MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
24 class PostgresField implements Field {
34  static function fromText( $db, $table, $field ) {
35  $q = <<<SQL
37  attnotnull, attlen, conname AS conname,
38  atthasdef,
39  adsrc,
40  COALESCE(condeferred, 'f') AS deferred,
41  COALESCE(condeferrable, 'f') AS deferrable,
42  CASE WHEN typname = 'int2' THEN 'smallint'
43  WHEN typname = 'int4' THEN 'integer'
44  WHEN typname = 'int8' THEN 'bigint'
45  WHEN typname = 'bpchar' THEN 'char'
46  ELSE typname END AS typname
47 FROM pg_class c
48 JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
49 JOIN pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid = c.oid)
50 JOIN pg_type t ON (t.oid = a.atttypid)
51 LEFT JOIN pg_constraint o ON (o.conrelid = c.oid AND a.attnum = ANY(o.conkey) AND o.contype = 'f')
52 LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d on c.oid=d.adrelid and a.attnum=d.adnum
53 WHERE relkind = 'r'
54 AND nspname=%s
55 AND relname=%s
56 AND attname=%s;
57 SQL;
59  $table = $db->tableName( $table, 'raw' );
60  $res = $db->query(
61  sprintf( $q,
62  $db->addQuotes( $db->getCoreSchema() ),
63  $db->addQuotes( $table ),
64  $db->addQuotes( $field )
65  )
66  );
67  $row = $db->fetchObject( $res );
68  if ( !$row ) {
69  return null;
70  }
71  $n = new PostgresField;
72  $n->type = $row->typname;
73  $n->nullable = ( $row->attnotnull == 'f' );
74  $n->name = $field;
75  $n->tablename = $table;
76  $n->max_length = $row->attlen;
77  $n->deferrable = ( $row->deferrable == 't' );
78  $n->deferred = ( $row->deferred == 't' );
79  $n->conname = $row->conname;
80  $n->has_default = ( $row->atthasdef === 't' );
81  $n->default = $row->adsrc;
83  return $n;
84  }
86  function name() {
87  return $this->name;
88  }
90  function tableName() {
91  return $this->tablename;
92  }
94  function type() {
95  return $this->type;
96  }
98  function isNullable() {
99  return $this->nullable;
100  }
102  function maxLength() {
103  return $this->max_length;
104  }
106  function is_deferrable() {
107  return $this->deferrable;
108  }
110  function is_deferred() {
111  return $this->deferred;
112  }
114  function conname() {
115  return $this->conname;
116  }
122  function defaultValue() {
123  if ( $this->has_default ) {
125  } else {
126  return false;
127  }
128  }
129 }
136 class SavepointPostgres {
138  protected $dbw;
139  protected $id;
140  protected $didbegin;
146  public function __construct( $dbw, $id ) {
147  $this->dbw = $dbw;
148  $this->id = $id;
149  $this->didbegin = false;
150  /* If we are not in a transaction, we need to be for savepoint trickery */
151  if ( !$dbw->trxLevel() ) {
152  $dbw->begin( "FOR SAVEPOINT" );
153  $this->didbegin = true;
154  }
155  }
157  public function __destruct() {
158  if ( $this->didbegin ) {
159  $this->dbw->rollback();
160  $this->didbegin = false;
161  }
162  }
164  public function commit() {
165  if ( $this->didbegin ) {
166  $this->dbw->commit();
167  $this->didbegin = false;
168  }
169  }
171  protected function query( $keyword, $msg_ok, $msg_failed ) {
172  if ( $this->dbw->doQuery( $keyword . " " . $this->id ) !== false ) {
173  } else {
174  wfDebug( sprintf( $msg_failed, $this->id ) );
175  }
176  }
178  public function savepoint() {
179  $this->query( "SAVEPOINT",
180  "Transaction state: savepoint \"%s\" established.\n",
181  "Transaction state: establishment of savepoint \"%s\" FAILED.\n"
182  );
183  }
185  public function release() {
186  $this->query( "RELEASE",
187  "Transaction state: savepoint \"%s\" released.\n",
188  "Transaction state: release of savepoint \"%s\" FAILED.\n"
189  );
190  }
192  public function rollback() {
193  $this->query( "ROLLBACK TO",
194  "Transaction state: savepoint \"%s\" rolled back.\n",
195  "Transaction state: rollback of savepoint \"%s\" FAILED.\n"
196  );
197  }
199  public function __toString() {
200  return (string)$this->id;
201  }
202 }
207 class DatabasePostgres extends Database {
209  protected $mLastResult = null;
212  protected $mAffectedRows = null;
215  private $mInsertId = null;
218  private $numericVersion = null;
221  private $connectString;
224  private $mCoreSchema;
226  function getType() {
227  return 'postgres';
228  }
230  function cascadingDeletes() {
231  return true;
232  }
234  function cleanupTriggers() {
235  return true;
236  }
238  function strictIPs() {
239  return true;
240  }
242  function realTimestamps() {
243  return true;
244  }
246  function implicitGroupby() {
247  return false;
248  }
250  function implicitOrderby() {
251  return false;
252  }
254  function searchableIPs() {
255  return true;
256  }
258  function functionalIndexes() {
259  return true;
260  }
262  function hasConstraint( $name ) {
263  $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " .
264  "WHERE c.connamespace = n.oid AND conname = '" .
265  pg_escape_string( $this->mConn, $name ) . "' AND n.nspname = '" .
266  pg_escape_string( $this->mConn, $this->getCoreSchema() ) . "'";
267  $res = $this->doQuery( $sql );
269  return $this->numRows( $res );
270  }
281  function open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName ) {
282  # Test for Postgres support, to avoid suppressed fatal error
283  if ( !function_exists( 'pg_connect' ) ) {
284  throw new DBConnectionError(
285  $this,
286  "Postgres functions missing, have you compiled PHP with the --with-pgsql\n" .
287  "option? (Note: if you recently installed PHP, you may need to restart your\n" .
288  "webserver and database)\n"
289  );
290  }
294  if ( !strlen( $user ) ) { # e.g. the class is being loaded
295  return null;
296  }
298  $this->mServer = $server;
299  $port = $wgDBport;
300  $this->mUser = $user;
301  $this->mPassword = $password;
302  $this->mDBname = $dbName;
304  $connectVars = [
305  'dbname' => $dbName,
306  'user' => $user,
307  'password' => $password
308  ];
309  if ( $server != false && $server != '' ) {
310  $connectVars['host'] = $server;
311  }
312  if ( $port != false && $port != '' ) {
313  $connectVars['port'] = $port;
314  }
315  if ( $this->mFlags & DBO_SSL ) {
316  $connectVars['sslmode'] = 1;
317  }
319  $this->connectString = $this->makeConnectionString( $connectVars, PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW );
320  $this->close();
321  $this->installErrorHandler();
323  try {
324  $this->mConn = pg_connect( $this->connectString );
325  } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
326  $this->restoreErrorHandler();
327  throw $ex;
328  }
330  $phpError = $this->restoreErrorHandler();
332  if ( !$this->mConn ) {
333  wfDebug( "DB connection error\n" );
334  wfDebug( "Server: $server, Database: $dbName, User: $user, Password: " .
335  substr( $password, 0, 3 ) . "...\n" );
336  wfDebug( $this->lastError() . "\n" );
337  throw new DBConnectionError( $this, str_replace( "\n", ' ', $phpError ) );
338  }
340  $this->mOpened = true;
343  # If called from the command-line (e.g. importDump), only show errors
344  if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
345  $this->doQuery( "SET client_min_messages = 'ERROR'" );
346  }
348  $this->query( "SET client_encoding='UTF8'", __METHOD__ );
349  $this->query( "SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'", __METHOD__ );
350  $this->query( "SET timezone = 'GMT'", __METHOD__ );
351  $this->query( "SET standard_conforming_strings = on", __METHOD__ );
352  if ( $this->getServerVersion() >= 9.0 ) {
353  $this->query( "SET bytea_output = 'escape'", __METHOD__ ); // PHP bug 53127
354  }
357  $this->determineCoreSchema( $wgDBmwschema );
359  return $this->mConn;
360  }
368  function selectDB( $db ) {
369  if ( $this->mDBname !== $db ) {
370  return (bool)$this->open( $this->mServer, $this->mUser, $this->mPassword, $db );
371  } else {
372  return true;
373  }
374  }
376  function makeConnectionString( $vars ) {
377  $s = '';
378  foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) {
379  $s .= "$name='" . str_replace( "'", "\\'", $value ) . "' ";
380  }
382  return $s;
383  }
390  protected function closeConnection() {
391  return pg_close( $this->mConn );
392  }
394  public function doQuery( $sql ) {
395  $sql = mb_convert_encoding( $sql, 'UTF-8' );
396  // Clear previously left over PQresult
397  while ( $res = pg_get_result( $this->mConn ) ) {
398  pg_free_result( $res );
399  }
400  if ( pg_send_query( $this->mConn, $sql ) === false ) {
401  throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Unable to post new query to PostgreSQL\n" );
402  }
403  $this->mLastResult = pg_get_result( $this->mConn );
404  $this->mAffectedRows = null;
405  if ( pg_result_error( $this->mLastResult ) ) {
406  return false;
407  }
409  return $this->mLastResult;
410  }
412  protected function dumpError() {
413  $diags = [
426  ];
427  foreach ( $diags as $d ) {
428  wfDebug( sprintf( "PgSQL ERROR(%d): %s\n",
429  $d, pg_result_error_field( $this->mLastResult, $d ) ) );
430  }
431  }
433  function reportQueryError( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore = false ) {
434  if ( $tempIgnore ) {
435  /* Check for constraint violation */
436  if ( $errno === '23505' ) {
437  parent::reportQueryError( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore );
439  return;
440  }
441  }
442  /* Transaction stays in the ERROR state until rolled back */
443  if ( $this->mTrxLevel ) {
444  $ignore = $this->ignoreErrors( true );
445  $this->rollback( __METHOD__ );
446  $this->ignoreErrors( $ignore );
447  }
448  parent::reportQueryError( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname, false );
449  }
451  function queryIgnore( $sql, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
452  return $this->query( $sql, $fname, true );
453  }
459  function freeResult( $res ) {
460  if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
461  $res = $res->result;
462  }
463  MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
464  $ok = pg_free_result( $res );
465  MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
466  if ( !$ok ) {
467  throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Unable to free Postgres result\n" );
468  }
469  }
476  function fetchObject( $res ) {
477  if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
478  $res = $res->result;
479  }
480  MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
481  $row = pg_fetch_object( $res );
482  MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
483  # @todo FIXME: HACK HACK HACK HACK debug
485  # @todo hashar: not sure if the following test really trigger if the object
486  # fetching failed.
487  if ( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) {
488  throw new DBUnexpectedError(
489  $this,
490  'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) )
491  );
492  }
494  return $row;
495  }
497  function fetchRow( $res ) {
498  if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
499  $res = $res->result;
500  }
501  MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
502  $row = pg_fetch_array( $res );
503  MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
504  if ( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) {
505  throw new DBUnexpectedError(
506  $this,
507  'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) )
508  );
509  }
511  return $row;
512  }
514  function numRows( $res ) {
515  if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
516  $res = $res->result;
517  }
518  MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
519  $n = pg_num_rows( $res );
520  MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
521  if ( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) {
522  throw new DBUnexpectedError(
523  $this,
524  'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) )
525  );
526  }
528  return $n;
529  }
531  function numFields( $res ) {
532  if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
533  $res = $res->result;
534  }
536  return pg_num_fields( $res );
537  }
539  function fieldName( $res, $n ) {
540  if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
541  $res = $res->result;
542  }
544  return pg_field_name( $res, $n );
545  }
553  function insertId() {
554  return $this->mInsertId;
555  }
562  function dataSeek( $res, $row ) {
563  if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
564  $res = $res->result;
565  }
567  return pg_result_seek( $res, $row );
568  }
570  function lastError() {
571  if ( $this->mConn ) {
572  if ( $this->mLastResult ) {
573  return pg_result_error( $this->mLastResult );
574  } else {
575  return pg_last_error();
576  }
577  } else {
578  return 'No database connection';
579  }
580  }
582  function lastErrno() {
583  if ( $this->mLastResult ) {
584  return pg_result_error_field( $this->mLastResult, PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE );
585  } else {
586  return false;
587  }
588  }
590  function affectedRows() {
591  if ( !is_null( $this->mAffectedRows ) ) {
592  // Forced result for simulated queries
593  return $this->mAffectedRows;
594  }
595  if ( empty( $this->mLastResult ) ) {
596  return 0;
597  }
599  return pg_affected_rows( $this->mLastResult );
600  }
616  function estimateRowCount( $table, $vars = '*', $conds = '',
617  $fname = __METHOD__, $options = []
618  ) {
619  $options['EXPLAIN'] = true;
620  $res = $this->select( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options );
621  $rows = -1;
622  if ( $res ) {
623  $row = $this->fetchRow( $res );
624  $count = [];
625  if ( preg_match( '/rows=(\d+)/', $row[0], $count ) ) {
626  $rows = (int)$count[1];
627  }
628  }
630  return $rows;
631  }
642  function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
643  $sql = "SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename='$table'";
644  $res = $this->query( $sql, $fname );
645  if ( !$res ) {
646  return null;
647  }
648  foreach ( $res as $row ) {
649  if ( $row->indexname == $this->indexName( $index ) ) {
650  return $row;
651  }
652  }
654  return false;
655  }
665  function indexAttributes( $index, $schema = false ) {
666  if ( $schema === false ) {
667  $schema = $this->getCoreSchema();
668  }
669  /*
670  * A subquery would be not needed if we didn't care about the order
671  * of attributes, but we do
672  */
673  $sql = <<<__INDEXATTR__
675  SELECT opcname,
676  attname,
677  i.indoption[s.g] as option,
678  pg_am.amname
679  FROM
680  (SELECT generate_series(array_lower(isub.indkey,1), array_upper(isub.indkey,1)) AS g
681  FROM
682  pg_index isub
683  JOIN pg_class cis
684  ON cis.oid=isub.indexrelid
685  JOIN pg_namespace ns
686  ON cis.relnamespace = ns.oid
687  WHERE cis.relname='$index' AND ns.nspname='$schema') AS s,
688  pg_attribute,
689  pg_opclass opcls,
690  pg_am,
691  pg_class ci
692  JOIN pg_index i
693  ON ci.oid=i.indexrelid
694  JOIN pg_class ct
695  ON ct.oid = i.indrelid
696  JOIN pg_namespace n
697  ON ci.relnamespace = n.oid
698  WHERE
699  ci.relname='$index' AND n.nspname='$schema'
700  AND attrelid = ct.oid
701  AND i.indkey[s.g] = attnum
702  AND i.indclass[s.g] = opcls.oid
703  AND pg_am.oid = opcls.opcmethod
704 __INDEXATTR__;
705  $res = $this->query( $sql, __METHOD__ );
706  $a = [];
707  if ( $res ) {
708  foreach ( $res as $row ) {
709  $a[] = [
710  $row->attname,
711  $row->opcname,
712  $row->amname,
713  $row->option ];
714  }
715  } else {
716  return null;
717  }
719  return $a;
720  }
722  function indexUnique( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
723  $sql = "SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename='{$table}'" .
724  " AND indexdef LIKE 'CREATE UNIQUE%(" .
725  $this->strencode( $this->indexName( $index ) ) .
726  ")'";
727  $res = $this->query( $sql, $fname );
728  if ( !$res ) {
729  return null;
730  }
732  return $res->numRows() > 0;
733  }
746  function selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__,
747  $options = [], $join_conds = []
748  ) {
749  if ( is_array( $options ) ) {
750  $forUpdateKey = array_search( 'FOR UPDATE', $options, true );
751  if ( $forUpdateKey !== false && $join_conds ) {
752  unset( $options[$forUpdateKey] );
754  foreach ( $join_conds as $table_cond => $join_cond ) {
755  if ( 0 === preg_match( '/^(?:LEFT|RIGHT|FULL)(?: OUTER)? JOIN$/i', $join_cond[0] ) ) {
756  $options['FOR UPDATE'][] = $table_cond;
757  }
758  }
759  }
761  if ( isset( $options['ORDER BY'] ) && $options['ORDER BY'] == 'NULL' ) {
762  unset( $options['ORDER BY'] );
763  }
764  }
766  return parent::selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds );
767  }
781  function insert( $table, $args, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [] ) {
782  if ( !count( $args ) ) {
783  return true;
784  }
786  $table = $this->tableName( $table );
787  if ( !isset( $this->numericVersion ) ) {
788  $this->getServerVersion();
789  }
791  if ( !is_array( $options ) ) {
792  $options = [ $options ];
793  }
795  if ( isset( $args[0] ) && is_array( $args[0] ) ) {
796  $multi = true;
797  $keys = array_keys( $args[0] );
798  } else {
799  $multi = false;
800  $keys = array_keys( $args );
801  }
803  // If IGNORE is set, we use savepoints to emulate mysql's behavior
804  $savepoint = null;
805  if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $options ) ) {
806  $savepoint = new SavepointPostgres( $this, 'mw' );
807  $olde = error_reporting( 0 );
808  // For future use, we may want to track the number of actual inserts
809  // Right now, insert (all writes) simply return true/false
810  $numrowsinserted = 0;
811  }
813  $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (" . implode( ',', $keys ) . ') VALUES ';
815  if ( $multi ) {
816  if ( $this->numericVersion >= 8.2 && !$savepoint ) {
817  $first = true;
818  foreach ( $args as $row ) {
819  if ( $first ) {
820  $first = false;
821  } else {
822  $sql .= ',';
823  }
824  $sql .= '(' . $this->makeList( $row ) . ')';
825  }
826  $res = (bool)$this->query( $sql, $fname, $savepoint );
827  } else {
828  $res = true;
829  $origsql = $sql;
830  foreach ( $args as $row ) {
831  $tempsql = $origsql;
832  $tempsql .= '(' . $this->makeList( $row ) . ')';
834  if ( $savepoint ) {
835  $savepoint->savepoint();
836  }
838  $tempres = (bool)$this->query( $tempsql, $fname, $savepoint );
840  if ( $savepoint ) {
841  $bar = pg_result_error( $this->mLastResult );
842  if ( $bar != false ) {
843  $savepoint->rollback();
844  } else {
845  $savepoint->release();
846  $numrowsinserted++;
847  }
848  }
850  // If any of them fail, we fail overall for this function call
851  // Note that this will be ignored if IGNORE is set
852  if ( !$tempres ) {
853  $res = false;
854  }
855  }
856  }
857  } else {
858  // Not multi, just a lone insert
859  if ( $savepoint ) {
860  $savepoint->savepoint();
861  }
863  $sql .= '(' . $this->makeList( $args ) . ')';
864  $res = (bool)$this->query( $sql, $fname, $savepoint );
865  if ( $savepoint ) {
866  $bar = pg_result_error( $this->mLastResult );
867  if ( $bar != false ) {
868  $savepoint->rollback();
869  } else {
870  $savepoint->release();
871  $numrowsinserted++;
872  }
873  }
874  }
875  if ( $savepoint ) {
876  error_reporting( $olde );
877  $savepoint->commit();
879  // Set the affected row count for the whole operation
880  $this->mAffectedRows = $numrowsinserted;
882  // IGNORE always returns true
883  return true;
884  }
886  return $res;
887  }
907  function insertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__,
908  $insertOptions = [], $selectOptions = [] ) {
909  $destTable = $this->tableName( $destTable );
911  if ( !is_array( $insertOptions ) ) {
912  $insertOptions = [ $insertOptions ];
913  }
915  /*
916  * If IGNORE is set, we use savepoints to emulate mysql's behavior
917  * Ignore LOW PRIORITY option, since it is MySQL-specific
918  */
919  $savepoint = null;
920  if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $insertOptions ) ) {
921  $savepoint = new SavepointPostgres( $this, 'mw' );
922  $olde = error_reporting( 0 );
923  $numrowsinserted = 0;
924  $savepoint->savepoint();
925  }
927  if ( !is_array( $selectOptions ) ) {
928  $selectOptions = [ $selectOptions ];
929  }
930  list( $startOpts, $useIndex, $tailOpts ) = $this->makeSelectOptions( $selectOptions );
931  if ( is_array( $srcTable ) ) {
932  $srcTable = implode( ',', array_map( [ &$this, 'tableName' ], $srcTable ) );
933  } else {
934  $srcTable = $this->tableName( $srcTable );
935  }
937  $sql = "INSERT INTO $destTable (" . implode( ',', array_keys( $varMap ) ) . ')' .
938  " SELECT $startOpts " . implode( ',', $varMap ) .
939  " FROM $srcTable $useIndex";
941  if ( $conds != '*' ) {
942  $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->makeList( $conds, LIST_AND );
943  }
945  $sql .= " $tailOpts";
947  $res = (bool)$this->query( $sql, $fname, $savepoint );
948  if ( $savepoint ) {
949  $bar = pg_result_error( $this->mLastResult );
950  if ( $bar != false ) {
951  $savepoint->rollback();
952  } else {
953  $savepoint->release();
954  $numrowsinserted++;
955  }
956  error_reporting( $olde );
957  $savepoint->commit();
959  // Set the affected row count for the whole operation
960  $this->mAffectedRows = $numrowsinserted;
962  // IGNORE always returns true
963  return true;
964  }
966  return $res;
967  }
969  function tableName( $name, $format = 'quoted' ) {
970  # Replace reserved words with better ones
971  switch ( $name ) {
972  case 'user':
973  return $this->realTableName( 'mwuser', $format );
974  case 'text':
975  return $this->realTableName( 'pagecontent', $format );
976  default:
977  return $this->realTableName( $name, $format );
978  }
979  }
981  /* Don't cheat on installer */
982  function realTableName( $name, $format = 'quoted' ) {
983  return parent::tableName( $name, $format );
984  }
992  function nextSequenceValue( $seqName ) {
993  $safeseq = str_replace( "'", "''", $seqName );
994  $res = $this->query( "SELECT nextval('$safeseq')" );
995  $row = $this->fetchRow( $res );
996  $this->mInsertId = $row[0];
998  return $this->mInsertId;
999  }
1007  function currentSequenceValue( $seqName ) {
1008  $safeseq = str_replace( "'", "''", $seqName );
1009  $res = $this->query( "SELECT currval('$safeseq')" );
1010  $row = $this->fetchRow( $res );
1011  $currval = $row[0];
1013  return $currval;
1014  }
1016  # Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited"
1017  function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) {
1018  $table = $this->tableName( $table );
1019  $sql = "SELECT t.typname as ftype,a.atttypmod as size
1020  FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t
1021  WHERE relname='$table' AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND
1022  a.atttypid=t.oid and a.attname='$field'";
1023  $res = $this->query( $sql );
1024  $row = $this->fetchObject( $res );
1025  if ( $row->ftype == 'varchar' ) {
1026  $size = $row->size - 4;
1027  } else {
1028  $size = $row->size;
1029  }
1031  return $size;
1032  }
1034  function limitResult( $sql, $limit, $offset = false ) {
1035  return "$sql LIMIT $limit " . ( is_numeric( $offset ) ? " OFFSET {$offset} " : '' );
1036  }
1038  function wasDeadlock() {
1039  return $this->lastErrno() == '40P01';
1040  }
1042  function duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary = false, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
1043  $newName = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $newName );
1044  $oldName = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $oldName );
1046  return $this->query( 'CREATE ' . ( $temporary ? 'TEMPORARY ' : '' ) . " TABLE $newName " .
1047  "(LIKE $oldName INCLUDING DEFAULTS)", $fname );
1048  }
1050  function listTables( $prefix = null, $fname = __METHOD__ ) {
1051  $eschema = $this->addQuotes( $this->getCoreSchema() );
1052  $result = $this->query( "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = $eschema", $fname );
1053  $endArray = [];
1055  foreach ( $result as $table ) {
1056  $vars = get_object_vars( $table );
1057  $table = array_pop( $vars );
1058  if ( !$prefix || strpos( $table, $prefix ) === 0 ) {
1059  $endArray[] = $table;
1060  }
1061  }
1063  return $endArray;
1064  }
1066  function timestamp( $ts = 0 ) {
1067  return wfTimestamp( TS_POSTGRES, $ts );
1068  }
1088  function pg_array_parse( $text, &$output, $limit = false, $offset = 1 ) {
1089  if ( false === $limit ) {
1090  $limit = strlen( $text ) - 1;
1091  $output = [];
1092  }
1093  if ( '{}' == $text ) {
1094  return $output;
1095  }
1096  do {
1097  if ( '{' != $text[$offset] ) {
1098  preg_match( "/(\\{?\"([^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\"|[^,{}]+)+([,}]+)/",
1099  $text, $match, 0, $offset );
1100  $offset += strlen( $match[0] );
1101  $output[] = ( '"' != $match[1][0]
1102  ? $match[1]
1103  : stripcslashes( substr( $match[1], 1, -1 ) ) );
1104  if ( '},' == $match[3] ) {
1105  return $output;
1106  }
1107  } else {
1108  $offset = $this->pg_array_parse( $text, $output, $limit, $offset + 1 );
1109  }
1110  } while ( $limit > $offset );
1112  return $output;
1113  }
1121  public function aggregateValue( $valuedata, $valuename = 'value' ) {
1122  return $valuedata;
1123  }
1128  public function getSoftwareLink() {
1129  return '[{{int:version-db-postgres-url}} PostgreSQL]';
1130  }
1139  function getCurrentSchema() {
1140  $res = $this->query( "SELECT current_schema()", __METHOD__ );
1141  $row = $this->fetchRow( $res );
1143  return $row[0];
1144  }
1156  function getSchemas() {
1157  $res = $this->query( "SELECT current_schemas(false)", __METHOD__ );
1158  $row = $this->fetchRow( $res );
1159  $schemas = [];
1161  /* PHP pgsql support does not support array type, "{a,b}" string is returned */
1163  return $this->pg_array_parse( $row[0], $schemas );
1164  }
1175  function getSearchPath() {
1176  $res = $this->query( "SHOW search_path", __METHOD__ );
1177  $row = $this->fetchRow( $res );
1179  /* PostgreSQL returns SHOW values as strings */
1181  return explode( ",", $row[0] );
1182  }
1191  function setSearchPath( $search_path ) {
1192  $this->query( "SET search_path = " . implode( ", ", $search_path ) );
1193  }
1209  function determineCoreSchema( $desiredSchema ) {
1210  $this->begin( __METHOD__ );
1211  if ( $this->schemaExists( $desiredSchema ) ) {
1212  if ( in_array( $desiredSchema, $this->getSchemas() ) ) {
1213  $this->mCoreSchema = $desiredSchema;
1214  wfDebug( "Schema \"" . $desiredSchema . "\" already in the search path\n" );
1215  } else {
1221  $search_path = $this->getSearchPath();
1222  array_unshift( $search_path,
1223  $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $desiredSchema ) );
1224  $this->setSearchPath( $search_path );
1225  $this->mCoreSchema = $desiredSchema;
1226  wfDebug( "Schema \"" . $desiredSchema . "\" added to the search path\n" );
1227  }
1228  } else {
1229  $this->mCoreSchema = $this->getCurrentSchema();
1230  wfDebug( "Schema \"" . $desiredSchema . "\" not found, using current \"" .
1231  $this->mCoreSchema . "\"\n" );
1232  }
1233  /* Commit SET otherwise it will be rollbacked on error or IGNORE SELECT */
1234  $this->commit( __METHOD__ );
1235  }
1243  function getCoreSchema() {
1244  return $this->mCoreSchema;
1245  }
1250  function getServerVersion() {
1251  if ( !isset( $this->numericVersion ) ) {
1252  $versionInfo = pg_version( $this->mConn );
1253  if ( version_compare( $versionInfo['client'], '7.4.0', 'lt' ) ) {
1254  // Old client, abort install
1255  $this->numericVersion = '7.3 or earlier';
1256  } elseif ( isset( $versionInfo['server'] ) ) {
1257  // Normal client
1258  $this->numericVersion = $versionInfo['server'];
1259  } else {
1260  // Bug 16937: broken pgsql extension from PHP<5.3
1261  $this->numericVersion = pg_parameter_status( $this->mConn, 'server_version' );
1262  }
1263  }
1265  return $this->numericVersion;
1266  }
1276  function relationExists( $table, $types, $schema = false ) {
1277  if ( !is_array( $types ) ) {
1278  $types = [ $types ];
1279  }
1280  if ( !$schema ) {
1281  $schema = $this->getCoreSchema();
1282  }
1283  $table = $this->realTableName( $table, 'raw' );
1284  $etable = $this->addQuotes( $table );
1285  $eschema = $this->addQuotes( $schema );
1286  $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
1287  . "WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relname = $etable AND n.nspname = $eschema "
1288  . "AND c.relkind IN ('" . implode( "','", $types ) . "')";
1289  $res = $this->query( $sql );
1290  $count = $res ? $res->numRows() : 0;
1292  return (bool)$count;
1293  }
1303  function tableExists( $table, $fname = __METHOD__, $schema = false ) {
1304  return $this->relationExists( $table, [ 'r', 'v' ], $schema );
1305  }
1307  function sequenceExists( $sequence, $schema = false ) {
1308  return $this->relationExists( $sequence, 'S', $schema );
1309  }
1311  function triggerExists( $table, $trigger ) {
1312  $q = <<<SQL
1313  SELECT 1 FROM pg_class, pg_namespace, pg_trigger
1314  WHERE relnamespace=pg_namespace.oid AND relkind='r'
1315  AND tgrelid=pg_class.oid
1316  AND nspname=%s AND relname=%s AND tgname=%s
1317 SQL;
1318  $res = $this->query(
1319  sprintf(
1320  $q,
1321  $this->addQuotes( $this->getCoreSchema() ),
1322  $this->addQuotes( $table ),
1323  $this->addQuotes( $trigger )
1324  )
1325  );
1326  if ( !$res ) {
1327  return null;
1328  }
1329  $rows = $res->numRows();
1331  return $rows;
1332  }
1334  function ruleExists( $table, $rule ) {
1335  $exists = $this->selectField( 'pg_rules', 'rulename',
1336  [
1337  'rulename' => $rule,
1338  'tablename' => $table,
1339  'schemaname' => $this->getCoreSchema()
1340  ]
1341  );
1343  return $exists === $rule;
1344  }
1346  function constraintExists( $table, $constraint ) {
1347  $sql = sprintf( "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.table_constraints " .
1348  "WHERE constraint_schema = %s AND table_name = %s AND constraint_name = %s",
1349  $this->addQuotes( $this->getCoreSchema() ),
1350  $this->addQuotes( $table ),
1351  $this->addQuotes( $constraint )
1352  );
1353  $res = $this->query( $sql );
1354  if ( !$res ) {
1355  return null;
1356  }
1357  $rows = $res->numRows();
1359  return $rows;
1360  }
1367  function schemaExists( $schema ) {
1368  $exists = $this->selectField( '"pg_catalog"."pg_namespace"', 1,
1369  [ 'nspname' => $schema ], __METHOD__ );
1371  return (bool)$exists;
1372  }
1379  function roleExists( $roleName ) {
1380  $exists = $this->selectField( '"pg_catalog"."pg_roles"', 1,
1381  [ 'rolname' => $roleName ], __METHOD__ );
1383  return (bool)$exists;
1384  }
1391  function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) {
1392  return PostgresField::fromText( $this, $table, $field );
1393  }
1401  function fieldType( $res, $index ) {
1402  if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) {
1403  $res = $res->result;
1404  }
1406  return pg_field_type( $res, $index );
1407  }
1413  function encodeBlob( $b ) {
1414  return new PostgresBlob( pg_escape_bytea( $b ) );
1415  }
1417  function decodeBlob( $b ) {
1418  if ( $b instanceof PostgresBlob ) {
1419  $b = $b->fetch();
1420  } elseif ( $b instanceof Blob ) {
1421  return $b->fetch();
1422  }
1424  return pg_unescape_bytea( $b );
1425  }
1427  function strencode( $s ) {
1428  // Should not be called by us
1430  return pg_escape_string( $this->mConn, $s );
1431  }
1437  function addQuotes( $s ) {
1438  if ( is_null( $s ) ) {
1439  return 'NULL';
1440  } elseif ( is_bool( $s ) ) {
1441  return intval( $s );
1442  } elseif ( $s instanceof Blob ) {
1443  if ( $s instanceof PostgresBlob ) {
1444  $s = $s->fetch();
1445  } else {
1446  $s = pg_escape_bytea( $this->mConn, $s->fetch() );
1447  }
1448  return "'$s'";
1449  }
1451  return "'" . pg_escape_string( $this->mConn, $s ) . "'";
1452  }
1461  protected function replaceVars( $ins ) {
1462  $ins = parent::replaceVars( $ins );
1464  if ( $this->numericVersion >= 8.3 ) {
1465  // Thanks for not providing backwards-compatibility, 8.3
1466  $ins = preg_replace( "/to_tsvector\s*\(\s*'default'\s*,/", 'to_tsvector(', $ins );
1467  }
1469  if ( $this->numericVersion <= 8.1 ) { // Our minimum version
1470  $ins = str_replace( 'USING gin', 'USING gist', $ins );
1471  }
1473  return $ins;
1474  }
1483  function makeSelectOptions( $options ) {
1484  $preLimitTail = $postLimitTail = '';
1485  $startOpts = $useIndex = '';
1487  $noKeyOptions = [];
1488  foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) {
1489  if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) {
1490  $noKeyOptions[$option] = true;
1491  }
1492  }
1494  $preLimitTail .= $this->makeGroupByWithHaving( $options );
1496  $preLimitTail .= $this->makeOrderBy( $options );
1498  // if ( isset( $options['LIMIT'] ) ) {
1499  // $tailOpts .= $this->limitResult( '', $options['LIMIT'],
1500  // isset( $options['OFFSET'] ) ? $options['OFFSET']
1501  // : false );
1502  // }
1504  if ( isset( $options['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) {
1505  $postLimitTail .= ' FOR UPDATE OF ' .
1506  implode( ', ', array_map( [ &$this, 'tableName' ], $options['FOR UPDATE'] ) );
1507  } elseif ( isset( $noKeyOptions['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) {
1508  $postLimitTail .= ' FOR UPDATE';
1509  }
1511  if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCT'] ) || isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCTROW'] ) ) {
1512  $startOpts .= 'DISTINCT';
1513  }
1515  return [ $startOpts, $useIndex, $preLimitTail, $postLimitTail ];
1516  }
1518  function getDBname() {
1519  return $this->mDBname;
1520  }
1522  function getServer() {
1523  return $this->mServer;
1524  }
1526  function buildConcat( $stringList ) {
1527  return implode( ' || ', $stringList );
1528  }
1530  public function buildGroupConcatField(
1531  $delimiter, $table, $field, $conds = '', $options = [], $join_conds = []
1532  ) {
1533  $fld = "array_to_string(array_agg($field)," . $this->addQuotes( $delimiter ) . ')';
1535  return '(' . $this->selectSQLText( $table, $fld, $conds, null, [], $join_conds ) . ')';
1536  }
1538  public function getSearchEngine() {
1539  return 'SearchPostgres';
1540  }
1542  public function streamStatementEnd( &$sql, &$newLine ) {
1543  # Allow dollar quoting for function declarations
1544  if ( substr( $newLine, 0, 4 ) == '$mw$' ) {
1545  if ( $this->delimiter ) {
1546  $this->delimiter = false;
1547  } else {
1548  $this->delimiter = ';';
1549  }
1550  }
1552  return parent::streamStatementEnd( $sql, $newLine );
1553  }
1564  public function lockIsFree( $lockName, $method ) {
1565  $key = $this->addQuotes( $this->bigintFromLockName( $lockName ) );
1566  $result = $this->query( "SELECT (CASE(pg_try_advisory_lock($key))
1567  WHEN 'f' THEN 'f' ELSE pg_advisory_unlock($key) END) AS lockstatus", $method );
1568  $row = $this->fetchObject( $result );
1570  return ( $row->lockstatus === 't' );
1571  }
1580  public function lock( $lockName, $method, $timeout = 5 ) {
1581  $key = $this->addQuotes( $this->bigintFromLockName( $lockName ) );
1582  for ( $attempts = 1; $attempts <= $timeout; ++$attempts ) {
1583  $result = $this->query(
1584  "SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock($key) AS lockstatus", $method );
1585  $row = $this->fetchObject( $result );
1586  if ( $row->lockstatus === 't' ) {
1587  parent::lock( $lockName, $method, $timeout ); // record
1588  return true;
1589  } else {
1590  sleep( 1 );
1591  }
1592  }
1594  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " failed to acquire lock\n" );
1596  return false;
1597  }
1606  public function unlock( $lockName, $method ) {
1607  $key = $this->addQuotes( $this->bigintFromLockName( $lockName ) );
1608  $result = $this->query( "SELECT pg_advisory_unlock($key) as lockstatus", $method );
1609  $row = $this->fetchObject( $result );
1611  if ( $row->lockstatus === 't' ) {
1612  parent::unlock( $lockName, $method ); // record
1613  return true;
1614  }
1616  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . " failed to release lock\n" );
1618  return false;
1619  }
1625  private function bigintFromLockName( $lockName ) {
1626  return Wikimedia\base_convert( substr( sha1( $lockName ), 0, 15 ), 16, 10 );
1627  }
1628 } // end DatabasePostgres class
1630 class PostgresBlob extends Blob {
1631 }
select($table, $vars, $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Execute a SELECT query constructed using the various parameters provided.
Definition: Database.php:1233
indexAttributes($index, $schema=false)
Returns is of attributes used in index.
Get the name of an index in a given table.
Definition: Database.php:1943
Fetch the next row from the given result object, in associative array form.
lock($lockName, $method, $timeout=5)
#define the
table suitable for use with IDatabase::select()
Return the next in a sequence, save the value for retrieval via insertId()
constraintExists($table, $constraint)
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting ...
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
string $connectString
Connect string to open a PostgreSQL connection.
as see the revision history and available at free of to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal in the Software without including without limitation the rights to and or sell copies of the and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do subject to the following WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY EXPRESS OR INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF TORT OR ARISING FROM
Definition: LICENSE.txt:10
streamStatementEnd(&$sql, &$newLine)
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition: hooks.txt:189
Get the type of the DBMS, as it appears in $wgDBtype.
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SEL...
Field name.
Postgres specific version of replaceVars.
aggregateValue($valuedata, $valuename= 'value')
Return aggregated value function call.
Returns an optional ORDER BY.
Definition: Database.php:1220
resource $mConn
Database connection.
Definition: Database.php:52
Return search patch for schemas This is different from getSchemas() since it contain magic keywords (...
Mediawiki schema.
query($keyword, $msg_ok, $msg_failed)
unlock($lockName, $method)
See PG DO...
Manage savepoints within a transaction.
reportQueryError($error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore=false)
Report a query error.
makeList($a, $mode=LIST_COMMA)
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array.
Definition: Database.php:1518
Base for all database-specific classes representing information about database fields.
indexUnique($table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__)
Some DBMSs return a special placeholder object representing blob fields in result objects...
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new local masking the global
Definition: design.txt:93
relationExists($table, $types, $schema=false)
Query whether a given relation exists (in the given schema, or the default mw one if not given) ...
Definition: Database.php:658
in this case you re responsible for computing and outputting the entire conflict i e
Definition: hooks.txt:1256
triggerExists($table, $trigger)
We use the convention $dbr for read and $dbw for write to help you keep track of whether the database object is a the world will explode Or to be a subsequent write query which succeeded on the master may fail when replicated to the slave due to a unique key collision Replication on the slave will stop and it may take hours to repair the database and get it back online Setting read_only in my cnf on the slave will avoid this but given the dire we prefer to have as many checks as possible We provide a but the wrapper functions like please read the documentation for tableName() and addQuotes().You will need both of them.------------------------------------------------------------------------Basic query optimisation------------------------------------------------------------------------MediaWiki developers who need to write DB queries should have some understanding of databases and the performance issues associated with them.Patches containing unacceptably slow features will not be accepted.Unindexed queries are generally not welcome in MediaWiki
Return schema name fore core MediaWiki tables.
Get a description of the last error.
Return the current value of a sequence.
Database type.
Closes a database connection.
Definition: Database.php:698
Postgres doesn't support selectDB in the same way MySQL does.
wfDebug($text, $dest= 'all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
The index of the header message $result[1]=The index of the body text message $result[2 through n]=Parameters passed to body text message.Please note the header message cannot receive/use parameters. 'ImportHandleLogItemXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a log item.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $logInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandlePageXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object &$pageInfo:Array of information 'ImportHandleRevisionXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a page revision.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $pageInfo:Array of page information $revisionInfo:Array of revision information 'ImportHandleToplevelXMLTag':When parsing a top level XML tag.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object 'ImportHandleUploadXMLTag':When parsing a XML tag in a file upload.Return false to stop further processing of the tag $reader:XMLReader object $revisionInfo:Array of information 'ImportLogInterwikiLink':Hook to change the interwiki link used in log entries and edit summaries for transwiki imports.&$fullInterwikiPrefix:Interwiki prefix, may contain colons.&$pageTitle:String that contains page title. 'ImportSources':Called when reading from the $wgImportSources configuration variable.Can be used to lazy-load the import sources list.&$importSources:The value of $wgImportSources.Modify as necessary.See the comment in DefaultSettings.php for the detail of how to structure this array. 'InfoAction':When building information to display on the action=info page.$context:IContextSource object &$pageInfo:Array of information 'InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect':MediaWiki check to see if title is a redirect.&$title:Title object for the current page &$request:WebRequest &$ignoreRedirect:boolean to skip redirect check &$target:Title/string of redirect target &$article:Article object 'InternalParseBeforeLinks':during Parser's internalParse method before links but after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings.&$parser:Parser object &$text:string containing partially parsed text &$stripState:Parser's internal StripState object 'InternalParseBeforeSanitize':during Parser's internalParse method just before the parser removes unwanted/dangerous HTML tags and after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings.Ideal for syntax-extensions after template/parser function execution which respect nowiki and HTML-comments.&$parser:Parser object &$text:string containing partially parsed text &$stripState:Parser's internal StripState object 'InterwikiLoadPrefix':When resolving if a given prefix is an interwiki or not.Return true without providing an interwiki to continue interwiki search.$prefix:interwiki prefix we are looking for.&$iwData:output array describing the interwiki with keys iw_url, iw_local, iw_trans and optionally iw_api and iw_wikiid. 'InvalidateEmailComplete':Called after a user's email has been invalidated successfully.$user:user(object) whose email is being invalidated 'IRCLineURL':When constructing the URL to use in an IRC notification.Callee may modify $url and $query, URL will be constructed as $url.$query &$url:URL to index.php &$query:Query string $rc:RecentChange object that triggered url generation 'IsFileCacheable':Override the result of Article::isFileCacheable()(if true) &$article:article(object) being checked 'IsTrustedProxy':Override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() &$ip:IP being check &$result:Change this value to override the result of IP::isTrustedProxy() 'IsUploadAllowedFromUrl':Override the result of UploadFromUrl::isAllowedUrl() $url:URL used to upload from &$allowed:Boolean indicating if uploading is allowed for given URL 'isValidEmailAddr':Override the result of Sanitizer::validateEmail(), for instance to return false if the domain name doesn't match your organization.$addr:The e-mail address entered by the user &$result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks 'isValidPassword':Override the result of User::isValidPassword() $password:The password entered by the user &$result:Set this and return false to override the internal checks $user:User the password is being validated for 'Language::getMessagesFileName':$code:The language code or the language we're looking for a messages file for &$file:The messages file path, you can override this to change the location. 'LanguageGetMagic':DEPRECATED!Use $magicWords in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead.Use this to define synonyms of magic words depending of the language &$magicExtensions:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetNamespaces':Provide custom ordering for namespaces or remove namespaces.Do not use this hook to add namespaces.Use CanonicalNamespaces for that.&$namespaces:Array of namespaces indexed by their numbers 'LanguageGetSpecialPageAliases':DEPRECATED!Use $specialPageAliases in a file listed in $wgExtensionMessagesFiles instead.Use to define aliases of special pages names depending of the language &$specialPageAliases:associative array of magic words synonyms $lang:language code(string) 'LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames':Provide translated language names.&$names:array of language code=> language name $code:language of the preferred translations 'LanguageLinks':Manipulate a page's language links.This is called in various places to allow extensions to define the effective language links for a page.$title:The page's Title.&$links:Associative array mapping language codes to prefixed links of the form"language:title".&$linkFlags:Associative array mapping prefixed links to arrays of flags.Currently unused, but planned to provide support for marking individual language links in the UI, e.g.for featured articles. 'LanguageSelector':Hook to change the language selector available on a page.$out:The output page.$cssClassName:CSS class name of the language selector. 'LinkBegin':DEPRECATED!Use HtmlPageLinkRendererBegin instead.Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link(), before processing starts.Return false to skip default processing and return $ret.See documentation for Linker::link() for details on the expected meanings of parameters.$skin:the Skin object $target:the Title that the link is pointing to &$html:the contents that the< a > tag should have(raw HTML) $result
Definition: hooks.txt:1814
if($line===false) $args
Definition: cdb.php:64
wfTimestamp($outputtype=TS_UNIX, $ts=0)
Get a timestamp string in one of various formats.
limitResult($sql, $limit, $offset=false)
global $wgCommandLineMode
Definition: Setup.php:511
Turns on (false) or off (true) the automatic generation and sending of a "we're sorry, but there has been a database error" page on database errors.
Definition: Database.php:227
Get the current DB name.
Some quick notes on the file repository architecture Functionality is
Definition: README:3
Get the number of fields in a result object.
Get the last error number.
const LIST_AND
Definition: Defines.php:194
Gets the current transaction level.
Definition: Database.php:231
fieldName($res, $n)
Get a field name in a result object.
Whether this field can store NULL values.
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content as context as context $options
Definition: hooks.txt:1020
queryIgnore($sql, $fname=__METHOD__)
sequenceExists($sequence, $schema=false)
Definition: database.txt:21
buildGroupConcatField($delimiter, $table, $field, $conds= '', $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Return list of schemas which are accessible without schema name This is list does not contain magic k...
Build a concatenation list to feed into a SQL query.
duplicateTableStructure($oldName, $newName, $temporary=false, $fname=__METHOD__)
Determine default schema for MediaWiki core Adjust this session schema search path if desired schema ...
and(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY.
while(($__line=Maintenance::readconsole())!==false) print n
Definition: eval.php:64
Quotes an identifier using backticks or "double quotes" depending on the database type...
Definition: Database.php:1982
Update search_path, values should already be sanitized Values may contain magic keywords like "$user"...
selectSQLText($table, $vars, $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[])
Change the FOR UPDATE option as necessary based on the join conditions.
Returns true if a given role (i.e.
insert($table, $args, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[])
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table.
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
Get the number of rows affected by the last write query.
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a local account $user
Definition: hooks.txt:242
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock STUB.
float string $numericVersion
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content as context as context the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook not on global state indicating whether full HTML should be generated If generation of HTML may be but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object & $output
Definition: hooks.txt:1020
Return current schema (executes SELECT current_schema()) Needs transaction.
Definition: WebStart.php:59
ruleExists($table, $rule)
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
selectField($table, $var, $cond= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[])
A SELECT wrapper which returns a single field from a single result row.
Definition: Database.php:1048
if(!defined( 'MEDIAWIKI')) $fname
This file is not a valid entry point, perform no further processing unless MEDIAWIKI is defined...
Definition: Setup.php:36
Database port number (for PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server).
listTables($prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__)
List all tables on the database.
tableName($name, $format= 'quoted')
Name of table this field belongs to.
pg_array_parse($text, &$output, $limit=false, $offset=1)
Posted by cc[plus]php[at]c2se[dot]com on 25-Mar-2009 09:12 to
Begin a transaction.
Definition: Database.php:2627
return['DBLoadBalancerFactory'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){$config=$services->getMainConfig() ->get( 'LBFactoryConf');$class=LBFactory::getLBFactoryClass($config);if(!isset($config['readOnlyReason'])){$config['readOnlyReason']=wfConfiguredReadOnlyReason();}return new $class($config);},'DBLoadBalancer'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return $services->getDBLoadBalancerFactory() ->getMainLB();},'SiteStore'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){$rawSiteStore=new DBSiteStore($services->getDBLoadBalancer());$cache=wfGetCache(wfIsHHVM()?CACHE_ACCEL:CACHE_ANYTHING);return new CachingSiteStore($rawSiteStore, $cache);},'SiteLookup'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return $services->getSiteStore();},'ConfigFactory'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){$registry=$services->getBootstrapConfig() ->get( 'ConfigRegistry');$factory=new ConfigFactory();foreach($registry as $name=> $callback){$factory->register($name, $callback);}return $factory;},'MainConfig'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return $services->getConfigFactory() ->makeConfig( 'main');},'InterwikiLookup'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){global $wgContLang;$config=$services->getMainConfig();return new ClassicInterwikiLookup($wgContLang, ObjectCache::getMainWANInstance(), $config->get( 'InterwikiExpiry'), $config->get( 'InterwikiCache'), $config->get( 'InterwikiScopes'), $config->get( 'InterwikiFallbackSite'));},'StatsdDataFactory'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return new BufferingStatsdDataFactory(rtrim($services->getMainConfig() ->get( 'StatsdMetricPrefix'), '.'));},'EventRelayerGroup'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return new EventRelayerGroup($services->getMainConfig() ->get( 'EventRelayerConfig'));},'SearchEngineFactory'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return new SearchEngineFactory($services->getSearchEngineConfig());},'SearchEngineConfig'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){global $wgContLang;return new SearchEngineConfig($services->getMainConfig(), $wgContLang);},'SkinFactory'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){$factory=new SkinFactory();$names=$services->getMainConfig() ->get( 'ValidSkinNames');foreach($names as $name=> $skin){$factory->register($name, $skin, function() use($name, $skin){$class="Skin$skin";return new $class($name);});}$factory->register( 'fallback', 'Fallback', function(){return new SkinFallback;});$factory->register( 'apioutput', 'ApiOutput', function(){return new SkinApi;});return $factory;},'WatchedItemStore'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){$store=new WatchedItemStore($services->getDBLoadBalancer(), new HashBagOStuff([ 'maxKeys'=> 100]));$store->setStatsdDataFactory($services->getStatsdDataFactory());return $store;},'WatchedItemQueryService'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return new WatchedItemQueryService($services->getDBLoadBalancer());},'LinkCache'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return new LinkCache($services->getTitleFormatter());},'LinkRendererFactory'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return new LinkRendererFactory($services->getTitleFormatter(), $services->getLinkCache());},'LinkRenderer'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){global $wgUser;if(defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION')){return $services->getLinkRendererFactory() ->create();}else{return $services->getLinkRendererFactory() ->createForUser($wgUser);}},'GenderCache'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return new GenderCache();},'_MediaWikiTitleCodec'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){global $wgContLang;return new MediaWikiTitleCodec($wgContLang, $services->getGenderCache(), $services->getMainConfig() ->get( 'LocalInterwikis'));},'TitleFormatter'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return $services->getService( '_MediaWikiTitleCodec');},'TitleParser'=> function(MediaWikiServices $services){return $services->getService( '_MediaWikiTitleCodec');},]
query($sql, $fname=__METHOD__, $tempIgnore=false)
Run an SQL query and return the result.
Definition: Database.php:783
textFieldSize($table, $field)
tableExists($table, $fname=__METHOD__, $schema=false)
For backward compatibility, this function checks both tables and views.
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content as context as context the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook not on global state indicating whether full HTML should be generated If generation of HTML may be but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object to manipulate or replace but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers if desired whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok inclusive $limit
Definition: hooks.txt:1020
commit($fname=__METHOD__, $flush= '')
Commits a transaction previously started using begin().
Definition: Database.php:2697
open($server, $user, $password, $dbName)
Usually aborts on failure.
fieldType($res, $index)
pg_field_type() wrapper
indexInfo($table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__)
Returns information about an index If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure...
fieldInfo($table, $field)
mysql_fetch_field() wrapper Returns false if the field doesn't exist
insertSelect($destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $insertOptions=[], $selectOptions=[])
INSERT SELECT wrapper $varMap must be an associative array of the form array( 'dest1' => 'source1'...
We ve cleaned up the code here by removing clumps of infrequently used code and moving them off somewhere else It s much easier for someone working with this code to see what s _really_ going on
Definition: hooks.txt:86
rollback($fname=__METHOD__, $flush= '')
Rollback a transaction previously started using begin().
Definition: Database.php:2753
Returns an optional GROUP BY with an optional HAVING.
Definition: Database.php:1194
int $mAffectedRows
The number of rows affected as an integer.
static fromText($db, $table, $field)
Postgres format time.
Get the server hostname or IP address.
Closes a database connection, if it is open Returns success, true if already closed.
Definition: Database.php:649
static configuration should be added through ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars instead & $vars
Definition: hooks.txt:2044
Query whether a given schema exists.
Various select options.
realTableName($name, $format= 'quoted')
estimateRowCount($table, $vars= '*', $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[])
Estimate rows in dataset Returns estimated count, based on EXPLAIN output This is not necessarily an ...
lockIsFree($lockName, $method)
Check to see if a named lock is available.
Return the result of the last call to nextSequenceValue(); This must be called after nextSequenceValu...
Get the number of rows in a result object.
DatabasePostgres $dbw
Establish a savepoint within a transaction.
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:310