] ) ) {
00065                         $this->apiThumbCacheExpiry = $info['apiThumbCacheExpiry'];
00066                 }
00067                 if( isset( $info['fileCacheExpiry'] ) ) {
00068                         $this->fileCacheExpiry = $info['fileCacheExpiry'];
00069                 }
00070                 if( !$this->scriptDirUrl ) {
00071                         // hack for description fetches
00072                         $this->scriptDirUrl = dirname( $this->mApiBase );
00073                 }
00074                 // If we can cache thumbs we can guess sane defaults for these
00075                 if( $this->canCacheThumbs() && !$this->url ) {
00076                         $this->url = $wgLocalFileRepo['url'];
00077                 }
00078                 if( $this->canCacheThumbs() && !$this->thumbUrl ) {
00079                         $this->thumbUrl = $this->url . '/thumb';
00080                 }
00081         }
00091         function newFile( $title, $time = false ) {
00092                 if ( $time ) {
00093                         return false;
00094                 }
00095                 return parent::newFile( $title, $time );
00096         }
00102         function fileExistsBatch( array $files ) {
00103                 $results = array();
00104                 foreach ( $files as $k => $f ) {
00105                         if ( isset( $this->mFileExists[$k] ) ) {
00106                                 $results[$k] = true;
00107                                 unset( $files[$k] );
00108                         } elseif( self::isVirtualUrl( $f ) ) {
00109                                 # @todo FIXME: We need to be able to handle virtual
00110                                 # URLs better, at least when we know they refer to the
00111                                 # same repo.
00112                                 $results[$k] = false;
00113                                 unset( $files[$k] );
00114                         } elseif ( FileBackend::isStoragePath( $f ) ) {
00115                                 $results[$k] = false;
00116                                 unset( $files[$k] );
00117                                 wfWarn( "Got mwstore:// path '$f'." );
00118                         }
00119                 }
00121                 $data = $this->fetchImageQuery( array( 'titles' => implode( $files, '|' ),
00122                                                                                         'prop' => 'imageinfo' ) );
00123                 if( isset( $data['query']['pages'] ) ) {
00124                         $i = 0;
00125                         foreach( $files as $key => $file ) {
00126                                 $results[$key] = $this->mFileExists[$key] = !isset( $data['query']['pages'][$i]['missing'] );
00127                                 $i++;
00128                         }
00129                 }
00130                 return $results;
00131         }
00137         function getFileProps( $virtualUrl ) {
00138                 return false;
00139         }
00145         function fetchImageQuery( $query ) {
00146                 global $wgMemc;
00148                 $query = array_merge( $query,
00149                         array(
00150                                 'format'    => 'json',
00151                                 'action'    => 'query',
00152                                 'redirects' => 'true'
00153                         ) );
00154                 if ( $this->mApiBase ) {
00155                         $url = wfAppendQuery( $this->mApiBase, $query );
00156                 } else {
00157                         $url = $this->makeUrl( $query, 'api' );
00158                 }
00160                 if( !isset( $this->mQueryCache[$url] ) ) {
00161                         $key = $this->getLocalCacheKey( 'ForeignAPIRepo', 'Metadata', md5( $url ) );
00162                         $data = $wgMemc->get( $key );
00163                         if( !$data ) {
00164                                 $data = self::httpGet( $url );
00165                                 if ( !$data ) {
00166                                         return null;
00167                                 }
00168                                 $wgMemc->set( $key, $data, 3600 );
00169                         }
00171                         if( count( $this->mQueryCache ) > 100 ) {
