MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00031 class SpecialListGroupRights extends SpecialPage {
00036         function __construct() {
00037                 parent::__construct( 'Listgrouprights' );
00038         }
00043         public function execute( $par ) {
00044                 global $wgImplicitGroups;
00045                 global $wgGroupPermissions, $wgRevokePermissions, $wgAddGroups, $wgRemoveGroups;
00046                 global $wgGroupsAddToSelf, $wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf;
00048                 $this->setHeaders();
00049                 $this->outputHeader();
00051                 $out = $this->getOutput();
00052                 $out->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.special' );
00054                 $out->addHTML(
00055                         Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'class' => 'wikitable mw-listgrouprights-table' ) ) .
00056                                 '<tr>' .
00057                                         Xml::element( 'th', null, $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-group' )->text() ) .
00058                                         Xml::element( 'th', null, $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-rights' )->text() ) .
00059                                 '</tr>'
00060                 );
00062                 $allGroups = array_unique( array_merge(
00063                         array_keys( $wgGroupPermissions ),
00064                         array_keys( $wgRevokePermissions ),
00065                         array_keys( $wgAddGroups ),
00066                         array_keys( $wgRemoveGroups ),
00067                         array_keys( $wgGroupsAddToSelf ),
00068                         array_keys( $wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf )
00069                 ) );
00070                 asort( $allGroups );
00072                 foreach ( $allGroups as $group ) {
00073                         $permissions = isset( $wgGroupPermissions[$group] )
00074                                 ? $wgGroupPermissions[$group]
00075                                 : array();
00076                         $groupname = ( $group == '*' ) // Replace * with a more descriptive groupname
00077                                 ? 'all'
00078                                 : $group;
00080                         $msg = $this->msg( 'group-' . $groupname );
00081                         $groupnameLocalized = !$msg->isBlank() ? $msg->text() : $groupname;
00083                         $msg = $this->msg( 'grouppage-' . $groupname )->inContentLanguage();
00084                         $grouppageLocalized = !$msg->isBlank() ?
00085                                 $msg->text() :
00086                                 MWNamespace::getCanonicalName( NS_PROJECT ) . ':' . $groupname;
00088                         if( $group == '*' ) {
00089                                 // Do not make a link for the generic * group
00090                                 $grouppage = htmlspecialchars( $groupnameLocalized );
00091                         } else {
00092                                 $grouppage = Linker::link(
00093                                         Title::newFromText( $grouppageLocalized ),
00094                                         htmlspecialchars( $groupnameLocalized )
00095                                 );
00096                         }
00098                         if ( $group === 'user' ) {
00099                                 // Link to Special:listusers for implicit group 'user'
00100                                 $grouplink = '<br />' . Linker::linkKnown(
00101                                         SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Listusers' ),
00102                                         $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-members' )->escaped()
00103                                 );
00104                         } elseif ( !in_array( $group, $wgImplicitGroups ) ) {
00105                                 $grouplink = '<br />' . Linker::linkKnown(
00106                                         SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Listusers' ),
00107                                         $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-members' )->escaped(),
00108                                         array(),
00109                                         array( 'group' => $group )
00110                                 );
00111                         } else {
00112                                 // No link to Special:listusers for other implicit groups as they are unlistable
00113                                 $grouplink = '';
00114                         }
00116                         $revoke = isset( $wgRevokePermissions[$group] ) ? $wgRevokePermissions[$group] : array();
00117                         $addgroups = isset( $wgAddGroups[$group] ) ? $wgAddGroups[$group] : array();
00118                         $removegroups = isset( $wgRemoveGroups[$group] ) ? $wgRemoveGroups[$group] : array();
00119                         $addgroupsSelf = isset( $wgGroupsAddToSelf[$group] ) ? $wgGroupsAddToSelf[$group] : array();
00120                         $removegroupsSelf = isset( $wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf[$group] ) ? $wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf[$group] : array();
00122                         $id = $group == '*' ? false : Sanitizer::escapeId( $group );
00123                         $out->addHTML( Html::rawElement( 'tr', array( 'id' => $id ),
00124                                 "
00125                                 <td>$grouppage$grouplink</td>
00126                                         <td>" .
00127                                                 $this->formatPermissions( $permissions, $revoke, $addgroups, $removegroups,
00128                                                         $addgroupsSelf, $removegroupsSelf ) .
00129                                         '</td>
00130                                 '
00131                         ) );
00132                 }
00133                 $out->addHTML(
00134                         Xml::closeElement( 'table' ) . "\n<br /><hr />\n"
00135                 );
00136                 $out->wrapWikiMsg( "<div class=\"mw-listgrouprights-key\">\n$1\n</div>", 'listgrouprights-key' );
00137         }
00150          private function formatPermissions( $permissions, $revoke, $add, $remove, $addSelf, $removeSelf ) {
00151                 $r = array();
00152                 foreach( $permissions as $permission => $granted ) {
00153                         //show as granted only if it isn't revoked to prevent duplicate display of permissions
00154                         if( $granted && ( !isset( $revoke[$permission] ) || !$revoke[$permission] ) ) {
00155                                 $description = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-right-display',
00156                                         User::getRightDescription( $permission ),
00157                                         '<span class="mw-listgrouprights-right-name">' . $permission . '</span>'
00158                                 )->parse();
00159                                 $r[] = $description;
00160                         }
00161                 }
00162                 foreach( $revoke as $permission => $revoked ) {
00163                         if( $revoked ) {
00164                                 $description = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-right-revoked',
00165                                         User::getRightDescription( $permission ),
00166                                         '<span class="mw-listgrouprights-right-name">' . $permission . '</span>'
00167                                 )->parse();
00168                                 $r[] = $description;
00169                         }
00170                 }
00171                 sort( $r );
00172                 $lang = $this->getLanguage();
00173                 if( $add === true ){
00174                         $r[] = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-addgroup-all' )->escaped();
00175                 } elseif( is_array( $add ) && count( $add ) ) {
00176                         $add = array_values( array_unique( $add ) );
00177                         $r[] = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-addgroup',
00178                                 $lang->listToText( array_map( array( 'User', 'makeGroupLinkWiki' ), $add ) ),
00179                                 count( $add )
00180                         )->parse();
00181                 }
00182                 if( $remove === true ){
00183                         $r[] = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-removegroup-all' )->escaped();
00184                 } elseif( is_array( $remove ) && count( $remove ) ) {
00185                         $remove = array_values( array_unique( $remove ) );
00186                         $r[] = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-removegroup',
00187                                 $lang->listToText( array_map( array( 'User', 'makeGroupLinkWiki' ), $remove ) ),
00188                                 count( $remove )
00189                         )->parse();
00190                 }
00191                 if( $addSelf === true ){
00192                         $r[] = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-addgroup-self-all' )->escaped();
00193                 } elseif( is_array( $addSelf ) && count( $addSelf ) ) {
00194                         $addSelf = array_values( array_unique( $addSelf ) );
00195                         $r[] = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-addgroup-self',
00196                                 $lang->listToText( array_map( array( 'User', 'makeGroupLinkWiki' ), $addSelf ) ),
00197                                 count( $addSelf )
00198                         )->parse();
00199                 }
00200                 if( $removeSelf === true ){
00201                         $r[] = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-removegroup-self-all' )->parse();
00202                 } elseif( is_array( $removeSelf ) && count( $removeSelf ) ) {
00203                         $removeSelf = array_values( array_unique( $removeSelf ) );
00204                         $r[] = $this->msg( 'listgrouprights-removegroup-self',
00205                                 $lang->listToText( array_map( array( 'User', 'makeGroupLinkWiki' ), $removeSelf ) ),
00206                                 count( $removeSelf )
00207                         )->parse();
00208                 }
00209                 if( empty( $r ) ) {
00210                         return '';
00211                 } else {
00212                         return '<ul><li>' . implode( "</li>\n<li>", $r ) . '</li></ul>';
00213                 }
00214         }
00215 }