MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
15  public function __construct( $name = null, array $data = [], $dataName = '' ) {
16  parent::__construct( $name, $data, $dataName );
17  $this->tablesUsed = array_unique(
18  array_merge( $this->tablesUsed, [ 'watchlist', 'recentchanges', 'page' ] )
19  );
20  }
22  protected function setUp() {
23  parent::setUp();
24  self::$users['ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestUser'] = $this->getMutableTestUser();
25  self::$users['ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestUser2'] = $this->getMutableTestUser();
26  $this->doLogin( 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestUser' );
27  }
29  private function getLoggedInTestUser() {
30  return self::$users['ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestUser']->getUser();
31  }
33  private function getNonLoggedInTestUser() {
34  return self::$users['ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestUser2']->getUser();
35  }
37  private function doPageEdit( User $user, LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary ) {
38  $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
40  $page->doEditContent(
41  ContentHandler::makeContent( $content, $title ),
42  $summary,
43  0,
44  false,
45  $user
46  );
47  }
49  private function doMinorPageEdit( User $user, LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary ) {
50  $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
52  $page->doEditContent(
53  ContentHandler::makeContent( $content, $title ),
54  $summary,
56  false,
57  $user
58  );
59  }
61  private function doBotPageEdit( User $user, LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary ) {
62  $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
64  $page->doEditContent(
65  ContentHandler::makeContent( $content, $title ),
66  $summary,
68  false,
69  $user
70  );
71  }
73  private function doAnonPageEdit( LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary ) {
74  $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
76  $page->doEditContent(
77  ContentHandler::makeContent( $content, $title ),
78  $summary,
79  0,
80  false,
81  User::newFromId( 0 )
82  );
83  }
85  private function doPatrolledPageEdit(
86  User $user,
87  LinkTarget $target,
88  $content,
89  $summary,
90  User $patrollingUser
91  ) {
92  $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
94  $status = $page->doEditContent(
95  ContentHandler::makeContent( $content, $title ),
96  $summary,
97  0,
98  false,
99  $user
100  );
102  $rev = $status->value['revision'];
103  $rc = $rev->getRecentChange();
104  $rc->doMarkPatrolled( $patrollingUser, false, [] );
105  }
107  private function deletePage( LinkTarget $target, $reason ) {
108  $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
110  $page->doDeleteArticleReal( $reason );
111  }
123  private function doPageEdits( User $user, array $editData ) {
124  foreach ( $editData as $singleEditData ) {
125  if ( array_key_exists( 'minorEdit', $singleEditData ) && $singleEditData['minorEdit'] ) {
126  $this->doMinorPageEdit(
127  $user,
128  $singleEditData['target'],
129  $singleEditData['content'],
130  $singleEditData['summary']
131  );
132  continue;
133  }
134  if ( array_key_exists( 'botEdit', $singleEditData ) && $singleEditData['botEdit'] ) {
135  $this->doBotPageEdit(
136  $user,
137  $singleEditData['target'],
138  $singleEditData['content'],
139  $singleEditData['summary']
140  );
141  continue;
142  }
143  $this->doPageEdit(
144  $user,
145  $singleEditData['target'],
146  $singleEditData['content'],
147  $singleEditData['summary']
148  );
149  }
150  }
152  private function getWatchedItemStore() {
153  return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getWatchedItemStore();
154  }
160  private function watchPages( User $user, array $targets ) {
161  $store = $this->getWatchedItemStore();
162  $store->addWatchBatchForUser( $user, $targets );
163  }
165  private function doListWatchlistRequest( array $params = [], $user = null ) {
166  return $this->doApiRequest(
167  array_merge(
168  [ 'action' => 'query', 'list' => 'watchlist' ],
169  $params
170  ), null, false, $user
171  );
172  }
174  private function doGeneratorWatchlistRequest( array $params = [] ) {
175  return $this->doApiRequest(
176  array_merge(
177  [ 'action' => 'query', 'generator' => 'watchlist' ],
178  $params
179  )
180  );
181  }
184  return $response[0]['query']['watchlist'];
185  }
203  private function assertArraySubsetsEqual(
204  array $actualItems,
205  array $expectedItems,
206  array $keysUsedInValueComparison,
207  array $requiredKeys = []
208  ) {
209  $this->assertCount( count( $expectedItems ), $actualItems );
211  // not checking values of all keys of the actual item, so removing unwanted keys from comparison
212  $actualItemsOnlyComparedValues = array_map(
213  function( array $item ) use ( $keysUsedInValueComparison ) {
214  return array_intersect_key( $item, array_flip( $keysUsedInValueComparison ) );
215  },
216  $actualItems
217  );
219  $this->assertEquals(
220  $expectedItems,
221  $actualItemsOnlyComparedValues
222  );
224  // Check that each item in $actualItems contains all of keys specified in $requiredKeys
225  $actualItemsKeysOnly = array_map( 'array_keys', $actualItems );
226  foreach ( $actualItemsKeysOnly as $keysOfTheItem ) {
227  $this->assertEmpty( array_diff( $requiredKeys, $keysOfTheItem ) );
228  }
229  }
231  private function getTitleFormatter() {
232  return new MediaWikiTitleCodec(
233  Language::factory( 'en' ),
234  MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getGenderCache()
235  );
236  }
238  private function getPrefixedText( LinkTarget $target ) {
239  $formatter = $this->getTitleFormatter();
240  return $formatter->getPrefixedText( $target );
241  }
243  private function cleanTestUsersWatchlist() {
244  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
245  $store = $this->getWatchedItemStore();
246  $items = $store->getWatchedItemsForUser( $user );
247  foreach ( $items as $item ) {
248  $store->removeWatch( $user, $item->getLinkTarget() );
249  }
250  }
253  // Clean up after previous tests that might have added something to the watchlist of
254  // the user with the same user ID as user used here as the test user
255  $this->cleanTestUsersWatchlist();
257  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
258  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
259  $this->doPageEdit(
260  $user,
261  $target,
262  'Some Content',
263  'Create the page'
264  );
265  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
267  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest();
269  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'query', $result[0] );
270  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'watchlist', $result[0]['query'] );
274  [
275  [
276  'type' => 'new',
277  'ns' => $target->getNamespace(),
278  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target ),
279  'bot' => false,
280  'new' => true,
281  'minor' => false,
282  ]
283  ],
284  [ 'type', 'ns', 'title', 'bot', 'new', 'minor' ],
285  [ 'pageid', 'revid', 'old_revid' ]
286  );
287  }
289  public function testIdsPropParameter() {
290  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
291  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
292  $this->doPageEdit(
293  $user,
294  $target,
295  'Some Content',
296  'Create the page'
297  );
298  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
300  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'ids', ] );
301  $items = $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $result );
303  $this->assertCount( 1, $items );
304  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'pageid', $items[0] );
305  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'revid', $items[0] );
306  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'old_revid', $items[0] );
307  $this->assertEquals( 'new', $items[0]['type'] );
308  }
310  public function testTitlePropParameter() {
311  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
312  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
313  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
314  $this->doPageEdits(
315  $user,
316  [
317  [
318  'target' => $subjectTarget,
319  'content' => 'Some Content',
320  'summary' => 'Create the page',
321  ],
322  [
323  'target' => $talkTarget,
324  'content' => 'Some Talk Page Content',
325  'summary' => 'Create Talk page',
326  ],
327  ]
328  );
329  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
331  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title', ] );
333  $this->assertEquals(
334  [
335  [
336  'type' => 'new',
337  'ns' => $talkTarget->getNamespace(),
338  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $talkTarget ),
339  ],
340  [
341  'type' => 'new',
342  'ns' => $subjectTarget->getNamespace(),
343  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget ),
344  ],
345  ],
347  );
348  }
350  public function testFlagsPropParameter() {
351  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
352  $normalEditTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
353  $minorEditTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPageM' );
354  $botEditTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPageB' );
355  $this->doPageEdits(
356  $user,
357  [
358  [
359  'target' => $normalEditTarget,
360  'content' => 'Some Content',
361  'summary' => 'Create the page',
362  ],
363  [
364  'target' => $minorEditTarget,
365  'content' => 'Some Content',
366  'summary' => 'Create the page',
367  ],
368  [
369  'target' => $minorEditTarget,
370  'content' => 'Slightly Better Content',
371  'summary' => 'Change content',
372  'minorEdit' => true,
373  ],
374  [
375  'target' => $botEditTarget,
376  'content' => 'Some Content',
377  'summary' => 'Create the page with a bot',
378  'botEdit' => true,
379  ],
380  ]
381  );
382  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $normalEditTarget, $minorEditTarget, $botEditTarget ] );
384  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'flags', ] );
386  $this->assertEquals(
387  [
388  [
389  'type' => 'new',
390  'new' => true,
391  'minor' => false,
392  'bot' => true,
393  ],
394  [
395  'type' => 'edit',
396  'new' => false,
397  'minor' => true,
398  'bot' => false,
399  ],
400  [
401  'type' => 'new',
402  'new' => true,
403  'minor' => false,
404  'bot' => false,
405  ],
406  ],
408  );
409  }
411  public function testUserPropParameter() {
412  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
413  $userEditTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
414  $anonEditTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPageA' );
415  $this->doPageEdit(
416  $user,
417  $userEditTarget,
418  'Some Content',
419  'Create the page'
420  );
421  $this->doAnonPageEdit(
422  $anonEditTarget,
423  'Some Content',
424  'Create the page'
425  );
426  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $userEditTarget, $anonEditTarget ] );
428  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'user', ] );
430  $this->assertEquals(
431  [
432  [
433  'type' => 'new',
434  'anon' => true,
435  'user' => User::newFromId( 0 )->getName(),
436  ],
437  [
438  'type' => 'new',
439  'user' => $user->getName(),
440  ],
441  ],
443  );
444  }
446  public function testUserIdPropParameter() {
447  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
448  $userEditTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
449  $anonEditTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPageA' );
450  $this->doPageEdit(
451  $user,
452  $userEditTarget,
453  'Some Content',
454  'Create the page'
455  );
456  $this->doAnonPageEdit(
457  $anonEditTarget,
458  'Some Content',
459  'Create the page'
460  );
461  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $userEditTarget, $anonEditTarget ] );
463  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'userid', ] );
465  $this->assertEquals(
466  [
467  [
468  'type' => 'new',
469  'anon' => true,
470  'user' => 0,
471  'userid' => 0,
472  ],
473  [
474  'type' => 'new',
475  'user' => $user->getId(),
476  'userid' => $user->getId(),
477  ],
478  ],
480  );
481  }
483  public function testCommentPropParameter() {
484  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
485  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
486  $this->doPageEdit(
487  $user,
488  $target,
489  'Some Content',
490  'Create the <b>page</b>'
491  );
492  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
494  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'comment', ] );
496  $this->assertEquals(
497  [
498  [
499  'type' => 'new',
500  'comment' => 'Create the <b>page</b>',
501  ],
502  ],
504  );
505  }
507  public function testParsedCommentPropParameter() {
508  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
509  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
510  $this->doPageEdit(
511  $user,
512  $target,
513  'Some Content',
514  'Create the <b>page</b>'
515  );
516  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
518  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'parsedcomment', ] );
520  $this->assertEquals(
521  [
522  [
523  'type' => 'new',
524  'parsedcomment' => 'Create the &lt;b&gt;page&lt;/b&gt;',
525  ],
526  ],
528  );
529  }
531  public function testTimestampPropParameter() {
532  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
533  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
534  $this->doPageEdit(
535  $user,
536  $target,
537  'Some Content',
538  'Create the page'
539  );
540  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
542  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'timestamp', ] );
543  $items = $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $result );
545  $this->assertCount( 1, $items );
546  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'timestamp', $items[0] );
547  $this->assertInternalType( 'string', $items[0]['timestamp'] );
548  }
550  public function testSizesPropParameter() {
551  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
552  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
553  $this->doPageEdit(
554  $user,
555  $target,
556  'Some Content',
557  'Create the page'
558  );
559  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
561  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'sizes', ] );
563  $this->assertEquals(
564  [
565  [
566  'type' => 'new',
567  'oldlen' => 0,
568  'newlen' => 12,
569  ],
570  ],
572  );
573  }
576  $otherUser = $this->getNonLoggedInTestUser();
577  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
578  $this->doPageEdit(
579  $otherUser,
580  $target,
581  'Some Content',
582  'Create the page'
583  );
584  $store = $this->getWatchedItemStore();
585  $store->addWatch( $this->getLoggedInTestUser(), $target );
586  $store->updateNotificationTimestamp(
587  $otherUser,
588  $target,
589  '20151212010101'
590  );
592  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'notificationtimestamp', ] );
594  $this->assertEquals(
595  [
596  [
597  'type' => 'new',
598  'notificationtimestamp' => '2015-12-12T01:01:01Z',
599  ],
600  ],
602  );
603  }
606  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
608  $this->doPatrolledPageEdit(
609  $user,
610  $target,
611  'Some Content',
612  'Create the page (this gets patrolled)',
613  $user
614  );
616  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
617  }
619  public function testPatrolPropParameter() {
620  $testUser = static::getTestSysop();
621  $user = $testUser->getUser();
624  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'patrol', ], $user );
626  $this->assertEquals(
627  [
628  [
629  'type' => 'new',
630  'patrolled' => true,
631  'unpatrolled' => false,
632  ]
633  ],
635  );
636  }
638  private function createPageAndDeleteIt( LinkTarget $target ) {
639  $this->doPageEdit(
640  $this->getLoggedInTestUser(),
641  $target,
642  'Some Content',
643  'Create the page that will be deleted'
644  );
645  $this->deletePage( $target, 'Important Reason' );
646  }
648  public function testLoginfoPropParameter() {
649  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
650  $this->createPageAndDeleteIt( $target );
652  $this->watchPages( $this->getLoggedInTestUser(), [ $target ] );
654  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'loginfo', ] );
658  [
659  [
660  'type' => 'log',
661  'logtype' => 'delete',
662  'logaction' => 'delete',
663  'logparams' => [],
664  ],
665  ],
666  [ 'type', 'logtype', 'logaction', 'logparams' ],
667  [ 'logid' ]
668  );
669  }
671  public function testEmptyPropParameter() {
672  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
673  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
674  $this->doPageEdit(
675  $user,
676  $target,
677  'Some Content',
678  'Create the page'
679  );
680  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
682  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => '', ] );
684  $this->assertEquals(
685  [
686  [
687  'type' => 'new',
688  ]
689  ],
691  );
692  }
694  public function testNamespaceParam() {
695  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
696  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
697  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
698  $this->doPageEdits(
699  $user,
700  [
701  [
702  'target' => $subjectTarget,
703  'content' => 'Some Content',
704  'summary' => 'Create the page',
705  ],
706  [
707  'target' => $talkTarget,
708  'content' => 'Some Content',
709  'summary' => 'Create the talk page',
710  ],
711  ]
712  );
713  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
715  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlnamespace' => '0', ] );
719  [
720  [
721  'ns' => 0,
722  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget ),
723  ],
724  ],
725  [ 'ns', 'title' ]
726  );
727  }
729  public function testUserParam() {
730  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
731  $otherUser = $this->getNonLoggedInTestUser();
732  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
733  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
734  $this->doPageEdit(
735  $user,
736  $subjectTarget,
737  'Some Content',
738  'Create the page'
739  );
740  $this->doPageEdit(
741  $otherUser,
742  $talkTarget,
743  'What is this page about?',
744  'Create the talk page'
745  );
746  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
748  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
749  'wlprop' => 'user|title',
750  'wluser' => $otherUser->getName(),
751  ] );
753  $this->assertEquals(
754  [
755  [
756  'type' => 'new',
757  'ns' => $talkTarget->getNamespace(),
758  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $talkTarget ),
759  'user' => $otherUser->getName(),
760  ],
761  ],
763  );
764  }
766  public function testExcludeUserParam() {
767  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
768  $otherUser = $this->getNonLoggedInTestUser();
769  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
770  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
771  $this->doPageEdit(
772  $user,
773  $subjectTarget,
774  'Some Content',
775  'Create the page'
776  );
777  $this->doPageEdit(
778  $otherUser,
779  $talkTarget,
780  'What is this page about?',
781  'Create the talk page'
782  );
783  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
785  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
786  'wlprop' => 'user|title',
787  'wlexcludeuser' => $otherUser->getName(),
788  ] );
790  $this->assertEquals(
791  [
792  [
793  'type' => 'new',
794  'ns' => $subjectTarget->getNamespace(),
795  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget ),
796  'user' => $user->getName(),
797  ]
798  ],
800  );
801  }
803  public function testShowMinorParams() {
804  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
805  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
806  $this->doPageEdits(
807  $user,
808  [
809  [
810  'target' => $target,
811  'content' => 'Some Content',
812  'summary' => 'Create the page',
813  ],
814  [
815  'target' => $target,
816  'content' => 'Slightly Better Content',
817  'summary' => 'Change content',
818  'minorEdit' => true,
819  ],
820  ]
821  );
822  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
824  $resultMinor = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
826  'wlprop' => 'flags'
827  ] );
828  $resultNotMinor = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
829  'wlshow' => WatchedItemQueryService::FILTER_NOT_MINOR, 'wlprop' => 'flags'
830  ] );
833  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultMinor ),
834  [
835  [ 'minor' => true, ]
836  ],
837  [ 'minor' ]
838  );
839  $this->assertEmpty( $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultNotMinor ) );
840  }
842  public function testShowBotParams() {
843  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
844  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
845  $this->doBotPageEdit(
846  $user,
847  $target,
848  'Some Content',
849  'Create the page'
850  );
851  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
853  $resultBot = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
855  ] );
856  $resultNotBot = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
858  ] );
861  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultBot ),
862  [
863  [ 'bot' => true ],
864  ],
865  [ 'bot' ]
866  );
867  $this->assertEmpty( $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultNotBot ) );
868  }
870  public function testShowAnonParams() {
871  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
872  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
873  $this->doAnonPageEdit(
874  $target,
875  'Some Content',
876  'Create the page'
877  );
878  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
880  $resultAnon = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
881  'wlprop' => 'user',
883  ] );
884  $resultNotAnon = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
885  'wlprop' => 'user',
887  ] );
890  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultAnon ),
891  [
892  [ 'anon' => true ],
893  ],
894  [ 'anon' ]
895  );
896  $this->assertEmpty( $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultNotAnon ) );
897  }
899  public function testShowUnreadParams() {
900  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
901  $otherUser = $this->getNonLoggedInTestUser();
902  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
903  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
904  $this->doPageEdit(
905  $user,
906  $subjectTarget,
907  'Some Content',
908  'Create the page'
909  );
910  $this->doPageEdit(
911  $otherUser,
912  $talkTarget,
913  'Some Content',
914  'Create the talk page'
915  );
916  $store = $this->getWatchedItemStore();
917  $store->addWatchBatchForUser( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
918  $store->updateNotificationTimestamp(
919  $otherUser,
920  $talkTarget,
921  '20151212010101'
922  );
924  $resultUnread = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
925  'wlprop' => 'notificationtimestamp|title',
927  ] );
928  $resultNotUnread = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
929  'wlprop' => 'notificationtimestamp|title',
931  ] );
933  $this->assertEquals(
934  [
935  [
936  'type' => 'new',
937  'notificationtimestamp' => '2015-12-12T01:01:01Z',
938  'ns' => $talkTarget->getNamespace(),
939  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $talkTarget )
940  ]
941  ],
942  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultUnread )
943  );
944  $this->assertEquals(
945  [
946  [
947  'type' => 'new',
948  'notificationtimestamp' => '',
949  'ns' => $subjectTarget->getNamespace(),
950  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget )
951  ]
952  ],
953  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultNotUnread )
954  );
955  }
957  public function testShowPatrolledParams() {
958  $user = static::getTestSysop()->getUser();
961  $resultPatrolled = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
962  'wlprop' => 'patrol',
964  ], $user );
965  $resultNotPatrolled = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
966  'wlprop' => 'patrol',
968  ], $user );
970  $this->assertEquals(
971  [
972  [
973  'type' => 'new',
974  'patrolled' => true,
975  'unpatrolled' => false,
976  ]
977  ],
978  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultPatrolled )
979  );
980  $this->assertEmpty( $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultNotPatrolled ) );
981  }
983  public function testNewAndEditTypeParameters() {
984  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
985  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
986  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
987  $this->doPageEdits(
988  $user,
989  [
990  [
991  'target' => $subjectTarget,
992  'content' => 'Some Content',
993  'summary' => 'Create the page',
994  ],
995  [
996  'target' => $subjectTarget,
997  'content' => 'Some Other Content',
998  'summary' => 'Change the content',
999  ],
1000  [
1001  'target' => $talkTarget,
1002  'content' => 'Some Talk Page Content',
1003  'summary' => 'Create Talk page',
1004  ],
1005  ]
1006  );
1007  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
1009  $resultNew = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title', 'wltype' => 'new' ] );
1010  $resultEdit = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title', 'wltype' => 'edit' ] );
1012  $this->assertEquals(
1013  [
1014  [
1015  'type' => 'new',
1016  'ns' => $talkTarget->getNamespace(),
1017  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $talkTarget ),
1018  ],
1019  ],
1020  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultNew )
1021  );
1022  $this->assertEquals(
1023  [
1024  [
1025  'type' => 'edit',
1026  'ns' => $subjectTarget->getNamespace(),
1027  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget ),
1028  ],
1029  ],
1030  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultEdit )
1031  );
1032  }
1034  public function testLogTypeParameters() {
1035  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1036  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1037  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1038  $this->createPageAndDeleteIt( $subjectTarget );
1039  $this->doPageEdit(
1040  $user,
1041  $talkTarget,
1042  'Some Talk Page Content',
1043  'Create Talk page'
1044  );
1045  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
1047  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title', 'wltype' => 'log' ] );
1049  $this->assertEquals(
1050  [
1051  [
1052  'type' => 'log',
1053  'ns' => $subjectTarget->getNamespace(),
1054  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget ),
1055  ],
1056  ],
1058  );
1059  }
1061  private function getExternalRC( LinkTarget $target ) {
1062  $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $target );
1064  $rc = new RecentChange;
1065  $rc->mTitle = $title;
1066  $rc->mAttribs = [
1067  'rc_timestamp' => wfTimestamp( TS_MW ),
1068  'rc_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(),
1069  'rc_title' => $title->getDBkey(),
1070  'rc_type' => RC_EXTERNAL,
1071  'rc_source' => 'foo',
1072  'rc_minor' => 0,
1073  'rc_cur_id' => $title->getArticleID(),
1074  'rc_user' => 0,
1075  'rc_user_text' => 'External User',
1076  'rc_comment' => '',
1077  'rc_this_oldid' => $title->getLatestRevID(),
1078  'rc_last_oldid' => $title->getLatestRevID(),
1079  'rc_bot' => 0,
1080  'rc_ip' => '',
1081  'rc_patrolled' => 0,
1082  'rc_new' => 0,
1083  'rc_old_len' => $title->getLength(),
1084  'rc_new_len' => $title->getLength(),
1085  'rc_deleted' => 0,
1086  'rc_logid' => 0,
1087  'rc_log_type' => null,
1088  'rc_log_action' => '',
1089  'rc_params' => '',
1090  ];
1091  $rc->mExtra = [
1092  'prefixedDBkey' => $title->getPrefixedDBkey(),
1093  'lastTimestamp' => 0,
1094  'oldSize' => $title->getLength(),
1095  'newSize' => $title->getLength(),
1096  'pageStatus' => 'changed'
1097  ];
1099  return $rc;
1100  }
1102  public function testExternalTypeParameters() {
1103  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1104  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1105  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1106  $this->doPageEdit(
1107  $user,
1108  $subjectTarget,
1109  'Some Content',
1110  'Create the page'
1111  );
1112  $this->doPageEdit(
1113  $user,
1114  $talkTarget,
1115  'Some Talk Page Content',
1116  'Create Talk page'
1117  );
1119  $rc = $this->getExternalRC( $subjectTarget );
1120  $rc->save();
1122  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
1124  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title', 'wltype' => 'external' ] );
1126  $this->assertEquals(
1127  [
1128  [
1129  'type' => 'external',
1130  'ns' => $subjectTarget->getNamespace(),
1131  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget ),
1132  ],
1133  ],
1135  );
1136  }
1138  public function testCategorizeTypeParameter() {
1139  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1140  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1141  $categoryTarget = new TitleValue( NS_CATEGORY, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestCategory' );
1142  $this->doPageEdits(
1143  $user,
1144  [
1145  [
1146  'target' => $categoryTarget,
1147  'content' => 'Some Content',
1148  'summary' => 'Create the category',
1149  ],
1150  [
1151  'target' => $subjectTarget,
1152  'content' => 'Some Content [[Category:ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestCategory]]t',
1153  'summary' => 'Create the page and add it to the category',
1154  ],
1155  ]
1156  );
1157  $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $subjectTarget );
1158  $revision = Revision::newFromTitle( $title );
1161  $revision->getTimestamp(),
1162  Title::newFromLinkTarget( $categoryTarget ),
1163  $user,
1164  $revision->getComment(),
1165  $title,
1166  0,
1167  $revision->getId(),
1168  null,
1169  false
1170  );
1171  $rc->save();
1173  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $categoryTarget ] );
1175  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title', 'wltype' => 'categorize' ] );
1177  $this->assertEquals(
1178  [
1179  [
1180  'type' => 'categorize',
1181  'ns' => $categoryTarget->getNamespace(),
1182  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $categoryTarget ),
1183  ],
1184  ],
1186  );
1187  }
1189  public function testLimitParam() {
1190  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1191  $target1 = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1192  $target2 = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1193  $target3 = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage2' );
1194  $this->doPageEdits(
1195  $user,
1196  [
1197  [
1198  'target' => $target1,
1199  'content' => 'Some Content',
1200  'summary' => 'Create the page',
1201  ],
1202  [
1203  'target' => $target2,
1204  'content' => 'Some Talk Page Content',
1205  'summary' => 'Create Talk page',
1206  ],
1207  [
1208  'target' => $target3,
1209  'content' => 'Some Other Content',
1210  'summary' => 'Create the page',
1211  ],
1212  ]
1213  );
1214  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target1, $target2, $target3 ] );
1216  $resultWithoutLimit = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title' ] );
1217  $resultWithLimit = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wllimit' => 2, 'wlprop' => 'title' ] );
1219  $this->assertEquals(
1220  [
1221  [
1222  'type' => 'new',
1223  'ns' => $target3->getNamespace(),
1224  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target3 )
1225  ],
1226  [
1227  'type' => 'new',
1228  'ns' => $target2->getNamespace(),
1229  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target2 )
1230  ],
1231  [
1232  'type' => 'new',
1233  'ns' => $target1->getNamespace(),
1234  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target1 )
1235  ],
1236  ],
1237  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultWithoutLimit )
1238  );
1239  $this->assertEquals(
1240  [
1241  [
1242  'type' => 'new',
1243  'ns' => $target3->getNamespace(),
1244  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target3 )
1245  ],
1246  [
1247  'type' => 'new',
1248  'ns' => $target2->getNamespace(),
1249  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target2 )
1250  ],
1251  ],
1252  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultWithLimit )
1253  );
1254  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'continue', $resultWithLimit[0] );
1255  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'wlcontinue', $resultWithLimit[0]['continue'] );
1256  }
1258  public function testAllRevParam() {
1259  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1260  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1261  $this->doPageEdits(
1262  $user,
1263  [
1264  [
1265  'target' => $target,
1266  'content' => 'Some Content',
1267  'summary' => 'Create the page',
1268  ],
1269  [
1270  'target' => $target,
1271  'content' => 'Some Other Content',
1272  'summary' => 'Change the content',
1273  ],
1274  ]
1275  );
1276  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
1278  $resultAllRev = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title', 'wlallrev' => '', ] );
1279  $resultNoAllRev = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wlprop' => 'title' ] );
1281  $this->assertEquals(
1282  [
1283  [
1284  'type' => 'edit',
1285  'ns' => $target->getNamespace(),
1286  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target ),
1287  ],
1288  ],
1289  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultNoAllRev )
1290  );
1291  $this->assertEquals(
1292  [
1293  [
1294  'type' => 'edit',
1295  'ns' => $target->getNamespace(),
1296  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target ),
1297  ],
1298  [
1299  'type' => 'new',
1300  'ns' => $target->getNamespace(),
1301  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target ),
1302  ],
1303  ],
1304  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultAllRev )
1305  );
1306  }
1308  public function testDirParams() {
1309  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1310  $subjectTarget = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1311  $talkTarget = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1312  $this->doPageEdits(
1313  $user,
1314  [
1315  [
1316  'target' => $subjectTarget,
1317  'content' => 'Some Content',
1318  'summary' => 'Create the page',
1319  ],
1320  [
1321  'target' => $talkTarget,
1322  'content' => 'Some Talk Page Content',
1323  'summary' => 'Create Talk page',
1324  ],
1325  ]
1326  );
1327  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $subjectTarget, $talkTarget ] );
1329  $resultDirOlder = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wldir' => 'older', 'wlprop' => 'title' ] );
1330  $resultDirNewer = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wldir' => 'newer', 'wlprop' => 'title' ] );
1332  $this->assertEquals(
1333  [
1334  [
1335  'type' => 'new',
1336  'ns' => $talkTarget->getNamespace(),
1337  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $talkTarget )
1338  ],
1339  [
1340  'type' => 'new',
1341  'ns' => $subjectTarget->getNamespace(),
1342  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget )
1343  ],
1344  ],
1345  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultDirOlder )
1346  );
1347  $this->assertEquals(
1348  [
1349  [
1350  'type' => 'new',
1351  'ns' => $subjectTarget->getNamespace(),
1352  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $subjectTarget )
1353  ],
1354  [
1355  'type' => 'new',
1356  'ns' => $talkTarget->getNamespace(),
1357  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $talkTarget )
1358  ],
1359  ],
1360  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultDirNewer )
1361  );
1362  }
1364  public function testStartEndParams() {
1365  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1366  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1367  $this->doPageEdit(
1368  $user,
1369  $target,
1370  'Some Content',
1371  'Create the page'
1372  );
1373  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
1375  $resultStart = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
1376  'wlstart' => '20010115000000',
1377  'wldir' => 'newer',
1378  'wlprop' => 'title',
1379  ] );
1380  $resultEnd = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
1381  'wlend' => '20010115000000',
1382  'wldir' => 'newer',
1383  'wlprop' => 'title',
1384  ] );
1386  $this->assertEquals(
1387  [
1388  [
1389  'type' => 'new',
1390  'ns' => $target->getNamespace(),
1391  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target ),
1392  ]
1393  ],
1394  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultStart )
1395  );
1396  $this->assertEmpty( $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $resultEnd ) );
1397  }
1399  public function testContinueParam() {
1400  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1401  $target1 = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1402  $target2 = new TitleValue( 1, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1403  $target3 = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage2' );
1404  $this->doPageEdits(
1405  $user,
1406  [
1407  [
1408  'target' => $target1,
1409  'content' => 'Some Content',
1410  'summary' => 'Create the page',
1411  ],
1412  [
1413  'target' => $target2,
1414  'content' => 'Some Talk Page Content',
1415  'summary' => 'Create Talk page',
1416  ],
1417  [
1418  'target' => $target3,
1419  'content' => 'Some Other Content',
1420  'summary' => 'Create the page',
1421  ],
1422  ]
1423  );
1424  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target1, $target2, $target3 ] );
1426  $firstResult = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [ 'wllimit' => 2, 'wlprop' => 'title' ] );
1427  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'continue', $firstResult[0] );
1428  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'wlcontinue', $firstResult[0]['continue'] );
1430  $continuationParam = $firstResult[0]['continue']['wlcontinue'];
1432  $continuedResult = $this->doListWatchlistRequest(
1433  [ 'wlcontinue' => $continuationParam, 'wlprop' => 'title' ]
1434  );
1436  $this->assertEquals(
1437  [
1438  [
1439  'type' => 'new',
1440  'ns' => $target3->getNamespace(),
1441  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target3 ),
1442  ],
1443  [
1444  'type' => 'new',
1445  'ns' => $target2->getNamespace(),
1446  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target2 ),
1447  ],
1448  ],
1449  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $firstResult )
1450  );
1451  $this->assertEquals(
1452  [
1453  [
1454  'type' => 'new',
1455  'ns' => $target1->getNamespace(),
1456  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target1 )
1457  ]
1458  ],
1459  $this->getItemsFromApiResponse( $continuedResult )
1460  );
1461  }
1463  public function testOwnerAndTokenParams() {
1464  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1465  $this->doPageEdit(
1466  $this->getLoggedInTestUser(),
1467  $target,
1468  'Some Content',
1469  'Create the page'
1470  );
1472  $otherUser = $this->getNonLoggedInTestUser();
1473  $otherUser->setOption( 'watchlisttoken', '1234567890' );
1474  $otherUser->saveSettings();
1476  $this->watchPages( $otherUser, [ $target ] );
1478  $result = $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
1479  'wlowner' => $otherUser->getName(),
1480  'wltoken' => '1234567890',
1481  'wlprop' => 'title',
1482  ] );
1484  $this->assertEquals(
1485  [
1486  [
1487  'type' => 'new',
1488  'ns' => $target->getNamespace(),
1489  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target )
1490  ]
1491  ],
1493  );
1494  }
1497  $otherUser = $this->getNonLoggedInTestUser();
1498  $otherUser->setOption( 'watchlisttoken', '1234567890' );
1499  $otherUser->saveSettings();
1501  $this->setExpectedException( UsageException::class, 'Incorrect watchlist token provided' );
1503  $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
1504  'wlowner' => $otherUser->getName(),
1505  'wltoken' => 'wrong-token',
1506  ] );
1507  }
1510  $this->setExpectedException( UsageException::class, 'Incorrect watchlist token provided' );
1512  $this->doListWatchlistRequest( [
1513  'wlowner' => $this->getNonLoggedInTestUser()->getName(),
1514  'wltoken' => 'some-token',
1515  ] );
1516  }
1519  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1520  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1521  $this->doPageEdit(
1522  $user,
1523  $target,
1524  'Some Content',
1525  'Create the page'
1526  );
1527  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
1529  $result = $this->doGeneratorWatchlistRequest( [ 'prop' => 'info' ] );
1531  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'query', $result[0] );
1532  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'pages', $result[0]['query'] );
1534  // $result[0]['query']['pages'] uses page ids as keys. Page ids don't matter here, so drop them
1535  $pages = array_values( $result[0]['query']['pages'] );
1537  $this->assertArraySubsetsEqual(
1538  $pages,
1539  [
1540  [
1541  'ns' => $target->getNamespace(),
1542  'title' => $this->getPrefixedText( $target ),
1543  'new' => true,
1544  ]
1545  ],
1546  [ 'ns', 'title', 'new' ]
1547  );
1548  }
1551  $user = $this->getLoggedInTestUser();
1552  $target = new TitleValue( 0, 'ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTestPage' );
1553  $this->doPageEdits(
1554  $user,
1555  [
1556  [
1557  'target' => $target,
1558  'content' => 'Some Content',
1559  'summary' => 'Create the page',
1560  ],
1561  [
1562  'target' => $target,
1563  'content' => 'Some Other Content',
1564  'summary' => 'Change the content',
1565  ],
1566  ]
1567  );
1568  $this->watchPages( $user, [ $target ] );
1570  $result = $this->doGeneratorWatchlistRequest( [ 'prop' => 'revisions', 'gwlallrev' => '' ] );
1572  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'query', $result[0] );
1573  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'pages', $result[0]['query'] );
1575  // $result[0]['query']['pages'] uses page ids as keys. Page ids don't matter here, so drop them
1576  $pages = array_values( $result[0]['query']['pages'] );
1578  $this->assertCount( 1, $pages );
1579  $this->assertEquals( 0, $pages[0]['ns'] );
1580  $this->assertEquals( $this->getPrefixedText( $target ), $pages[0]['title'] );
1581  $this->assertArraySubsetsEqual(
1582  $pages[0]['revisions'],
1583  [
1584  [
1585  'comment' => 'Create the page',
1586  'user' => $user->getName(),
1587  'minor' => false,
1588  ],
1589  [
1590  'comment' => 'Change the content',
1591  'user' => $user->getName(),
1592  'minor' => false,
1593  ],
1594  ],
1595  [ 'comment', 'user', 'minor' ]
1596  );
1597  }
1599 }
static factory(Title $title)
Create a WikiPage object of the appropriate class for the given title.
Definition: WikiPage.php:101
A codec for MediaWiki page titles.
Utility class for creating new RC entries.
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition: hooks.txt:189
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
doPageEdits(User $user, array $editData)
Performs a batch of page edits as a specified user.
doAnonPageEdit(LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary)
doMinorPageEdit(User $user, LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary)
Represents a page (or page fragment) title within MediaWiki.
Definition: TitleValue.php:36
static newFromId($id)
Static factory method for creation from a given user ID.
Definition: User.php:545
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency MediaWikiServices
Definition: injection.txt:23
doListWatchlistRequest(array $params=[], $user=null)
Definition: Defines.php:181
this hook is for auditing only $response
Definition: hooks.txt:776
static newFromLinkTarget(LinkTarget $linkTarget)
Create a new Title from a LinkTarget.
Definition: Title.php:230
static newFromTitle(LinkTarget $linkTarget, $id=0, $flags=0)
Load either the current, or a specified, revision that's attached to a given link target...
Definition: Revision.php:117
assertArraySubsetsEqual(array $actualItems, array $expectedItems, array $keysUsedInValueComparison, array $requiredKeys=[])
Convenience method to assert that actual items array fetched from API is equal to the expected array...
The index of the header message $result[1]=The index of the body text message $result[2 through n]=Parameters passed to body text message.Please note the header message cannot receive/use parameters. 'ImportHandleLogItemXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a log item.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $logInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandlePageXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object &$pageInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandleRevisionXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page revision.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $pageInfo:Array of page information $revisionInfo:Array of revision information 'ImportHandleToplevelXMLTag':When parsing a top level XML tag.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object 'ImportHandleUploadXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a file upload.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $revisionInfo:Array of information 'ImportLogInterwikiLink':Hook to change the interwiki link used in log entries and edit summaries for transwiki imports.&$fullInterwikiPrefix:Interwiki prefix, may contain colons.&$pageTitle:String that contains page title. 'ImportSources':Called when reading from the $wgImportSources configuration variable.Can be used to lazy-load the import sources list.&$importSources:The value of $wgImportSources.Modify as necessary.See the comment in DefaultSettings.php for the detail of how to structure this array. 'InfoAction':When building information to display on the action=info page.$context:IContextSource object &$pageInfo:Array of information 'InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect':MediaWiki check to see if title is a redirect.&$title:Title object for the current page &$request:WebRequest &$ignoreRedirect:boolean to skip redirect check &$target:Title/string of redirect target &$article:Article object 'InternalParseBeforeLinks':during Parser's internalParse method before links but after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings.&$parser:Parser object &$text:string containing partially parsed text &$stripState:Parser's internal StripState object 'InternalParseBeforeSanitize':during Parser's internalParse method just before the parser removes unwanted/dangerous HTML tags and after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings.Ideal for syntax-extensions after template/parser function execution which respect nowiki and HTML-comments.&$parser:Parser object &$text:string containing partially parsed text &$stripState:Parser's internal StripState object 'InterwikiLoadPrefix':When resolving if a given prefix is an interwiki or not.Return true without providing an interwiki to continue interwiki search.$prefix:interwiki prefix we are looking for.&$iwData:output array describing the interwiki with keys iw_url, iw_local, iw_trans and optionally iw_api and iw_wikiid. 'InvalidateEmailComplete':Called after a user's email has been invalidated successfully.$user:user(object) whose email is being invalidated 'IRCLineURL':When constructing the URL to use in an IRC notification.Callee may modify $url and $query, URL will be constructed as $url.$query &$url:URL to index.php &$query:Query string $rc:RecentChange object that triggered url generation 'IsFileCacheable':Override the result of Article::isFileCacheable()(if true) &$article:article(object) being checked 'IsTrustedProxy':Override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() &$ip:IP being check &$result:Change this value to override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() 'IsUploadAllowedFromUrl':Override the result of UploadFromUrl::isAllowedUrl() $url:URL used to upload from &$allowed:Boolean indicating if uploading is allowed for given URL 'isValidEmailAddr':Override the result of Sanitizer::validateEmail(), for instance to return false if the domain name doesn't match your organization.$addr:The e-mail address entered by the user &$result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks 'isValidPassword':Override the result of User::isValidPassword() $password:The password entered by the user &$result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks $user:User the password is being validated for 'Language::getMessagesFileName':$code:The language code or the language we're looking for a messages file for &$file:The messages file path, you can override this to change the location. 'LanguageGetMagic':DEPRECATED!Use $magicWords in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead.Use this to define synonyms of magic words depending of the language &$magicExtensions:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetNamespaces':Provide custom ordering for namespaces or remove namespaces.Do not use this hook to add namespaces.Use CanonicalNamespaces for that.&$namespaces:Array of namespaces indexed by their numbers 'LanguageGetSpecialPageAliases':DEPRECATED!Use $specialPageAliases in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead.Use to define aliases of special pages names depending of the language &$specialPageAliases:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames':Provide translated language names.&$names:array of language code=> language name $code:language of the preferred translations 'LanguageLinks':Manipulate a page's language links.This is called in various places to allow extensions to define the effective language links for a page.$title:The page's Title.&$links:Associative array mapping language codes to prefixed links of the form"language:title".&$linkFlags:Associative array mapping prefixed links to arrays of flags.Currently unused, but planned to provide support for marking individual language links in the UI, e.g.for featured articles. 'LanguageSelector':Hook to change the language selector available on a page.$out:The output page.$cssClassName:CSS class name of the language selector. 'LinkBegin':DEPRECATED!Use HtmlPageLinkRendererBegin instead.Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link(), before processing starts.Return false to skip default processing and return $ret.See documentation for Linker::link() for details on the expected meanings of parameters.$skin:the Skin object $target:the Title that the link is pointing to &$html:the contents that the< a > tag should have(raw HTML) $result
Definition: hooks.txt:1814
static newForCategorization($timestamp, Title $categoryTitle, User $user=null, $comment, Title $pageTitle, $oldRevId, $newRevId, $lastTimestamp, $bot, $ip= '', $deleted=0)
Constructs a RecentChange object for the given categorization This does not call save() on the object...
The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights, email address, options, last login time).
Definition: User.php:47
wfTimestamp($outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
Definition: Defines.php:183
doLogin($testUser= 'sysop')
doBotPageEdit(User $user, LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary)
Definition: Defines.php:83
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated are created Can be used to omit specific feeds from being outputted You must not use this hook to add use OutputPage::addFeedLink() instead.&$feedLinks conditions will AND in the final query as a Content object as a Content object $title
Definition: hooks.txt:312
presenting them properly to the user as errors is done by the caller return true use this to change the list i e etc $rev
Definition: hooks.txt:1601
doPageEdit(User $user, LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary)
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a local account $user
Definition: hooks.txt:242
const TS_MW
MediaWiki concatenated string timestamp (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
doPatrolledPageEdit(User $user, LinkTarget $target, $content, $summary, User $patrollingUser)
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
doApiRequest(array $params, array $session=null, $appendModule=false, User $user=null)
Does the API request and returns the result.
Definition: ApiTestCase.php:71
you have access to all of the normal MediaWiki so you can get a DB use the etc For full docs on the Maintenance class
Definition: maintenance.txt:52
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content $content
Definition: hooks.txt:1020
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set $status
Definition: hooks.txt:1020
static getMutableTestUser($groups=[])
Convenience method for getting a mutable test user.
__construct($name=null, array $data=[], $dataName= '')
Definition: Defines.php:172
static factory($code)
Get a cached or new language object for a given language code.
Definition: Language.php:179
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image and a DIV can begin in one section and end in another Make sure your code can handle that case gracefully See the EditSectionClearerLink extension for an example zero but section is usually empty its values are the globals values before the output is cached $page
Definition: hooks.txt:2376
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:310