00172                                 // Keep the cache from growing infinitely
00173                                 $this->mQueryCache = array();
00174                         }
00175                         $this->mQueryCache[$url] = $data;
00176                 }
00177                 return FormatJson::decode( $this->mQueryCache[$url], true );
00178         }
00184         function getImageInfo( $data ) {
00185                 if( $data && isset( $data['query']['pages'] ) ) {
00186                         foreach( $data['query']['pages'] as $info ) {
00187                                 if( isset( $info['imageinfo'][0] ) ) {
00188                                         return $info['imageinfo'][0];
00189                                 }
00190                         }
00191                 }
00192                 return false;
00193         }
00199         function findBySha1( $hash ) {
00200                 $results = $this->fetchImageQuery( array(
00201                                                                                 'aisha1base36' => $hash,
00202                                                                                 'aiprop'       => ForeignAPIFile::getProps(),
00203                                                                                 'list'         => 'allimages', ) );
00204                 $ret = array();
00205                 if ( isset( $results['query']['allimages'] ) ) {
00206                         foreach ( $results['query']['allimages'] as $img ) {
00207                                 // 1.14 was broken, doesn't return name attribute
00208                                 if( !isset( $img['name'] ) ) {
00209                                         continue;
00210                                 }
00211                                 $ret[] = new ForeignAPIFile( Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, $img['name'] ), $this, $img );
00212                         }
00213                 }
00214                 return $ret;
00215         }
00225         function getThumbUrl( $name, $width = -1, $height = -1, &$result = null, $otherParams = '' ) {
00226                 $data = $this->fetchImageQuery( array(
00227                         'titles' => 'File:' . $name,
00228                         'iiprop' => 'url|timestamp',
00229                         'iiurlwidth' => $width,
00230                         'iiurlheight' => $height,
00231                         'iiurlparam'  => $otherParams,
00232                         'prop' => 'imageinfo' ) );
00233                 $info = $this->getImageInfo( $data );
00235                 if( $data && $info && isset( $info['thumburl'] ) ) {
00236                         wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " got remote thumb " . $info['thumburl'] . "\n" );
00237                         $result = $info;
00238                         return $info['thumburl'];
00239                 } else {
00240                         return false;
00241                 }
00242         }
00256         function getThumbUrlFromCache( $name, $width, $height, $params = "" ) {
00257                 global $wgMemc;
00258                 // We can't check the local cache using FileRepo functions because
00259                 // we override fileExistsBatch(). We have to use the FileBackend directly.
00260                 $backend = $this->getBackend(); // convenience
00262                 if ( !$this->canCacheThumbs() ) {
00263                         $result = null; // can't pass "null" by reference, but it's ok as default value
00264                         return $this->getThumbUrl( $name, $width, $height, $result, $params );
00265                 }
00266                 $key = $this->getLocalCacheKey( 'ForeignAPIRepo', 'ThumbUrl', $name );
00267                 $sizekey = "$width:$height:$params";
00269                 /* Get the array of urls that we already know */
00270                 $knownThumbUrls = $wgMemc->get($key);
00271                 if( !$knownThumbUrls ) {
00272                         /* No knownThumbUrls for this file */
00273                         $knownThumbUrls = array();
00274                 } else {
00275                         if( isset( $knownThumbUrls[$sizekey] ) ) {
00276                                 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ': Got thumburl from local cache: ' .
00277                                         "{$knownThumbUrls[$sizekey]} \n");
00278                                 return $knownThumbUrls[$sizekey];
00279                         }
00280                         /* This size is not yet known */
00281                 }
00283                 $metadata = null;
00284                 $foreignUrl = $this->getThumbUrl( $name, $width, $height, $metadata, $params );
00286                 if( !$foreignUrl ) {
00287                         wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " Could not find thumburl\n" );
00288                         return false;
00289                 }
00291                 // We need the same filename as the remote one :)
00292                 $fileName = rawurldecode( pathinfo( $foreignUrl, PATHINFO_BASENAME ) );
00293                 if( !$this->validateFilename( $fileName ) ) {
00294                         wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " The deduced filename $fileName is not safe\n" );
00295                         return false;
00296                 }
00297                 $localPath =  $this->getZonePath( 'thumb' ) . "/" . $this->getHashPath( $name ) . $name;
00298                 $localFilename = $localPath . "/" . $fileName;
00299                 $localUrl =  $this->getZoneUrl( 'thumb' ) . "/" . $this->getHashPath( $name ) . rawurlencode( $name ) . "/" . rawurlencode( $fileName );
00301                 if( $backend->fileExists( array( 'src' => $localFilename ) )
00302                         && isset( $metadata['timestamp'] ) )
00303                 {
00304                         wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " Thumbnail was already downloaded before\n" );
00305                         $modified = $backend->getFileTimestamp( array( 'src' => $localFilename ) );
00306                         $remoteModified = strtotime( $metadata['timestamp'] );
00307                         $current = time();
00308                         $diff = abs( $modified - $current );
00309                         if( $remoteModified < $modified && $diff < $this->fileCacheExpiry ) {
00310                                 /* Use our current and already downloaded thumbnail */
00311                                 $knownThumbUrls[$sizekey] = $localUrl;
00312                                 $wgMemc->set( $key, $knownThumbUrls, $this->apiThumbCacheExpiry );
00313                                 return $localUrl;
00314                         }
00315                         /* There is a new Commons file, or existing thumbnail older than a month */
00316                 }
00317                 $thumb = self::httpGet( $foreignUrl );
00318                 if( !$thumb ) {
00319                         wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " Could not download thumb\n" );
00320                         return false;
00321                 }
00324                 # @todo FIXME: Delete old thumbs that aren't being used. Maintenance script?
00325                 $backend->prepare( array( 'dir' => dirname( $localFilename ) ) );
00326                 $params = array( 'dst' => $localFilename, 'content' => $thumb );
00327                 if( !$backend->quickCreate( $params )->isOK() ) {
00328                         wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " could not write to thumb path '$localFilename'\n" );
00329                         return $foreignUrl;
00330                 }
00331                 $knownThumbUrls[$sizekey] = $localUrl;
00332                 $wgMemc->set( $key, $knownThumbUrls, $this->apiThumbCacheExpiry );
00333                 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " got local thumb $localUrl, saving to cache \n" );
00334                 return $localUrl;
00335         }
00342         function getZoneUrl( $zone ) {
00343                 switch ( $zone ) {
00344                         case 'public':
00345                                 return $this->url;
00346                         case 'thumb':
00347                                 return $this->thumbUrl;
00348                         default:
00349                                 return parent::getZoneUrl( $zone );
00350                 }
00351         }
00358         function getZonePath( $zone ) {
00359                 $supported = array( 'public', 'thumb' );
00360                 if ( in_array( $zone, $supported ) ) {
00361                         return parent::getZonePath( $zone );
00362                 }
00363                 return false;
00364         }
00370         public function canCacheThumbs() {
00371                 return ( $this->apiThumbCacheExpiry > 0 );
00372         }
00378         public static function getUserAgent() {
00379                 return Http::userAgent() . " ForeignAPIRepo/" . self::VERSION;
00380         }
00390         public static function httpGet( $url, $timeout = 'default', $options = array() ) {
00391                 $options['timeout'] = $timeout;
00392                 /* Http::get */
00393                 $url = wfExpandUrl( $url, PROTO_HTTP );
00394                 wfDebug( "ForeignAPIRepo: HTTP GET: $url\n" );
00395                 $options['method'] = "GET";
00397                 if ( !isset( $options['timeout'] ) ) {
00398                         $options['timeout'] = 'default';
00399                 }
00401                 $req = MWHttpRequest::factory( $url, $options );
00402                 $req->setUserAgent( ForeignAPIRepo::getUserAgent() );
00403                 $status = $req->execute();
00405                 if ( $status->isOK() ) {
00406                         return $req->getContent();
00407                 } else {
00408                         return false;
00409                 }
00410         }
00416         function enumFiles( $callback ) {
00417                 throw new MWException( 'enumFiles is not supported by ' . get_class( $this ) );
00418         }
00423         protected function assertWritableRepo() {
00424                 throw new MWException( get_class( $this ) . ': write operations are not supported.' );
00425         }
00426 }