Internationalisation code. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct () | |
__destruct () | |
Reduce memory usage. More... | |
addMagicWordsByLang ($newWords) | |
Add magic words to the extension array. More... | |
alignEnd () | |
Return 'right' or 'left' as appropriate alignment for line-end for this language's text direction. More... | |
alignStart () | |
Return 'left' or 'right' as appropriate alignment for line-start for this language's text direction. More... | |
autoConvertToAllVariants ($text) | |
convert text to all supported variants More... | |
capitalizeAllNouns () | |
caseFold ($s) | |
Return a case-folded representation of $s. More... | |
checkTitleEncoding ($s) | |
commafy ($number) | |
Adds commas to a given number. More... | |
commaList (array $list) | |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly comma-separated list, using the local comma-separator message. More... | |
convert ($text) | |
convert text to different variants of a language. More... | |
convertCategoryKey ($key) | |
convertForSearchResult ($termsArray) | |
convertGrammar ($word, $case) | |
Grammatical transformations, needed for inflected languages Invoked by putting {{grammar:case|word}} in a message. More... | |
convertHtml ($text, $isTitle=false) | |
Perform output conversion on a string, and encode for safe HTML output. More... | |
convertNamespace ($ns) | |
Convert a namespace index to a string in the preferred variant. More... | |
convertPlural ($count, $forms) | |
Plural form transformations, needed for some languages. More... | |
convertTitle ($title) | |
Convert a Title object to a string in the preferred variant. More... | |
date ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) | |
dateFormat ($usePrefs=true) | |
This is meant to be used by time(), date(), and timeanddate() to get the date preference they're supposed to use, it should be used in all children. More... | |
digitGroupingPattern () | |
digitTransformTable () | |
embedBidi ($text= '') | |
Wraps argument with unicode control characters for directionality safety. More... | |
emphasize ($text) | |
Italic is unsuitable for some languages. More... | |
equals (Language $lang) | |
Compare with an other language object. More... | |
fallback8bitEncoding () | |
findVariantLink (&$link, &$nt, $ignoreOtherCond=false) | |
If a language supports multiple variants, it is possible that non-existing link in one variant actually exists in another variant. More... | |
firstChar ($s) | |
Get the first character of a string. More... | |
fixVariableInNamespace ($talk) | |
formatBitrate ($bps) | |
Format a bitrate for output, using an appropriate unit (bps, kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps, Pbps, Ebps, Zbps or Ybps) according to the magnitude in question. More... | |
formatComputingNumbers ($size, $boundary, $messageKey) | |
formatDuration ($seconds, array $chosenIntervals=[]) | |
Takes a number of seconds and turns it into a text using values such as hours and minutes. More... | |
formatExpiry ($expiry, $format=true, $infinity= 'infinity') | |
Decode an expiry (block, protection, etc) which has come from the DB. More... | |
formatNum ($number, $nocommafy=false) | |
Normally we output all numbers in plain en_US style, that is 293,291.235 for twohundredninetythreethousand-twohundredninetyone point twohundredthirtyfive. More... | |
formatNumNoSeparators ($number) | |
Front-end for non-commafied formatNum. More... | |
formatSize ($size) | |
Format a size in bytes for output, using an appropriate unit (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB or YB) according to the magnitude in question. More... | |
formatTimePeriod ($seconds, $format=[]) | |
gender ($gender, $forms) | |
Provides an alternative text depending on specified gender. More... | |
getAllMessages () | |
getArrow ($direction= 'forwards') | |
An arrow, depending on the language direction. More... | |
getBookstoreList () | |
Exports $wgBookstoreListEn. More... | |
getCode () | |
Get the internal language code for this language object. More... | |
getCompiledPluralRules () | |
Get the compiled plural rules for the language. More... | |
getConverter () | |
Return the LanguageConverter used in the Language. More... | |
getConvRuleTitle () | |
Get the conversion rule title, if any. More... | |
getDateFormats () | |
getDateFormatString ($type, $pref) | |
Get a format string for a given type and preference. More... | |
getDatePreferenceMigrationMap () | |
getDatePreferences () | |
getDefaultDateFormat () | |
getDefaultVariant () | |
getDir () | |
Return the correct HTML 'dir' attribute value for this language. More... | |
getDirMark ($opposite=false) | |
A hidden direction mark (LRM or RLM), depending on the language direction. More... | |
getDirMarkEntity ($opposite=false) | |
A hidden direction mark (LRM or RLM), depending on the language direction. More... | |
getDurationIntervals ($seconds, array $chosenIntervals=[]) | |
Takes a number of seconds and returns an array with a set of corresponding intervals. More... | |
getExtraHashOptions () | |
returns language specific options used by User::getPageRenderHash() for example, the preferred language variant More... | |
getExtraUserToggles () | |
getFallbackLanguages () | |
getFormattedNamespaces () | |
A convenience function that returns getNamespaces() with spaces instead of underscores in values. More... | |
getFormattedNsText ($index) | |
A convenience function that returns the same thing as getNsText() except with '_' changed to ' ', useful for producing output. More... | |
getGenderNsText ($index, $gender) | |
Returns gender-dependent namespace alias if available. More... | |
getGrammarForms () | |
Get the grammar forms for the content language. More... | |
getHebrewCalendarMonthName ($key) | |
getHebrewCalendarMonthNameGen ($key) | |
getHijriCalendarMonthName ($key) | |
getHtmlCode () | |
Get the code in BCP 47 format which we can use inside of html lang="" tags. More... | |
getHumanTimestamp (MWTimestamp $time, MWTimestamp $relativeTo=null, User $user=null) | |
Get the timestamp in a human-friendly relative format, e.g., "3 days ago". More... | |
getImageFile ($image) | |
getImageFiles () | |
getIranianCalendarMonthName ($key) | |
getLocalNsIndex ($text) | |
Get a namespace key by value, case insensitive. More... | |
getMagic ($mw) | |
Fill a MagicWord object with data from here. More... | |
getMagicWords () | |
Get all magic words from cache. More... | |
getMessage ($key) | |
getMessageFromDB ($msg) | |
Get a message from the MediaWiki namespace. More... | |
getMonthAbbreviation ($key) | |
getMonthAbbreviationsArray () | |
getMonthName ($key) | |
getMonthNameGen ($key) | |
getMonthNamesArray () | |
getNamespaceAliases () | |
getNamespaceIds () | |
getNamespaces () | |
Returns an array of localised namespaces indexed by their numbers. More... | |
getNsIndex ($text) | |
Get a namespace key by value, case insensitive. More... | |
getNsText ($index) | |
Get a namespace value by key. More... | |
getParentLanguage () | |
Get the "parent" language which has a converter to convert a "compatible" language (in another variant) to this language (eg. More... | |
getParsedTitle () | |
For languages that support multiple variants, the title of an article may be displayed differently in different variants. More... | |
getPluralRuleIndexNumber ($number) | |
Find the index number of the plural rule appropriate for the given number. More... | |
getPluralRules () | |
Get the plural rules for the language. More... | |
getPluralRuleType ($number) | |
Find the plural rule type appropriate for the given number For example, if the language is set to Arabic, getPluralType(5) should return 'few'. More... | |
getPluralRuleTypes () | |
Get the plural rule types for the language. More... | |
getPreferredVariant () | |
getSpecialPageAliases () | |
Get special page names, as an associative array canonical name => array of valid names, including aliases. More... | |
getURLVariant () | |
getUserToggle ($tog) | |
getVariantname ($code, $usemsg=true) | |
short names for language variants used for language conversion links. More... | |
getVariants () | |
Get the list of variants supported by this language see sample implementation in LanguageZh.php. More... | |
getWeekdayAbbreviation ($key) | |
getWeekdayName ($key) | |
hasVariant ($variant) | |
Check if the language has the specific variant. More... | |
hasVariants () | |
Check if this is a language with variants. More... | |
hasWordBreaks () | |
Most writing systems use whitespace to break up words. More... | |
iconv ($in, $out, $string) | |
initContLang () | |
Hook which will be called if this is the content language. More... | |
initEncoding () | |
isMultibyte ($str) | |
isRTL () | |
For right-to-left language support. More... | |
lc ($str, $first=false) | |
lcfirst ($str) | |
linkPrefixCharset () | |
A regular expression character set to match legal word-prefixing characters which should be merged onto a link of the form foo[[bar]]. More... | |
linkPrefixExtension () | |
To allow "foo[[bar]]" to extend the link over the whole word "foobar". More... | |
linkTrail () | |
A regular expression to match legal word-trailing characters which should be merged onto a link of the form [[foo]]bar. More... | |
listToText (array $l) | |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly comma-separated list, using the local comma-separator message. More... | |
markNoConversion ($text, $noParse=false) | |
Prepare external link text for conversion. More... | |
needsGenderDistinction () | |
Whether this language uses gender-dependent namespace aliases. More... | |
normalize ($s) | |
Convert a UTF-8 string to normal form C. More... | |
normalizeForSearch ($string) | |
Some languages have special punctuation need to be normalized. More... | |
parseFormattedNumber ($number) | |
pipeList (array $list) | |
Same as commaList, but separate it with the pipe instead. More... | |
recodeForEdit ($s) | |
recodeInput ($s) | |
replaceGrammarInNamespace ($m) | |
resetNamespaces () | |
Resets all of the namespace caches. More... | |
segmentByWord ($string) | |
Some languages such as Chinese require word segmentation, Specify such segmentation when overridden in derived class. More... | |
segmentForDiff ($text) | |
languages like Chinese need to be segmented in order for the diff to be of any use More... | |
semicolonList (array $list) | |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly semicolon-separated list, using the local semicolon-separator message. More... | |
separatorTransformTable () | |
setCode ($code) | |
setNamespaces (array $namespaces) | |
Arbitrarily set all of the namespace names at once. More... | |
specialList ($page, $details, $oppositedm=true) | |
Make a list item, used by various special pages. More... | |
sprintfDate ($format, $ts, DateTimeZone $zone=null, &$ttl= 'unused') | |
This is a workalike of PHP's date() function, but with better internationalisation, a reduced set of format characters, and a better escaping format. More... | |
time ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) | |
timeanddate ($ts, $adj=false, $format=true, $timecorrection=false) | |
transformUsingPairFile ($file, $string) | |
Transform a string using serialized data stored in the given file (which must be in the serialized subdirectory of $IP). More... | |
translateBlockExpiry ($str, User $user=null) | |
truncate ($string, $length, $ellipsis= '...', $adjustLength=true) | |
Truncate a string to a specified length in bytes, appending an optional string (e.g. More... | |
truncateHtml ($text, $length, $ellipsis= '...') | |
Truncate a string of valid HTML to a specified length in bytes, appending an optional string (e.g. More... | |
uc ($str, $first=false) | |
Convert a string to uppercase. More... | |
ucfirst ($str) | |
Make a string's first character uppercase. More... | |
ucwordbreaks ($str) | |
capitalize words at word breaks More... | |
ucwordbreaksCallbackAscii ($matches) | |
ucwordbreaksCallbackMB ($matches) | |
ucwords ($str) | |
ucwordsCallbackMB ($matches) | |
unsegmentForDiff ($text) | |
and unsegment to show the result More... | |
updateConversionTable (Title $title) | |
Refresh the cache of conversion tables when MediaWiki:Conversiontable* is updated. More... | |
userAdjust ($ts, $tz=false) | |
Used by date() and time() to adjust the time output. More... | |
userDate ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) | |
Get the formatted date for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More... | |
userTime ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) | |
Get the formatted time for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More... | |
userTimeAndDate ($ts, User $user, array $options=[]) | |
Get the formatted date and time for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user. More... | |
viewPrevNext (Title $title, $offset, $limit, array $query=[], $atend=false) | |
Generate (prev x| next x) (20|50|100...) type links for paging. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | classFromCode ($code) |
static | factory ($code) |
Get a cached or new language object for a given language code. More... | |
static | fetchLanguageName ($code, $inLanguage=null, $include= 'all') |
static | fetchLanguageNames ($inLanguage=null, $include= 'mw') |
Get an array of language names, indexed by code. More... | |
static | getCodeFromFileName ($filename, $prefix= 'Language', $suffix= '.php') |
Get the language code from a file name. More... | |
static | getFallbackFor ($code) |
Get the first fallback for a given language. More... | |
static | getFallbacksFor ($code) |
Get the ordered list of fallback languages. More... | |
static | getFallbacksIncludingSiteLanguage ($code) |
Get the ordered list of fallback languages, ending with the fallback language chain for the site language. More... | |
static | getFileName ($prefix= 'Language', $code, $suffix= '.php') |
Get the name of a file for a certain language code. More... | |
static | getJsonMessagesFileName ($code) |
static | getLocalisationCache () |
Get the LocalisationCache instance. More... | |
static | getMessageFor ($key, $code) |
Get a message for a given language. More... | |
static | getMessageKeysFor ($code) |
Get all message keys for a given language. More... | |
static | getMessagesFileName ($code) |
static | getMessagesFor ($code) |
Get all messages for a given language WARNING: this may take a long time. More... | |
static | hebrewNumeral ($num) |
Hebrew Gematria number formatting up to 9999. More... | |
static | isKnownLanguageTag ($tag) |
Returns true if a language code is an IETF tag known to MediaWiki. More... | |
static | isSupportedLanguage ($code) |
Checks whether any localisation is available for that language tag in MediaWiki (MessagesXx.php exists). More... | |
static | isValidBuiltInCode ($code) |
Returns true if a language code is of a valid form for the purposes of internal customisation of MediaWiki, via Messages*.php or *.json. More... | |
static | isValidCode ($code) |
Returns true if a language code string is of a valid form, whether or not it exists. More... | |
static | isWellFormedLanguageTag ($code, $lenient=false) |
Returns true if a language code string is a well-formed language tag according to RFC 5646. More... | |
static | romanNumeral ($num) |
Roman number formatting up to 10000. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
$dateFormatStrings = [] | |
$mCode | |
LanguageConverter | $mConverter |
$mExtendedSpecialPageAliases | |
$mLoaded = false | |
$mMagicExtensions = [] | |
$mMagicHookDone = false | |
$mNamespaceIds | |
$mParentLanguage = false | |
$mVariants | |
$namespaceAliases | |
$transformData = [] | |
ReplacementArray object caches. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static LocalisationCache | $dataCache |
static array | $durationIntervals |
static | $mHebrewCalendarMonthGenMsgs |
static | $mHebrewCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mHijriCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mIranianCalendarMonthMsgs |
static | $mLangObjCache = [] |
static | $mMonthAbbrevMsgs |
static | $mMonthGenMsgs |
static | $mMonthMsgs |
static | $mWeekdayAbbrevMsgs |
static | $mWeekdayMsgs |
Protected Member Functions | |
doMagicHook () | |
Run the LanguageGetMagic hook once. More... | |
handleExplicitPluralForms ($count, array $forms) | |
Handles explicit plural forms for Language::convertPlural() More... | |
msg ($msg) | |
Get message object in this language. More... | |
preConvertPlural ($forms, $count) | |
Checks that convertPlural was given an array and pads it to requested amount of forms by copying the last one. More... | |
removeBadCharFirst ($string) | |
Remove bytes that represent an incomplete Unicode character at the start of string (e.g. More... | |
removeBadCharLast ($string) | |
Remove bytes that represent an incomplete Unicode character at the end of string (e.g. More... | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static | convertDoubleWidth ($string) |
convert double-width roman characters to single-width. More... | |
static | insertSpace ($string, $pattern) |
static | newFromCode ($code) |
Create a language object for a given language code. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
$namespaceNames | |
Private Member Functions | |
getHumanTimestampInternal (MWTimestamp $ts, MWTimestamp $relativeTo, User $user) | |
Convert an MWTimestamp into a pretty human-readable timestamp using the given user preferences and relative base time. More... | |
internalUserTimeAndDate ($type, $ts, User $user, array $options) | |
Internal helper function for userDate(), userTime() and userTimeAndDate() More... | |
numLink (Title $title, $offset, $limit, array $query, $link, $tooltipMsg, $class) | |
Helper function for viewPrevNext() that generates links. More... | |
truncate_endBracket (&$tag, $tagType, $lastCh, &$openTags) | |
truncateHtml() helper function (a) push or pop $tag from $openTags as needed (b) clear $tag value More... | |
truncate_skip (&$ret, $text, $search, $start, $len=null) | |
truncateHtml() helper function like strcspn() but adds the skipped chars to $ret More... | |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static | dateTimeObjFormat (&$dateTimeObj, $ts, $zone, $code) |
Pass through result from $dateTimeObj->format() More... | |
static | fetchLanguageNamesUncached ($inLanguage=null, $include= 'mw') |
Uncached helper for fetchLanguageNames. More... | |
static | hebrewYearStart ($year) |
This calculates the Hebrew year start, as days since 1 September. More... | |
static | strongDirFromContent ($text= '') |
Gets directionality of the first strongly directional codepoint, for embedBidi() More... | |
static | tsToHebrew ($ts) |
Converting Gregorian dates to Hebrew dates. More... | |
static | tsToHijri ($ts) |
Converting Gregorian dates to Hijri dates. More... | |
static | tsToIranian ($ts) |
Algorithm by Roozbeh Pournader and Mohammad Toossi to convert Gregorian dates to Iranian dates. More... | |
static | tsToYear ($ts, $cName) |
Algorithm to convert Gregorian dates to Thai solar dates, Minguo dates or Minguo dates. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
$mHtmlCode = null | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static array static array | $fallbackLanguageCache = [] |
Cache for language fallbacks. More... | |
static | $GREG_DAYS = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ] |
static | $IRANIAN_DAYS = [ 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29 ] |
static HashBagOStuff null | $languageNameCache |
Cache for language names. More... | |
static | $lre = "\xE2\x80\xAA" |
Unicode directional formatting characters, for embedBidi() More... | |
static | $pdf = "\xE2\x80\xAC" |
static | $rle = "\xE2\x80\xAB" |
static | $strongDirRegex = '/(?:([\x{41}-\x{5a}\x{61}-\x{7a}\x{aa}\x{b5}\x{ba}\x{c0}-\x{d6}\x{d8}-\x{f6}\x{f8}-\x{2b8}\x{2bb}-\x{2c1}\x{2d0}\x{2d1}\x{2e0}-\x{2e4}\x{2ee}\x{370}-\x{373}\x{376}\x{377}\x{37a}-\x{37d}\x{37f}\x{386}\x{388}-\x{38a}\x{38c}\x{38e}-\x{3a1}\x{3a3}-\x{3f5}\x{3f7}-\x{482}\x{48a}-\x{52f}\x{531}-\x{556}\x{559}-\x{55f}\x{561}-\x{587}\x{589}\x{903}-\x{939}\x{93b}\x{93d}-\x{940}\x{949}-\x{94c}\x{94e}-\x{950}\x{958}-\x{961}\x{964}-\x{980}\x{982}\x{983}\x{985}-\x{98c}\x{98f}\x{990}\x{993}-\x{9a8}\x{9aa}-\x{9b0}\x{9b2}\x{9b6}-\x{9b9}\x{9bd}-\x{9c0}\x{9c7}\x{9c8}\x{9cb}\x{9cc}\x{9ce}\x{9d7}\x{9dc}\x{9dd}\x{9df}-\x{9e1}\x{9e6}-\x{9f1}\x{9f4}-\x{9fa}\x{a03}\x{a05}-\x{a0a}\x{a0f}\x{a10}\x{a13}-\x{a28}\x{a2a}-\x{a30}\x{a32}\x{a33}\x{a35}\x{a36}\x{a38}\x{a39}\x{a3e}-\x{a40}\x{a59}-\x{a5c}\x{a5e}\x{a66}-\x{a6f}\x{a72}-\x{a74}\x{a83}\x{a85}-\x{a8d}\x{a8f}-\x{a91}\x{a93}-\x{aa8}\x{aaa}-\x{ab0}\x{ab2}\x{ab3}\x{ab5}-\x{ab9}\x{abd}-\x{ac0}\x{ac9}\x{acb}\x{acc}\x{ad0}\x{ae0}\x{ae1}\x{ae6}-\x{af0}\x{af9}\x{b02}\x{b03}\x{b05}-\x{b0c}\x{b0f}\x{b10}\x{b13}-\x{b28}\x{b2a}-\x{b30}\x{b32}\x{b33}\x{b35}-\x{b39}\x{b3d}\x{b3e}\x{b40}\x{b47}\x{b48}\x{b4b}\x{b4c}\x{b57}\x{b5c}\x{b5d}\x{b5f}-\x{b61}\x{b66}-\x{b77}\x{b83}\x{b85}-\x{b8a}\x{b8e}-\x{b90}\x{b92}-\x{b95}\x{b99}\x{b9a}\x{b9c}\x{b9e}\x{b9f}\x{ba3}\x{ba4}\x{ba8}-\x{baa}\x{bae}-\x{bb9}\x{bbe}\x{bbf}\x{bc1}\x{bc2}\x{bc6}-\x{bc8}\x{bca}-\x{bcc}\x{bd0}\x{bd7}\x{be6}-\x{bf2}\x{c01}-\x{c03}\x{c05}-\x{c0c}\x{c0e}-\x{c10}\x{c12}-\x{c28}\x{c2a}-\x{c39}\x{c3d}\x{c41}-\x{c44}\x{c58}-\x{c5a}\x{c60}\x{c61}\x{c66}-\x{c6f}\x{c7f}\x{c82}\x{c83}\x{c85}-\x{c8c}\x{c8e}-\x{c90}\x{c92}-\x{ca8}\x{caa}-\x{cb3}\x{cb5}-\x{cb9}\x{cbd}-\x{cc4}\x{cc6}-\x{cc8}\x{cca}\x{ccb}\x{cd5}\x{cd6}\x{cde}\x{ce0}\x{ce1}\x{ce6}-\x{cef}\x{cf1}\x{cf2}\x{d02}\x{d03}\x{d05}-\x{d0c}\x{d0e}-\x{d10}\x{d12}-\x{d3a}\x{d3d}-\x{d40}\x{d46}-\x{d48}\x{d4a}-\x{d4c}\x{d4e}\x{d57}\x{d5f}-\x{d61}\x{d66}-\x{d75}\x{d79}-\x{d7f}\x{d82}\x{d83}\x{d85}-\x{d96}\x{d9a}-\x{db1}\x{db3}-\x{dbb}\x{dbd}\x{dc0}-\x{dc6}\x{dcf}-\x{dd1}\x{dd8}-\x{ddf}\x{de6}-\x{def}\x{df2}-\x{df4}\x{e01}-\x{e30}\x{e32}\x{e33}\x{e40}-\x{e46}\x{e4f}-\x{e5b}\x{e81}\x{e82}\x{e84}\x{e87}\x{e88}\x{e8a}\x{e8d}\x{e94}-\x{e97}\x{e99}-\x{e9f}\x{ea1}-\x{ea3}\x{ea5}\x{ea7}\x{eaa}\x{eab}\x{ead}-\x{eb0}\x{eb2}\x{eb3}\x{ebd}\x{ec0}-\x{ec4}\x{ec6}\x{ed0}-\x{ed9}\x{edc}-\x{edf}\x{f00}-\x{f17}\x{f1a}-\x{f34}\x{f36}\x{f38}\x{f3e}-\x{f47}\x{f49}-\x{f6c}\x{f7f}\x{f85}\x{f88}-\x{f8c}\x{fbe}-\x{fc5}\x{fc7}-\x{fcc}\x{fce}-\x{fda}\x{1000}-\x{102c}\x{1031}\x{1038}\x{103b}\x{103c}\x{103f}-\x{1057}\x{105a}-\x{105d}\x{1061}-\x{1070}\x{1075}-\x{1081}\x{1083}\x{1084}\x{1087}-\x{108c}\x{108e}-\x{109c}\x{109e}-\x{10c5}\x{10c7}\x{10cd}\x{10d0}-\x{1248}\x{124a}-\x{124d}\x{1250}-\x{1256}\x{1258}\x{125a}-\x{125d}\x{1260}-\x{1288}\x{128a}-\x{128d}\x{1290}-\x{12b0}\x{12b2}-\x{12b5}\x{12b8}-\x{12be}\x{12c0}\x{12c2}-\x{12c5}\x{12c8}-\x{12d6}\x{12d8}-\x{1310}\x{1312}-\x{1315}\x{1318}-\x{135a}\x{1360}-\x{137c}\x{1380}-\x{138f}\x{13a0}-\x{13f5}\x{13f8}-\x{13fd}\x{1401}-\x{167f}\x{1681}-\x{169a}\x{16a0}-\x{16f8}\x{1700}-\x{170c}\x{170e}-\x{1711}\x{1720}-\x{1731}\x{1735}\x{1736}\x{1740}-\x{1751}\x{1760}-\x{176c}\x{176e}-\x{1770}\x{1780}-\x{17b3}\x{17b6}\x{17be}-\x{17c5}\x{17c7}\x{17c8}\x{17d4}-\x{17da}\x{17dc}\x{17e0}-\x{17e9}\x{1810}-\x{1819}\x{1820}-\x{1877}\x{1880}-\x{18a8}\x{18aa}\x{18b0}-\x{18f5}\x{1900}-\x{191e}\x{1923}-\x{1926}\x{1929}-\x{192b}\x{1930}\x{1931}\x{1933}-\x{1938}\x{1946}-\x{196d}\x{1970}-\x{1974}\x{1980}-\x{19ab}\x{19b0}-\x{19c9}\x{19d0}-\x{19da}\x{1a00}-\x{1a16}\x{1a19}\x{1a1a}\x{1a1e}-\x{1a55}\x{1a57}\x{1a61}\x{1a63}\x{1a64}\x{1a6d}-\x{1a72}\x{1a80}-\x{1a89}\x{1a90}-\x{1a99}\x{1aa0}-\x{1aad}\x{1b04}-\x{1b33}\x{1b35}\x{1b3b}\x{1b3d}-\x{1b41}\x{1b43}-\x{1b4b}\x{1b50}-\x{1b6a}\x{1b74}-\x{1b7c}\x{1b82}-\x{1ba1}\x{1ba6}\x{1ba7}\x{1baa}\x{1bae}-\x{1be5}\x{1be7}\x{1bea}-\x{1bec}\x{1bee}\x{1bf2}\x{1bf3}\x{1bfc}-\x{1c2b}\x{1c34}\x{1c35}\x{1c3b}-\x{1c49}\x{1c4d}-\x{1c7f}\x{1cc0}-\x{1cc7}\x{1cd3}\x{1ce1}\x{1ce9}-\x{1cec}\x{1cee}-\x{1cf3}\x{1cf5}\x{1cf6}\x{1d00}-\x{1dbf}\x{1e00}-\x{1f15}\x{1f18}-\x{1f1d}\x{1f20}-\x{1f45}\x{1f48}-\x{1f4d}\x{1f50}-\x{1f57}\x{1f59}\x{1f5b}\x{1f5d}\x{1f5f}-\x{1f7d}\x{1f80}-\x{1fb4}\x{1fb6}-\x{1fbc}\x{1fbe}\x{1fc2}-\x{1fc4}\x{1fc6}-\x{1fcc}\x{1fd0}-\x{1fd3}\x{1fd6}-\x{1fdb}\x{1fe0}-\x{1fec}\x{1ff2}-\x{1ff4}\x{1ff6}-\x{1ffc}\x{200e}\x{2071}\x{207f}\x{2090}-\x{209c}\x{2102}\x{2107}\x{210a}-\x{2113}\x{2115}\x{2119}-\x{211d}\x{2124}\x{2126}\x{2128}\x{212a}-\x{212d}\x{212f}-\x{2139}\x{213c}-\x{213f}\x{2145}-\x{2149}\x{214e}\x{214f}\x{2160}-\x{2188}\x{2336}-\x{237a}\x{2395}\x{249c}-\x{24e9}\x{26ac}\x{2800}-\x{28ff}\x{2c00}-\x{2c2e}\x{2c30}-\x{2c5e}\x{2c60}-\x{2ce4}\x{2ceb}-\x{2cee}\x{2cf2}\x{2cf3}\x{2d00}-\x{2d25}\x{2d27}\x{2d2d}\x{2d30}-\x{2d67}\x{2d6f}\x{2d70}\x{2d80}-\x{2d96}\x{2da0}-\x{2da6}\x{2da8}-\x{2dae}\x{2db0}-\x{2db6}\x{2db8}-\x{2dbe}\x{2dc0}-\x{2dc6}\x{2dc8}-\x{2dce}\x{2dd0}-\x{2dd6}\x{2dd8}-\x{2dde}\x{3005}-\x{3007}\x{3021}-\x{3029}\x{302e}\x{302f}\x{3031}-\x{3035}\x{3038}-\x{303c}\x{3041}-\x{3096}\x{309d}-\x{309f}\x{30a1}-\x{30fa}\x{30fc}-\x{30ff}\x{3105}-\x{312d}\x{3131}-\x{318e}\x{3190}-\x{31ba}\x{31f0}-\x{321c}\x{3220}-\x{324f}\x{3260}-\x{327b}\x{327f}-\x{32b0}\x{32c0}-\x{32cb}\x{32d0}-\x{32fe}\x{3300}-\x{3376}\x{337b}-\x{33dd}\x{33e0}-\x{33fe}\x{3400}-\x{4db5}\x{4e00}-\x{9fd5}\x{a000}-\x{a48c}\x{a4d0}-\x{a60c}\x{a610}-\x{a62b}\x{a640}-\x{a66e}\x{a680}-\x{a69d}\x{a6a0}-\x{a6ef}\x{a6f2}-\x{a6f7}\x{a722}-\x{a787}\x{a789}-\x{a7ad}\x{a7b0}-\x{a7b7}\x{a7f7}-\x{a801}\x{a803}-\x{a805}\x{a807}-\x{a80a}\x{a80c}-\x{a824}\x{a827}\x{a830}-\x{a837}\x{a840}-\x{a873}\x{a880}-\x{a8c3}\x{a8ce}-\x{a8d9}\x{a8f2}-\x{a8fd}\x{a900}-\x{a925}\x{a92e}-\x{a946}\x{a952}\x{a953}\x{a95f}-\x{a97c}\x{a983}-\x{a9b2}\x{a9b4}\x{a9b5}\x{a9ba}\x{a9bb}\x{a9bd}-\x{a9cd}\x{a9cf}-\x{a9d9}\x{a9de}-\x{a9e4}\x{a9e6}-\x{a9fe}\x{aa00}-\x{aa28}\x{aa2f}\x{aa30}\x{aa33}\x{aa34}\x{aa40}-\x{aa42}\x{aa44}-\x{aa4b}\x{aa4d}\x{aa50}-\x{aa59}\x{aa5c}-\x{aa7b}\x{aa7d}-\x{aaaf}\x{aab1}\x{aab5}\x{aab6}\x{aab9}-\x{aabd}\x{aac0}\x{aac2}\x{aadb}-\x{aaeb}\x{aaee}-\x{aaf5}\x{ab01}-\x{ab06}\x{ab09}-\x{ab0e}\x{ab11}-\x{ab16}\x{ab20}-\x{ab26}\x{ab28}-\x{ab2e}\x{ab30}-\x{ab65}\x{ab70}-\x{abe4}\x{abe6}\x{abe7}\x{abe9}-\x{abec}\x{abf0}-\x{abf9}\x{ac00}-\x{d7a3}\x{d7b0}-\x{d7c6}\x{d7cb}-\x{d7fb}\x{e000}-\x{fa6d}\x{fa70}-\x{fad9}\x{fb00}-\x{fb06}\x{fb13}-\x{fb17}\x{ff21}-\x{ff3a}\x{ff41}-\x{ff5a}\x{ff66}-\x{ffbe}\x{ffc2}-\x{ffc7}\x{ffca}-\x{ffcf}\x{ffd2}-\x{ffd7}\x{ffda}-\x{ffdc}\x{10000}-\x{1000b}\x{1000d}-\x{10026}\x{10028}-\x{1003a}\x{1003c}\x{1003d}\x{1003f}-\x{1004d}\x{10050}-\x{1005d}\x{10080}-\x{100fa}\x{10100}\x{10102}\x{10107}-\x{10133}\x{10137}-\x{1013f}\x{101d0}-\x{101fc}\x{10280}-\x{1029c}\x{102a0}-\x{102d0}\x{10300}-\x{10323}\x{10330}-\x{1034a}\x{10350}-\x{10375}\x{10380}-\x{1039d}\x{1039f}-\x{103c3}\x{103c8}-\x{103d5}\x{10400}-\x{1049d}\x{104a0}-\x{104a9}\x{10500}-\x{10527}\x{10530}-\x{10563}\x{1056f}\x{10600}-\x{10736}\x{10740}-\x{10755}\x{10760}-\x{10767}\x{11000}\x{11002}-\x{11037}\x{11047}-\x{1104d}\x{11066}-\x{1106f}\x{11082}-\x{110b2}\x{110b7}\x{110b8}\x{110bb}-\x{110c1}\x{110d0}-\x{110e8}\x{110f0}-\x{110f9}\x{11103}-\x{11126}\x{1112c}\x{11136}-\x{11143}\x{11150}-\x{11172}\x{11174}-\x{11176}\x{11182}-\x{111b5}\x{111bf}-\x{111c9}\x{111cd}\x{111d0}-\x{111df}\x{111e1}-\x{111f4}\x{11200}-\x{11211}\x{11213}-\x{1122e}\x{11232}\x{11233}\x{11235}\x{11238}-\x{1123d}\x{11280}-\x{11286}\x{11288}\x{1128a}-\x{1128d}\x{1128f}-\x{1129d}\x{1129f}-\x{112a9}\x{112b0}-\x{112de}\x{112e0}-\x{112e2}\x{112f0}-\x{112f9}\x{11302}\x{11303}\x{11305}-\x{1130c}\x{1130f}\x{11310}\x{11313}-\x{11328}\x{1132a}-\x{11330}\x{11332}\x{11333}\x{11335}-\x{11339}\x{1133d}-\x{1133f}\x{11341}-\x{11344}\x{11347}\x{11348}\x{1134b}-\x{1134d}\x{11350}\x{11357}\x{1135d}-\x{11363}\x{11480}-\x{114b2}\x{114b9}\x{114bb}-\x{114be}\x{114c1}\x{114c4}-\x{114c7}\x{114d0}-\x{114d9}\x{11580}-\x{115b1}\x{115b8}-\x{115bb}\x{115be}\x{115c1}-\x{115db}\x{11600}-\x{11632}\x{1163b}\x{1163c}\x{1163e}\x{11641}-\x{11644}\x{11650}-\x{11659}\x{11680}-\x{116aa}\x{116ac}\x{116ae}\x{116af}\x{116b6}\x{116c0}-\x{116c9}\x{11700}-\x{11719}\x{11720}\x{11721}\x{11726}\x{11730}-\x{1173f}\x{118a0}-\x{118f2}\x{118ff}\x{11ac0}-\x{11af8}\x{12000}-\x{12399}\x{12400}-\x{1246e}\x{12470}-\x{12474}\x{12480}-\x{12543}\x{13000}-\x{1342e}\x{14400}-\x{14646}\x{16800}-\x{16a38}\x{16a40}-\x{16a5e}\x{16a60}-\x{16a69}\x{16a6e}\x{16a6f}\x{16ad0}-\x{16aed}\x{16af5}\x{16b00}-\x{16b2f}\x{16b37}-\x{16b45}\x{16b50}-\x{16b59}\x{16b5b}-\x{16b61}\x{16b63}-\x{16b77}\x{16b7d}-\x{16b8f}\x{16f00}-\x{16f44}\x{16f50}-\x{16f7e}\x{16f93}-\x{16f9f}\x{1b000}\x{1b001}\x{1bc00}-\x{1bc6a}\x{1bc70}-\x{1bc7c}\x{1bc80}-\x{1bc88}\x{1bc90}-\x{1bc99}\x{1bc9c}\x{1bc9f}\x{1d000}-\x{1d0f5}\x{1d100}-\x{1d126}\x{1d129}-\x{1d166}\x{1d16a}-\x{1d172}\x{1d183}\x{1d184}\x{1d18c}-\x{1d1a9}\x{1d1ae}-\x{1d1e8}\x{1d360}-\x{1d371}\x{1d400}-\x{1d454}\x{1d456}-\x{1d49c}\x{1d49e}\x{1d49f}\x{1d4a2}\x{1d4a5}\x{1d4a6}\x{1d4a9}-\x{1d4ac}\x{1d4ae}-\x{1d4b9}\x{1d4bb}\x{1d4bd}-\x{1d4c3}\x{1d4c5}-\x{1d505}\x{1d507}-\x{1d50a}\x{1d50d}-\x{1d514}\x{1d516}-\x{1d51c}\x{1d51e}-\x{1d539}\x{1d53b}-\x{1d53e}\x{1d540}-\x{1d544}\x{1d546}\x{1d54a}-\x{1d550}\x{1d552}-\x{1d6a5}\x{1d6a8}-\x{1d6da}\x{1d6dc}-\x{1d714}\x{1d716}-\x{1d74e}\x{1d750}-\x{1d788}\x{1d78a}-\x{1d7c2}\x{1d7c4}-\x{1d7cb}\x{1d800}-\x{1d9ff}\x{1da37}-\x{1da3a}\x{1da6d}-\x{1da74}\x{1da76}-\x{1da83}\x{1da85}-\x{1da8b}\x{1f110}-\x{1f12e}\x{1f130}-\x{1f169}\x{1f170}-\x{1f19a}\x{1f1e6}-\x{1f202}\x{1f210}-\x{1f23a}\x{1f240}-\x{1f248}\x{1f250}\x{1f251}\x{20000}-\x{2a6d6}\x{2a700}-\x{2b734}\x{2b740}-\x{2b81d}\x{2b820}-\x{2cea1}\x{2f800}-\x{2fa1d}\x{f0000}-\x{ffffd}\x{100000}-\x{10fffd}])|([\x{590}\x{5be}\x{5c0}\x{5c3}\x{5c6}\x{5c8}-\x{5ff}\x{7c0}-\x{7ea}\x{7f4}\x{7f5}\x{7fa}-\x{815}\x{81a}\x{824}\x{828}\x{82e}-\x{858}\x{85c}-\x{89f}\x{200f}\x{fb1d}\x{fb1f}-\x{fb28}\x{fb2a}-\x{fb4f}\x{10800}-\x{1091e}\x{10920}-\x{10a00}\x{10a04}\x{10a07}-\x{10a0b}\x{10a10}-\x{10a37}\x{10a3b}-\x{10a3e}\x{10a40}-\x{10ae4}\x{10ae7}-\x{10b38}\x{10b40}-\x{10e5f}\x{10e7f}-\x{10fff}\x{1e800}-\x{1e8cf}\x{1e8d7}-\x{1edff}\x{1ef00}-\x{1efff}\x{608}\x{60b}\x{60d}\x{61b}-\x{64a}\x{66d}-\x{66f}\x{671}-\x{6d5}\x{6e5}\x{6e6}\x{6ee}\x{6ef}\x{6fa}-\x{710}\x{712}-\x{72f}\x{74b}-\x{7a5}\x{7b1}-\x{7bf}\x{8a0}-\x{8e2}\x{fb50}-\x{fd3d}\x{fd40}-\x{fdcf}\x{fdf0}-\x{fdfc}\x{fdfe}\x{fdff}\x{fe70}-\x{fefe}\x{1ee00}-\x{1eeef}\x{1eef2}-\x{1eeff}]))/u' |
Directionality test regex for embedBidi(). More... | |
Internationalisation code.
Definition at line 39 of file Language.php.
Language::__construct | ( | ) |
Definition at line 411 of file Language.php.
Language::__destruct | ( | ) |
Language::addMagicWordsByLang | ( | $newWords | ) |
Add magic words to the extension array.
array | $newWords |
Definition at line 3169 of file Language.php.
References $code, $mMagicExtensions, as, and getFallbackLanguages().
Language::alignEnd | ( | ) |
Return 'right' or 'left' as appropriate alignment for line-end for this language's text direction.
Should be equivalent to CSS3 'end' text-align value....
Definition at line 3038 of file Language.php.
References isRTL().
Language::alignStart | ( | ) |
Return 'left' or 'right' as appropriate alignment for line-start for this language's text direction.
Should be equivalent to CSS3 'start' text-align value....
Definition at line 3026 of file Language.php.
References isRTL().
Language::autoConvertToAllVariants | ( | $text | ) |
convert text to all supported variants
string | $text |
Definition at line 3954 of file Language.php.
Language::capitalizeAllNouns | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3082 of file Language.php.
Language::caseFold | ( | $s | ) |
Return a case-folded representation of $s.
This is a representation such that caseFold($s1)==caseFold($s2) if $s1 and $s2 are the same except for the case of their characters. It is not necessary for the value returned to make sense when displayed.
Do not perform any other normalisation in this function. If a caller uses this function when it should be using a more general normalisation function, then fix the caller.
string | $s |
Definition at line 2766 of file Language.php.
Language::checkTitleEncoding | ( | $s | ) |
string | $s |
MWException |
Definition at line 2775 of file Language.php.
References $s, fallback8bitEncoding(), and iconv().
static |
string | $code |
Definition at line 4244 of file Language.php.
Language::commafy | ( | $number | ) |
Adds commas to a given number.
mixed | $number |
Definition at line 3290 of file Language.php.
References $digitGroupingPattern, $matches, and digitGroupingPattern().
Referenced by formatNum().
Language::commaList | ( | array | $list | ) |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly comma-separated list, using the local comma-separator message.
string[] | $list Array of strings to put in a comma list |
Definition at line 3398 of file Language.php.
References wfMessage().
Language::convert | ( | $text | ) |
convert text to different variants of a language.
string | $text |
Definition at line 3964 of file Language.php.
Referenced by convertHtml().
Language::convertCategoryKey | ( | $key | ) |
staticprotected |
convert double-width roman characters to single-width.
range: ff00-ff5f ~= 0020-007f
string | $string |
Definition at line 2835 of file Language.php.
Language::convertForSearchResult | ( | $termsArray | ) |
Language::convertGrammar | ( | $word, | |
$case | |||
) |
Grammatical transformations, needed for inflected languages Invoked by putting {{grammar:case|word}} in a message.
string | $word | |
string | $case |
Definition at line 3711 of file Language.php.
References $wgGrammarForms, getCode(), and global.
Referenced by replaceGrammarInNamespace().
Language::convertHtml | ( | $text, | |
$isTitle = false |
) |
Perform output conversion on a string, and encode for safe HTML output.
string | $text | Text to be converted |
bool | $isTitle | Whether this conversion is for the article title |
Definition at line 4015 of file Language.php.
References convert().
Language::convertNamespace | ( | $ns | ) |
Convert a namespace index to a string in the preferred variant.
int | $ns |
Definition at line 3984 of file Language.php.
Language::convertPlural | ( | $count, | |
$forms | |||
) |
Plural form transformations, needed for some languages.
For example, there are 3 form of plural in Russian and Polish, depending on "count mod 10". See [[w:Plural]] For English it is pretty simple.
Invoked by putting {{plural:count|wordform1|wordform2}} or {{plural:count|wordform1|wordform2|wordform3}}
Example: {{plural:{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}|article|articles}}
int | $count | Non-localized number |
array | $forms | Different plural forms |
Definition at line 3782 of file Language.php.
References $count, getPluralRuleIndexNumber(), and handleExplicitPluralForms().
Language::convertTitle | ( | $title | ) |
Convert a Title object to a string in the preferred variant.
Title | $title |
Definition at line 3974 of file Language.php.
References $title.
string | $ts | The time format which needs to be turned into a date('YmdHis') format with wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$ts) |
bool | $adj | Whether to adjust the time output according to the user configured offset ($timecorrection) |
mixed | $format | True to use user's date format preference |
string | bool | $timecorrection | The time offset as returned by validateTimeZone() in Special:Preferences |
Definition at line 2217 of file Language.php.
References dateFormat(), getDateFormatString(), sprintfDate(), TS_MW, userAdjust(), and wfTimestamp().
Referenced by LanguageFi\translateBlockExpiry(), and userAdjust().
Language::dateFormat | ( | $usePrefs = true | ) |
This is meant to be used by time(), date(), and timeanddate() to get the date preference they're supposed to use, it should be used in all children.
function timeanddate([...], $format = true) { $datePreference = $this->dateFormat($format); [...] }
int | string | bool | $usePrefs | If true, the user's preference is used if false, the site/language default is used if int/string, assumed to be a format. |
Definition at line 2152 of file Language.php.
References $wgUser, User\getDefaultOption(), global, and string.
Referenced by LanguageWa\date(), date(), internalUserTimeAndDate(), time(), LanguageWa\timeanddate(), and timeanddate().
staticprivate |
Pass through result from $dateTimeObj->format()
DateTime | bool | null | &$dateTimeObj | |
string | $ts | |
DateTimeZone | bool | null | $zone | |
string | $code |
Definition at line 1014 of file Language.php.
References $code.
Referenced by sprintfDate().
Language::digitGroupingPattern | ( | ) |
Language::digitTransformTable | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3349 of file Language.php.
Referenced by formatNum(), and parseFormattedNumber().
protected |
Run the LanguageGetMagic hook once.
Definition at line 3130 of file Language.php.
References getCode(), and Hooks\run().
Referenced by getMagic().
Language::embedBidi | ( | $text = '' | ) |
Wraps argument with unicode control characters for directionality safety.
This solves the problem where directionality-neutral characters at the edge of the argument string get interpreted with the wrong directionality from the enclosing context, giving renderings that look corrupted like "(Ben_(WMF".
The wrapping is LRE...PDF or RLE...PDF, depending on the detected directionality of the argument string, using the BIDI algorithm's own "First strong directional codepoint" rule. Essentially, this works round the fact that there is no embedding equivalent of U+2068 FSI (isolation with heuristic direction inference). The latter is cleaner but still not widely supported.
string | $text | Text to wrap |
Definition at line 3856 of file Language.php.
References $dir, and strongDirFromContent().
Language::emphasize | ( | $text | ) |
Italic is unsuitable for some languages.
string | $text | The text to be emphasized. |
Definition at line 3203 of file Language.php.
Language::equals | ( | Language | $lang | ) |
Compare with an other language object.
Language | $lang |
Definition at line 4180 of file Language.php.
static |
Get a cached or new language object for a given language code.
string | $code |
Definition at line 179 of file Language.php.
References $code, $wgDummyLanguageCodes, $wgLangObjCacheSize, and global.
Referenced by UppercaseCollation\__construct(), CollationCkb\__construct(), CliInstaller\__construct(), IcuCollation\__construct(), ApiErrorFormatter_BackCompat\__construct(), BackupDumperPageTest\addDBData(), PasswordPolicyChecks\checkPopularPasswordBlacklist(), ApiLogout\execute(), ApiQueryAllMessages\execute(), DateFormats\execute(), ListVariants\execute(), LangMemUsage\execute(), PurgeParserCache\execute(), GenerateCommonPassword\execute(), ApiLogin\execute(), UpdateMediaWiki\execute(), ParserTest\fuzzTest(), ResourceLoaderLanguageDataModule\getData(), DerivativeResourceLoaderContext\getDirection(), ResourceLoaderContext\getDirection(), MWGrants\getGrantsWikiText(), RequestContext\getLanguage(), ResourceLoaderEditToolbarModule\getLessVars(), Title\getPageViewLanguage(), getParentLanguage(), ApiQueryWatchlistIntegrationTest\getTitleFormatter(), MWGrants\grantName(), MWGrants\grantNames(), Message\inLanguage(), Status\languageFromParam(), MediaWikiTitleCodecTest\makeCodec(), LoginSignupSpecialPage\makeLanguageSelectorLink(), LoginFormPreAuthManager\makeLanguageSelectorLink(), MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManagerTest\message(), MessageCache\parse(), LoginFormPreAuthManager\processLogin(), MessageTest\provideConstructor(), ParserTest\runTestsFromFiles(), TitleTest\secureAndSplitGlobals(), MediaWikiTestCase\setContentLang(), DerivativeContext\setLanguage(), RequestContext\setLanguage(), LoginSignupSpecialPage\setSessionUserForCurrentRequest(), HtmlTest\setUp(), RevisionTest\setUp(), TestSample\setUp(), XmlTest\setUp(), LanguageConverterTest\setUp(), SpecialPageTest\setUp(), ExtraParserTest\setUp(), SubpageImportTitleFactoryTest\setUp(), NaiveImportTitleFactoryTest\setUp(), NamespaceImportTitleFactoryTest\setUp(), MagicVariableTest\setUp(), SideBarTest\setUp(), LanguageClassesTestCase\setUp(), NewParserTest\setUp(), ParserTest\setUp(), NewParserTest\setupGlobals(), ParserTest\setupGlobals(), WebInstaller\setupLanguage(), ParserOptions\setUserLang(), ClassicInterwikiLookupTest\testArrayStorage(), MessageTest\testBitrateParams(), ClassicInterwikiLookupTest\testCDBStorage(), MessageTest\testConstructorLanguage(), ClassicInterwikiLookupTest\testDatabaseStorage(), MediaWiki\Session\SessionProviderTest\testDescribe(), MessageTest\testDurationParams(), LanguageTest\testEquals(), ApiErrorFormatterTest\testErrorFormatter(), MessageTest\testExpiryParams(), ContentHandlerTest\testGetAutosummary(), SpecialPageFactoryTest\testGetLocalNameFor(), LanguageTest\testGetNamespaceAliases(), LanguageTest\testGetParentLanguage(), LanguageConverterTest\testGetPreferredVariantDefaultLanguageVsUrlVariant(), LanguageConverterTest\testGetPreferredVariantHeaderUserVsUrl(), LanguageConverterTest\testGetPreferredVariantUserOptionForForeignLanguage(), SpecialPageFactoryTest\testGetTitleForAlias(), MessageTest\testInLanguage(), ApiResultTest\testInstanceDataMethods(), MessageTest\testNumParams(), LanguageTest\testParseFormattedNumber(), MessageTest\testPlaintextParams(), SpecialPageTest\testRequireLoginAnon(), SpecialPageFactoryTest\testResolveAlias(), SpecialSearchTest\testRewriteQueryWithSuggestion(), MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManagerTest\testSetDefaultUserOptions(), MessageTest\testSizeParams(), MessageTest\testTimeperiodParams(), Message\unserialize(), wfGetLangObj(), and wfInstallerMain().
Language::fallback8bitEncoding | ( | ) |
static |
string | $code | The code of the language for which to get the name |
null | string | $inLanguage | Code of language in which to return the name (null for autonyms) |
string | $include | 'all', 'mw' or 'mwfile'; see fetchLanguageNames() |
Definition at line 886 of file Language.php.
References $code.
Referenced by ImagePage\doRenderLangOpt(), ApiQueryLangLinks\execute(), MessageCache\figureMessage(), ApiParse\formatLangLinks(), SkinTemplate\getLanguages(), PageLangLogFormatter\getMessageParameters(), WikiStatsOutput\heading(), FormatMetadata\langItem(), CoreParserFunctions\language(), FormatMetadata\makeFormattedData(), WikitextContentHandler\makeRedirectContent(), and InfoAction\pageInfo().
static |
Get an array of language names, indexed by code.
null | string | $inLanguage | Code of language in which to return the names Use null for autonyms (native names) |
string | $include | One of: 'all' all available languages 'mw' only if the language is defined in MediaWiki or wgExtraLanguageNames (default) 'mwfile' only if the language is in 'mw' and has a message file |
Definition at line 798 of file Language.php.
Referenced by Languages\__construct(), LanguageConverter\__construct(), ApiQuerySiteinfo\appendInterwikiMap(), ApiQuerySiteinfo\appendLanguages(), MessageCache\clear(), WebInstallerLanguage\execute(), RebuildLocalisationCache\execute(), DeleteEqualMessages\execute(), WebInstaller\getAcceptLanguage(), ResourceLoaderLanguageNamesModule\getData(), SpecialPageLanguage\getFormFields(), WebInstallerLanguage\getLanguageSelector(), Xml\languageSelector(), Preferences\profilePreferences(), MessageCache\replace(), SpecialPageAliasTest\validSpecialPageAliasesProvider(), and wfGetLangObj().
staticprivate |
Uncached helper for fetchLanguageNames.
null | string | $inLanguage | Code of language in which to return the names Use null for autonyms (native names) |
string | $include | One of: 'all' all available languages 'mw' only if the language is defined in MediaWiki or wgExtraLanguageNames (default) 'mwfile' only if the language is in 'mw' and has a message file |
Definition at line 823 of file Language.php.
Language::findVariantLink | ( | & | $link, |
& | $nt, | ||
$ignoreOtherCond = false |
) |
If a language supports multiple variants, it is possible that non-existing link in one variant actually exists in another variant.
this function tries to find it. See e.g. LanguageZh.php The input parameters may be modified upon return
string | &$link | The name of the link |
Title | &$nt | The title object of the link |
bool | $ignoreOtherCond | To disable other conditions when we need to transclude a template or update a category's link |
Definition at line 4070 of file Language.php.
References $link.
Language::firstChar | ( | $s | ) |
Get the first character of a string.
string | $s |
Definition at line 2877 of file Language.php.
References $code, $matches, $s, and utf8ToCodepoint().
Language::fixVariableInNamespace | ( | $talk | ) |
string | $talk |
Definition at line 4397 of file Language.php.
References $wgMetaNamespace, and global.
Referenced by getNamespaceAliases(), and getNamespaces().
Language::formatBitrate | ( | $bps | ) |
Format a bitrate for output, using an appropriate unit (bps, kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps, Pbps, Ebps, Zbps or Ybps) according to the magnitude in question.
This use base 1000. For base 1024 use formatSize(), for another base see formatComputingNumbers().
int | $bps |
Definition at line 4561 of file Language.php.
References formatComputingNumbers().
Language::formatComputingNumbers | ( | $size, | |
$boundary, | |||
$messageKey | |||
) |
int | $size | Size of the unit |
int | $boundary | Size boundary (1000, or 1024 in most cases) |
string | $messageKey | Message key to be uesd |
Definition at line 4571 of file Language.php.
References formatNum(), and getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by formatBitrate(), and formatSize().
Language::formatDuration | ( | $seconds, | |
array | $chosenIntervals = [] |
) |
Takes a number of seconds and turns it into a text using values such as hours and minutes.
int | $seconds | The amount of seconds. |
array | $chosenIntervals | The intervals to enable. |
Definition at line 2275 of file Language.php.
References as, getDurationIntervals(), listToText(), and wfMessage().
Referenced by translateBlockExpiry().
Language::formatExpiry | ( | $expiry, | |
$format = true , |
$infinity = 'infinity' |
) |
Decode an expiry (block, protection, etc) which has come from the DB.
string | $expiry | Database expiry String |
bool | int | $format | True to process using language functions, or TS_ constant to return the expiry in a given timestamp |
string | $infinity | If $format is not true, use this string for infinite expiry |
Definition at line 4432 of file Language.php.
References DB_SLAVE, getMessageFromDB(), timeanddate(), wfGetDB(), and wfTimestamp().
Language::formatNum | ( | $number, | |
$nocommafy = false |
) |
Normally we output all numbers in plain en_US style, that is 293,291.235 for twohundredninetythreethousand-twohundredninetyone point twohundredthirtyfive.
However this is not suitable for all languages, some such as Bengali (bn) want ২,৯৩,২৯১.২৩৫ and others such as Icelandic just want to use commas instead of dots, and dots instead of commas like "293.291,235".
An example of this function being called: wfMessage( 'message' )->numParams( $num )->text()
See $separatorTransformTable on MessageIs.php for the , => . and . => , implementation.
int | float | $number | The string to be formatted, should be an integer or a floating point number. |
bool | $nocommafy | Set to true for special numbers like dates |
Definition at line 3229 of file Language.php.
References $s, $wgTranslateNumerals, commafy(), digitTransformTable(), global, and separatorTransformTable().
Referenced by formatComputingNumbers(), formatNumNoSeparators(), formatTimePeriod(), sprintfDate(), and viewPrevNext().
Language::formatNumNoSeparators | ( | $number | ) |
Front-end for non-commafied formatNum.
int | float | $number | The string to be formatted, should be an integer or a floating point number. |
Definition at line 3257 of file Language.php.
References formatNum().
Language::formatSize | ( | $size | ) |
Format a size in bytes for output, using an appropriate unit (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB or YB) according to the magnitude in question.
This method use base 1024. For base 1000 use formatBitrate(), for another base see formatComputingNumbers()
int | $size | Size to format |
Definition at line 4609 of file Language.php.
References formatComputingNumbers().
Language::formatTimePeriod | ( | $seconds, | |
$format = [] |
) |
int | float | $seconds | |
array | $format | Optional If $format['avoid'] === 'avoidseconds': don't mention seconds if $seconds >= 1 hour. If $format['avoid'] === 'avoidminutes': don't mention seconds/minutes if $seconds > 48 hours. If $format['noabbrevs'] is true: use 'seconds' and friends instead of 'seconds-abbrev' and friends. For backwards compatibility, $format may also be one of the strings 'avoidseconds' or 'avoidminutes'. |
Definition at line 4461 of file Language.php.
References $s, formatNum(), and wfMessage().
Language::gender | ( | $gender, | |
$forms | |||
) |
Provides an alternative text depending on specified gender.
Usage {{gender:username|masculine|feminine|unknown}}. username is optional, in which case the gender of current user is used, but only in (some) interface messages; otherwise default gender is used.
If no forms are given, an empty string is returned. If only one form is given, it will be returned unconditionally. These details are implied by the caller and cannot be overridden in subclasses.
If three forms are given, the default is to use the third (unknown) form. If fewer than three forms are given, the default is to use the first (masculine) form. These details can be overridden in subclasses.
string | $gender | |
array | $forms |
Definition at line 3753 of file Language.php.
References preConvertPlural().
Language::getAllMessages | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2569 of file Language.php.
Language::getArrow | ( | $direction = 'forwards' | ) |
An arrow, depending on the language direction.
string | $direction | The direction of the arrow: forwards (default), backwards, left, right, up, down. |
Definition at line 3093 of file Language.php.
References isRTL().
Language::getBookstoreList | ( | ) |
Language::getCode | ( | ) |
Get the internal language code for this language object.
NOTE: The return value of this function is NOT HTML-safe and must be escaped with htmlspecialchars() or similar
Definition at line 4192 of file Language.php.
References $mCode.
Referenced by LanguageHu\convertGrammar(), convertGrammar(), doMagicHook(), equals(), getGrammarForms(), getHtmlCode(), getParentLanguage(), and getSpecialPageAliases().
Get the language code from a file name.
Inverse of getFileName()
string | $filename | $prefix . $languageCode . $suffix |
string | $prefix | Prefix before the language code |
string | $suffix | Suffix after the language code |
Definition at line 4230 of file Language.php.
Language::getCompiledPluralRules | ( | ) |
Get the compiled plural rules for the language.
Definition at line 4716 of file Language.php.
References as, and getFallbacksFor().
Referenced by getPluralRuleIndexNumber().
Language::getConverter | ( | ) |
Return the LanguageConverter used in the Language.
Definition at line 3944 of file Language.php.
References $mConverter.
Referenced by getNamespaceAliases().
Language::getConvRuleTitle | ( | ) |
Language::getDateFormats | ( | ) |
Definition at line 732 of file Language.php.
Language::getDateFormatString | ( | $type, | |
$pref | |||
) |
Get a format string for a given type and preference.
string | $type | May be 'date', 'time', 'both', or 'pretty'. |
string | $pref | The format name as it appears in Messages*.php under $datePreferences. |
Definition at line 2183 of file Language.php.
References $type, and getDefaultDateFormat().
Referenced by date(), getHumanTimestampInternal(), internalUserTimeAndDate(), time(), and timeanddate().
Language::getDatePreferenceMigrationMap | ( | ) |
Definition at line 752 of file Language.php.
Language::getDatePreferences | ( | ) |
Definition at line 725 of file Language.php.
Language::getDefaultDateFormat | ( | ) |
Definition at line 739 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getDateFormatString().
Language::getDefaultVariant | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4047 of file Language.php.
Language::getDir | ( | ) |
Return the correct HTML 'dir' attribute value for this language.
Definition at line 3014 of file Language.php.
References isRTL().
Language::getDirMark | ( | $opposite = false | ) |
A hidden direction mark (LRM or RLM), depending on the language direction.
This function produces them as invisible Unicode characters and the output may be hard to read and debug, so it should only be used when the output is plain text or can be escaped. When the output is HTML, use getDirMarkEntity() instead.
bool | $opposite | Get the direction mark opposite to your language |
Definition at line 3070 of file Language.php.
References isRTL().
Referenced by specialList().
Language::getDirMarkEntity | ( | $opposite = false | ) |
A hidden direction mark (LRM or RLM), depending on the language direction.
Unlike getDirMark(), this function returns the character as an HTML entity. This function should be used when the output is guaranteed to be HTML, because it makes the output HTML source code more readable. When the output is plain text or can be escaped, getDirMark() should be used.
bool | $opposite | Get the direction mark opposite to your language |
Definition at line 3053 of file Language.php.
References isRTL().
Language::getDurationIntervals | ( | $seconds, | |
array | $chosenIntervals = [] |
) |
Takes a number of seconds and returns an array with a set of corresponding intervals.
For example 65 will be turned into array( minutes => 1, seconds => 5 ).
int | $seconds | The amount of seconds. |
array | $chosenIntervals | The intervals to enable. |
Definition at line 2301 of file Language.php.
References $name, $value, and as.
Referenced by LanguageZh_hans\formatDuration(), and formatDuration().
Language::getExtraHashOptions | ( | ) |
returns language specific options used by User::getPageRenderHash() for example, the preferred language variant
Definition at line 4080 of file Language.php.
Language::getExtraUserToggles | ( | ) |
Definition at line 775 of file Language.php.
static |
Get the first fallback for a given language.
string | $code |
Definition at line 4302 of file Language.php.
References $code.
Language::getFallbackLanguages | ( | ) |
Definition at line 442 of file Language.php.
Referenced by addMagicWordsByLang().
static |
Get the ordered list of fallback languages.
string | $code | Language code |
Definition at line 4317 of file Language.php.
References $code, and isValidBuiltInCode().
Referenced by getCompiledPluralRules(), ResourceLoaderFileModule\getLanguageScripts(), MessageCache\getMessageForLang(), getPluralRules(), getPluralRuleTypes(), and newFromCode().
static |
Get the ordered list of fallback languages, ending with the fallback language chain for the site language.
string | $code | Language code |
Definition at line 4334 of file Language.php.
References $code, $wgLanguageCode, and global.
Referenced by FormatMetadata\getPriorityLanguages().
Get the name of a file for a certain language code.
string | $prefix | Prepend this to the filename |
string | $code | Language code |
string | $suffix | Append this to the filename |
MWException |
Definition at line 4260 of file Language.php.
Language::getFormattedNamespaces | ( | ) |
A convenience function that returns getNamespaces() with spaces instead of underscores in values.
Useful for producing output to be displayed e.g. in <select>
Definition at line 519 of file Language.php.
References as, and getNamespaces().
Language::getFormattedNsText | ( | $index | ) |
A convenience function that returns the same thing as getNsText() except with '_' changed to ' ', useful for producing output.
$mw_ns = $wgContLang->getFormattedNsText( NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK ); echo $mw_ns; // prints 'MediaWiki talk'
int | $index | The array key of the namespace to return |
Definition at line 556 of file Language.php.
References getNsText().
Language::getGenderNsText | ( | $index, | |
$gender | |||
) |
Returns gender-dependent namespace alias if available.
int | $index | Namespace index |
string | $gender | Gender key (male, female... ) |
Definition at line 569 of file Language.php.
References $wgExtraGenderNamespaces, array(), getNsText(), and global.
Language::getGrammarForms | ( | ) |
Get the grammar forms for the content language.
Definition at line 3724 of file Language.php.
References $wgGrammarForms, getCode(), and global.
Language::getHebrewCalendarMonthName | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 986 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by sprintfDate().
Language::getHebrewCalendarMonthNameGen | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 994 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by sprintfDate().
Language::getHijriCalendarMonthName | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 1002 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by sprintfDate().
Language::getHtmlCode | ( | ) |
Get the code in BCP 47 format which we can use inside of html lang="" tags.
NOTE: The return value of this function is NOT HTML-safe and must be escaped with htmlspecialchars() or similar.
Definition at line 4206 of file Language.php.
References $mHtmlCode, getCode(), and wfBCP47().
Language::getHumanTimestamp | ( | MWTimestamp | $time, |
MWTimestamp | $relativeTo = null , |
User | $user = null |
) |
Get the timestamp in a human-friendly relative format, e.g., "3 days ago".
Determine the difference between the timestamp and the current time, and generate a readable timestamp by returning "<N> <units> ago", where the largest possible unit is used.
MWTimestamp | $time | |
MWTimestamp | null | $relativeTo | The base timestamp to compare to (defaults to now) |
User | null | $user | User the timestamp is being generated for (or null to use main context's user) |
Definition at line 2456 of file Language.php.
References $user, getHumanTimestampInternal(), RequestContext\getMain(), MWTimestamp\offsetForUser(), and Hooks\run().
private |
Convert an MWTimestamp into a pretty human-readable timestamp using the given user preferences and relative base time.
MWTimestamp | $ts | Timestamp to prettify |
MWTimestamp | $relativeTo | Base timestamp |
User | $user | User preferences to use |
Definition at line 2493 of file Language.php.
References MWTimestamp\diff(), MWTimestamp\format(), getDateFormatString(), User\getDatePreference(), MWTimestamp\getTimestamp(), sprintfDate(), TS_MW, and wfMessage().
Referenced by getHumanTimestamp().
Language::getImageFile | ( | $image | ) |
Language::getImageFiles | ( | ) |
Language::getIranianCalendarMonthName | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 978 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by sprintfDate().
static |
string | $code |
MWException |
Definition at line 4285 of file Language.php.
References $code, $IP, and global.
Referenced by Languages\loadFile().
static |
Get the LocalisationCache instance.
Definition at line 402 of file Language.php.
References $wgLocalisationCacheConf, and global.
Referenced by Installer\__construct(), DeleteEqualMessages\fetchMessageInfo(), AllMessagesTablePager\getAllMessages(), Languages\loadFile(), LogFormatterTest\setUp(), ParserTest\setupDatabase(), and LogFormatterTest\tearDown().
Language::getLocalNsIndex | ( | $text | ) |
Get a namespace key by value, case insensitive.
Only matches namespace names for the current language, not the canonical ones defined in Namespace.php.
string | $text |
Definition at line 608 of file Language.php.
References getNamespaceIds(), and lc().
Language::getMagic | ( | $mw | ) |
Fill a MagicWord object with data from here.
MagicWord | $mw |
Definition at line 3143 of file Language.php.
References doMagicHook(), and wfWarn().
Language::getMagicWords | ( | ) |
Language::getMessage | ( | $key | ) |
static |
Get a message for a given language.
string | $key | |
string | $code |
Definition at line 4377 of file Language.php.
References $code.
Referenced by MessageCache\get().
Language::getMessageFromDB | ( | $msg | ) |
Get a message from the MediaWiki namespace.
string | $msg | Message name |
Definition at line 898 of file Language.php.
References msg().
Referenced by formatComputingNumbers(), formatExpiry(), getHebrewCalendarMonthName(), getHebrewCalendarMonthNameGen(), getHijriCalendarMonthName(), getIranianCalendarMonthName(), getMonthAbbreviation(), getMonthName(), getMonthNameGen(), getVariantname(), getWeekdayAbbreviation(), and getWeekdayName().
static |
Get all message keys for a given language.
This is a faster alternative to array_keys( Language::getMessagesFor( $code ) )
string | $code | Language code |
Definition at line 4389 of file Language.php.
References $code.
Referenced by ApiQueryAllMessages\execute(), and UserTest\testAllRightsWithMessage().
static |
string | $code |
Definition at line 4272 of file Language.php.
References $code, $IP, global, and Hooks\run().
Referenced by Digit2Html\execute(), SpecialPageAliasTest\getSpecialPageAliases(), Languages\loadFile(), and LocalisationCache\readSourceFilesAndRegisterDeps().
static |
Get all messages for a given language WARNING: this may take a long time.
If you just need all message keys but need the contents of only a few messages, consider using getMessageKeysFor().
string | $code |
Definition at line 4365 of file Language.php.
References $code.
Referenced by AllTrans\execute(), and DumpMessages\execute().
Language::getMonthAbbreviation | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 943 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by getMonthAbbreviationsArray(), and sprintfDate().
Language::getMonthAbbreviationsArray | ( | ) |
Language::getMonthName | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 916 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by LanguageWa\date(), getMonthNamesArray(), and sprintfDate().
Language::getMonthNameGen | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 935 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by sprintfDate().
Language::getMonthNamesArray | ( | ) |
Language::getNamespaceAliases | ( | ) |
Definition at line 617 of file Language.php.
References $name, $namespaceAliases, $wgExtraGenderNamespaces, array(), as, fixVariableInNamespace(), getConverter(), getNamespaces(), getVariants(), global, and NS_PROJECT_TALK.
Referenced by getNamespaceIds().
Language::getNamespaceIds | ( | ) |
Definition at line 661 of file Language.php.
References $mNamespaceIds, $name, $wgNamespaceAliases, as, getNamespaceAliases(), getNamespaces(), global, and lc().
Referenced by getLocalNsIndex(), and getNsIndex().
Language::getNamespaces | ( | ) |
Returns an array of localised namespaces indexed by their numbers.
If the namespace is not available in localised form, it will be included in English.
Definition at line 460 of file Language.php.
References $namespaceNames, $wgExtraNamespaces, $wgMetaNamespace, $wgMetaNamespaceTalk, as, fixVariableInNamespace(), MWNamespace\getCanonicalNamespaces(), global, NS_PROJECT, NS_PROJECT_TALK, and Hooks\run().
Referenced by getFormattedNamespaces(), getNamespaceAliases(), getNamespaceIds(), and getNsText().
Language::getNsIndex | ( | $text | ) |
Get a namespace key by value, case insensitive.
Canonical namespace names override custom ones defined for the current language.
string | $text |
Definition at line 691 of file Language.php.
References MWNamespace\getCanonicalIndex(), getNamespaceIds(), and lc().
Language::getNsText | ( | $index | ) |
Get a namespace value by key.
$mw_ns = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_MEDIAWIKI ); echo $mw_ns; // prints 'MediaWiki'
int | $index | The array key of the namespace to return |
Definition at line 538 of file Language.php.
References getNamespaces().
Referenced by getFormattedNsText(), and getGenderNsText().
Language::getParentLanguage | ( | ) |
Get the "parent" language which has a converter to convert a "compatible" language (in another variant) to this language (eg.
zh for zh-cn, but not en for en-gb).
Definition at line 4153 of file Language.php.
References $code, $lang, LanguageConverter\$languagesWithVariants, $mParentLanguage, factory(), and getCode().
Language::getParsedTitle | ( | ) |
For languages that support multiple variants, the title of an article may be displayed differently in different variants.
this function returns the apporiate title defined in the body of the article.
Definition at line 4091 of file Language.php.
Language::getPluralRuleIndexNumber | ( | $number | ) |
Find the index number of the plural rule appropriate for the given number.
int | $number |
Definition at line 4773 of file Language.php.
References getCompiledPluralRules().
Referenced by convertPlural(), and getPluralRuleType().
Language::getPluralRules | ( | ) |
Get the plural rules for the language.
Definition at line 4735 of file Language.php.
References as, and getFallbacksFor().
Language::getPluralRuleType | ( | $number | ) |
Find the plural rule type appropriate for the given number For example, if the language is set to Arabic, getPluralType(5) should return 'few'.
int | $number |
Definition at line 4787 of file Language.php.
References getPluralRuleIndexNumber(), and getPluralRuleTypes().
Language::getPluralRuleTypes | ( | ) |
Get the plural rule types for the language.
Definition at line 4754 of file Language.php.
References as, and getFallbacksFor().
Referenced by getPluralRuleType().
Language::getPreferredVariant | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4040 of file Language.php.
Referenced by LanguageKk\convertGrammar(), LanguageKk\lcfirst(), and LanguageKk\ucfirst().
Language::getSpecialPageAliases | ( | ) |
Get special page names, as an associative array canonical name => array of valid names, including aliases.
Definition at line 3184 of file Language.php.
References $mExtendedSpecialPageAliases, getCode(), and Hooks\run().
Language::getURLVariant | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4054 of file Language.php.
Language::getUserToggle | ( | $tog | ) |
Language::getVariantname | ( | $code, | |
$usemsg = true |
) |
short names for language variants used for language conversion links.
string | $code | |
bool | $usemsg | Use the "variantname-xyz" message if it exists |
Definition at line 708 of file Language.php.
References $code, $name, getMessageFromDB(), and wfMessage().
Language::getVariants | ( | ) |
Get the list of variants supported by this language see sample implementation in LanguageZh.php.
Definition at line 4033 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getNamespaceAliases(), and hasVariants().
Language::getWeekdayAbbreviation | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 970 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by sprintfDate().
Language::getWeekdayName | ( | $key | ) |
string | $key |
Definition at line 962 of file Language.php.
References getMessageFromDB().
Referenced by sprintfDate().
protected |
Handles explicit plural forms for Language::convertPlural()
In {{PLURAL:$1|0=nothing|one|many}}, 0=nothing will be returned if $1 equals zero. If an explicitly defined plural form matches the $count, then string value returned, otherwise array returned for further consideration by CLDR rules or overridden convertPlural().
int | $count | Non-localized number |
array | $forms | Different plural forms |
Definition at line 3812 of file Language.php.
Referenced by LanguageKsh\convertPlural(), and convertPlural().
Language::hasVariant | ( | $variant | ) |
Check if the language has the specific variant.
string | $variant |
Definition at line 4004 of file Language.php.
Language::hasVariants | ( | ) |
Check if this is a language with variants.
Definition at line 3993 of file Language.php.
References getVariants().
Language::hasWordBreaks | ( | ) |
Most writing systems use whitespace to break up words.
Some languages such as Chinese don't conventionally do this, which requires special handling when breaking up words for searching etc.
Definition at line 2801 of file Language.php.
static |
Hebrew Gematria number formatting up to 9999.
int | $num |
Definition at line 1983 of file Language.php.
References array().
Referenced by LanguageTest\testHebrewNumeral().
staticprivate |
This calculates the Hebrew year start, as days since 1 September.
Based on Carl Friedrich Gauss algorithm for finding Easter date. Used for Hebrew date.
int | $year |
Definition at line 1811 of file Language.php.
Language::iconv | ( | $in, | |
$out, | |||
$string | |||
) |
string | $in | |
string | $out | |
string | $string |
Definition at line 2579 of file Language.php.
References $out.
Referenced by checkTitleEncoding().
Language::initContLang | ( | ) |
Hook which will be called if this is the content language.
Descendants can use this to register hook functions or modify globals
Definition at line 435 of file Language.php.
Language::initEncoding | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2932 of file Language.php.
staticprotected |
Internal helper function for userDate(), userTime() and userTimeAndDate()
string | $type | Can be 'date', 'time' or 'both' |
string | $ts | The time format which needs to be turned into a date('YmdHis') format with wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$ts) |
User | $user | User object used to get preferences for timezone and format |
array | $options | Array, can contain the following keys:
Definition at line 2352 of file Language.php.
References $type, dateFormat(), getDateFormatString(), User\getDatePreference(), User\getOption(), sprintfDate(), true, TS_MW, userAdjust(), and wfTimestamp().
Referenced by userDate(), userTime(), and userTimeAndDate().
static |
Returns true if a language code is an IETF tag known to MediaWiki.
string | $tag |
Definition at line 381 of file Language.php.
References $tag.
Referenced by SpecialMyLanguage\findTitle(), LanguageTest\testKnownCldrLanguageTag(), LanguageTest\testKnownLanguageTag(), and LanguageTest\testUnknownLanguageTag().
Language::isMultibyte | ( | $str | ) |
string | $str |
Definition at line 2694 of file Language.php.
Referenced by lc(), uc(), ucwordbreaks(), and ucwords().
Language::isRTL | ( | ) |
For right-to-left language support.
Definition at line 3006 of file Language.php.
Referenced by alignEnd(), alignStart(), getArrow(), getDir(), getDirMark(), and getDirMarkEntity().
static |
Checks whether any localisation is available for that language tag in MediaWiki (MessagesXx.php exists).
string | $code | Language tag (in lower case) |
Definition at line 251 of file Language.php.
References $code.
Referenced by ApiCreateAccount\execute(), LocalisationCache\initLanguage(), and LanguageTest\testIsSupportedLanguage().
static |
Returns true if a language code is of a valid form for the purposes of internal customisation of MediaWiki, via Messages*.php or *.json.
string | $code |
MWException |
Definition at line 358 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getFallbacksFor(), ResourceLoaderContext\getLanguage(), LocalisationCache\initLanguage(), newFromCode(), LanguageTest\testBuiltInCodeValidation(), and SvgHandler\validateParam().
static |
Returns true if a language code string is of a valid form, whether or not it exists.
This includes codes which are used solely for customisation via the MediaWiki namespace.
string | $code |
Definition at line 333 of file Language.php.
References $cache, $code, and MediaWikiTitleCodec\getTitleInvalidRegex().
Referenced by ApiQuerySiteinfo\appendSkins(), ApiQueryAllMessages\execute(), newFromCode(), and RequestContext\sanitizeLangCode().
static |
Returns true if a language code string is a well-formed language tag according to RFC 5646.
This function only checks well-formedness; it doesn't check that language, script or variant codes actually exist in the repositories.
Based on regexes by Mark Davis of the Unicode Consortium:
string | $code | |
bool | $lenient | Whether to allow '_' as separator. The default is only '-'. |
Definition at line 279 of file Language.php.
References $code, $s, or, other(), and use.
Referenced by SVGReader\animateFilterAndLang(), LanguageTest\testLenientLanguageTag(), LanguageTest\testMalformedLanguageTag(), and LanguageTest\testWellFormedLanguageTag().
Language::lc | ( | $str, | |
$first = false |
) |
string | $str | |
bool | $first |
Definition at line 2678 of file Language.php.
References isMultibyte().
Referenced by getLocalNsIndex(), getNamespaceIds(), getNsIndex(), lcfirst(), ucwordbreaks(), and ucwords().
Language::lcfirst | ( | $str | ) |
string | $str |
Definition at line 2659 of file Language.php.
References lc().
Language::linkPrefixCharset | ( | ) |
A regular expression character set to match legal word-prefixing characters which should be merged onto a link of the form foo[[bar]].
Definition at line 4142 of file Language.php.
Language::linkPrefixExtension | ( | ) |
To allow "foo[[bar]]" to extend the link over the whole word "foobar".
Definition at line 3115 of file Language.php.
Language::linkTrail | ( | ) |
A regular expression to match legal word-trailing characters which should be merged onto a link of the form [[foo]]bar.
Definition at line 4132 of file Language.php.
Language::listToText | ( | array | $l | ) |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly comma-separated list, using the local comma-separator message.
The last two strings are chained with an "and". NOTE: This function will only work with standard numeric array keys (0, 1, 2…)
string[] | $l |
Definition at line 3369 of file Language.php.
Referenced by formatDuration().
Language::markNoConversion | ( | $text, | |
$noParse = false |
) |
Prepare external link text for conversion.
When the text is a URL, it shouldn't be converted, and it'll be wrapped in the "raw" tag (-{R| }-) to prevent conversion.
This function is called "markNoConversion" for historical reasons.
string | $text | Text to be used for external link |
bool | $noParse | Wrap it without confirming it's a real URL first |
Definition at line 4117 of file Language.php.
References wfUrlProtocolsWithoutProtRel().
protected |
Get message object in this language.
Only for use inside this class.
string | $msg | Message name |
Definition at line 908 of file Language.php.
References wfMessage().
Referenced by getMessageFromDB(), listToText(), and specialList().
Language::needsGenderDistinction | ( | ) |
Whether this language uses gender-dependent namespace aliases.
Definition at line 584 of file Language.php.
References $wgExtraGenderNamespaces, $wgExtraNamespaces, global, NS_USER, and NS_USER_TALK.
staticprotected |
Create a language object for a given language code.
string | $code |
MWException |
Definition at line 205 of file Language.php.
References $code, $lang, as, getFallbacksFor(), isValidBuiltInCode(), and isValidCode().
Language::normalize | ( | $s | ) |
Convert a UTF-8 string to normal form C.
In Malayalam and Arabic, this also cleans up certain backwards-compatible sequences, converting them to the modern Unicode equivalent.
This is language-specific for performance reasons only.
string | $s |
Definition at line 2965 of file Language.php.
References $s, $wgAllUnicodeFixes, global, and transformUsingPairFile().
Language::normalizeForSearch | ( | $string | ) |
Some languages have special punctuation need to be normalized.
Make such changes here.
string | $string |
Definition at line 2823 of file Language.php.
private |
Helper function for viewPrevNext() that generates links.
Title | $title | Title object to link |
int | $offset | |
int | $limit | |
array | $query | Extra query parameters |
string | $link | Text to use for the link; will be escaped |
string | $tooltipMsg | Name of the message to use as tooltip |
string | $class | Value of the "class" attribute of the link |
Definition at line 4691 of file Language.php.
References $limit, $link, $query, Html\element(), Title\getLocalURL(), and wfMessage().
Referenced by viewPrevNext().
Language::parseFormattedNumber | ( | $number | ) |
string | $number |
Definition at line 3265 of file Language.php.
References $s, digitTransformTable(), and separatorTransformTable().
Language::pipeList | ( | array | $list | ) |
Same as commaList, but separate it with the pipe instead.
string[] | $list Array of strings to put in a pipe list |
Definition at line 3423 of file Language.php.
References wfMessage().
Referenced by viewPrevNext().
protected |
Checks that convertPlural was given an array and pads it to requested amount of forms by copying the last one.
array | $forms | Array of forms given to convertPlural |
int | $count | How many forms should there be at least |
Definition at line 3833 of file Language.php.
References $count.
Referenced by LanguageKsh\convertPlural(), and gender().
Language::recodeForEdit | ( | $s | ) |
string | $s |
Definition at line 2941 of file Language.php.
References $s.
Language::recodeInput | ( | $s | ) |
string | $s |
Definition at line 2950 of file Language.php.
References $s.
protected |
Remove bytes that represent an incomplete Unicode character at the start of string (e.g.
bytes of the char are missing)
string | $string |
Definition at line 3522 of file Language.php.
Referenced by truncate().
protected |
Remove bytes that represent an incomplete Unicode character at the end of string (e.g.
bytes of the char are missing)
string | $string |
Definition at line 3496 of file Language.php.
Referenced by truncate(), and truncateHtml().
Language::replaceGrammarInNamespace | ( | $m | ) |
string | $m |
Definition at line 4418 of file Language.php.
References convertGrammar().
Language::resetNamespaces | ( | ) |
Resets all of the namespace caches.
Mainly used for testing
Definition at line 507 of file Language.php.
static |
Roman number formatting up to 10000.
int | $num |
Definition at line 1952 of file Language.php.
References $s.
Referenced by sprintfDate(), and LanguageTest\testRomanNumerals().
Language::segmentByWord | ( | $string | ) |
Some languages such as Chinese require word segmentation, Specify such segmentation when overridden in derived class.
string | $string |
Definition at line 2812 of file Language.php.
Language::segmentForDiff | ( | $text | ) |
languages like Chinese need to be segmented in order for the diff to be of any use
string | $text |
Definition at line 3924 of file Language.php.
Language::semicolonList | ( | array | $list | ) |
Take a list of strings and build a locale-friendly semicolon-separated list, using the local semicolon-separator message.
string[] | $list Array of strings to put in a semicolon list |
Definition at line 3411 of file Language.php.
References wfMessage().
Language::separatorTransformTable | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3356 of file Language.php.
Referenced by formatNum(), and parseFormattedNumber().
Language::setCode | ( | $code | ) |
Language::setNamespaces | ( | array | $namespaces | ) |
Arbitrarily set all of the namespace names at once.
Mainly used for testing
array | $namespaces | Array of namespaces (id => name) |
Definition at line 499 of file Language.php.
References $namespaces.
Language::specialList | ( | $page, | |
$details, | |||
$oppositedm = true |
) |
Make a list item, used by various special pages.
string | $page | Page link |
string | $details | HTML safe text between brackets |
bool | $oppositedm | Add the direction mark opposite to your language, to display text properly |
Definition at line 4622 of file Language.php.
References $page, getDirMark(), and msg().
Language::sprintfDate | ( | $format, | |
$ts, | |||
DateTimeZone | $zone = null , |
& | $ttl = 'unused' |
) |
This is a workalike of PHP's date() function, but with better internationalisation, a reduced set of format characters, and a better escaping format.
Supported format characters are dDjlNwzWFmMntLoYyaAgGhHiscrUeIOPTZ. See the PHP manual for definitions. There are a number of extensions, which start with "x":
xn Do not translate digits of the next numeric format character xN Toggle raw digit (xn) flag, stays set until explicitly unset xr Use roman numerals for the next numeric format character xh Use hebrew numerals for the next numeric format character xx Literal x xg Genitive month name
xij j (day number) in Iranian calendar xiF F (month name) in Iranian calendar xin n (month number) in Iranian calendar xiy y (two digit year) in Iranian calendar xiY Y (full year) in Iranian calendar
xjj j (day number) in Hebrew calendar xjF F (month name) in Hebrew calendar xjt t (days in month) in Hebrew calendar xjx xg (genitive month name) in Hebrew calendar xjn n (month number) in Hebrew calendar xjY Y (full year) in Hebrew calendar
xmj j (day number) in Hijri calendar xmF F (month name) in Hijri calendar xmn n (month number) in Hijri calendar xmY Y (full year) in Hijri calendar
xkY Y (full year) in Thai solar calendar. Months and days are identical to the Gregorian calendar xoY Y (full year) in Minguo calendar or Juche year. Months and days are identical to the Gregorian calendar xtY Y (full year) in Japanese nengo. Months and days are identical to the Gregorian calendar
Characters enclosed in double quotes will be considered literal (with the quotes themselves removed). Unmatched quotes will be considered literal quotes. Example:
"The month is" F => The month is January i's" => 20'11"
Backslash escaping is also supported.
Input timestamp is assumed to be pre-normalized to the desired local time zone, if any. Note that the format characters crUeIOPTZ will assume $ts is UTC if $zone is not given.
string | $format | ||
string | $ts | 14-character timestamp YYYYMMDDHHMMSS 01234567890123 | |
DateTimeZone | $zone | Timezone of $ts | |
[out] | int | $ttl | The amount of time (in seconds) the output may be cached for. Only makes sense if $ts is the current time. |
MWException |
Definition at line 1090 of file Language.php.
References $code, $s, dateTimeObjFormat(), formatNum(), getHebrewCalendarMonthName(), getHebrewCalendarMonthNameGen(), getHijriCalendarMonthName(), getIranianCalendarMonthName(), getMonthAbbreviation(), getMonthName(), getMonthNameGen(), getWeekdayAbbreviation(), getWeekdayName(), and romanNumeral().
Referenced by date(), getHumanTimestampInternal(), internalUserTimeAndDate(), time(), and timeanddate().
staticprivate |
Gets directionality of the first strongly directional codepoint, for embedBidi()
This is the rule the BIDI algorithm uses to determine the directionality of paragraphs ( ) and FSI isolates ( ).
TODO: Does not handle BIDI control characters inside the text. TODO: Does not handle unallocated characters.
string | $text | Text to test |
Definition at line 1935 of file Language.php.
References $matches.
Referenced by embedBidi().
string | $ts | The time format which needs to be turned into a date('YmdHis') format with wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$ts) |
bool | $adj | Whether to adjust the time output according to the user configured offset ($timecorrection) |
mixed | $format | True to use user's date format preference |
string | bool | $timecorrection | The time offset as returned by validateTimeZone() in Special:Preferences |
Definition at line 2236 of file Language.php.
References dateFormat(), getDateFormatString(), sprintfDate(), TS_MW, userAdjust(), and wfTimestamp().
Referenced by LanguageWa\timeanddate().
string | $ts | The time format which needs to be turned into a date('YmdHis') format with wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$ts) |
bool | $adj | Whether to adjust the time output according to the user configured offset ($timecorrection) |
mixed | $format | What format to return, if it's false output the default one (default true) |
string | bool | $timecorrection | The time offset as returned by validateTimeZone() in Special:Preferences |
Definition at line 2256 of file Language.php.
References dateFormat(), getDateFormatString(), sprintfDate(), TS_MW, userAdjust(), and wfTimestamp().
Referenced by formatExpiry(), and translateBlockExpiry().
Language::transformUsingPairFile | ( | $file, | |
$string | |||
) |
Transform a string using serialized data stored in the given file (which must be in the serialized subdirectory of $IP).
The file contains pairs mapping source characters to destination characters.
The data is cached in process memory. This will go faster if you have the FastStringSearch extension.
string | $file | |
string | $string |
MWException |
Definition at line 2990 of file Language.php.
References wfGetPrecompiledData().
Referenced by LanguageAr\normalize(), LanguageMl\normalize(), and normalize().
Language::translateBlockExpiry | ( | $str, | |
User | $user = null |
) |
string | $str | The validated block duration in English |
User | $user | User object to use timezone from or null for $wgUser |
Definition at line 3882 of file Language.php.
References $time, $user, $value, as, formatDuration(), SpecialBlock\getSuggestedDurations(), timeanddate(), userTimeAndDate(), and wfIsInfinity().
Language::truncate | ( | $string, | |
$length, | |||
$ellipsis = '...' , |
$adjustLength = true |
) |
Truncate a string to a specified length in bytes, appending an optional string (e.g.
for ellipses)
The database offers limited byte lengths for some columns in the database; multi-byte character sets mean we need to ensure that only whole characters are included, otherwise broken characters can be passed to the user
If $length is negative, the string will be truncated from the beginning
string | $string | String to truncate |
int | $length | Maximum length (including ellipses) |
string | $ellipsis | String to append to the truncated text |
bool | $adjustLength | Subtract length of ellipsis from $length. $adjustLength was introduced in 1.18, before that behaved as if false. |
Definition at line 3447 of file Language.php.
References removeBadCharFirst(), removeBadCharLast(), and wfMessage().
private |
truncateHtml() helper function (a) push or pop $tag from $openTags as needed (b) clear $tag value
string | &$tag | Current HTML tag name we are looking at |
int | $tagType | (0-open tag, 1-close tag) |
string | $lastCh | Character before the '>' that ended this tag |
array | &$openTags | Open tag stack (not accounting for $tag) |
Definition at line 3689 of file Language.php.
References $tag.
Referenced by truncateHtml().
private |
truncateHtml() helper function like strcspn() but adds the skipped chars to $ret
string | $ret | |
string | $text | |
string | $search | |
int | $start | |
null | int | $len |
Definition at line 3666 of file Language.php.
References $ret.
Referenced by truncateHtml().
Language::truncateHtml | ( | $text, | |
$length, | |||
$ellipsis = '...' |
) |
Truncate a string of valid HTML to a specified length in bytes, appending an optional string (e.g.
for ellipses), and return valid HTML
This is only intended for styled/linked text, such as HTML with tags like and , were the tags are self-contained (valid HTML). Also, this will not detect things like "display:none" CSS.
Note: since 1.18 you do not need to leave extra room in $length for ellipses.
string | $text | HTML string to truncate |
int | $length | (zero/positive) Maximum length (including ellipses) |
string | $ellipsis | String to append to the truncated text |
Definition at line 3548 of file Language.php.
References $ret, $tag, list, removeBadCharLast(), truncate_endBracket(), truncate_skip(), and wfMessage().
staticprivate |
Converting Gregorian dates to Hebrew dates.
Based on a JavaScript code by Abu Mami and Yisrael Hersch (abu-m, ami@ kalua ch.n et, who permitted to translate the relevant functions into PHP and release them under GNU GPL.
The months are counted from Tishrei = 1. In a leap year, Adar I is 13 and Adar II is 14. In a non-leap year, Adar is 6.
string | $ts |
Definition at line 1670 of file Language.php.
staticprivate |
Converting Gregorian dates to Hijri dates.
Based on a PHP-Nuke block by Sharjeel which is released under GNU/GPL license
string | $ts |
Definition at line 1618 of file Language.php.
staticprivate |
Algorithm by Roozbeh Pournader and Mohammad Toossi to convert Gregorian dates to Iranian dates.
Originally written in C, it is released under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License. Conversion to PHP was performed by Niklas Laxström.
string | $ts |
Definition at line 1560 of file Language.php.
staticprivate |
Algorithm to convert Gregorian dates to Thai solar dates, Minguo dates or Minguo dates.
string | $ts | 14-character timestamp |
string | $cName | Calender name |
Definition at line 1849 of file Language.php.
Language::uc | ( | $str, | |
$first = false |
) |
Convert a string to uppercase.
string | $str | |
bool | $first |
Definition at line 2643 of file Language.php.
References isMultibyte(), and ucfirst().
Referenced by caseFold(), and ucfirst().
Language::ucfirst | ( | $str | ) |
Make a string's first character uppercase.
string | $str |
Definition at line 2623 of file Language.php.
References uc().
Referenced by classFromCode(), getFileName(), uc(), and ucwordbreaksCallbackAscii().
Language::ucwordbreaks | ( | $str | ) |
capitalize words at word breaks
string | $str |
Definition at line 2726 of file Language.php.
References isMultibyte(), and lc().
Language::ucwordbreaksCallbackAscii | ( | $matches | ) |
Language::ucwordbreaksCallbackMB | ( | $matches | ) |
array | $matches |
Definition at line 2604 of file Language.php.
References $matches.
Language::ucwords | ( | $str | ) |
string | $str |
Definition at line 2702 of file Language.php.
References isMultibyte(), and lc().
Language::ucwordsCallbackMB | ( | $matches | ) |
array | $matches |
Definition at line 2612 of file Language.php.
References $matches.
Language::unsegmentForDiff | ( | $text | ) |
and unsegment to show the result
string | $text |
Definition at line 3934 of file Language.php.
Language::updateConversionTable | ( | Title | $title | ) |
Refresh the cache of conversion tables when MediaWiki:Conversiontable* is updated.
Definition at line 4101 of file Language.php.
Language::userAdjust | ( | $ts, | |
$tz = false |
) |
Used by date() and time() to adjust the time output.
string | $ts | The time in date('YmdHis') format |
mixed | $tz | Adjust the time by this amount (default false, mean we get user timecorrection setting) |
Definition at line 2070 of file Language.php.
References $t, $wgLocalTZoffset, $wgUser, date(), and global.
Referenced by LanguageWa\date(), date(), internalUserTimeAndDate(), time(), LanguageWa\timeanddate(), and timeanddate().
Get the formatted date for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user.
mixed | $ts | Mixed: the time format which needs to be turned into a date('YmdHis') format with wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$ts) |
User | $user | User object used to get preferences for timezone and format |
array | $options | Array, can contain the following keys:
Definition at line 2391 of file Language.php.
References $options, and internalUserTimeAndDate().
Get the formatted time for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user.
mixed | $ts | The time format which needs to be turned into a date('YmdHis') format with wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$ts) |
User | $user | User object used to get preferences for timezone and format |
array | $options | Array, can contain the following keys:
Definition at line 2414 of file Language.php.
References $options, and internalUserTimeAndDate().
Get the formatted date and time for the given timestamp and formatted for the given user.
mixed | $ts | The time format which needs to be turned into a date('YmdHis') format with wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$ts) |
User | $user | User object used to get preferences for timezone and format |
array | $options | Array, can contain the following keys:
Definition at line 2437 of file Language.php.
References $options, and internalUserTimeAndDate().
Referenced by translateBlockExpiry().
Generate (prev x| next x) (20|50|100...) type links for paging.
Title | $title | Title object to link |
int | $offset | |
int | $limit | |
array | $query | Optional URL query parameter string |
bool | $atend | Optional param for specified if this is the last page |
Definition at line 4645 of file Language.php.
References $limit, $query, as, formatNum(), numLink(), pipeList(), and wfMessage().
static |
Definition at line 62 of file Language.php.
Language::$dateFormatStrings = [] |
Definition at line 49 of file Language.php.
static |
staticprivate |
Definition at line 1545 of file Language.php.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 1546 of file Language.php.
staticprivate |
Cache for language names.
Definition at line 148 of file Language.php.
staticprivate |
Unicode directional formatting characters, for embedBidi()
Definition at line 153 of file Language.php.
Language::$mCode |
Definition at line 45 of file Language.php.
LanguageConverter Language::$mConverter |
Definition at line 43 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getConverter().
Language::$mExtendedSpecialPageAliases |
Definition at line 50 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getSpecialPageAliases().
static |
Definition at line 105 of file Language.php.
static |
Definition at line 97 of file Language.php.
static |
Definition at line 113 of file Language.php.
private |
Definition at line 47 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getHtmlCode().
static |
Definition at line 90 of file Language.php.
static |
Definition at line 64 of file Language.php.
Language::$mLoaded = false |
Definition at line 45 of file Language.php.
Language::$mMagicExtensions = [] |
Definition at line 46 of file Language.php.
Referenced by addMagicWordsByLang().
Language::$mMagicHookDone = false |
Definition at line 46 of file Language.php.
static |
Definition at line 85 of file Language.php.
static |
Definition at line 80 of file Language.php.
static |
Definition at line 75 of file Language.php.
Language::$mNamespaceIds |
Definition at line 52 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getNamespaceIds().
Language::$mParentLanguage = false |
Definition at line 47 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getParentLanguage().
Language::$mVariants |
Definition at line 45 of file Language.php.
static |
Definition at line 71 of file Language.php.
static |
Definition at line 66 of file Language.php.
Language::$namespaceAliases |
Definition at line 52 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getNamespaceAliases().
protected |
Definition at line 52 of file Language.php.
Referenced by getNamespaces().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 155 of file Language.php.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 154 of file Language.php.
staticprivate |
Directionality test regex for embedBidi().
Matches the first strong directionality codepoint:
The form is '/(?:([strong ltr codepoint])|([strong rtl codepoint]))/u' .
Generated by UnicodeJS (see tools/strongDir) from the UCD; see .
Definition at line 170 of file Language.php.
Language::$transformData = [] |
ReplacementArray object caches.
Definition at line 57 of file Language.php.