MediaWiki  REL1_20
Linker Class Reference

Some internal bits split of from Skin.php. More...

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static accesskey ($name)
 Given the id of an interface element, constructs the appropriate accesskey attribute from the system messages.
static blockLink ($userId, $userText)
static buildRollbackLink ($rev, IContextSource $context=null)
 Build a raw rollback link, useful for collections of "tool" links.
static commentBlock ($comment, $title=null, $local=false)
 Wrap a comment in standard punctuation and formatting if it's non-empty, otherwise return empty string.
static emailLink ($userId, $userText)
static formatComment ($comment, $title=null, $local=false)
 This function is called by all recent changes variants, by the page history, and by the user contributions list.
static formatHiddenCategories ($hiddencats)
 Returns HTML for the "hidden categories on this page" list.
static formatLinksInComment ($comment, $title=null, $local=false)
 Formats wiki links and media links in text; all other wiki formatting is ignored.
static formatRevisionSize ($size)
static formatSize ($size)
 Format a size in bytes for output, using an appropriate unit (B, KB, MB or GB) according to the magnitude in question.
static formatTemplates ($templates, $preview=false, $section=false)
 Returns HTML for the "templates used on this page" list.
static generateRollback ($rev, IContextSource $context=null)
 Generate a rollback link for a given revision.
static generateTOC ($tree)
 Generate a table of contents from a section tree Currently unused.
static getExternalLinkAttributes ($class= 'external')
 Get the appropriate HTML attributes to add to the "a" element of an ex- ternal link, as created by [wikisyntax].
static getInternalLinkAttributes ($title, $unused=null, $class= '')
 Get the appropriate HTML attributes to add to the "a" element of an in- ternal link.
static getInternalLinkAttributesObj ($nt, $unused=null, $class= '', $title=false)
 Get the appropriate HTML attributes to add to the "a" element of an in- ternal link, given the Title object for the page we want to link to.
static getInterwikiLinkAttributes ($title, $unused=null, $class= 'external')
 Get the appropriate HTML attributes to add to the "a" element of an in- terwiki link.
static getInvalidTitleDescription (IContextSource $context, $namespace, $title)
 Get a message saying that an invalid title was encountered.
static getLinkColour ($t, $threshold)
 Return the CSS colour of a known link.
static getRevDeleteLink (User $user, Revision $rev, Title $title)
 Get a revision-deletion link, or disabled link, or nothing, depending on user permissions & the settings on the revision.
static link ($target, $html=null, $customAttribs=array(), $query=array(), $options=array())
 This function returns an HTML link to the given target.
static linkKnown ($target, $html=null, $customAttribs=array(), $query=array(), $options=array( 'known', 'noclasses'))
 Identical to link(), except $options defaults to 'known'.
static makeBrokenImageLinkObj ($title, $label= '', $query= '', $unused1= '', $unused2= '', $time=false)
 Make a "broken" link to an image.
static makeBrokenLink ($title, $text= '', $query= '', $trail= '')
static makeBrokenLinkObj ($title, $text= '', $query= '', $trail= '', $prefix= '')
static makeColouredLinkObj ($nt, $colour, $text= '', $query= '', $trail= '', $prefix= '')
static makeExternalImage ($url, $alt= '')
 Return the code for images which were added via external links, via Parser::maybeMakeExternalImage().
static makeExternalLink ($url, $text, $escape=true, $linktype= '', $attribs=array())
 Make an external link.
static makeHeadline ($level, $attribs, $anchor, $html, $link, $legacyAnchor=false)
 Create a headline for content.
static makeImageLink ($parser, Title $title, $file, $frameParams=array(), $handlerParams=array(), $time=false, $query="", $widthOption=null)
 Given parameters derived from [[Image:Foo|options...]], generate the HTML that that syntax inserts in the page.
static makeImageLink2 (Title $title, $file, $frameParams=array(), $handlerParams=array(), $time=false, $query="", $widthOption=null)
 See makeImageLink() When this function is removed, remove if( $parser instanceof Parser ) check there too.
static makeKnownLinkObj ($title, $text= '', $query= '', $trail= '', $prefix= '', $aprops= '', $style= '')
static makeLinkObj ($nt, $text= '', $query= '', $trail= '', $prefix= '')
static makeMediaLinkFile (Title $title, $file, $html= '')
 Create a direct link to a given uploaded file.
static makeMediaLinkObj ($title, $html= '', $time=false)
 Create a direct link to a given uploaded file.
static makeSelfLinkObj ($nt, $html= '', $query= '', $trail= '', $prefix= '')
 Make appropriate markup for a link to the current article.
static makeSizeLinkObj ($size, $nt, $text= '', $query= '', $trail= '', $prefix= '')
 Generate either a normal exists-style link or a stub link, depending on the given page size.
static makeThumbLink2 (Title $title, $file, $frameParams=array(), $handlerParams=array(), $time=false, $query="")
static makeThumbLinkObj (Title $title, $file, $label= '', $alt, $align= 'right', $params=array(), $framed=false, $manualthumb="")
 Make HTML for a thumbnail including image, border and caption.
static normaliseSpecialPage (Title $title)
static normalizeSubpageLink ($contextTitle, $target, &$text)
static revComment (Revision $rev, $local=false, $isPublic=false)
 Wrap and format the given revision's comment block, if the current user is allowed to view it.
static revDeleteLink ($query=array(), $restricted=false, $delete=true)
 Creates a (show/hide) link for deleting revisions/log entries.
static revDeleteLinkDisabled ($delete=true)
 Creates a dead (show/hide) link for deleting revisions/log entries.
static revUserLink ($rev, $isPublic=false)
 Generate a user link if the current user is allowed to view it.
static revUserTools ($rev, $isPublic=false)
 Generate a user tool link cluster if the current user is allowed to view it.
static specialLink ($name, $key= '')
 Make a link to a special page given its name and, optionally, a message key from the link text.
static splitTrail ($trail)
 Split a link trail, return the "inside" portion and the remainder of the trail as a two-element array.
static titleAttrib ($name, $options=null)
 Given the id of an interface element, constructs the appropriate title attribute from the system messages.
static tocIndent ()
 Add another level to the Table of Contents.
static tocLine ($anchor, $tocline, $tocnumber, $level, $sectionIndex=false)
 parameter level defines if we are on an indentation level
static tocLineEnd ()
 End a Table Of Contents line.
static tocList ($toc, $lang=false)
 Wraps the TOC in a table and provides the hide/collapse javascript.
static tocUnindent ($level)
 Finish one or more sublevels on the Table of Contents.
static tooltip ($name, $options=null)
 Returns raw bits of HTML, use titleAttrib()
static tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs ($name)
 Returns the attributes for the tooltip and access key.
static userLink ($userId, $userName, $altUserName=false)
 Make user link (or user contributions for unregistered users)
static userTalkLink ($userId, $userText)
static userToolLinks ($userId, $userText, $redContribsWhenNoEdits=false, $flags=0, $edits=null)
 Generate standard user tool links (talk, contributions, block link, etc.)
static userToolLinksRedContribs ($userId, $userText, $edits=null)
 Alias for userToolLinks( $userId, $userText, true );.

Public Attributes

 Flags for userToolLinks()

Static Public Attributes

static $accesskeycache
static $autocommentLocal
static $autocommentTitle
static $commentContextTitle
static $commentLocal

Static Protected Member Functions

static formatLinksInCommentCallback ($match)
static getUploadUrl ($destFile, $query= '')
 Get the URL to upload a certain file.

Static Private Member Functions

static fnamePart ($url)
 Returns the filename part of an url.
static formatAutocomments ($comment, $title=null, $local=false)
 The pattern for autogen comments is / * foo * /, which makes for some nasty regex.
static formatAutocommentsCallback ($match)
static getImageLinkMTOParams ($frameParams, $query= '', $parser=null)
 Get the link parameters for MediaTransformOutput::toHtml() from given frame parameters supplied by the Parser.
static getLinkAttributesInternal ($title, $class)
 Common code for getLinkAttributesX functions.
static linkAttribs ($target, $attribs, $options)
 Returns the array of attributes used when linking to the Title $target.
static linkText ($target)
 Default text of the links to the Title $target.
static linkUrl ($target, $query, $options)
 Returns the Url used to link to a Title.

Detailed Description

Some internal bits split of from Skin.php.

These functions are used for primarily page content: links, embedded images, table of contents. Links are also used in the skin.

Definition at line 30 of file Linker.php.

Member Function Documentation

static Linker::accesskey ( name) [static]

Given the id of an interface element, constructs the appropriate accesskey attribute from the system messages.

(Note, this is usually the id but isn't always, because sometimes the accesskey needs to go on a different element than the id, for reverse-compatibility, etc.)

$nameString: id of the element, minus prefixes.
String: contents of the accesskey attribute (which you must HTML- escape), or false for no accesskey attribute

Definition at line 1963 of file Linker.php.

static Linker::blockLink ( userId,
) [static]
$userIdInteger: userid
$userTextString: user name in database.
String: HTML fragment with block link

Definition at line 1124 of file Linker.php.

References SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), link(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by userToolLinks().

static Linker::buildRollbackLink ( rev,
IContextSource context = null 
) [static]

Build a raw rollback link, useful for collections of "tool" links.

$revRevision object
$contextIContextSource context to use or null for the main context.
String: HTML fragment

Definition at line 1724 of file Linker.php.

References $dbr, $res, RequestContext\getMain(), Title\getPrefixedText(), link(), and wfGetDB().

static Linker::commentBlock ( comment,
title = null,
local = false 
) [static]

Wrap a comment in standard punctuation and formatting if it's non-empty, otherwise return empty string.

$titleMixed: Title object (to generate link to section in autocomment) or null
$localBoolean: whether section links should refer to local page

Definition at line 1502 of file Linker.php.

References $comment, formatComment(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by ImageListPager\formatValue(), BlockListPager\formatValue(), RevDel_LogItem\getHTML(), and revComment().

static Linker::emailLink ( userId,
) [static]
$userIdInteger: userid
$userTextString: user name in database.
String: HTML fragment with e-mail user link

Definition at line 1135 of file Linker.php.

References SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), link(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by userToolLinks().

static Linker::fnamePart ( url) [static, private]

Returns the filename part of an url.

Used as alternative text for external images.


Definition at line 483 of file Linker.php.

References $url.

Referenced by makeExternalImage().

static Linker::formatAutocomments ( comment,
title = null,
local = false 
) [static, private]

The pattern for autogen comments is / * foo * /, which makes for some nasty regex.

We look for all comments, match any text before and after the comment, add a separator where needed and format the comment itself with CSS Called by Linker::formatComment.

$commentString: comment text
$titleTitle|null An optional title object used to links to sections
$localBoolean: whether section links should refer to local page
String: formatted comment

Definition at line 1237 of file Linker.php.

References $comment, and $title.

Referenced by formatComment().

static Linker::formatComment ( comment,
title = null,
local = false 
) [static]

This function is called by all recent changes variants, by the page history, and by the user contributions list.

It is responsible for formatting edit comments. It escapes any HTML in the comment, but adds some CSS to format auto-generated comments (from section editing) and formats [[wikilinks]].

Erik Moeller <[email protected]>

Note: there's not always a title to pass to this function. Since you can't set a default parameter for a reference, I've turned it temporarily to a value pass. Should be adjusted further. --brion

$titleMixed: Title object (to generate link to the section in autocomment) or null
$localBoolean: whether section links should refer to local page

Definition at line 1203 of file Linker.php.

References $comment, Sanitizer\escapeHtmlAllowEntities(), formatAutocomments(), formatLinksInComment(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by commentBlock(), ApiParse\execute(), ApiQueryDeletedrevs\execute(), ApiQueryFilearchive\execute(), ApiQueryWatchlist\extractRowInfo(), ApiQueryLogEvents\extractRowInfo(), ApiQueryContributions\extractRowInfo(), ApiQueryRecentChanges\extractRowInfo(), ApiQueryRevisions\extractRowInfo(), FeedUtils\formatDiffRow(), ApiQueryImageInfo\getInfo(), ImageHistoryList\imageHistoryLine(), RollbackAction\onView(), ApiQueryProtectedTitles\run(), and NewParserTest\testParserTest().

static Linker::formatHiddenCategories ( hiddencats) [static]

Returns HTML for the "hidden categories on this page" list.

$hiddencatsArray of hidden categories from Article::getHiddenCategories or similar
String: HTML output

Definition at line 1876 of file Linker.php.

References link(), wfMessage(), and wfProfileIn().

Referenced by InfoAction\pageInfo().

static Linker::formatLinksInComment ( comment,
title = null,
local = false 
) [static]

Formats wiki links and media links in text; all other wiki formatting is ignored.

FIXME: Doesn't handle sub-links as in image thumb texts like the main parser
$commentString: text to format links in
$titleTitle|null An optional title object used to links to sections
$localBoolean: whether section links should refer to local page

Definition at line 1320 of file Linker.php.

References $comment, and $title.

Referenced by formatComment().

static Linker::formatRevisionSize ( size) [static]

Definition at line 1546 of file Linker.php.

References $size, and wfMessage().

Referenced by SpecialMergeHistory\formatRevisionRow(), and SpecialProtectedpages\formatRow().

static Linker::formatSize ( size) [static]

Format a size in bytes for output, using an appropriate unit (B, KB, MB or GB) according to the magnitude in question.

$sizeint Size to format

Definition at line 1902 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by ImageHistoryList\imageHistoryLine().

static Linker::formatTemplates ( templates,
preview = false,
section = false 
) [static]

Returns HTML for the "templates used on this page" list.

$templatesArray of templates from Article::getUsedTemplate or similar
$previewBoolean: whether this is for a preview
$sectionBoolean: whether this is for a section edit
String: HTML output

Definition at line 1810 of file Linker.php.

References $section, LinkBatch\addObj(), link(), wfMessage(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by InfoAction\pageInfo().

static Linker::generateRollback ( rev,
IContextSource context = null 
) [static]

Generate a rollback link for a given revision.

Currently it's the caller's responsibility to ensure that the revision is the top one. If it's not, of course, the user will get an error message.

If the calling page is called with the parameter &bot=1, all rollback links also get that parameter. It causes the edit itself and the rollback to be marked as "bot" edits. Bot edits are hidden by default from recent changes, so this allows sysops to combat a busy vandal without bothering other users.

$revRevision object
$contextIContextSource context to use or null for the main context.

Definition at line 1706 of file Linker.php.

References RequestContext\getMain().

static Linker::generateTOC ( tree) [static]

Generate a table of contents from a section tree Currently unused.

$treearray Return value of ParserOutput::getSections()
String: HTML fragment

Definition at line 1625 of file Linker.php.

References $section, tocIndent(), tocLine(), tocLineEnd(), tocList(), and tocUnindent().

static Linker::getExternalLinkAttributes ( class = 'external') [static]

Get the appropriate HTML attributes to add to the "a" element of an ex- ternal link, as created by [wikisyntax].

$classString: the contents of the class attribute; if an empty string is passed, which is the default value, defaults to 'external'.
since 1.18 Just pass the external class directly to something using Html::expandAttributes

Definition at line 47 of file Linker.php.

References getLinkAttributesInternal(), and wfDeprecated().

static Linker::getImageLinkMTOParams ( frameParams,
query = '',
parser = null 
) [static, private]

Get the link parameters for MediaTransformOutput::toHtml() from given frame parameters supplied by the Parser.

$frameParamsarray The frame parameters
$querystring An optional query string to add to description page links

Definition at line 703 of file Linker.php.

References normaliseSpecialPage().

Referenced by makeImageLink(), and makeThumbLink2().

static Linker::getInternalLinkAttributes ( title,
unused = null,
class = '' 
) [static]

Get the appropriate HTML attributes to add to the "a" element of an in- ternal link.

$titleString: the title text for the link, URL-encoded (???) but not HTML-escaped
$unusedString: unused
$classString: the contents of the class attribute, default none

Definition at line 85 of file Linker.php.

References $title, and getLinkAttributesInternal().

static Linker::getInternalLinkAttributesObj ( nt,
unused = null,
class = '',
title = false 
) [static]

Get the appropriate HTML attributes to add to the "a" element of an in- ternal link, given the Title object for the page we want to link to.

$unusedString: unused
$classString: the contents of the class attribute, default none
$titleMixed: optional (unescaped) string to use in the title attribute; if false, default to the name of the page we're linking to

Definition at line 102 of file Linker.php.

References $title, and getLinkAttributesInternal().

Referenced by makeColouredLinkObj().

static Linker::getInterwikiLinkAttributes ( title,
unused = null,
class = 'external' 
) [static]

Get the appropriate HTML attributes to add to the "a" element of an in- terwiki link.

$titleString: the title text for the link, URL-encoded (???) but not HTML-escaped
$unusedString: unused
$classString: the contents of the class attribute; if an empty string is passed, which is the default value, defaults to 'external'.

Definition at line 63 of file Linker.php.

References $title, $wgContLang, and getLinkAttributesInternal().

static Linker::getInvalidTitleDescription ( IContextSource context,
) [static]

Get a message saying that an invalid title was encountered.

This should be called after a method like Title::makeTitleSafe() returned a value indicating that the title object is invalid.

$contextIContextSource context to use to get the messages
$namespaceint Namespace number
$titlestring Text of the title, without the namespace part

Definition at line 441 of file Linker.php.

References $title, $wgContLang, MWNamespace\exists(), and IContextSource\msg().

Referenced by PageQueryPage\formatResult(), PopularPagesPage\formatResult(), UnwatchedpagesPage\formatResult(), FewestrevisionsPage\formatResult(), MostlinkedCategoriesPage\formatResult(), MostcategoriesPage\formatResult(), ShortPagesPage\formatResult(), MostlinkedPage\formatResult(), MostinterwikisPage\formatResult(), and MostlinkedTemplatesPage\formatResult().

static Linker::getLinkAttributesInternal ( title,
) [static, private]

Common code for getLinkAttributesX functions.


Definition at line 117 of file Linker.php.

References $title.

Referenced by getExternalLinkAttributes(), getInternalLinkAttributes(), getInternalLinkAttributesObj(), and getInterwikiLinkAttributes().

static Linker::getLinkColour ( t,
) [static]

Return the CSS colour of a known link.

$tTitle object
$thresholdInteger: user defined threshold
String: CSS class

Definition at line 137 of file Linker.php.

References $t.

Referenced by LinkHolderArray\doVariants(), linkAttribs(), and LinkHolderArray\replaceInternal().

static Linker::getRevDeleteLink ( User user,
Revision rev,
Title title 
) [static]

Get a revision-deletion link, or disabled link, or nothing, depending on user permissions & the settings on the revision.

Will use forward-compatible revision ID in the Special:RevDelete link if possible, otherwise the timestamp-based ID which may break after undeletion.

string HTML fragment

Definition at line 2000 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by DeletedContribsPager\formatRow().

static Linker::getUploadUrl ( destFile,
query = '' 
) [static, protected]

Get the URL to upload a certain file.

$destFileTitle object of the file to upload
$queryString: urlencoded query string to prepend
String: urlencoded URL

Definition at line 914 of file Linker.php.

References SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), and wfAppendQuery().

Referenced by makeBrokenImageLinkObj(), and makeMediaLinkFile().

static Linker::link ( target,
html = null,
customAttribs = array(),
query = array(),
options = array() 
) [static]

This function returns an HTML link to the given target.

It serves a few purposes: 1) If $target is a Title, the correct URL to link to will be figured out automatically. 2) It automatically adds the usual classes for various types of link targets: "new" for red links, "stub" for short articles, etc. 3) It escapes all attribute values safely so there's no risk of XSS. 4) It provides a default tooltip if the target is a Title (the page name of the target). link() replaces the old functions in the makeLink() family.

1.18 Method exists since 1.16 as non-static, made static in 1.18. You can call it using this if you want to keep compat with these: $linker = class_exists( 'DummyLinker' ) ? new DummyLinker() : new Linker(); $linker->link( ... );
$targetTitle Can currently only be a Title, but this may change to support Images, literal URLs, etc.
$htmlstring The HTML contents of the element, i.e., the link text. This is raw HTML and will not be escaped. If null, defaults to the prefixed text of the Title; or if the Title is just a fragment, the contents of the fragment.
$customAttribsarray A key => value array of extra HTML attri- butes, such as title and class. (href is ignored.) Classes will be merged with the default classes, while other attributes will replace default attributes. All passed attribute values will be HTML-escaped. A false attribute value means to suppress that attribute.
$queryarray The query string to append to the URL you're linking to, in key => value array form. Query keys and values will be URL-encoded.
$optionsstring|array String or array of strings: 'known': Page is known to exist, so don't check if it does. 'broken': Page is known not to exist, so don't check if it does. 'noclasses': Don't add any classes automatically (includes "new", "stub", "mw-redirect", "extiw"). Only use the class attribute provided, if any, so you get a simple blue link with no funny i- cons. 'forcearticlepath': Use the article path always, even with a querystring. Has compatibility issues on some setups, so avoid wherever possible.
string HTML attribute

Definition at line 193 of file Linker.php.

References $options, linkText(), normaliseSpecialPage(), Html\rawElement(), wfAppendQuery(), wfArrayToCgi(), wfCgiToArray(), wfDeprecated(), wfProfileIn(), wfProfileOut(), and wfRunHooks().

Referenced by CategoryViewer\addSubcategoryObject(), blockLink(), ProtectionForm\buildForm(), SpecialEditWatchlist\buildRemoveLine(), buildRollbackLink(), SpecialContributions\contributionsSub(), Skin\doEditSectionLink(), MovePageForm\doSubmit(), SpecialTags\doTagRow(), Skin\drawCategoryBrowser(), emailLink(), SpecialListGroupRights\execute(), SpecialNewpages\filterLinks(), formatAutocommentsCallback(), formatHiddenCategories(), formatLinksInCommentCallback(), WantedCategoriesPage\formatResult(), UnusedCategoriesPage\formatResult(), MostlinkedCategoriesPage\formatResult(), DoubleRedirectsPage\formatResult(), BrokenRedirectsPage\formatResult(), MostcategoriesPage\formatResult(), ShortPagesPage\formatResult(), MIMEsearchPage\formatResult(), MostlinkedPage\formatResult(), MostinterwikisPage\formatResult(), ListredirectsPage\formatResult(), MostlinkedTemplatesPage\formatResult(), DisambiguationsPage\formatResult(), SpecialProtectedtitles\formatRow(), SpecialProtectedpages\formatRow(), CategoryPager\formatRow(), NewFilesPager\formatRow(), DeletedContribsPager\formatRow(), formatTemplates(), ImageListPager\formatValue(), Preferences\generateSkinOptions(), PreferencesForm\getButtons(), Skin\getCategoryLinks(), InfoAction\getContributors(), RevDel_ArchiveItem\getDiffLink(), SpecialUnblock\getFields(), SpecialEmailUser\getFormFields(), SpecialJavaScriptTest\getFrameworkListHtml(), SpecialStatistics\getGroupStats(), RevDel_LogItem\getHTML(), RevDel_ArchivedFileItem\getLink(), SpecialStatistics\getMostViewedPages(), RevDel_ArchiveItem\getRevisionLink(), DeletedContributionsPage\getSubTitle(), SpecialContributions\getUserLinks(), LegacyTemplate\historyLink(), linkKnown(), makeBrokenLinkObj(), makeImageLink(), makeKnownLinkObj(), makeLinkObj(), MostlinkedTemplatesPage\makeWlhLink(), LegacyTemplate\nameAndLogin(), InfoAction\pageInfo(), SpecialBlock\postText(), Preferences\profilePreferences(), StandardTemplate\quickBar(), LinkHolderArray\replaceInternal(), LinkHolderArray\replaceInterwiki(), revDeleteLink(), SpecialRevisionDelete\showForm(), MovePageForm\showSubpages(), SpecialEditWatchlist\showTitles(), Preferences\skinPreferences(), LegacyTemplate\talkLink(), NostalgiaTemplate\topLinks(), userLink(), userTalkLink(), and userToolLinks().

static Linker::linkAttribs ( target,
) [static, private]

Returns the array of attributes used when linking to the Title $target.


Definition at line 311 of file Linker.php.

References $options, $wgUser, getLinkColour(), Sanitizer\mergeAttributes(), wfMessage(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

static Linker::linkKnown ( target,
html = null,
customAttribs = array(),
query = array(),
options = array( 'known', 'noclasses' ) 
) [static]

Identical to link(), except $options defaults to 'known'.


Definition at line 265 of file Linker.php.

References $options, and link().

Referenced by SpecialEditWatchlist\buildRemoveLine(), SpecialEditWatchlist\buildTools(), LegacyTemplate\commentLink(), SpecialWatchlist\daysLink(), LegacyTemplate\deleteThisPage(), CologneBlueTemplate\doAfterContent(), MovePageForm\doSubmit(), LegacyTemplate\editThisPage(), LegacyTemplate\emailUserLink(), SpecialWatchlist\execute(), SpecialJavaScriptTest\execute(), SpecialListGroupRights\execute(), EmailConfirmation\execute(), SpecialEditWatchlist\execute(), Skin\footerLink(), PageQueryPage\formatResult(), PopularPagesPage\formatResult(), AncientPagesPage\formatResult(), UnusedtemplatesPage\formatResult(), UnwatchedpagesPage\formatResult(), FewestrevisionsPage\formatResult(), DoubleRedirectsPage\formatResult(), BrokenRedirectsPage\formatResult(), MostcategoriesPage\formatResult(), ShortPagesPage\formatResult(), MostinterwikisPage\formatResult(), LinkSearchPage\formatResult(), SpecialMergeHistory\formatRevisionRow(), SpecialProtectedpages\formatRow(), DeletedContribsPager\formatRow(), ImageListPager\formatValue(), BlockListPager\formatValue(), EditPage\getCancelLink(), Skin\getCopyright(), HistoryAction\getDescription(), RevDel_RevisionItem\getDiffLink(), SpecialStatistics\getGroupStats(), Skin\getNewtalks(), SpecialStatistics\getPageStats(), RevDel_RevisionItem\getRevisionLink(), DeletedContributionsPage\getSubTitle(), Skin\getUndeleteLink(), LegacyTemplate\getUploadLink(), SpecialContributions\getUserLinks(), SpecialStatistics\getUserStats(), SpecialWatchlist\hoursLink(), ImageHistoryList\imageHistoryLine(), ChangesList\insertLog(), Skin\mainPageLink(), makeBrokenImageLinkObj(), SpecialRecentChanges\makeOptionsLink(), MostlinkedPage\makeWlhLink(), LegacyTemplate\moveThisPage(), CreditsAction\othersLink(), SpecialSpecialpages\outputPageList(), InfoAction\pageInfo(), LegacyTemplate\pageTitleLinks(), SpecialBlock\postText(), Preferences\profilePreferences(), LegacyTemplate\protectThisPage(), StandardTemplate\quickBar(), CologneBlueTemplate\quickBar(), ImportReporter\reportPage(), SpecialRevisionDelete\showConvenienceLinks(), SpecialWatchlist\showHideLink(), SpecialPrefixindex\showPrefixChunk(), SpecialSearch\showResults(), specialLink(), Skin\subPageSubtitle(), CologneBlueTemplate\sysLinks(), LegacyTemplate\userContribsLink(), LegacyTemplate\watchPageLinksLink(), LegacyTemplate\watchThisPage(), and LegacyTemplate\whatLinksHere().

static Linker::linkText ( target) [static, private]

Default text of the links to the Title $target.


Definition at line 373 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by link(), makeBrokenLinkObj(), makeKnownLinkObj(), and makeLinkObj().

static Linker::linkUrl ( target,
) [static, private]

Returns the Url used to link to a Title.

$queryArray: query parameters

Definition at line 280 of file Linker.php.

References $options, wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

static Linker::makeBrokenImageLinkObj ( title,
label = '',
query = '',
unused1 = '',
unused2 = '',
time = false 
) [static]

Make a "broken" link to an image.

$titleTitle object
$labelString: link label (plain text)
$queryString: query string
$unused1Unused parameter kept for b/c
$unused2Unused parameter kept for b/c
$timeBoolean: a file of a certain timestamp was requested

Definition at line 875 of file Linker.php.

References false, Title\getPrefixedText(), getUploadUrl(), linkKnown(), RepoGroup\singleton(), wfCgiToArray(), wfFindFile(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by makeImageLink(), and makeThumbLink2().

static Linker::makeBrokenLink ( title,
text = '',
query = '',
trail = '' 
) [static]
since 1.16 Use link()

This function is a shortcut to makeBrokenLinkObj(Title::newFromText($title),...). Do not call it if you already have a title object handy. See makeBrokenLinkObj for further documentation.

$titleString: The text of the title
$textString: Link text
$queryString: Optional query part
$trailString: Optional trail. Alphabetic characters at the start of this string will be included in the link text. Other characters will be appended after the end of the link.

Definition at line 2081 of file Linker.php.

References makeBrokenLinkObj(), Title\newFromText(), wfDebug(), and wfDeprecated().

static Linker::makeBrokenLinkObj ( title,
text = '',
query = '',
trail = '',
prefix = '' 
) [static]
since 1.16 Use link()

Make a red link to the edit page of a given title.

$titleTitle object of the target page
$textString: Link text
$queryString: Optional query part
$trailString: Optional trail. Alphabetic characters at the start of this string will be included in the link text. Other characters will be appended after the end of the link.
$prefixString: Optional prefix

Definition at line 2180 of file Linker.php.

References link(), linkText(), splitTrail(), wfCgiToArray(), wfDeprecated(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by makeBrokenLink().

static Linker::makeColouredLinkObj ( nt,
text = '',
query = '',
trail = '',
prefix = '' 
) [static]
since 1.16 Use link()

Make a coloured link.

$ntTitle object of the target page
$colourInteger: colour of the link
$textString: link text
$queryString: optional query part
$trailString: optional trail. Alphabetic characters at the start of this string will be included in the link text. Other characters will be appended after the end of the link.
$prefixString: Optional prefix

Definition at line 2212 of file Linker.php.

References getInternalLinkAttributesObj(), makeKnownLinkObj(), and wfDeprecated().

Referenced by makeSizeLinkObj().

static Linker::makeExternalImage ( url,
alt = '' 
) [static]

Return the code for images which were added via external links, via Parser::maybeMakeExternalImage().


Definition at line 502 of file Linker.php.

References $success, $url, Html\element(), fnamePart(), wfDebug(), and wfRunHooks().

static Linker::makeExternalLink ( url,
escape = true,
linktype = '',
attribs = array() 
) [static]

Make an external link.

$urlString: URL to link to
$textString: text of link
$escapeBoolean: do we escape the link text?
$linktypeString: type of external link. Gets added to the classes
$attribsArray of extra attributes to

Definition at line 994 of file Linker.php.

References $success, $url, Html\rawElement(), wfDebug(), and wfRunHooks().

Referenced by LinkSearchPage\formatResult(), Skin\getCopyright(), LegacyTemplate\getUploadLink(), WikiMap\makeForeignLink(), and Parser\makeFreeExternalLink().

static Linker::makeHeadline ( level,
legacyAnchor = false 
) [static]

Create a headline for content.

$levelInteger: the level of the headline (1-6)
$attribsString: any attributes for the headline, starting with a space and ending with '>' This *must* be at least '>' for no attribs
$anchorString: the anchor to give the headline (the bit after the #)
$htmlString: html for the text of the header
$linkString: HTML to add for the section edit link
$legacyAnchorMixed: a second, optional anchor to give for backward compatibility (false to omit)
String: HTML headline

Definition at line 1661 of file Linker.php.

static Linker::makeImageLink ( parser,
Title title,
frameParams = array(),
handlerParams = array(),
time = false,
query = "",
widthOption = null 
) [static]

Given parameters derived from [[Image:Foo|options...]], generate the HTML that that syntax inserts in the page.

$parserParser object
$titleTitle object of the file (not the currently viewed page)
$fileFile object, or false if it doesn't exist
$frameParamsArray: associative array of parameters external to the media handler. Boolean parameters are indicated by presence or absence, the value is arbitrary and will often be false. thumbnail If present, downscale and frame manualthumb Image name to use as a thumbnail, instead of automatic scaling framed Shows image in original size in a frame frameless Downscale but don't frame upright If present, tweak default sizes for portrait orientation upright_factor Fudge factor for "upright" tweak (default 0.75) border If present, show a border around the image align Horizontal alignment (left, right, center, none) valign Vertical alignment (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom) alt Alternate text for image (i.e. alt attribute). Plain text. class HTML for image classes. Plain text. caption HTML for image caption. link-url URL to link to link-title Title object to link to link-target Value for the target attribue, only with link-url no-link Boolean, suppress description link
$handlerParamsArray: associative array of media handler parameters, to be passed to transform(). Typical keys are "width" and "page".
$timeString: timestamp of the file, set as false for current
$queryString: query params for desc url
$widthOption,:Used by the parser to remember the user preference thumbnailsize
String: HTML for an image, with links, wrappers, etc.

Definition at line 554 of file Linker.php.

References $file, $page, $params, $res, $s, $wgContLang, User\getDefaultOption(), getImageLinkMTOParams(), Title\getPrefixedDBkey(), link(), makeBrokenImageLinkObj(), makeThumbLink2(), wfDebug(), and wfRunHooks().

Referenced by Parser\makeImage(), and makeImageLink2().

static Linker::makeImageLink2 ( Title title,
frameParams = array(),
handlerParams = array(),
time = false,
query = "",
widthOption = null 
) [static]

See makeImageLink() When this function is removed, remove if( $parser instanceof Parser ) check there too.

since 1.20

Definition at line 690 of file Linker.php.

References $file, and makeImageLink().

static Linker::makeKnownLinkObj ( title,
text = '',
query = '',
trail = '',
prefix = '',
aprops = '',
style = '' 
) [static]
since 1.16 Use link()

Make a link for a title which definitely exists. This is faster than makeLinkObj because it doesn't have to do a database query. It's also valid for interwiki titles and special pages.

$titleTitle object of target page
$textString: text to replace the title
$queryString: link target
$trailString: text after link
$prefixString: text before link text
$apropsString: extra attributes to the a-element
$styleString: style to apply - if empty, use getInternalLinkAttributesObj instead
string the a-element

Definition at line 2142 of file Linker.php.

References Sanitizer\decodeTagAttributes(), link(), linkText(), Sanitizer\mergeAttributes(), splitTrail(), wfCgiToArray(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by makeColouredLinkObj().

static Linker::makeLinkObj ( nt,
text = '',
query = '',
trail = '',
prefix = '' 
) [static]
since 1.16 Use link()

Make a link for a title which may or may not be in the database. If you need to call this lots of times, pre-fill the link cache with a LinkBatch, otherwise each call to this will result in a DB query.

$ntTitle: the title object to make the link from, e.g. from Title::newFromText.
$textString: link text
$queryString: optional query part
$trailString: optional trail. Alphabetic characters at the start of this string will be included in the link text. Other characters will be appended after the end of the link.
$prefixString: optional prefix. As trail, only before instead of after.

Definition at line 2110 of file Linker.php.

References link(), linkText(), splitTrail(), wfCgiToArray(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

static Linker::makeMediaLinkFile ( Title title,
html = '' 
) [static]

Create a direct link to a given uploaded file.

This will make a broken link if $file is false.

$titleTitle object.
$fileFile|bool mixed File object or false
$htmlString: pre-sanitized HTML
String: HTML
Handle invalid or missing images better.

Definition at line 954 of file Linker.php.

References $file, $url, Title\getText(), and getUploadUrl().

Referenced by makeMediaLinkObj().

static Linker::makeMediaLinkObj ( title,
html = '',
time = false 
) [static]

Create a direct link to a given uploaded file.

$titleTitle object.
$htmlString: pre-sanitized HTML
$timestring: MW timestamp of file creation time
String: HTML

Definition at line 938 of file Linker.php.

References makeMediaLinkFile(), and wfFindFile().

Referenced by formatLinksInCommentCallback(), and MIMEsearchPage\formatResult().

static Linker::makeSelfLinkObj ( nt,
html = '',
query = '',
trail = '',
prefix = '' 
) [static]

Make appropriate markup for a link to the current article.

This is currently rendered as the bold link text. The calling sequence is the same as the other make*LinkObj static functions, despite $query not being used.

$htmlString [optional]
$queryString [optional]
$trailString [optional]
$prefixString [optional]

Definition at line 424 of file Linker.php.

References splitTrail().

static Linker::makeSizeLinkObj ( size,
text = '',
query = '',
trail = '',
prefix = '' 
) [static]

Generate either a normal exists-style link or a stub link, depending on the given page size.

$ntTitle object.
string HTML of link
since 1.17

Definition at line 400 of file Linker.php.

References $size, $wgUser, makeColouredLinkObj(), and wfDeprecated().

static Linker::makeThumbLink2 ( Title title,
frameParams = array(),
handlerParams = array(),
time = false,
query = "" 
) [static]

Definition at line 766 of file Linker.php.

References $file, $page, $params, $s, $url, $wgContLang, Html\element(), getImageLinkMTOParams(), Title\getLocalURL(), makeBrokenImageLinkObj(), Title\makeTitleSafe(), Html\rawElement(), wfAppendQuery(), wfFindFile(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by makeImageLink(), and makeThumbLinkObj().

static Linker::makeThumbLinkObj ( Title title,
label = '',
align = 'right',
params = array(),
framed = false,
manualthumb = "" 
) [static]

Make HTML for a thumbnail including image, border and caption.

$titleTitle object
$fileFile object or false if it doesn't exist

Definition at line 740 of file Linker.php.

References $file, $params, and makeThumbLink2().

static Linker::normaliseSpecialPage ( Title title) [static]
static Linker::normalizeSubpageLink ( contextTitle,
&$  text 
) [static]

Definition at line 1420 of file Linker.php.

References MWNamespace\hasSubpages(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

Referenced by formatLinksInCommentCallback().

static Linker::revComment ( Revision rev,
local = false,
isPublic = false 
) [static]

Wrap and format the given revision's comment block, if the current user is allowed to view it.

$revRevision object
$localBoolean: whether section links should refer to local page
$isPublicBoolean: show only if all users can see it
String: HTML fragment

Definition at line 1524 of file Linker.php.

References commentBlock(), Revision\DELETED_COMMENT, Revision\FOR_THIS_USER, Revision\getComment(), Revision\getRawComment(), Revision\getTitle(), Revision\isDeleted(), Revision\userCan(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by SpecialMergeHistory\formatRevisionRow(), DeletedContribsPager\formatRow(), RevDel_RevisionItem\getHTML(), and RevisionItem\getHTML().

static Linker::revDeleteLink ( query = array(),
restricted = false,
delete = true 
) [static]

Creates a (show/hide) link for deleting revisions/log entries.

$queryArray: query parameters to be passed to link()
$restrictedBoolean: set to true to use a "<strong>" instead of a "<span>"
$deleteBoolean: set to true to use (show/hide) rather than (show)
String: HTML "<a>" link to Special:Revisiondelete, wrapped in a span to allow for customization of appearance with CSS

Definition at line 2041 of file Linker.php.

References SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), link(), Xml\tags(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by ImageHistoryList\imageHistoryLine().

static Linker::revDeleteLinkDisabled ( delete = true) [static]

Creates a dead (show/hide) link for deleting revisions/log entries.

$deleteBoolean: set to true to use (show/hide) rather than (show)
string HTML text wrapped in a span to allow for customization of appearance with CSS

Definition at line 2058 of file Linker.php.

References Xml\tags(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by ImageHistoryList\imageHistoryLine().

static Linker::revUserLink ( rev,
isPublic = false 
) [static]

Generate a user link if the current user is allowed to view it.

$revRevision object.
$isPublicBoolean: show only if all users can see it
String: HTML fragment

Definition at line 1147 of file Linker.php.

References Revision\DELETED_USER, Revision\FOR_THIS_USER, userLink(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by RevDel_RevisionItem\getHTML(), and RevisionItem\getHTML().

static Linker::revUserTools ( rev,
isPublic = false 
) [static]

Generate a user tool link cluster if the current user is allowed to view it.

$revRevision object.
$isPublicBoolean: show only if all users can see it
string HTML

Definition at line 1168 of file Linker.php.

References Revision\DELETED_USER, Revision\FOR_THIS_USER, userLink(), userToolLinks(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by SpecialMergeHistory\formatRevisionRow(), and InfoAction\pageInfo().

static Linker::specialLink ( name,
key = '' 
) [static]

Make a link to a special page given its name and, optionally, a message key from the link text.

Usage example: Linker::specialLink( 'Recentchanges' )


Definition at line 977 of file Linker.php.

References SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), linkKnown(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by StandardTemplate\doAfterContent(), LegacyTemplate\nameAndLogin(), StandardTemplate\quickBar(), CologneBlueTemplate\quickBar(), CologneBlueTemplate\sysLinks(), NostalgiaTemplate\topLinks(), and LegacyTemplate\topLinks().

static Linker::splitTrail ( trail) [static]

Split a link trail, return the "inside" portion and the remainder of the trail as a two-element array.


Definition at line 1677 of file Linker.php.

References $wgContLang.

Referenced by formatLinksInCommentCallback(), makeBrokenLinkObj(), LinkHolderArray\makeHolder(), makeKnownLinkObj(), makeLinkObj(), and makeSelfLinkObj().

static Linker::titleAttrib ( name,
options = null 
) [static]

Given the id of an interface element, constructs the appropriate title attribute from the system messages.

(Note, this is usually the id but isn't always, because sometimes the accesskey needs to go on a different element than the id, for reverse-compatibility, etc.)

$nameString: id of the element, minus prefixes.
$optionsMixed: null or the string 'withaccess' to add an access- key hint
String: contents of the title attribute (which you must HTML- escape), or false for no title attribute

Definition at line 1919 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by MonoBookTemplate\customBox(), BaseTemplate\makeLink(), and tooltip().

static Linker::tocIndent ( ) [static]

Add another level to the Table of Contents.


Definition at line 1561 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by generateTOC(), and SpecialEditWatchlist\getNormalForm().

static Linker::tocLine ( anchor,
sectionIndex = false 
) [static]

parameter level defines if we are on an indentation level


Definition at line 1579 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by generateTOC(), and SpecialEditWatchlist\getNormalForm().

static Linker::tocLineEnd ( ) [static]

End a Table Of Contents line.

tocUnindent() will be used instead if we're ending a line below the new level.


Definition at line 1596 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by generateTOC(), and SpecialEditWatchlist\getNormalForm().

static Linker::tocList ( toc,
lang = false 
) [static]

Wraps the TOC in a table and provides the hide/collapse javascript.

$tocString: html of the Table Of Contents
$langString|Language|false: Language for the toc title, defaults to user language
String: full html of the TOC

Definition at line 1607 of file Linker.php.

References wfGetLangObj(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by generateTOC(), and SpecialEditWatchlist\getNormalForm().

static Linker::tocUnindent ( level) [static]

Finish one or more sublevels on the Table of Contents.


Definition at line 1570 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by generateTOC().

static Linker::tooltip ( name,
options = null 
) [static]

Returns raw bits of HTML, use titleAttrib()


Definition at line 2248 of file Linker.php.

References $options, Xml\expandAttributes(), and titleAttrib().

Referenced by VectorTemplate\execute(), and VectorTemplate\renderPortal().

static Linker::userLink ( userId,
altUserName = false 
) [static]

Make user link (or user contributions for unregistered users)

$userIdInteger: user id in database.
$userNameString: user name in database.
$altUserNameString: text to display instead of the user name (optional)
String: HTML fragment
1.19 Method exists for a long time. $altUserName was added in 1.19.

Definition at line 1026 of file Linker.php.

References $page, SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), link(), and Title\makeTitle().

Referenced by UsersPager\formatRow(), BlockListPager\formatValue(), ImageHistoryList\imageHistoryLine(), LogFormatter\makeUserLink(), RollbackAction\onView(), revUserLink(), and revUserTools().

static Linker::userTalkLink ( userId,
) [static]
$userIdInteger: user id in database.
$userTextString: user name in database.
String: HTML fragment with user talk link

Definition at line 1113 of file Linker.php.

References link(), Title\makeTitle(), and wfMessage().

Referenced by userToolLinks().

static Linker::userToolLinks ( userId,
redContribsWhenNoEdits = false,
flags = 0,
edits = null 
) [static]

Generate standard user tool links (talk, contributions, block link, etc.)

$userIdInteger: user identifier
$userTextString: user name or IP address
$redContribsWhenNoEditsBoolean: should the contributions link be red if the user has no edits?
$flagsInteger: customisation flags (e.g. Linker::TOOL_LINKS_NOBLOCK and Linker::TOOL_LINKS_EMAIL)
$editsInteger: user edit count (optional, for performance)
String: HTML fragment

Definition at line 1051 of file Linker.php.

References $count, $wgLang, $wgUser, blockLink(), User\edits(), emailLink(), SpecialPage\getTitleFor(), link(), TOOL_LINKS_NOBLOCK, userTalkLink(), wfMessage(), and wfRunHooks().

Referenced by UsersPager\formatRow(), BlockListPager\formatValue(), ImageHistoryList\imageHistoryLine(), RollbackAction\onView(), revUserTools(), UserrightsPage\showEditUserGroupsForm(), and userToolLinksRedContribs().

static Linker::userToolLinksRedContribs ( userId,
edits = null 
) [static]

Alias for userToolLinks( $userId, $userText, true );.

$userIdInteger: user identifier
$userTextString: user name or IP address
$editsInteger: user edit count (optional, for performance)

Definition at line 1103 of file Linker.php.

References userToolLinks().

Referenced by LogFormatter\makeUserLink().

Member Data Documentation

Linker::$accesskeycache [static]

Definition at line 1951 of file Linker.php.

Linker::$autocommentLocal [static]

Definition at line 1223 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by formatAutocommentsCallback().

Linker::$autocommentTitle [static]

Definition at line 1222 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by formatAutocommentsCallback().

Linker::$commentContextTitle [static]

Definition at line 1307 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by formatLinksInCommentCallback().

Linker::$commentLocal [static]

Definition at line 1308 of file Linker.php.

Definition at line 36 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by UserrightsPage\showEditUserGroupsForm().

Flags for userToolLinks()

Definition at line 35 of file Linker.php.

Referenced by BlockListPager\formatValue(), and userToolLinks().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: