MediaWiki  REL1_20
FSFile Class Reference

Class representing a non-directory file on the file system. More...

Inheritance diagram for FSFile:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($path)
 Sets up the file object.
 exists ()
 Checks if the file exists.
 getMimeType ()
 Guess the MIME type from the file contents alone.
 getPath ()
 Returns the file system path.
 getProps ($ext=true)
 Get an associative array containing information about a file with the given storage path.
 getSha1Base36 ()
 Get a SHA-1 hash of a file in the local filesystem, in base-36 lower case encoding, zero padded to 31 digits.
 getSize ()
 Get the file size in bytes.
 getTimestamp ()
 Get the file's last-modified timestamp.

Static Public Member Functions

static extensionFromPath ($path)
 Get the final file extension from a file system path.
static getPropsFromPath ($path, $ext=true)
 Get an associative array containing information about a file in the local filesystem.
static getSha1Base36FromPath ($path)
 Get a SHA-1 hash of a file in the local filesystem, in base-36 lower case encoding, zero padded to 31 digits.
static placeholderProps ()
 Placeholder file properties to use for files that don't exist.

Protected Member Functions

 extractImageSizeInfo (array $gis)
 Exract image size information.

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

Class representing a non-directory file on the file system.

Definition at line 29 of file FSFile.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FSFile::__construct ( path)

Sets up the file object.

$pathstring Path to temporary file on local disk

Definition at line 38 of file FSFile.php.

References $path, and FileBackend\isStoragePath().

Member Function Documentation

Checks if the file exists.


Definition at line 59 of file FSFile.php.

Referenced by getProps().

static FSFile::extensionFromPath ( path) [static]

Get the final file extension from a file system path.


Definition at line 218 of file FSFile.php.

References $path.

Referenced by getProps().

FSFile::extractImageSizeInfo ( array $  gis) [protected]

Exract image size information.


Definition at line 176 of file FSFile.php.

Referenced by getProps().

Guess the MIME type from the file contents alone.


Definition at line 92 of file FSFile.php.

References MimeMagic\singleton().

Referenced by getProps().

Returns the file system path.


Definition at line 50 of file FSFile.php.

FSFile::getProps ( ext = true)

Get an associative array containing information about a file with the given storage path.

$extMixed: the file extension, or true to extract it from the filename. Set it to false to ignore the extension.

Definition at line 105 of file FSFile.php.

References $ext, exists(), extensionFromPath(), extractImageSizeInfo(), MediaHandler\getHandler(), getMimeType(), getSha1Base36(), getSize(), placeholderProps(), MimeMagic\singleton(), File\splitMime(), wfDebug(), wfProfileIn(), and wfProfileOut().

static FSFile::getPropsFromPath ( path,
ext = true 
) [static]

Get an associative array containing information about a file in the local filesystem.

$pathString: absolute local filesystem path
$extMixed: the file extension, or true to extract it from the filename. Set it to false to ignore the extension.

Definition at line 232 of file FSFile.php.

References $ext, and $path.

Referenced by FileBackendTest\doTestStore(), UploadBase\verifyFile(), and UploadBase\verifyPartialFile().

Get a SHA-1 hash of a file in the local filesystem, in base-36 lower case encoding, zero padded to 31 digits.

160 log 2 / log 36 = 30.95, so the 160-bit hash fills 31 digits in base 36 fairly neatly.

bool|string False on failure

Definition at line 198 of file FSFile.php.

References wfBaseConvert(), wfProfileIn(), wfProfileOut(), wfRestoreWarnings(), and wfSuppressWarnings().

Referenced by getProps().

static FSFile::getSha1Base36FromPath ( path) [static]

Get a SHA-1 hash of a file in the local filesystem, in base-36 lower case encoding, zero padded to 31 digits.

160 log 2 / log 36 = 30.95, so the 160-bit hash fills 31 digits in base 36 fairly neatly.

bool|string False on failure

Definition at line 248 of file FSFile.php.

References $path.

Referenced by UploadBase\checkWarnings(), and ApiTestCaseUpload\deleteFileByContent().

Get the file size in bytes.


Definition at line 68 of file FSFile.php.

Referenced by getProps().

Get the file's last-modified timestamp.

string|bool TS_MW timestamp or false on failure

Definition at line 77 of file FSFile.php.

References wfRestoreWarnings(), wfSuppressWarnings(), and wfTimestamp().

static FSFile::placeholderProps ( ) [static]

Placeholder file properties to use for files that don't exist.


Definition at line 157 of file FSFile.php.

Referenced by getProps().

Member Data Documentation

FSFile::$path [protected]

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