00001 <?php 00029 class SpecialProtectedtitles extends SpecialPage { 00030 00031 protected $IdLevel = 'level'; 00032 protected $IdType = 'type'; 00033 00034 public function __construct() { 00035 parent::__construct( 'Protectedtitles' ); 00036 } 00037 00038 function execute( $par ) { 00039 $this->setHeaders(); 00040 $this->outputHeader(); 00041 00042 // Purge expired entries on one in every 10 queries 00043 if ( !mt_rand( 0, 10 ) ) { 00044 Title::purgeExpiredRestrictions(); 00045 } 00046 00047 $request = $this->getRequest(); 00048 $type = $request->getVal( $this->IdType ); 00049 $level = $request->getVal( $this->IdLevel ); 00050 $sizetype = $request->getVal( 'sizetype' ); 00051 $size = $request->getIntOrNull( 'size' ); 00052 $NS = $request->getIntOrNull( 'namespace' ); 00053 00054 $pager = new ProtectedTitlesPager( $this, array(), $type, $level, $NS, $sizetype, $size ); 00055 00056 $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $this->showOptions( $NS, $type, $level ) ); 00057 00058 if ( $pager->getNumRows() ) { 00059 $this->getOutput()->addHTML( 00060 $pager->getNavigationBar() . 00061 '<ul>' . $pager->getBody() . '</ul>' . 00062 $pager->getNavigationBar() 00063 ); 00064 } else { 00065 $this->getOutput()->addWikiMsg( 'protectedtitlesempty' ); 00066 } 00067 } 00068 00074 function formatRow( $row ) { 00075 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); 00076 00077 static $infinity = null; 00078 00079 if( is_null( $infinity ) ){ 00080 $infinity = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE )->getInfinity(); 00081 } 00082 00083 $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $row->pt_namespace, $row->pt_title ); 00084 $link = Linker::link( $title ); 00085 00086 $description_items = array (); 00087 00088 $protType = $this->msg( 'restriction-level-' . $row->pt_create_perm )->escaped(); 00089 00090 $description_items[] = $protType; 00091 00092 $lang = $this->getLanguage(); 00093 $expiry = strlen( $row->pt_expiry ) ? $lang->formatExpiry( $row->pt_expiry, TS_MW ) : $infinity; 00094 if( $expiry != $infinity ) { 00095 $user = $this->getUser(); 00096 $description_items[] = $this->msg( 00097 'protect-expiring-local', 00098 $lang->userTimeAndDate( $expiry, $user ), 00099 $lang->userDate( $expiry, $user ), 00100 $lang->userTime( $expiry, $user ) 00101 )->escaped(); 00102 } 00103 00104 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); 00105 00106 return '<li>' . $lang->specialList( $link, implode( $description_items, ', ' ) ) . "</li>\n"; 00107 } 00108 00116 function showOptions( $namespace, $type='edit', $level ) { 00117 global $wgScript; 00118 $action = htmlspecialchars( $wgScript ); 00119 $title = $this->getTitle(); 00120 $special = htmlspecialchars( $title->getPrefixedDBkey() ); 00121 return "<form action=\"$action\" method=\"get\">\n" . 00122 '<fieldset>' . 00123 Xml::element( 'legend', array(), $this->msg( 'protectedtitles' )->text() ) . 00124 Html::hidden( 'title', $special ) . " \n" . 00125 $this->getNamespaceMenu( $namespace ) . " \n" . 00126 $this->getLevelMenu( $level ) . " \n" . 00127 " " . Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'allpagessubmit' )->text() ) . "\n" . 00128 "</fieldset></form>"; 00129 } 00130 00138 function getNamespaceMenu( $namespace = null ) { 00139 return Html::namespaceSelector( 00140 array( 00141 'selected' => $namespace, 00142 'all' => '', 00143 'label' => $this->msg( 'namespace' )->text() 00144 ), array( 00145 'name' => 'namespace', 00146 'id' => 'namespace', 00147 'class' => 'namespaceselector', 00148 ) 00149 ); 00150 } 00151 00156 function getLevelMenu( $pr_level ) { 00157 global $wgRestrictionLevels; 00158 00159 $m = array( $this->msg( 'restriction-level-all' )->text() => 0 ); // Temporary array 00160 $options = array(); 00161 00162 // First pass to load the log names 00163 foreach( $wgRestrictionLevels as $type ) { 00164 if ( $type !='' && $type !='*') { 00165 $text = $this->msg( "restriction-level-$type" )->text(); 00166 $m[$text] = $type; 00167 } 00168 } 00169 // Is there only one level (aside from "all")? 00170 if( count($m) <= 2 ) { 00171 return ''; 00172 } 00173 // Third pass generates sorted XHTML content 00174 foreach( $m as $text => $type ) { 00175 $selected = ($type == $pr_level ); 00176 $options[] = Xml::option( $text, $type, $selected ); 00177 } 00178 00179 return 00180 Xml::label( $this->msg( 'restriction-level' )->text(), $this->IdLevel ) . ' ' . 00181 Xml::tags( 'select', 00182 array( 'id' => $this->IdLevel, 'name' => $this->IdLevel ), 00183 implode( "\n", $options ) ); 00184 } 00185 } 00186 00191 class ProtectedTitlesPager extends AlphabeticPager { 00192 public $mForm, $mConds; 00193 00194 function __construct( $form, $conds = array(), $type, $level, $namespace, $sizetype='', $size=0 ) { 00195 $this->mForm = $form; 00196 $this->mConds = $conds; 00197 $this->level = $level; 00198 $this->namespace = $namespace; 00199 $this->size = intval($size); 00200 parent::__construct( $form->getContext() ); 00201 } 00202 00203 function getStartBody() { 00204 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ ); 00205 # Do a link batch query 00206 $this->mResult->seek( 0 ); 00207 $lb = new LinkBatch; 00208 00209 foreach ( $this->mResult as $row ) { 00210 $lb->add( $row->pt_namespace, $row->pt_title ); 00211 } 00212 00213 $lb->execute(); 00214 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ ); 00215 return ''; 00216 } 00217 00221 function getTitle() { 00222 return $this->mForm->getTitle(); 00223 } 00224 00225 function formatRow( $row ) { 00226 return $this->mForm->formatRow( $row ); 00227 } 00228 00232 function getQueryInfo() { 00233 $conds = $this->mConds; 00234 $conds[] = 'pt_expiry>' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->mDb->timestamp() ); 00235 if( $this->level ) 00236 $conds['pt_create_perm'] = $this->level; 00237 if( !is_null($this->namespace) ) 00238 $conds[] = 'pt_namespace=' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $this->namespace ); 00239 return array( 00240 'tables' => 'protected_titles', 00241 'fields' => 'pt_namespace,pt_title,pt_create_perm,pt_expiry,pt_timestamp', 00242 'conds' => $conds 00243 ); 00244 } 00245 00246 function getIndexField() { 00247 return 'pt_timestamp'; 00248 } 00249 } 00250