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MWHttpRequest Class Reference

This wrapper class will call out to curl (if available) or fallback to regular PHP if necessary for handling internal HTTP requests. More...

Inheritance diagram for MWHttpRequest:
Collaboration diagram for MWHttpRequest:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 canFollowRedirects ()
 Returns true if the backend can follow redirects.
 execute ()
 Take care of whatever is necessary to perform the URI request.
 getContent ()
 Get the body, or content, of the response to the request.
 getCookieJar ()
 Returns the cookie jar in use.
 getFinalUrl ()
 Returns the final URL after all redirections.
 getHeaderList ()
 Get an array of the headers.
 getResponseHeader ($header)
 Returns the value of the given response header.
 getResponseHeaders ()
 Returns an associative array of response headers after the request has been executed.
 getStatus ()
 Get the integer value of the HTTP status code (e.g.
 isRedirect ()
 Returns true if the last status code was a redirect.
 proxySetup ()
 Take care of setting up the proxy (do nothing if "noProxy" is set)
 read ($fh, $content)
 A generic callback to read the body of the response from a remote server.
 setCallback ($callback)
 Set a read callback to accept data read from the HTTP request.
 setCookie ($name, $value=null, $attr=null)
 Sets a cookie.
 setCookieJar ($jar)
 Tells the MWHttpRequest object to use this pre-loaded CookieJar.
 setData ($args)
 Set the parameters of the request.
 setHeader ($name, $value)
 Set an arbitrary header.
 setReferer ($url)
 Set the refererer header.
 setUserAgent ($UA)
 Set the user agent.

Static Public Member Functions

static canMakeRequests ()
 Simple function to test if we can make any sort of requests at all, using cURL or fopen()
static factory ($url, $options=null)
 Generate a new request object.

Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

 __construct ($url, $options=array())
 parseCookies ()
 Parse the cookies in the response headers and store them in the cookie jar.
 parseHeader ()
 Parses the headers, including the HTTP status code and any Set-Cookie headers.
 setStatus ()
 Sets HTTPRequest status member to a fatal value with the error message if the returned integer value of the status code was not successful (< 300) or a redirect (>=300 and < 400).

Protected Attributes

 $caInfo = null
CookieJar $cookieJar
 $followRedirects = false
 $headerList = array()
 $headersOnly = null
 $maxRedirects = 5
 $method = "GET"
 $noProxy = false
 $postData = null
 $proxy = null
 $reqHeaders = array()
 $respHeaders = array()
 $respStatus = "200 Ok"
 $respVersion = "0.9"
 $sslVerifyCert = true
 $sslVerifyHost = true
 $timeout = 'default'

Detailed Description

This wrapper class will call out to curl (if available) or fallback to regular PHP if necessary for handling internal HTTP requests.

Renamed from HttpRequest to MWHttpRequest to avoid conflict with PHP's HTTP extension.

Definition at line 179 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MWHttpRequest::__construct ( url,
options = array() 
) [protected]
$urlString: url to use. If protocol-relative, will be expanded to an http:// URL
$optionsArray: (optional) extra params to pass (see Http::request())

Definition at line 214 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Member Function Documentation

Returns true if the backend can follow redirects.

Overridden by the child classes.


Reimplemented in CurlHttpRequest.

Definition at line 668 of file HttpFunctions.php.

static MWHttpRequest::canMakeRequests ( ) [static]

Simple function to test if we can make any sort of requests at all, using cURL or fopen()


Definition at line 259 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Take care of whatever is necessary to perform the URI request.


Reimplemented in PhpHttpRequest, and CurlHttpRequest.

Definition at line 421 of file HttpFunctions.php.

static MWHttpRequest::factory ( url,
options = null 
) [static]

Generate a new request object.

$urlString: url to use
$optionsArray: (optional) extra params to pass (see Http::request())
See also:

Definition at line 270 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Referenced by ForeignAPIRepo\httpGet(), SpecialUploadStash\outputRemoteScaledThumb(), UploadFromUrl\reallyFetchFile(), Http\request(), and ApiTest\testApiGotCookie().

Get the body, or content, of the response to the request.


Definition at line 297 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Returns the cookie jar in use.


Definition at line 572 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Returns the final URL after all redirections.

Relative values of the "Location" header are incorrect as stated in RFC, however they do happen and modern browsers support them. This function loops backwards through all locations in order to build the proper absolute URI - Marooned at

Note that the multiple Location: headers are an artifact of CURL -- they shouldn't actually get returned this way. Rewrite this when bug 29232 is taken care of (high-level redirect handling rewrite).


Definition at line 625 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Get an array of the headers.


Definition at line 361 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Referenced by CurlHttpRequest\execute(), and PhpHttpRequest\execute().

Returns the value of the given response header.


Definition at line 545 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Referenced by PhpHttpRequest\execute().

Returns an associative array of response headers after the request has been executed.

Because some headers (e.g. Set-Cookie) can appear more than once the, each value of the associative array is an array of the values given.


Definition at line 531 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Get the integer value of the HTTP status code (e.g.

200 for "200 Ok") (see RFC2616, section 10, for a list of status codes.)


Definition at line 495 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Returns true if the last status code was a redirect.


Definition at line 509 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Referenced by PhpHttpRequest\execute().

MWHttpRequest::parseCookies ( ) [protected]

Parse the cookies in the response headers and store them in the cookie jar.

Definition at line 600 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::parseHeader ( ) [protected]

Parses the headers, including the HTTP status code and any Set-Cookie headers.

This function expectes the headers to be found in an array in the member variable headerList.

Definition at line 450 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Referenced by CurlHttpRequest\execute(), and PhpHttpRequest\execute().

Take care of setting up the proxy (do nothing if "noProxy" is set)


Definition at line 316 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::read ( fh,

A generic callback to read the body of the response from a remote server.


Definition at line 411 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::setCallback ( callback)

Set a read callback to accept data read from the HTTP request.

By default, data is appended to an internal buffer which can be retrieved through $req->getContent().

To handle data as it comes in -- especially for large files that would not fit in memory -- you can instead set your own callback, in the form function($resource, $buffer) where the first parameter is the low-level resource being read (implementation specific), and the second parameter is the data buffer.

You MUST return the number of bytes handled in the buffer; if fewer bytes are reported handled than were passed to you, the HTTP fetch will be aborted.


Definition at line 396 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::setCookie ( name,
value = null,
attr = null 

Sets a cookie.

Used before a request to set up any individual cookies. Used internally after a request to parse the Set-Cookie headers.

See also:

Definition at line 589 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Tells the MWHttpRequest object to use this pre-loaded CookieJar.


Definition at line 563 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Set the parameters of the request.

overload the args param

Definition at line 307 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::setHeader ( name,

Set an arbitrary header.


Definition at line 352 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Set the refererer header.

Definition at line 335 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::setStatus ( ) [protected]

Sets HTTPRequest status member to a fatal value with the error message if the returned integer value of the status code was not successful (< 300) or a redirect (>=300 and < 400).

(see RFC2616, section 10, for a list of status codes.)

Definition at line 477 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Referenced by CurlHttpRequest\execute(), and PhpHttpRequest\execute().

Set the user agent.


Definition at line 343 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Member Data Documentation

MWHttpRequest::$caInfo = null [protected]

Definition at line 190 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$callback [protected]

Definition at line 195 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$content [protected]

Definition at line 182 of file HttpFunctions.php.

CookieJar MWHttpRequest::$cookieJar [protected]

Definition at line 201 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$followRedirects = false [protected]

Definition at line 197 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$headerList = array() [protected]

Definition at line 203 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$headersOnly = null [protected]

Definition at line 184 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$maxRedirects = 5 [protected]

Definition at line 196 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$method = "GET" [protected]

Definition at line 191 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$noProxy = false [protected]

Definition at line 187 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$parsedUrl [protected]

Definition at line 194 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$postData = null [protected]

Definition at line 185 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$proxy = null [protected]

Definition at line 186 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$reqHeaders = array() [protected]

Definition at line 192 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$respHeaders = array() [protected]

Definition at line 206 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$respStatus = "200 Ok" [protected]

Definition at line 205 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$respVersion = "0.9" [protected]

Definition at line 204 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$sslVerifyCert = true [protected]

Definition at line 189 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$sslVerifyHost = true [protected]

Definition at line 188 of file HttpFunctions.php.


Definition at line 208 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$timeout = 'default' [protected]

Definition at line 183 of file HttpFunctions.php.

MWHttpRequest::$url [protected]

Definition at line 193 of file HttpFunctions.php.

Referenced by PhpHttpRequest\execute().

Reimplemented in CurlHttpRequest.

Definition at line 180 of file HttpFunctions.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: