MediaWiki  REL1_24
includes Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for includes/:


directory  actions
directory  api
directory  cache
directory  changes
directory  clientpool
directory  composer
directory  config
directory  content
directory  context
directory  dao
directory  db
directory  debug
directory  deferred
directory  diff
directory  exception
directory  externalstore
directory  filebackend
directory  filerepo
directory  gallery
directory  htmlform
directory  installer
directory  interwiki
directory  jobqueue
directory  json
directory  libs
directory  logging
directory  mail
directory  media
directory  normal
directory  objectcache
directory  page
directory  pager
directory  parser
directory  password
directory  poolcounter
directory  profiler
directory  rcfeed
directory  resourceloader
directory  revisiondelete
directory  search
directory  site
directory  skins
directory  specialpage
directory  specials
directory  templates
directory  title
directory  upload
directory  utils


file  AjaxDispatcher.php [code]

Handle ajax requests and send them to the proper handler.

file  AjaxResponse.php [code]

Response handler for Ajax requests.

file  AuthPlugin.php [code]

Authentication plugin interface.

file  AutoLoader.php [code]

This defines autoloading handler for whole MediaWiki framework.

file  Autopromote.php [code]

Automatic user rights promotion based on conditions specified in $wgAutopromote.

file  Block.php [code]

Blocks and bans object.

file  Category.php [code]

Representation for a category.

file  CategoryFinder.php [code]

Recent changes filtering by category.

file  CategoryViewer.php [code]

List and paging of category members.

file  ChangeTags.php [code]

Recent changes tagging.

file  Collation.php [code]

Database row sorting.

file  Cookie.php [code]

Cookie for HTTP requests.

file  DefaultSettings.php [code]

Default values for MediaWiki configuration settings.

file  Defines.php [code]

A few constants that might be needed during LocalSettings.php.

file  DeprecatedGlobal.php [code]

Delayed loading of deprecated global objects.

file  EditPage.php [code]

User interface for page editing.

file  Export.php [code]

Base classes for dumps and export.

file  Fallback.php [code]

Fallback functions for PHP installed without mbstring support.

file  Feed.php [code]

Basic support for outputting syndication feeds in RSS, other formats.

file  FeedUtils.php [code]

Helper functions for feeds.

file  FileDeleteForm.php [code]

File deletion user interface.

file  ForkController.php [code]

Class for managing forking command line scripts.

file  FormOptions.php [code]

Helper class to keep track of options when mixing links and form elements.

file  GitInfo.php [code]

A class to help return information about a git repo MediaWiki may be inside This is used by Special:Version and is also useful for the LocalSettings.php of anyone working on large branches in git to setup config that show up only when specific branches are currently checked out.

file  GlobalFunctions.php [code]

Global functions used everywhere.

file  HistoryBlob.php [code]

Efficient concatenated text storage.

file  Hooks.php [code]

A tool for running hook functions.

file  Html.php [code]

Collection of methods to generate HTML content.

file  HtmlFormatter.php [code]

Performs transformations of HTML by wrapping around libxml2 and working around its countless bugs.

file  HttpFunctions.php [code]

Various HTTP related functions.

file  Import.php [code]

MediaWiki page data importer.

file  Licenses.php [code]

License selector for use on Special:Upload.

file  Linker.php [code]

Methods to make links and related items.

file  LinkFilter.php [code]

Functions to help implement an external link filter for spam control.

file  MagicWord.php [code]

File for magic words.

file  MediaWiki.php [code]

Helper class for the index.php entry point.

file  MediaWikiVersionFetcher.php [code]
file  Message.php [code]

Fetching and processing of interface messages.

file  MessageBlobStore.php [code]

Resource message blobs storage used by the resource loader.

file  MimeMagic.php [code]

Module defining helper functions for detecting and dealing with MIME types.

file  MovePage.php [code]

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

file  MWNamespace.php [code]

Provide things related to namespaces.

file  MWTimestamp.php [code]

Creation and parsing of MW-style timestamps.

file  OutputHandler.php [code]

Functions to be used with PHP's output buffer.

file  OutputPage.php [code]

Preparation for the final page rendering.

file  PathRouter.php [code]

Parser to extract query parameters out of REQUEST_URI paths.

file  PHPVersionError.php [code]

Display something vaguely comprehensible in the event of a totally unrecoverable error.

file  Preferences.php [code]

Form to edit user preferences.

file  PrefixSearch.php [code]

Prefix search of page names.

file  ProtectionForm.php [code]

Page protection.

file  Revision.php [code]

Representation of a page version.

file  RevisionList.php [code]

Holders of revision list for a single page.

file  Sanitizer.php [code]

HTML sanitizer for MediaWiki.

file  Setup.php [code]

Include most things that are needed to make MediaWiki work.

file  SiteConfiguration.php [code]

Configuration holder, particularly for multi-wiki sites.

file  SiteStats.php [code]

Accessors and mutators for the site-wide statistics.

file  SquidPurgeClient.php [code]

Squid and Varnish cache purging.

file  StatCounter.php [code]

Aggregator for wfIncrStats() that batches updates per request.

file  Status.php [code]

Generic operation result.

file  StreamFile.php [code]

Functions related to the output of file content.

file  StubObject.php [code]

Delayed loading of global objects.

file  TimestampException.php [code]
file  Title.php [code]

Representation of a title within MediaWiki.

file  TitleArray.php [code]

Class to walk into a list of Title objects.

file  TitleArrayFromResult.php [code]

Class to walk into a list of Title objects.

file  User.php [code]

Implements the User class for the MediaWiki software.

file  UserArray.php [code]

Class to walk into a list of User objects.

file  UserArrayFromResult.php [code]

Class to walk into a list of User objects.

file  UserRightsProxy.php [code]

Representation of an user on a other locally-hosted wiki.

file  WatchedItem.php [code]

Accessor and mutator for watchlist entries.

file  WebRequest.php [code]

Deal with importing all those nasty globals and things.

file  WebResponse.php [code]

Classes used to send headers and cookies back to the user.

file  WebStart.php [code]

This does the initial set up for a web request.

file  WikiMap.php [code]

Tools for dealing with other locally-hosted wikis.

file  Xml.php [code]

Methods to generate XML.

file  ZhConversion.php [code]

Simplified / Traditional Chinese conversion tables.