MediaWiki  REL1_20
parser Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for includes/parser/:


file  CacheTime.php [code]

Parser cache specific expiry check.

file  CoreLinkFunctions.php [code]

Link functions provided by MediaWiki core; experimental.

file  CoreParserFunctions.php [code]

Parser functions provided by MediaWiki core.

file  CoreTagHooks.php [code]

Tag hooks provided by MediaWiki core.

file  DateFormatter.php [code]

Date formatter.

file  LinkHolderArray.php [code]

Holder of replacement pairs for wiki links.

file  Parser.php [code]

PHP parser that converts wiki markup to HTML.

file  Parser_DiffTest.php [code]

Fake parser that output the difference of two different parsers.

file  Parser_LinkHooks.php [code]

Modified version of the PHP parser with hooks for wiki links; experimental.

file  ParserCache.php [code]

Cache for outputs of the PHP parser.

file  ParserOptions.php [code]

Options for the PHP parser.

file  ParserOutput.php [code]

Output of the PHP parser.

file  Preprocessor.php [code]

Interfaces for preprocessors.

file  Preprocessor_DOM.php [code]

Preprocessor using PHP's dom extension.

file  Preprocessor_Hash.php [code]

Preprocessor using PHP arrays.

file  StripState.php [code]

Holder for stripped items when parsing wiki markup.

file  Tidy.php [code]

HTML validation and correction.