MediaWiki  REL1_20
SeleniumConfigurationTest Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for SeleniumConfigurationTest:
Collaboration diagram for SeleniumConfigurationTest:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 sampleConfigs ()
 Returns an array containing: The contents of the selenium cingiguration ini file The expected selenium configuration array that getSeleniumSettings should return The expected available browsers array that getSeleniumSettings should return The expected test suites arrya that getSeleniumSettings should return.
 setUp ()
 tearDown ()
 Clean up the temporary file used to store the selenium settings.
 testErrorOnIncorrectConfigFile ()
 MWException SeleniumFramework
 testErrorOnMissingConfigFile ()
 MWException SeleniumFramework
 testgetSeleniumSettings ($sampleConfig, $expectedSettings, $expectedBrowsers, $expectedSuites)
 SeleniumFramework sampleConfigs
 testUsesGlobalVarForConfigFile ()

Private Member Functions

 writeToTempFile ($textToWrite)
 create a temp file and write text to it.

Private Attributes

 The file where the test temporarity stores the selenium config.
 Array of expected browsers from $testConfig0.
 $testBrowsers1 = null
 Expected browsers from $testConfig1.
 String containing the a sample selenium settings.
 Another sample selenium settings file contents.
 Array of expected selenium settings from $testConfig0.
 Expected selenium settings from $testConfig1.
 Array of expected testSuites from $testConfig0.
 $testSuites1 = null
 Expected test suites from $testConfig1.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 3 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

Member Function Documentation

Returns an array containing: The contents of the selenium cingiguration ini file The expected selenium configuration array that getSeleniumSettings should return The expected available browsers array that getSeleniumSettings should return The expected test suites arrya that getSeleniumSettings should return.

Definition at line 220 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

Clean up the temporary file used to store the selenium settings.

Reimplemented from MediaWikiTestCase.

Definition at line 111 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::testgetSeleniumSettings ( sampleConfig,

SeleniumFramework sampleConfigs

Definition at line 178 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

References SeleniumConfig\getSeleniumSettings(), and writeToTempFile().

SeleniumConfigurationTest::writeToTempFile ( textToWrite) [private]

create a temp file and write text to it.

$testToWritethe text to write to the temp file

Definition at line 206 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

Referenced by testgetSeleniumSettings(), and testUsesGlobalVarForConfigFile().

Member Data Documentation

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$tempFileName [private]

The file where the test temporarity stores the selenium config.

This should be cleaned up as part of teardown.

Definition at line 9 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$testBrowsers0 [private]
Initial value:
 array( 'firefox' => '*firefox',
                                                        'iexplorer' => '*iexploreproxy',
                                                        'chrome' => '*chrome'

Array of expected browsers from $testConfig0.

Definition at line 38 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$testBrowsers1 = null [private]

Expected browsers from $testConfig1.

Definition at line 79 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$testConfig0 [private]
Initial value:
browsers[firefox]       = "*firefox"
browsers[iexplorer] = "*iexploreproxy"
browsers[chrome]        = "*chrome"
host                            = "localhost"
port                            = "foobarr"
wikiUrl                         = "http://localhost/deployment"
username                        = "xxxxxxx"
userPassword            = ""
testBrowser             = "chrome"
startserver             =
stopserver              =
jUnitLogFile    =
runAgainstGrid  = false

testSuite[SimpleSeleniumTestSuite] = "tests/selenium/SimpleSeleniumTestSuite.php"
testSuite[TestSuiteName] = "testSuitePath"

String containing the a sample selenium settings.

Definition at line 14 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$testConfig1 [private]
Initial value:
host                            = "localhost"
testBrowser             = "firefox"

Another sample selenium settings file contents.

Definition at line 70 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$testSettings0 [private]
Initial value:
                'host'                  => 'localhost',
                'port'                  => 'foobarr',
                'wikiUrl'               => 'http://localhost/deployment',
                'username'              => 'xxxxxxx',
                'userPassword'  => '',
                'testBrowser'   => 'chrome',
                'startserver' => null,
                'stopserver' => null,
                'seleniumserverexecpath' => null,
                'jUnitLogFile' => null,
                'runAgainstGrid' => null

Array of expected selenium settings from $testConfig0.

Definition at line 45 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$testSettings1 [private]
Initial value:
                'host'                  => 'localhost',
                'port'                  => null,
                'wikiUrl'               => null,
                'username'              => null,
                'userPassword'  => null,
                'testBrowser'   => 'firefox',
                'startserver' => null,
                'stopserver' => null,
                'seleniumserverexecpath' => null,
                'jUnitLogFile' => null,
                'runAgainstGrid' => null

Expected selenium settings from $testConfig1.

Definition at line 83 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$testSuites0 [private]
Initial value:
                'SimpleSeleniumTestSuite'       => 'tests/selenium/SimpleSeleniumTestSuite.php',
                'TestSuiteName'                         => 'testSuitePath'

Array of expected testSuites from $testConfig0.

Definition at line 61 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

SeleniumConfigurationTest::$testSuites1 = null [private]

Expected test suites from $testConfig1.

Definition at line 99 of file SeleniumConfigurationTest.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: