MediaWiki  REL1_22
OutputPage Class Reference

This class should be covered by a general architecture document which does not exist as of January 2011. More...

Inheritance diagram for OutputPage:
Collaboration diagram for OutputPage:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct (IContextSource $context=null)
 Constructor for OutputPage.
 addAcceptLanguage ()
 bug 21672: Add Accept-Language to Vary and XVO headers if there's no 'variant' parameter existed in GET.
 addBacklinkSubtitle (Title $title)
 Add a subtitle containing a backlink to a page.
 addCategoryLinks ($categories)
 Add an array of categories, with names in the keys.
 addElement ($element, $attribs=array(), $contents= '')
 Shortcut for adding an Html::element via addHTML.
 addExtensionStyle ($url)
 Register and add a stylesheet from an extension directory.
 addFeedLink ($format, $href)
 Add a feed link to the page header.
 addHeadItem ($name, $value)
 Add or replace an header item to the output.
 addHTML ($text)
 Append $text to the body HTML.
 addInlineScript ($script)
 Add a self-contained script tag with the given contents.
 addInlineStyle ($style_css, $flip= 'noflip')
 Adds inline CSS styles.
 addJsConfigVars ($keys, $value=null)
 Add one or more variables to be set in mw.config in JavaScript.
 addLanguageLinks ($newLinkArray)
 Add new language links.
 addLink ($linkarr)
 Add a new <link> tag to the page header.
 addMeta ($name, $val)
 Add a new "<meta>" tag To add an http-equiv meta tag, precede the name with "http:".
 addMetadataLink ($linkarr)
 Add a new <link> with "rel" attribute set to "meta".
 addModuleMessages ($modules)
 Add only messages of one or more modules recognized by the resource loader.
 addModules ($modules)
 Add one or more modules recognized by the resource loader.
 addModuleScripts ($modules)
 Add only JS of one or more modules recognized by the resource loader.
 addModuleStyles ($modules)
 Add only CSS of one or more modules recognized by the resource loader.
 addParserOutput (&$parserOutput)
 Add a ParserOutput object.
 addParserOutputNoText (&$parserOutput)
 Add a ParserOutput object, but without Html.
 addReturnTo ($title, $query=array(), $text=null, $options=array())
 Add a "return to" link pointing to a specified title.
 addScript ($script)
 Add raw HTML to the list of scripts (including <script> tag, etc.)
 addScriptFile ($file, $version=null)
 Add a JavaScript file out of skins/common, or a given relative path.
 addStyle ($style, $media= '', $condition= '', $dir= '')
 Add a local or specified stylesheet, with the given media options.
 addSubtitle ($str)
 Add $str to the subtitle.
 addTemplate (&$template)
 Add the output of a QuickTemplate to the output buffer.
 addVaryHeader ($header, $option=null)
 Add an HTTP header that will influence on the cache.
 addWikiMsg ()
 Add a wikitext-formatted message to the output.
 addWikiMsgArray ($name, $args)
 Add a wikitext-formatted message to the output.
 addWikiText ($text, $linestart=true, $interface=true)
 Convert wikitext to HTML and add it to the buffer Default assumes that the current page title will be used.
 addWikiTextTidy ($text, $linestart=true)
 Add wikitext with tidy enabled.
 addWikiTextTitle ($text, Title $title, $linestart, $tidy=false, $interface=false)
 Add wikitext with a custom Title object.
 addWikiTextTitleTidy ($text, &$title, $linestart=true)
 Add wikitext with a custom Title object and tidy enabled.
 addWikiTextWithTitle ($text, &$title, $linestart=true)
 Add wikitext with a custom Title object.
 allowClickjacking ()
 Turn off frame-breaking.
 appendSubtitle ($str)
 Add $str to the subtitle.
 blockedPage ()
 Produce a "user is blocked" page.
 buildCssLinks ()
 Build a set of "<link>" elements for the stylesheets specified in the $this->styles array.
 buildCssLinksArray ()
 checkLastModified ($timestamp)
 checkLastModified tells the client to use the client-cached page if possible.
 clearHTML ()
 Clear the body HTML.
 clearSubtitle ()
 Clear the subtitles.
 disable ()
 Disable output completely, i.e.
 disallowUserJs ()
 Restrict the page to loading modules bundled the software.
 enableClientCache ($state)
 Use enableClientCache(false) to force it to send nocache headers.
 enableTOC ($flag=true)
 Enables/disables TOC, doesn't override __NOTOC__.
 forceHideNewSectionLink ()
 Forcibly hide the new section link?
 formatPermissionsErrorMessage ($errors, $action=null)
 Format a list of error messages.
 getAllowedModules ($type=null)
 Get the level of JavaScript / CSS untrustworthiness allowed on this page.
 getArticleBodyOnly ()
 Return whether the output will contain only the body of the article.
 getBottomScripts ()
 JS stuff to put at the bottom of the "<body>".
 getCacheVaryCookies ()
 Get the list of cookies that will influence on the cache.
 getCategories ()
 Get the list of category names this page belongs to.
 getCategoryLinks ()
 Get the list of category links, in a 2-D array with the following format: $arr[$type][] = $link, where $type is either "normal" or "hidden" (for hidden categories) and $link a HTML fragment with a link to the category page.
 getExtStyle ()
 Get all styles added by extensions.
 getFeedAppendQuery ()
 Will currently always return null.
 getFileSearchOptions ()
 Get the files used on this page.
 getFileVersion ()
 Get the displayed file version.
 getFrameOptions ()
 Get the X-Frame-Options header value (without the name part), or false if there isn't one.
 getHeadItems ()
 Get all header items in a string.
 getHeadItemsArray ()
 Get an array of head items.
 getHeadLinks ()
 getHeadLinksArray ()
 getHeadScripts ()
 JS stuff to put in the "<head>".
 getHTML ()
 Get the body HTML.
 getHTMLTitle ()
 Return the "HTML title", i.e.
 getJSVars ()
 Get an array containing the variables to be set in mw.config in JavaScript.
 getLanguageLinks ()
 Get the list of language links.
 getMetadataAttribute ()
 Get the value of the "rel" attribute for metadata links.
 getModuleMessages ($filter=false, $position=null)
 Get the list of module messages to include on this page.
 getModules ($filter=false, $position=null, $param= 'mModules')
 Get the list of modules to include on this page.
 getModuleScripts ($filter=false, $position=null)
 Get the list of module JS to include on this page.
 getModuleStyles ($filter=false, $position=null)
 Get the list of module CSS to include on this page.
 getPageTitle ()
 Return the "page title", i.e.
 getPageTitleActionText ()
 Get the value of the "action text".
 getPreventClickjacking ()
 Get the prevent-clickjacking flag.
 getProperty ($name)
 Get an additional output property.
 getRedirect ()
 Get the URL to redirect to, or an empty string if not redirect URL set.
 getResourceLoader ()
 Get a ResourceLoader object associated with this OutputPage.
 getRevisionId ()
 Get the displayed revision ID.
 getRevisionTimestamp ()
 Get the timestamp of displayed revision.
 getScript ()
 Get all registered JS and CSS tags for the header.
 getScriptsForBottomQueue ($inHead)
 JS stuff to put at the 'bottom', which can either be the bottom of the "<body>" or the bottom of the "<head>" depending on $wgResourceLoaderExperimentalAsyncLoading: modules marked with position 'bottom', legacy scripts ($this->mScripts), user preferences, site JS and user JS.
 getSubtitle ()
 Get the subtitle.
 getSyndicationLinks ()
 Return URLs for each supported syndication format for this page.
 getTarget ()
 getTemplateIds ()
 Get the templates used on this page.
 getVaryHeader ()
 Return a Vary: header on which to vary caches.
 getXVO ()
 Get a complete X-Vary-Options header.
 hasHeadItem ($name)
 Check if the header item $name is already set.
 haveCacheVaryCookies ()
 Check if the request has a cache-varying cookie header If it does, it's very important that we don't allow public caching.
 headElement (Skin $sk, $includeStyle=true)
 includeJQuery ($modules=array())
 Include jQuery core.
 isArticle ()
 Return whether the content displayed page is related to the source of the corresponding article on the wiki.
 isArticleRelated ()
 Return whether this page is related an article on the wiki.
 isDisabled ()
 Return whether the output will be completely disabled.
 isPrintable ()
 Return whether the page is "printable".
 isSyndicated ()
 Should we output feed links for this page?
 isTOCEnabled ()
 isUserJsAllowed ()
 Return whether user JavaScript is allowed for this page.
 loginToUse ()
 Produce the stock "please login to use the wiki" page.
 out ($ins)
 Actually output something with print.
 output ()
 Finally, all the text has been munged and accumulated into the object, let's actually output it:
 parse ($text, $linestart=true, $interface=false, $language=null)
 Parse wikitext and return the HTML.
 parseInline ($text, $linestart=true, $interface=false)
 Parse wikitext, strip paragraphs, and return the HTML.
 parserOptions ($options=null)
 Get/set the ParserOptions object to use for wikitext parsing.
 permissionRequired ($permission)
 Display an error page noting that a given permission bit is required.
 prepareErrorPage ($pageTitle, $htmlTitle=false)
 Prepare this object to display an error page; disable caching and indexing, clear the current text and redirect, set the page's title and optionally an custom HTML title (content of the "<title>" tag).
 prependHTML ($text)
 Prepend $text to the body HTML.
 preventClickjacking ($enable=true)
 Set a flag which will cause an X-Frame-Options header appropriate for edit pages to be sent.
 rateLimited ()
 Turn off regular page output and return an error response for when rate limiting has triggered.
 readOnlyPage ($source=null, $protected=false, $reasons=array(), $action=null)
 Display a page stating that the Wiki is in read-only mode, and optionally show the source of the page that the user was trying to edit.
 redirect ($url, $responsecode= '302')
 Redirect to $url rather than displaying the normal page.
 reduceAllowedModuleOrigin ($level)
 Limit the highest level of CSS/JS untrustworthiness allowed.
 reduceAllowedModules ($type, $level)
 Limit the highest level of CSS/JS untrustworthiness allowed.
 returnToMain ($unused=null, $returnto=null, $returntoquery=null)
 Add a "return to" link pointing to a specified title, or the title indicated in the request, or else the main page.
 sendCacheControl ()
 Send cache control HTTP headers.
 setAllowedModules ($type, $level)
 Set the highest level of CSS/JS untrustworthiness allowed.
 setArticleBodyOnly ($only)
 Set whether the output should only contain the body of the article, without any skin, sidebar, etc.
 setArticleFlag ($v)
 Set whether the displayed content is related to the source of the corresponding article on the wiki Setting true will cause the change "article related" toggle to true.
 setArticleRelated ($v)
 Set whether this page is related an article on the wiki Setting false will cause the change of "article flag" toggle to false.
 setCanonicalUrl ($url)
 Set the URL to be used for the <link rel="canonical">.
 setCategoryLinks ($categories)
 Reset the category links (but not the category list) and add $categories.
 setETag ($tag)
 Set the value of the ETag HTTP header, only used if $wgUseETag is true.
 setFeedAppendQuery ($val)
 Add default feeds to the page header This is mainly kept for backward compatibility, see OutputPage::addFeedLink() for the new version.
 setFileVersion ($file)
 Set the displayed file version.
 setFollowPolicy ($policy)
 Set the follow policy for the page, but leave the index policy un- touched.
 setHTMLTitle ($name)
 "HTML title" means the contents of "<title>".
 setIndexPolicy ($policy)
 Set the index policy for the page, but leave the follow policy un- touched.
 setLanguageLinks ($newLinkArray)
 Reset the language links and add new language links.
 setLastModified ($timestamp)
 Override the last modified timestamp.
 setPageTitle ($name)
 "Page title" means the contents of <h1>.
 setPageTitleActionText ($text)
 Set the new value of the "action text", this will be added to the "HTML title", separated from it with " - ".
 setPrintable ()
 Set the page as printable, i.e.
 setProperty ($name, $value)
 Set an additional output property.
 setRedirectedFrom ($t)
 Set $mRedirectedFrom, the Title of the page which redirected us to the current page.
 setRevisionId ($revid)
 Set the revision ID which will be seen by the wiki text parser for things such as embedded {{REVISIONID}} variable use.
 setRevisionTimestamp ($timestamp)
 Set the timestamp of the revision which will be displayed.
 setRobotPolicy ($policy)
 Set the robot policy for the page: <>
 setSquidMaxage ($maxage)
 Set the value of the "s-maxage" part of the "Cache-control" HTTP header.
 setStatusCode ($statusCode)
 Set the HTTP status code to send with the output.
 setSubtitle ($str)
 Replace the subtitle with $str.
 setSyndicated ($show=true)
 Add or remove feed links in the page header This is mainly kept for backward compatibility, see OutputPage::addFeedLink() for the new version.
 setTarget ($target)
 Sets ResourceLoader target for load.php links.
 setTitle (Title $t)
 Set the Title object to use.
 showErrorPage ($title, $msg, $params=array())
 Output a standard error page.
 showFatalError ($message)
 showFileCopyError ($old, $new)
 showFileDeleteError ($name)
 showFileNotFoundError ($name)
 showFileRenameError ($old, $new)
 showLagWarning ($lag)
 Show a warning about slave lag.
 showNewSectionLink ()
 Show an "add new section" link?
 showPermissionsErrorPage ($errors, $action=null)
 Output a standard permission error page.
 showUnexpectedValueError ($name, $val)
 userCanPreview ()
 To make it harder for someone to slip a user a fake user-JavaScript or user-CSS preview, a random token is associated with the login session.
 versionRequired ($version)
 Display an error page indicating that a given version of MediaWiki is required to use it.
 wrapWikiMsg ($wrap)
 This function takes a number of message/argument specifications, wraps them in some overall structure, and then parses the result and adds it to the output.

Static Public Member Functions

static getStatusMessage ($code)
 Get the message associated with the HTTP response code $code.
static transformCssMedia ($media)
 Transform "media" attribute based on request parameters.

Public Attributes

 $mArticleBodyOnly = false
 Flag if output should only contain the body of the article.
 $mBodytext = ''
 Contains all of the "<body>" content. Should be private we got set/get accessors and the append() method.
 $mCanonicalUrl = false
 $mCategories = array()
 $mCategoryLinks = array()
 $mContainsNewMagic = 0
 $mContainsOldMagic = 0
 $mDebugtext = ''
 Holds the debug lines that will be output as comments in page source if $wgDebugComments is enabled.
 $mDoNothing = false
 I just love the name for this self documenting variable.
 $mEnableClientCache = true
 $mETag = false
 Should be private.
 $mExtStyles = array()
 Additional stylesheets. Looks like this is for extensions. Might be replaced by resource loader.
 $mFeedLinks = array()
 Handles the atom / rss links.
 $mFeedLinksAppendQuery = null
 $mFileVersion = null
 $mHeadItems = array()
 Array of elements in "<head>". Parser might add its own headers!
 $mHideNewSectionLink = false
 $mHTMLtitle = ''
 Should be private. Stores contents of "<title>" tag.
 $mImageTimeKeys = array()
 $mInlineMsg = array()
 $mInlineStyles = ''
 Inline CSS styles.
 $mIsarticle = false
 Should be private. Is the displayed content related to the source of the corresponding wiki article.
 $mIsArticleRelated = true
 Should be private.
 $mJsConfigVars = array()
 $mLanguageLinks = array()
 Should be private. Array of Interwiki Prefixed (non DB key) Titles (e.g. 'fr:Test page')
 $mLastModified = ''
 mLastModified and mEtag are used for sending cache control.
 $mLinktags = array()
 $mMetatags = array()
 Should be private. Used with addMeta() which adds "<meta>".
 $mModuleMessages = array()
 $mModules = array()
 $mModuleScripts = array()
 $mModuleStyles = array()
 $mNewSectionLink = false
 $mNoGallery = false
 Comes from the parser.
 $mPageLinkTitle = ''
 Used by skin template.
 $mPagetitle = ''
 Should be private - has getter and setter. Contains the HTML title.
 $mPageTitleActionText = ''
 $mParseWarnings = array()
 $mPreventClickjacking = true
 $mPrintable = false
 Should be private.
 $mRedirect = ''
 $mRedirectCode = ''
 $mRevisionId = null
 should be private. To include the variable {{REVISIONID}}
 $mScripts = ''
 Should be private.
 $mSquidMaxage = 0
 $mTemplateIds = array()
 $styles = array()
 An array of stylesheet filenames (relative from skins path), with options for CSS media, IE conditions, and RTL/LTR direction.

Protected Member Functions

 filterModules ($modules, $position=null, $type=ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED)
 Filter an array of modules to remove insufficiently trustworthy members, and modules which are no longer registered (eg a page is cached before an extension is disabled)
 makeResourceLoaderLink ($modules, $only, $useESI=false, array $extraQuery=array(), $loadCall=false)
 TODO: Document.
 styleLink ($style, $options)
 Generate <link> tags for stylesheets.

Protected Attributes

int $mAllowedModuleOrigin = ResourceLoaderModule::ORIGIN_ALL
 The level of 'untrustworthiness' allowed for modules loaded on this page.
 $mJQueryDone = false
 Whether jQuery is already handled.
ParserOptions $mParserOptions = null
 lazy initialised, use parserOptions()

Private Member Functions

 feedLink ($type, $url, $text)
 Generate a "<link rel/>" for a feed.

Private Attributes

 $mFollowPolicy = 'follow'
 $mIndexPolicy = 'index'
 $mProperties = array()
 Additional key => value data.
Title $mRedirectedFrom = null
 If the current page was reached through a redirect, $mRedirectedFrom contains the Title of the redirect.
 $mRevisionTimestamp = null
 $mSubtitle = array()
 Should be private.
bool __pad0__: $mEnableTOC = true
 Whether output should contain table of contents.
string null: $mTarget = null
 ResourceLoader target for load.php links.

Detailed Description

This class should be covered by a general architecture document which does not exist as of January 2011.

This is one of the Core classes and should be read at least once by any new developers.

This class is used to prepare the final rendering. A skin is then applied to the output parameters (links, javascript, html, categories ...).

FIXME: Another class handles sending the whole page to the client.

Some comments comes from a pairing session between Zak Greant and Antoine Musso in November 2010.


Definition at line 38 of file OutputPage.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Constructor for OutputPage.

This should not be called directly. Instead a new RequestContext should be created and it will implicitly create a OutputPage tied to that context.

Definition at line 263 of file OutputPage.php.

Member Function Documentation

bug 21672: Add Accept-Language to Vary and XVO headers if there's no 'variant' parameter existed in GET.

For example: /w/index.php?title=Main_page should always be served; but /w/index.php?title=Main_page&variant=zh-cn should never be served.

Definition at line 1843 of file OutputPage.php.

Add a subtitle containing a backlink to a page.

$titleTitle to link to

Definition at line 948 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addCategoryLinks ( categories)

Add an array of categories, with names in the keys.

array$categoriesmapping category name => sort key

Definition at line 1181 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addElement ( element,
attribs = array(),
contents = '' 

Shortcut for adding an Html::element via addHTML.


Definition at line 1368 of file OutputPage.php.

Register and add a stylesheet from an extension directory.

string$urlpath to sheet. Provide either a full url (beginning with 'http', etc) or a relative path from the document root (beginning with '/'). Otherwise it behaves identically to addStyle() and draws from the /skins folder.

Definition at line 377 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addFeedLink ( format,

Add a feed link to the page header.

string$formatfeed type, should be a key of $wgFeedClasses

Definition at line 1068 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addHeadItem ( name,

Add or replace an header item to the output.

string$nameitem name
string$valueraw HTML

Definition at line 594 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by SkinVector\initPage().

OutputPage::addHTML ( text)

Append $text to the body HTML.


Definition at line 1355 of file OutputPage.php.

Add a self-contained script tag with the given contents.

string$scriptJavaScript text, no "<script>" tags

Definition at line 416 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addInlineStyle ( style_css,
flip = 'noflip' 

Adds inline CSS styles.

$style_cssMixed: inline CSS
string$flipSet to 'flip' to flip the CSS if needed

Definition at line 3390 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addJsConfigVars ( keys,
value = null 

Add one or more variables to be set in mw.config in JavaScript.

$keys{String|Array} Key or array of key/value pairs.
$value{Mixed} [optional] Value of the configuration variable.

Definition at line 2973 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addLanguageLinks ( newLinkArray)

Add new language links.

array$newLinkArrayAssociative array mapping language code to the page name

Definition at line 1153 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addLink ( linkarr)

Add a new <link> tag to the page header.

Note: use setCanonicalUrl() for rel=canonical.

array$linkarrassociative array of attributes.

Definition at line 320 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addMeta ( name,

Add a new "<meta>" tag To add an http-equiv meta tag, precede the name with "http:".

string$nametag name
string$valtag value

Definition at line 309 of file OutputPage.php.

Add a new <link> with "rel" attribute set to "meta".

array$linkarrassociative array mapping attribute names to their values, both keys and values will be escaped, and the "rel" attribute will be automatically added

Definition at line 331 of file OutputPage.php.

Add only messages of one or more modules recognized by the resource loader.

Module messages added through this function will be loaded by the resource loader when the page loads.

$modulesMixed: module name (string) or array of module names

Definition at line 546 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addModules ( modules)

Add one or more modules recognized by the resource loader.

Modules added through this function will be loaded by the resource loader when the page loads.

$modulesMixed: module name (string) or array of module names

Definition at line 475 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by MWDebug\addModules(), SkinVector\initPage(), and output().

Add only JS of one or more modules recognized by the resource loader.

Module scripts added through this function will be loaded by the resource loader when the page loads.

$modulesMixed: module name (string) or array of module names

Definition at line 498 of file OutputPage.php.

Add only CSS of one or more modules recognized by the resource loader.

Module styles added through this function will be added using standard link CSS tags, rather than as a combined Javascript and CSS package. Thus, they will load when JavaScript is disabled (unless CSS also happens to be disabled).

$modulesMixed: module name (string) or array of module names

Definition at line 523 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by SkinCologneBlue\setupSkinUserCss(), SkinModern\setupSkinUserCss(), SkinMonoBook\setupSkinUserCss(), SkinVector\setupSkinUserCss(), and SkinTemplate\setupSkinUserCss().

OutputPage::addParserOutput ( &$  parserOutput)

Add a ParserOutput object.


Definition at line 1626 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addParserOutputNoText ( &$  parserOutput)

Add a ParserOutput object, but without Html.

$parserOutputParserOutput object

Definition at line 1573 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addReturnTo ( title,
query = array(),
text = null,
options = array() 

Add a "return to" link pointing to a specified title.

$titleTitle to link
array$queryquery string parameters
string$texttext of the link (input is not escaped)
$optionsOptions array to pass to Linker

Definition at line 2465 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addScript ( script)

Add raw HTML to the list of scripts (including <script> tag, etc.)

string$scriptraw HTML

Definition at line 365 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addScriptFile ( file,
version = null 

Add a JavaScript file out of skins/common, or a given relative path.

string$filefilename in skins/common or complete on-server path (/foo/bar.js)
string$versionstyle version of the file. Defaults to $wgStyleVersion

Definition at line 397 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addStyle ( style,
media = '',
condition = '',
dir = '' 

Add a local or specified stylesheet, with the given media options.

Meant primarily for internal use...

string$styleURL to the file
string$mediato specify a media type, 'screen', 'printable', 'handheld' or any.
string$conditionfor IE conditional comments, specifying an IE version
string$dirset to 'rtl' or 'ltr' for direction-specific sheets

Definition at line 3369 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by SkinMonoBook\setupSkinUserCss().

Add $str to the subtitle.

string | Message$strto add to the subtitle. String should be safe HTML.

Definition at line 935 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addTemplate ( &$  template)

Add the output of a QuickTemplate to the output buffer.


Definition at line 1639 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addVaryHeader ( header,
option = null 

Add an HTTP header that will influence on the cache.

string$headerheader name
FIXME: Document the $option parameter; it appears to be for X-Vary-Options but what format is acceptable?

Definition at line 1785 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by output().

Add a wikitext-formatted message to the output.

This is equivalent to:

$wgOut->addWikiText( wfMessage( ... )->plain() )

Definition at line 3602 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addWikiMsgArray ( name,

Add a wikitext-formatted message to the output.

Like addWikiMsg() except the parameters are taken as an array instead of a variable argument list.


Definition at line 3616 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addWikiText ( text,
linestart = true,
interface = true 

Convert wikitext to HTML and add it to the buffer Default assumes that the current page title will be used.

$linestartBoolean: is this the start of a line?
$interfaceBoolean: is this text in the user interface language?

Definition at line 1496 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addWikiTextTidy ( text,
linestart = true 

Add wikitext with tidy enabled.

$linestartBoolean: is this the start of a line?

Definition at line 1532 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addWikiTextTitle ( text,
Title title,
tidy = false,
interface = false 

Add wikitext with a custom Title object.

$titleTitle object
$linestartBoolean: is this the start of a line?
$tidyBoolean: whether to use tidy
$interfaceBoolean: whether it is an interface message (for example disables conversion)

Definition at line 1547 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addWikiTextTitleTidy ( text,
&$  title,
linestart = true 

Add wikitext with a custom Title object and tidy enabled.

$titleTitle object
$linestartBoolean: is this the start of a line?

Definition at line 1522 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::addWikiTextWithTitle ( text,
&$  title,
linestart = true 

Add wikitext with a custom Title object.

$titleTitle object
$linestartBoolean: is this the start of a line?

Definition at line 1511 of file OutputPage.php.

Turn off frame-breaking.

Alias for $this->preventClickjacking(false). This can be called from pages which do not contain any CSRF-protected HTML form.

Definition at line 1886 of file OutputPage.php.

Add $str to the subtitle.

in 1.19; use addSubtitle() instead
string | Message$strto add to the subtitle

Definition at line 926 of file OutputPage.php.

Produce a "user is blocked" page.

since 1.18

Definition at line 2131 of file OutputPage.php.

References ContextSource\getUser().

Build a set of "<link>" elements for the stylesheets specified in the $this->styles array.

These will be applied to various media & IE conditionals.


Definition at line 3404 of file OutputPage.php.


Definition at line 3493 of file OutputPage.php.

checkLastModified tells the client to use the client-cached page if possible.

If successful, the OutputPage is disabled so that any future call to OutputPage->output() have no effect.

Side effect: sets mLastModified for Last-Modified header

Boolean: true if cache-ok headers was sent.

Definition at line 674 of file OutputPage.php.

Clear the body HTML.

Definition at line 1375 of file OutputPage.php.

Clear the subtitles.

Definition at line 959 of file OutputPage.php.

Disable output completely, i.e.

calling output() will have no effect

Definition at line 992 of file OutputPage.php.

Restrict the page to loading modules bundled the software.

Disallows the queue to contain any modules which can be modified by wiki users to load on this page.

Definition at line 1274 of file OutputPage.php.

Use enableClientCache(false) to force it to send nocache headers.


Definition at line 1727 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::enableTOC ( flag = true)

Enables/disables TOC, doesn't override __NOTOC__.


Definition at line 3686 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::feedLink ( type,
) [private]

Generate a "<link rel/>" for a feed.

string$typefeed type
string$urlURL to the feed
string$textvalue of the "title" attribute
String: HTML fragment

Definition at line 3351 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::filterModules ( modules,
position = null,
type = ResourceLoaderModule::TYPE_COMBINED 
) [protected]

Filter an array of modules to remove insufficiently trustworthy members, and modules which are no longer registered (eg a page is cached before an extension is disabled)

string$positionif not null, only return modules with this position

Definition at line 437 of file OutputPage.php.

Forcibly hide the new section link?


Definition at line 1019 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::formatPermissionsErrorMessage ( errors,
action = null 

Format a list of error messages.

array$errorsof arrays returned by Title::getUserPermissionsErrors
string$actionaction that was denied or null if unknown
String: the wikitext error-messages, formatted into a list.

Definition at line 2296 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the level of JavaScript / CSS untrustworthiness allowed on this page.

See also:
string$typeUnused: Module origin allowance used to be fragmented by ResourceLoaderModule TYPE_ constants.
Int ResourceLoaderModule ORIGIN_ class constant

Definition at line 1297 of file OutputPage.php.

Return whether the output will contain only the body of the article.


Definition at line 633 of file OutputPage.php.

JS stuff to put at the bottom of the "<body>".


Definition at line 2951 of file OutputPage.php.

References $html, getScriptsForBottomQueue(), global, and Html\inlineScript().

Get the list of cookies that will influence on the cache.


Definition at line 1736 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the list of category names this page belongs to.

Array of strings

Definition at line 1264 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the list of category links, in a 2-D array with the following format: $arr[$type][] = $link, where $type is either "normal" or "hidden" (for hidden categories) and $link a HTML fragment with a link to the category page.


Definition at line 1255 of file OutputPage.php.

Get all styles added by extensions.


Definition at line 386 of file OutputPage.php.

Will currently always return null.


Definition at line 1097 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the files used on this page.

Array (dbKey => array('time' => MW timestamp or null, 'sha1' => sha1 or ''))

Definition at line 1484 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the displayed file version.

Array|null ('time' => MW timestamp, 'sha1' => sha1)

Definition at line 1464 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the X-Frame-Options header value (without the name part), or false if there isn't one.

This is used by Skin to determine whether to enable JavaScript frame-breaking, for clients that don't support X-Frame-Options.


Definition at line 1907 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by output().

Get all header items in a string.


Definition at line 580 of file OutputPage.php.

Get an array of head items.


Definition at line 571 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by ParserOutput\addOutputPageMetadata().

string HTML tag links to be put in the header.

Definition at line 3339 of file OutputPage.php.

array in format "link name or number => 'link html'".

Definition at line 3124 of file OutputPage.php.

JS stuff to put in the "<head>".

This is the startup module, config vars and modules marked with position 'top'

String: HTML fragment

Definition at line 2785 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the body HTML.

String: HTML

Definition at line 1384 of file OutputPage.php.

Return the "HTML title", i.e.

the content of the "<title>" tag.


Definition at line 857 of file OutputPage.php.

Get an array containing the variables to be set in mw.config in JavaScript.

DO NOT CALL THIS FROM OUTSIDE OF THIS CLASS OR Skin::makeGlobalVariablesScript(). This is only public until that function is removed. You have been warned.

Do not add things here which can be evaluated in ResourceLoaderStartUpModule

  • in other words, page-independent/site-wide variables (without state). You will only be adding bloat to the html page and causing page caches to have to be purged on configuration changes.

Definition at line 2996 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the list of language links.

Array of Interwiki Prefixed (non DB key) Titles (e.g. 'fr:Test page')

Definition at line 1172 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the value of the "rel" attribute for metadata links.


Definition at line 349 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::getModuleMessages ( filter = false,
position = null 

Get the list of module messages to include on this page.

Array of module names

Definition at line 535 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by ParserOutput\addOutputPageMetadata().

OutputPage::getModules ( filter = false,
position = null,
param = 'mModules' 

Get the list of modules to include on this page.

bool$filterwhether to filter out insufficiently trustworthy modules
string$positionif not null, only return modules with this position
Array of module names

Definition at line 461 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by ParserOutput\addOutputPageMetadata().

OutputPage::getModuleScripts ( filter = false,
position = null 

Get the list of module JS to include on this page.

array of module names

Definition at line 487 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by ParserOutput\addOutputPageMetadata().

OutputPage::getModuleStyles ( filter = false,
position = null 

Get the list of module CSS to include on this page.

Array of module names

Definition at line 510 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by ParserOutput\addOutputPageMetadata().

Return the "page title", i.e.

the content of the <h1> tag.


Definition at line 897 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the value of the "action text".


Definition at line 831 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the prevent-clickjacking flag.


Definition at line 1896 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by ParserOutput\addOutputPageMetadata().

Get an additional output property.

mixed: Property value or null if not found

Definition at line 655 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the URL to redirect to, or an empty string if not redirect URL set.


Definition at line 289 of file OutputPage.php.

Get a ResourceLoader object associated with this OutputPage.


Definition at line 2588 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the displayed revision ID.


Definition at line 1420 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the timestamp of displayed revision.

This will be null if not filled by setRevisionTimestamp().

String or null

Definition at line 1441 of file OutputPage.php.

Get all registered JS and CSS tags for the header.


Definition at line 425 of file OutputPage.php.

JS stuff to put at the 'bottom', which can either be the bottom of the "<body>" or the bottom of the "<head>" depending on $wgResourceLoaderExperimentalAsyncLoading: modules marked with position 'bottom', legacy scripts ($this->mScripts), user preferences, site JS and user JS.

$inHeadboolean If true, this HTML goes into the "<head>", if false it goes into the "<body>"

Definition at line 2836 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by getBottomScripts().

static OutputPage::getStatusMessage ( code) [static]

Get the message associated with the HTTP response code $code.

$codeInteger: status code
String or null: message or null if $code is not in the list of messages
since 1.18 Use HttpStatus::getMessage() instead.

Definition at line 1994 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the subtitle.


Definition at line 968 of file OutputPage.php.

Return URLs for each supported syndication format for this page.

array associating format keys with URLs

Definition at line 1088 of file OutputPage.php.

null|string: ResourceLoader target

Definition at line 553 of file OutputPage.php.

Get the templates used on this page.

Array (namespace => dbKey => revId)

Definition at line 1474 of file OutputPage.php.

Return a Vary: header on which to vary caches.

Based on the keys of $mVaryHeader, such as Accept-Encoding or Cookie


Definition at line 1804 of file OutputPage.php.

Get a complete X-Vary-Options header.


Definition at line 1813 of file OutputPage.php.

Check if the header item $name is already set.

string$nameitem name

Definition at line 604 of file OutputPage.php.

Check if the request has a cache-varying cookie header If it does, it's very important that we don't allow public caching.


Definition at line 1760 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::headElement ( Skin sk,
includeStyle = true 
$skSkin The given Skin
$includeStyleBoolean: unused
String: The doctype, opening "<html>", and head element.

Definition at line 2509 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::includeJQuery ( modules = array())

Include jQuery core.

Use this to avoid loading it multiple times before we get a usable script loader.

array$moduleslist of jQuery modules which should be loaded
Array: the list of modules which were not loaded.
since 1.17

Definition at line 3677 of file OutputPage.php.

Return whether the content displayed page is related to the source of the corresponding article on the wiki.


Definition at line 1121 of file OutputPage.php.

Return whether this page is related an article on the wiki.


Definition at line 1143 of file OutputPage.php.

Return whether the output will be completely disabled.


Definition at line 1001 of file OutputPage.php.

Return whether the page is "printable".


Definition at line 985 of file OutputPage.php.

Should we output feed links for this page?


Definition at line 1080 of file OutputPage.php.


Definition at line 3694 of file OutputPage.php.

Return whether user JavaScript is allowed for this page.

since 1.18 Load modules with ResourceLoader, and origin and trustworthiness is identified and enforced automagically.

Definition at line 1284 of file OutputPage.php.

Produce the stock "please login to use the wiki" page.

in 1.19; throw the exception directly

Definition at line 2285 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::makeResourceLoaderLink ( modules,
useESI = false,
array extraQuery = array(),
loadCall = false 
) [protected]

TODO: Document.

$modulesArray/string with the module name(s)
string$onlyResourceLoaderModule TYPE_ class constant
array$extraQuerywith extra query parameters to add to each request. array( param => value )
$loadCallboolean If true, output an (asynchronous) mw.loader.load() call rather than a "<script src='...'>" tag
string html "<script>" and "<style>" tags

Definition at line 2604 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::out ( ins)

Actually output something with print.

string$insthe string to output
since 1.22 Use echo yourself.

Definition at line 2122 of file OutputPage.php.

Finally, all the text has been munged and accumulated into the object, let's actually output it:

Definition at line 2003 of file OutputPage.php.

References $response, addModules(), addVaryHeader(), array(), as, getFrameOptions(), HttpStatus\getMessage(), ContextSource\getRequest(), ContextSource\getSkin(), global, print, sendCacheControl(), wfExpandUrl(), wfProfileIn(), wfProfileOut(), wfRunHooks(), and wfTimestamp().

OutputPage::parse ( text,
linestart = true,
interface = false,
language = null 

Parse wikitext and return the HTML.

$linestartBoolean: is this the start of a line?
$interfaceBoolean: use interface language ($wgLang instead of $wgContLang) while parsing language sensitive magic words like GRAMMAR and PLURAL. This also disables LanguageConverter.
$languageLanguage object: target language object, will override $interface
String: HTML

Definition at line 1660 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::parseInline ( text,
linestart = true,
interface = false 

Parse wikitext, strip paragraphs, and return the HTML.

$linestartBoolean: is this the start of a line?
$interfaceBoolean: use interface language ($wgLang instead of $wgContLang) while parsing language sensitive magic words like GRAMMAR and PLURAL
String: HTML

Definition at line 1700 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::parserOptions ( options = null)

Get/set the ParserOptions object to use for wikitext parsing.

$optionsParserOptions|null either the ParserOption to use or null to only get the current ParserOption object
ParserOptions object

Definition at line 1395 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::permissionRequired ( permission)

Display an error page noting that a given permission bit is required.

since 1.18, just throw the exception directly
string$permissionkey required

Definition at line 2276 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::prepareErrorPage ( pageTitle,
htmlTitle = false 

Prepare this object to display an error page; disable caching and indexing, clear the current text and redirect, set the page's title and optionally an custom HTML title (content of the "<title>" tag).

string | Message$pageTitlewill be passed directly to setPageTitle()
string | Message$htmlTitlewill be passed directly to setHTMLTitle(); optional, if not passed the "<title>" attribute will be based on $pageTitle

Definition at line 2145 of file OutputPage.php.

Prepend $text to the body HTML.


Definition at line 1346 of file OutputPage.php.

Set a flag which will cause an X-Frame-Options header appropriate for edit pages to be sent.

The header value is controlled by $wgEditPageFrameOptions.

This is the default for special pages. If you display a CSRF-protected form on an ordinary view page, then you need to call this function.


Definition at line 1877 of file OutputPage.php.

Turn off regular page output and return an error response for when rate limiting has triggered.

Definition at line 2407 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::readOnlyPage ( source = null,
protected = false,
reasons = array(),
action = null 

Display a page stating that the Wiki is in read-only mode, and optionally show the source of the page that the user was trying to edit.

Should only be called (for this purpose) after wfReadOnly() has returned true.

For historical reasons, this function is _also_ used to show the error message when a user tries to edit a page they are not allowed to edit. (Unless it's because they're blocked, then we show blockedPage() instead.) In this case, the second parameter should be set to true and a list of reasons supplied as the third parameter.

Needs to be split into multiple functions.
$sourceString: source code to show (or null).
$protectedBoolean: is this a permissions error?
$reasonsArray: list of reasons for this error, as returned by Title::getUserPermissionsErrors().
$actionString: action that was denied or null if unknown

Definition at line 2347 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::redirect ( url,
responsecode = '302' 

Redirect to $url rather than displaying the normal page.

string$responsecodeHTTP status code

Definition at line 278 of file OutputPage.php.

Limit the highest level of CSS/JS untrustworthiness allowed.

If passed the same or a higher level than the current level of untrustworthiness set, the level will remain unchanged.

int$levelResourceLoaderModule class constant

Definition at line 1337 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::reduceAllowedModules ( type,

Limit the highest level of CSS/JS untrustworthiness allowed.

since 1.24 Module allowance is no longer fragmented by content type. Use reduceAllowedModuleOrigin() instead.
string$typeResourceLoaderModule TYPE_ constant
int$levelResourceLoaderModule ORIGIN_ class constant

Definition at line 1324 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::returnToMain ( unused = null,
returnto = null,
returntoquery = null 

Add a "return to" link pointing to a specified title, or the title indicated in the request, or else the main page.

$returntoTitle or String to return to
string$returntoqueryquery string for the return to link

Definition at line 2479 of file OutputPage.php.

Send cache control HTTP headers.

Definition at line 1920 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by output().

OutputPage::setAllowedModules ( type,

Set the highest level of CSS/JS untrustworthiness allowed.

since 1.24 Raising level of allowed untrusted content is no longer supported. Use reduceAllowedModuleOrigin() instead.
$typeString ResourceLoaderModule TYPE_ constant
int$levelResourceLoaderModule ORIGIN_ constant

Definition at line 1310 of file OutputPage.php.

Set whether the output should only contain the body of the article, without any skin, sidebar, etc.

Used e.g. when calling with "action=render".

$onlyBoolean: whether to output only the body of the article

Definition at line 624 of file OutputPage.php.

Set whether the displayed content is related to the source of the corresponding article on the wiki Setting true will cause the change "article related" toggle to true.


Definition at line 1108 of file OutputPage.php.

Set whether this page is related an article on the wiki Setting false will cause the change of "article flag" toggle to false.


Definition at line 1131 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the URL to be used for the <link rel="canonical">.

This should be used in preference to addLink(), to avoid duplicate link tags.

Definition at line 340 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::setCategoryLinks ( categories)

Reset the category links (but not the category list) and add $categories.

array$categoriesmapping category name => sort key

Definition at line 1242 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::setETag ( tag)

Set the value of the ETag HTTP header, only used if $wgUseETag is true.

string$tagvalue of "ETag" header

Definition at line 613 of file OutputPage.php.

Add default feeds to the page header This is mainly kept for backward compatibility, see OutputPage::addFeedLink() for the new version.

See also:
string$valquery to append to feed links or false to output default links

Definition at line 1048 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the displayed file version.

Mixed: previous value

Definition at line 1451 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the follow policy for the page, but leave the index policy un- touched.

string$policyeither 'follow' or 'nofollow'.

Definition at line 809 of file OutputPage.php.

"HTML title" means the contents of "<title>".

It is stored as plain, unescaped text and will be run through htmlspecialchars in the skin file.


Definition at line 844 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the index policy for the page, but leave the follow policy un- touched.

string$policyEither 'index' or 'noindex'.

Definition at line 795 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::setLanguageLinks ( newLinkArray)

Reset the language links and add new language links.

array$newLinkArrayAssociative array mapping language code to the page name

Definition at line 1163 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::setLastModified ( timestamp)

Override the last modified timestamp.

string$timestampnew timestamp, in a format readable by wfTimestamp()

Definition at line 765 of file OutputPage.php.

"Page title" means the contents of <h1>.

It is stored as a valid HTML fragment. This function allows good tags like <sup> in the <h1> tag, but not bad tags like <script>. This function automatically sets <title> to the same content as <h1> but with all tags removed. Bad tags that were escaped in <h1> will still be escaped in <title>, and good tags like <i> will be dropped entirely.


Definition at line 878 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the new value of the "action text", this will be added to the "HTML title", separated from it with " - ".

string$textnew value of the "action text"

Definition at line 822 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the page as printable, i.e.

it'll be displayed with with all print styles included

Definition at line 976 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::setProperty ( name,

Set an additional output property.


Definition at line 644 of file OutputPage.php.

Set $mRedirectedFrom, the Title of the page which redirected us to the current page.


Definition at line 866 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the revision ID which will be seen by the wiki text parser for things such as embedded {{REVISIONID}} variable use.

$revidMixed: an positive integer, or null
Mixed: previous value

Definition at line 1410 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the timestamp of the revision which will be displayed.

This is used to avoid a extra DB call in Skin::lastModified().

$timestampMixed: string, or null
Mixed: previous value

Definition at line 1431 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the robot policy for the page: <>

string$policythe literal string to output as the contents of the meta tag. Will be parsed according to the spec and output in standardized form.

Definition at line 777 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the value of the "s-maxage" part of the "Cache-control" HTTP header.

$maxageInteger: maximum cache time on the Squid, in seconds.

Definition at line 1716 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::setStatusCode ( statusCode)

Set the HTTP status code to send with the output.


Definition at line 298 of file OutputPage.php.

Replace the subtitle with $str.

string | Message$strnew value of the subtitle. String should be safe HTML.

Definition at line 915 of file OutputPage.php.

Add or remove feed links in the page header This is mainly kept for backward compatibility, see OutputPage::addFeedLink() for the new version.

See also:
$showBoolean: true: add default feeds, false: remove all feeds

Definition at line 1031 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::setTarget ( target)

Sets ResourceLoader target for load.php links.

If null, will be omitted


Definition at line 562 of file OutputPage.php.

Set the Title object to use.

$tTitle object

Definition at line 906 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::showErrorPage ( title,
params = array() 

Output a standard error page.

showErrorPage( 'titlemsg', 'pagetextmsg', array( 'param1', 'param2' ) ); showErrorPage( 'titlemsg', $messageObject ); showErrorPage( $titleMessageObj, $messageObject );

$titleMixed: message key (string) for page title, or a Message object
$msgMixed: message key (string) for page text, or a Message object
array$paramsmessage parameters; ignored if $msg is a Message object

Definition at line 2169 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::showFileCopyError ( old,

Definition at line 2441 of file OutputPage.php.

References $name, ContextSource\msg(), showFatalError(), and text.

Definition at line 2449 of file OutputPage.php.

References ContextSource\msg(), showFatalError(), and text.

Definition at line 2453 of file OutputPage.php.

References $name, ContextSource\msg(), showFatalError(), and text.

OutputPage::showFileRenameError ( old,

Definition at line 2445 of file OutputPage.php.

References ContextSource\msg(), showFatalError(), and text.

Show a warning about slave lag.

If the lag is higher than $wgSlaveLagCritical seconds, then the warning is a bit more obvious. If the lag is lower than $wgSlaveLagWarning, then no warning is shown.

$lagInteger: slave lag

Definition at line 2420 of file OutputPage.php.

Show an "add new section" link?


Definition at line 1010 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::showPermissionsErrorPage ( errors,
action = null 

Output a standard permission error page.

array$errorserror message keys
string$actionaction that was denied or null if unknown

Definition at line 2191 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::showUnexpectedValueError ( name,

Definition at line 2437 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::styleLink ( style,
) [protected]

Generate <link> tags for stylesheets.

string$styleURL to the file
array$optionsoption, can contain 'condition', 'dir', 'media' keys
String: HTML fragment

Definition at line 3519 of file OutputPage.php.

static OutputPage::transformCssMedia ( media) [static]

Transform "media" attribute based on request parameters.

string$mediacurrent value of the "media" attribute
String: modified value of the "media" attribute, or null to skip this stylesheet

Definition at line 3560 of file OutputPage.php.

Referenced by OutputPageTest\assertTransformCssMediaCase().

To make it harder for someone to slip a user a fake user-JavaScript or user-CSS preview, a random token is associated with the login session.

If it's not passed back with the preview request, we won't render the code.


Definition at line 3106 of file OutputPage.php.

Display an error page indicating that a given version of MediaWiki is required to use it.

$versionMixed: the version of MediaWiki needed to use the page

Definition at line 2263 of file OutputPage.php.

This function takes a number of message/argument specifications, wraps them in some overall structure, and then parses the result and adds it to the output.

In the $wrap, $1 is replaced with the first message, $2 with the second, and so on. The subsequent arguments may either be strings, in which case they are the message names, or arrays, in which case the first element is the message name, and subsequent elements are the parameters to that message.

Don't use this for messages that are not in users interface language.

For example:

$wgOut->wrapWikiMsg( "<div class='error'>\n$1\n</div>", 'some-error' );

Is equivalent to:

$wgOut->addWikiText( "<div class='error'>\n" . wfMessage( 'some-error' )->plain() . "\n</div>" );

The newline after opening div is needed in some wikitext. See bug 19226.


Definition at line 3643 of file OutputPage.php.

Member Data Documentation

int OutputPage::$mAllowedModuleOrigin = ResourceLoaderModule::ORIGIN_ALL [protected]

The level of 'untrustworthiness' allowed for modules loaded on this page.

See also:

Definition at line 158 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mArticleBodyOnly = false

Flag if output should only contain the body of the article.

Should be private.

Definition at line 189 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mBodytext = ''

Contains all of the "<body>" content. Should be private we got set/get accessors and the append() method.

Definition at line 52 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mCanonicalUrl = false

Definition at line 43 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mCategories = array()

Definition at line 109 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mCategoryLinks = array()

Definition at line 108 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mContainsNewMagic = 0

Definition at line 167 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mContainsOldMagic = 0

Definition at line 167 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mDebugtext = ''

Holds the debug lines that will be output as comments in page source if $wgDebugComments is enabled.

See also $wgShowDebug.

since 1.20; use MWDebug class instead.

Definition at line 59 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mDoNothing = false

I just love the name for this self documenting variable.


Definition at line 164 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mEnableClientCache = true

Definition at line 183 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mETag = false

Should be private.

No getter but used in sendCacheControl(); Contains an HTTP Entity Tags (see RFC 2616 section 3.13) which is used as a unique identifier for the content. It is later used by the client to compare its cached version with the server version. Client sends headers If-Match and If-None-Match containing its locally cached ETAG value.

To get more information, you will have to look at HTTP/1.1 protocol which is properly described in RFC 2616 :

Definition at line 106 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mExtStyles = array()

Additional stylesheets. Looks like this is for extensions. Might be replaced by resource loader.

Definition at line 46 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mFeedLinks = array()

Handles the atom / rss links.

We probably only support atom in 2011. Looks like a private variable.

See also:

Definition at line 180 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mFeedLinksAppendQuery = null

Definition at line 152 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mFileVersion = null

Definition at line 215 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mFollowPolicy = 'follow' [private]

Definition at line 233 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mHeadItems = array()

Array of elements in "<head>". Parser might add its own headers!

Definition at line 137 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mHideNewSectionLink = false

Definition at line 192 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mHTMLtitle = ''

Should be private. Stores contents of "<title>" tag.

Definition at line 62 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mImageTimeKeys = array()

Definition at line 148 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mIndexPolicy = 'index' [private]

Definition at line 232 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mInlineMsg = array()
FIXME: Is this still used ?

Definition at line 145 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mInlineStyles = ''

Inline CSS styles.

Use addInlineStyle() sparingly

Definition at line 125 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mIsarticle = false

Should be private. Is the displayed content related to the source of the corresponding wiki article.

Definition at line 65 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mIsArticleRelated = true

Should be private.

Has get/set methods properly documented. Stores "article flag" toggle.

Definition at line 71 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mJQueryDone = false [protected]

Whether jQuery is already handled.

Definition at line 230 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mJsConfigVars = array()

Definition at line 142 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mLanguageLinks = array()

Should be private. Array of Interwiki Prefixed (non DB key) Titles (e.g. 'fr:Test page')

Definition at line 112 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mLastModified = ''

mLastModified and mEtag are used for sending cache control.

The whole caching system should probably be moved into its own class.

Definition at line 94 of file OutputPage.php.


Definition at line 128 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mLinktags = array()

Definition at line 42 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mMetatags = array()

Should be private. Used with addMeta() which adds "<meta>".

Definition at line 40 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mModuleMessages = array()

Definition at line 140 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mModules = array()

Definition at line 140 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mModuleScripts = array()

Definition at line 140 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mModuleStyles = array()

Definition at line 140 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mNewSectionLink = false

Definition at line 191 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mNoGallery = false

Comes from the parser.

This was probably made to load CSS/JS only if we had "<gallery>". Used directly in CategoryPage.php Looks like resource loader can replace this.

Definition at line 199 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mPageLinkTitle = ''

Used by skin template.

Example: $tpl->set( 'displaytitle', $out->mPageLinkTitle );

Definition at line 134 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mPagetitle = ''

Should be private - has getter and setter. Contains the HTML title.

Definition at line 49 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mPageTitleActionText = ''

Definition at line 202 of file OutputPage.php.

ParserOptions OutputPage::$mParserOptions = null [protected]

lazy initialised, use parserOptions()

Definition at line 172 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mParseWarnings = array()

Definition at line 203 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mPreventClickjacking = true

Definition at line 209 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mPrintable = false

Should be private.

We have to set isPrintable(). Some pages should never be printed (ex: redirections).

Definition at line 77 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mProperties = array() [private]

Additional key => value data.

Definition at line 248 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mRedirect = ''

Definition at line 87 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mRedirectCode = ''

Definition at line 150 of file OutputPage.php.

Title OutputPage::$mRedirectedFrom = null [private]

If the current page was reached through a redirect, $mRedirectedFrom contains the Title of the redirect.

Definition at line 243 of file OutputPage.php.


Definition at line 141 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mRevisionId = null

should be private. To include the variable {{REVISIONID}}

Definition at line 212 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mRevisionTimestamp = null [private]

Definition at line 213 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mScripts = ''

Should be private.

Used for JavaScript (pre resource loader) We should split js / css. mScripts content is inserted as is in "<head>" by Skin. This might contains either a link to a stylesheet or inline css.

Definition at line 120 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mSquidMaxage = 0

Definition at line 206 of file OutputPage.php.


Definition at line 88 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mSubtitle = array() [private]

Should be private.

We have set/get/append methods.

Contains the page subtitle. Special pages usually have some links here. Don't confuse with site subtitle added by skins.

Definition at line 85 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mTemplateIds = array()

Definition at line 147 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$mVaryHeader [private]
Initial value:
        'Accept-Encoding' => array( 'list-contains=gzip' ),

Definition at line 234 of file OutputPage.php.

OutputPage::$styles = array()

An array of stylesheet filenames (relative from skins path), with options for CSS media, IE conditions, and RTL/LTR direction.

For internal use; add settings in the skin via $this->addStyle()

Style again! This seems like a code duplication since we already have mStyles. This is what makes OpenSource amazing.

Definition at line 225 of file OutputPage.php.

bool OutputPage::__pad0__ [private]

Whether output should contain table of contents.

Definition at line 256 of file OutputPage.php.

string OutputPage::null [private]

ResourceLoader target for load.php links.

If null, will be omitted

Definition at line 252 of file OutputPage.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: