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Exif Class Reference

Class to extract and validate Exif data from jpeg (and possibly tiff) files. More...

Collaboration diagram for Exif:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($file, $byteOrder= '')
 collapseData ()
 Collapse some fields together.
 getData ()
 getFilteredData ()
 Get $this->mFilteredExifData.
 makeFilteredData ()
 Make $this->mFilteredExifData.

Static Public Member Functions

static version ()

Public Attributes

const ASCII = 2
 An 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII code.
const BYTE = 1
 An 8-bit (1-byte) unsigned integer.
const IGNORE = -1
 A fake value for things we don't want or don't support.
const LONG = 4
 A 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer.
const RATIONAL = 5
 Two LONGs.
const SHORT = 3
 A 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer.
const SHORT_OR_LONG = 6
 A 16-bit (2-byte) or 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer.
const SLONG = 9
 A 32-bit (4-byte) signed integer (2's complement notation),.
const SRATIONAL = 10
 Two SLONGs.
const UNDEFINED = 7
 An 8-bit byte that can take any value depending on the field definition.

Private Member Functions

 charCodeString ($prop)
 Do userComment tags and similar.
 debug ($in, $fname, $action=null)
 Convenience function for debugging output.
 debugFile ($fname, $io)
 Convenience function for debugging output.
 exifGPStoNumber ($prop)
 Convert gps in exif form to a single floating point number for example 10 degress 20`40`` S -> -10.34444.
 exifPropToOrd ($prop)
 Convert an Exif::UNDEFINED from a raw binary string to its value.
 isASCII ($in)
 isByte ($in)
 Validates if a tag value is of the type it should be according to the Exif spec.
 isLong ($in)
 isRational ($in)
 isShort ($in)
 isSlong ($in)
 isSrational ($in)
 isUndefined ($in)
 validate ($section, $tag, $val, $recursive=false)

Private Attributes

string $basename
 The basename of the file being processed *.
string $byteOrder
 The byte order of the file.
string $file
 The file being processed *.
string $log = false
 The private log to log to, e.g.
array $mExifTags
 Exif tags grouped by category, the tagname itself is the key and the type is the value, in the case of more than one possible value type they are separated by commas.
array $mFilteredExifData
 A Filtered version of $mRawExifData that has been pruned of invalid tags and tags that contain content they shouldn't contain according to the Exif specification.
array $mRawExifData
 The raw Exif data returned by exif_read_data() *.

Detailed Description

Class to extract and validate Exif data from jpeg (and possibly tiff) files.

Definition at line 32 of file Exif.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Exif::__construct ( file,
byteOrder = '' 


string$byteOrderType of byte ordering either 'BE' (Big Endian) or 'LE' (Little Endian). Default ''.
FIXME: The following are broke: SubjectArea. Need to test the more obscure tags. DigitalZoomRatio = 0/0 is rejected. need to determine if that's valid. Possibly should treat 0/0 = 0. need to read exif spec on that.

Definition at line 103 of file Exif.php.

Member Function Documentation

Exif::charCodeString ( prop) [private]

Do userComment tags and similar.

See pg. 34 of exif standard. basically first 8 bytes is charset, rest is value. This has not been tested on any shift-JIS strings.

string$propProp name

Definition at line 440 of file Exif.php.

References UtfNormal\quickIsNFCVerify(), wfRestoreWarnings(), and wfSuppressWarnings().

Collapse some fields together.

This converts some fields from exif form, to a more friendly form. For example GPS latitude to a single number.

The rationale behind this is that we're storing data, not presenting to the user For example a longitude is a single number describing how far away you are from the prime meridian. Well it might be nice to split it up into minutes and seconds for the user, it doesn't really make sense to split a single number into 4 parts for storage. (degrees, minutes, second, direction vs single floating point number).

Other things this might do (not really sure if they make sense or not): Dates -> mediawiki date format. convert values that can be in different units to be in one standardized unit.

As an alternative approach, some of this could be done in the validate phase if we make up our own types like Exif::DATE.

Definition at line 357 of file Exif.php.

Exif::debug ( in,
action = null 
) [private]

Convenience function for debugging output.

mixed$inArrays will be processed with print_r().
string$fnameFunction name to log.
string | bool | null$actionDefault null.

Definition at line 813 of file Exif.php.

Exif::debugFile ( fname,
) [private]

Convenience function for debugging output.

string$fnameThe name of the function calling this function
bool$ioSpecify whether we're beginning or ending

Definition at line 840 of file Exif.php.

References wfDebugLog().

Exif::exifGPStoNumber ( prop) [private]

Convert gps in exif form to a single floating point number for example 10 degress 20`40`` S -> -10.34444.

string$propA GPS coordinate exif tag name (like GPSLongitude)

Definition at line 513 of file Exif.php.

Exif::exifPropToOrd ( prop) [private]

Convert an Exif::UNDEFINED from a raw binary string to its value.

This is sometimes needed depending on the type of UNDEFINED field

string$propName of property

Definition at line 502 of file Exif.php.



array Get $this->mRawExifData

Definition at line 553 of file Exif.php.

Get $this->mFilteredExifData.


Definition at line 561 of file Exif.php.

Exif::isASCII ( in) [private]
mixed$inThe input value to check

Definition at line 605 of file Exif.php.

Exif::isByte ( in) [private]

Validates if a tag value is of the type it should be according to the Exif spec.

mixed$inThe input value to check

Definition at line 589 of file Exif.php.

References $in.

Exif::isLong ( in) [private]
mixed$inThe input value to check

Definition at line 645 of file Exif.php.

Exif::isRational ( in) [private]
mixed$inThe input value to check

Definition at line 661 of file Exif.php.

Exif::isShort ( in) [private]
mixed$inThe input value to check

Definition at line 629 of file Exif.php.

Exif::isSlong ( in) [private]
mixed$inThe input value to check

Definition at line 690 of file Exif.php.

Exif::isSrational ( in) [private]
mixed$inThe input value to check

Definition at line 706 of file Exif.php.

Exif::isUndefined ( in) [private]
mixed$inThe input value to check

Definition at line 680 of file Exif.php.

Make $this->mFilteredExifData.

Definition at line 311 of file Exif.php.

Exif::validate ( section,
recursive = false 
) [private]


Validates if a tag has a legal value according to the Exif spec

string$sectionSection where tag is located.
string$tagThe tag to check.
mixed$valThe value of the tag.
bool$recursiveTrue if called recursively for array types.

Definition at line 732 of file Exif.php.

static Exif::version ( ) [static]


The version of the output format

Before the actual metadata information is saved in the database we strip some of it since we don't want to save things like thumbnails which usually accompany Exif data. This value gets saved in the database along with the actual Exif data, and if the version in the database doesn't equal the value returned by this function the Exif data is regenerated.


Definition at line 579 of file Exif.php.

Referenced by ExifBitmapHandler\isMetadataValid().

Member Data Documentation

string Exif::$basename [private]

The basename of the file being processed *.

Definition at line 83 of file Exif.php.

string Exif::$byteOrder [private]

The byte order of the file.

Needed because php's extension doesn't fully process some obscure props.

Definition at line 89 of file Exif.php.

string Exif::$file [private]

The file being processed *.

Definition at line 81 of file Exif.php.

string Exif::$log = false [private]

The private log to log to, e.g.

'exif' *

Definition at line 85 of file Exif.php.

array Exif::$mExifTags [private]

Exif tags grouped by category, the tagname itself is the key and the type is the value, in the case of more than one possible value type they are separated by commas.

Definition at line 72 of file Exif.php.

array Exif::$mFilteredExifData [private]

A Filtered version of $mRawExifData that has been pruned of invalid tags and tags that contain content they shouldn't contain according to the Exif specification.

Definition at line 79 of file Exif.php.

array Exif::$mRawExifData [private]

The raw Exif data returned by exif_read_data() *.

Definition at line 74 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::ASCII = 2

An 8-bit byte containing one 7-bit ASCII code.

The final byte is terminated with NULL.

Definition at line 39 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::BYTE = 1

An 8-bit (1-byte) unsigned integer.

Definition at line 34 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::IGNORE = -1

A fake value for things we don't want or don't support.

Definition at line 67 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::LONG = 4

A 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer.

Definition at line 45 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::RATIONAL = 5

Two LONGs.

The first LONG is the numerator and the second LONG expresses the denominator

Definition at line 50 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::SHORT = 3

A 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned integer.

Definition at line 42 of file Exif.php.

A 16-bit (2-byte) or 32-bit (4-byte) unsigned integer.

Definition at line 53 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::SLONG = 9

A 32-bit (4-byte) signed integer (2's complement notation),.

Definition at line 59 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::SRATIONAL = 10


The first SLONG is the numerator and the second SLONG is the denominator.

Definition at line 64 of file Exif.php.

const Exif::UNDEFINED = 7

An 8-bit byte that can take any value depending on the field definition.

Definition at line 56 of file Exif.php.

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