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1 <?php
44 class DiffEngine {
46  // Input variables
47  private $from;
48  private $to;
49  private $m;
50  private $n;
52  private $tooLong;
53  private $powLimit;
55  protected $bailoutComplexity = 0;
57  // State variables
58  private $maxDifferences;
61  // Output variables
62  public $length;
63  public $removed;
64  public $added;
67  function __construct( $tooLong = 2000000, $powLimit = 1.45 ) {
68  $this->tooLong = $tooLong;
69  $this->powLimit = $powLimit;
70  }
81  public function diff( $from_lines, $to_lines ) {
83  // Diff and store locally
84  $this->diffInternal( $from_lines, $to_lines );
86  // Merge edits when possible
87  $this->shiftBoundaries( $from_lines, $this->removed, $this->added );
88  $this->shiftBoundaries( $to_lines, $this->added, $this->removed );
90  // Compute the edit operations.
91  $n_from = count( $from_lines );
92  $n_to = count( $to_lines );
94  $edits = [];
95  $xi = $yi = 0;
96  while ( $xi < $n_from || $yi < $n_to ) {
97  assert( $yi < $n_to || $this->removed[$xi] );
98  assert( $xi < $n_from || $this->added[$yi] );
100  // Skip matching "snake".
101  $copy = [];
102  while ( $xi < $n_from && $yi < $n_to
103  && !$this->removed[$xi] && !$this->added[$yi]
104  ) {
105  $copy[] = $from_lines[$xi++];
106  ++$yi;
107  }
108  if ( $copy ) {
109  $edits[] = new DiffOpCopy( $copy );
110  }
112  // Find deletes & adds.
113  $delete = [];
114  while ( $xi < $n_from && $this->removed[$xi] ) {
115  $delete[] = $from_lines[$xi++];
116  }
118  $add = [];
119  while ( $yi < $n_to && $this->added[$yi] ) {
120  $add[] = $to_lines[$yi++];
121  }
123  if ( $delete && $add ) {
124  $edits[] = new DiffOpChange( $delete, $add );
125  } elseif ( $delete ) {
126  $edits[] = new DiffOpDelete( $delete );
127  } elseif ( $add ) {
128  $edits[] = new DiffOpAdd( $add );
129  }
130  }
132  return $edits;
133  }
139  public function setBailoutComplexity( $value ) {
140  $this->bailoutComplexity = $value;
141  }
160  private function shiftBoundaries( array $lines, array &$changed, array $other_changed ) {
161  $i = 0;
162  $j = 0;
164  assert( count( $lines ) == count( $changed ) );
165  $len = count( $lines );
166  $other_len = count( $other_changed );
168  while ( 1 ) {
169  /*
170  * Scan forwards to find beginning of another run of changes.
171  * Also keep track of the corresponding point in the other file.
172  *
173  * Throughout this code, $i and $j are adjusted together so that
174  * the first $i elements of $changed and the first $j elements
175  * of $other_changed both contain the same number of zeros
176  * (unchanged lines).
177  * Furthermore, $j is always kept so that $j == $other_len or
178  * $other_changed[$j] == false.
179  */
180  while ( $j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j] ) {
181  $j++;
182  }
184  while ( $i < $len && !$changed[$i] ) {
185  assert( $j < $other_len && ! $other_changed[$j] );
186  $i++;
187  $j++;
188  while ( $j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j] ) {
189  $j++;
190  }
191  }
193  if ( $i == $len ) {
194  break;
195  }
197  $start = $i;
199  // Find the end of this run of changes.
200  while ( ++$i < $len && $changed[$i] ) {
201  continue;
202  }
204  do {
205  /*
206  * Record the length of this run of changes, so that
207  * we can later determine whether the run has grown.
208  */
209  $runlength = $i - $start;
211  /*
212  * Move the changed region back, so long as the
213  * previous unchanged line matches the last changed one.
214  * This merges with previous changed regions.
215  */
216  while ( $start > 0 && $lines[$start - 1] == $lines[$i - 1] ) {
217  $changed[--$start] = 1;
218  $changed[--$i] = false;
219  while ( $start > 0 && $changed[$start - 1] ) {
220  $start--;
221  }
222  assert( $j > 0 );
223  while ( $other_changed[--$j] ) {
224  continue;
225  }
226  assert( $j >= 0 && !$other_changed[$j] );
227  }
229  /*
230  * Set CORRESPONDING to the end of the changed run, at the last
231  * point where it corresponds to a changed run in the other file.
232  * CORRESPONDING == LEN means no such point has been found.
233  */
234  $corresponding = $j < $other_len ? $i : $len;
236  /*
237  * Move the changed region forward, so long as the
238  * first changed line matches the following unchanged one.
239  * This merges with following changed regions.
240  * Do this second, so that if there are no merges,
241  * the changed region is moved forward as far as possible.
242  */
243  while ( $i < $len && $lines[$start] == $lines[$i] ) {
244  $changed[$start++] = false;
245  $changed[$i++] = 1;
246  while ( $i < $len && $changed[$i] ) {
247  $i++;
248  }
250  assert( $j < $other_len && ! $other_changed[$j] );
251  $j++;
252  if ( $j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j] ) {
253  $corresponding = $i;
254  while ( $j < $other_len && $other_changed[$j] ) {
255  $j++;
256  }
257  }
258  }
259  } while ( $runlength != $i - $start );
261  /*
262  * If possible, move the fully-merged run of changes
263  * back to a corresponding run in the other file.
264  */
265  while ( $corresponding < $i ) {
266  $changed[--$start] = 1;
267  $changed[--$i] = 0;
268  assert( $j > 0 );
269  while ( $other_changed[--$j] ) {
270  continue;
271  }
272  assert( $j >= 0 && !$other_changed[$j] );
273  }
274  }
275  }
282  protected function diffInternal( array $from, array $to ) {
283  // remember initial lengths
284  $m = count( $from );
285  $n = count( $to );
287  $this->heuristicUsed = false;
289  // output
290  $removed = $m > 0 ? array_fill( 0, $m, true ) : [];
291  $added = $n > 0 ? array_fill( 0, $n, true ) : [];
293  // reduce the complexity for the next step (intentionally done twice)
294  // remove common tokens at the start
295  $i = 0;
296  while ( $i < $m && $i < $n && $from[$i] === $to[$i] ) {
297  $removed[$i] = $added[$i] = false;
298  unset( $from[$i], $to[$i] );
299  ++$i;
300  }
302  // remove common tokens at the end
303  $j = 1;
304  while ( $i + $j <= $m && $i + $j <= $n && $from[$m - $j] === $to[$n - $j] ) {
305  $removed[$m - $j] = $added[$n - $j] = false;
306  unset( $from[$m - $j], $to[$n - $j] );
307  ++$j;
308  }
310  $this->from = $newFromIndex = $this->to = $newToIndex = [];
312  // remove tokens not in both sequences
313  $shared = [];
314  foreach ( $from as $key ) {
315  $shared[$key] = false;
316  }
318  foreach ( $to as $index => &$el ) {
319  if ( array_key_exists( $el, $shared ) ) {
320  // keep it
321  $this->to[] = $el;
322  $shared[$el] = true;
323  $newToIndex[] = $index;
324  }
325  }
326  foreach ( $from as $index => &$el ) {
327  if ( $shared[$el] ) {
328  // keep it
329  $this->from[] = $el;
330  $newFromIndex[] = $index;
331  }
332  }
334  unset( $shared, $from, $to );
336  $this->m = count( $this->from );
337  $this->n = count( $this->to );
339  if ( $this->bailoutComplexity > 0 && $this->m * $this->n > $this->bailoutComplexity ) {
340  throw new ComplexityException();
341  }
343  $this->removed = $this->m > 0 ? array_fill( 0, $this->m, true ) : [];
344  $this->added = $this->n > 0 ? array_fill( 0, $this->n, true ) : [];
346  if ( $this->m == 0 || $this->n == 0 ) {
347  $this->length = 0;
348  } else {
349  $this->maxDifferences = ceil( ( $this->m + $this->n ) / 2.0 );
350  if ( $this->m * $this->n > $this->tooLong ) {
351  // limit complexity to D^POW_LIMIT for long sequences
352  $this->maxDifferences = floor( pow( $this->maxDifferences, $this->powLimit - 1.0 ) );
353  wfDebug( "Limiting max number of differences to $this->maxDifferences\n" );
354  }
356  /*
357  * The common prefixes and suffixes are always part of some LCS, include
358  * them now to reduce our search space
359  */
360  $max = min( $this->m, $this->n );
361  for ( $forwardBound = 0; $forwardBound < $max
362  && $this->from[$forwardBound] === $this->to[$forwardBound];
363  ++$forwardBound
364  ) {
365  $this->removed[$forwardBound] = $this->added[$forwardBound] = false;
366  }
368  $backBoundL1 = $this->m - 1;
369  $backBoundL2 = $this->n - 1;
371  while ( $backBoundL1 >= $forwardBound && $backBoundL2 >= $forwardBound
372  && $this->from[$backBoundL1] === $this->to[$backBoundL2]
373  ) {
374  $this->removed[$backBoundL1--] = $this->added[$backBoundL2--] = false;
375  }
377  $temp = array_fill( 0, $this->m + $this->n + 1, 0 );
378  $V = [ $temp, $temp ];
379  $snake = [ 0, 0, 0 ];
381  $this->length = $forwardBound + $this->m - $backBoundL1 - 1
382  + $this->lcs_rec(
383  $forwardBound,
384  $backBoundL1,
385  $forwardBound,
386  $backBoundL2,
387  $V,
388  $snake
389  );
390  }
392  $this->m = $m;
393  $this->n = $n;
395  $this->length += $i + $j - 1;
397  foreach ( $this->removed as $key => &$removed_elem ) {
398  if ( !$removed_elem ) {
399  $removed[$newFromIndex[$key]] = false;
400  }
401  }
402  foreach ( $this->added as $key => &$added_elem ) {
403  if ( !$added_elem ) {
404  $added[$newToIndex[$key]] = false;
405  }
406  }
407  $this->removed = $removed;
408  $this->added = $added;
409  }
411  function diff_range( $from_lines, $to_lines ) {
412  // Diff and store locally
413  $this->diff( $from_lines, $to_lines );
414  unset( $from_lines, $to_lines );
416  $ranges = [];
417  $xi = $yi = 0;
418  while ( $xi < $this->m || $yi < $this->n ) {
419  // Matching "snake".
420  while ( $xi < $this->m && $yi < $this->n
421  && !$this->removed[$xi]
422  && !$this->added[$yi]
423  ) {
424  ++$xi;
425  ++$yi;
426  }
427  // Find deletes & adds.
428  $xstart = $xi;
429  while ( $xi < $this->m && $this->removed[$xi] ) {
430  ++$xi;
431  }
433  $ystart = $yi;
434  while ( $yi < $this->n && $this->added[$yi] ) {
435  ++$yi;
436  }
438  if ( $xi > $xstart || $yi > $ystart ) {
439  $ranges[] = new RangeDifference( $xstart, $xi, $ystart, $yi );
440  }
441  }
443  return $ranges;
444  }
446  private function lcs_rec( $bottoml1, $topl1, $bottoml2, $topl2, &$V, &$snake ) {
447  // check that both sequences are non-empty
448  if ( $bottoml1 > $topl1 || $bottoml2 > $topl2 ) {
449  return 0;
450  }
452  $d = $this->find_middle_snake( $bottoml1, $topl1, $bottoml2,
453  $topl2, $V, $snake );
455  // need to store these so we don't lose them when they're
456  // overwritten by the recursion
457  $len = $snake[2];
458  $startx = $snake[0];
459  $starty = $snake[1];
461  // the middle snake is part of the LCS, store it
462  for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i ) {
463  $this->removed[$startx + $i] = $this->added[$starty + $i] = false;
464  }
466  if ( $d > 1 ) {
467  return $len
468  + $this->lcs_rec( $bottoml1, $startx - 1, $bottoml2,
469  $starty - 1, $V, $snake )
470  + $this->lcs_rec( $startx + $len, $topl1, $starty + $len,
471  $topl2, $V, $snake );
472  } elseif ( $d == 1 ) {
473  /*
474  * In this case the sequences differ by exactly 1 line. We have
475  * already saved all the lines after the difference in the for loop
476  * above, now we need to save all the lines before the difference.
477  */
478  $max = min( $startx - $bottoml1, $starty - $bottoml2 );
479  for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i ) {
480  $this->removed[$bottoml1 + $i] =
481  $this->added[$bottoml2 + $i] = false;
482  }
484  return $max + $len;
485  }
487  return $len;
488  }
490  private function find_middle_snake( $bottoml1, $topl1, $bottoml2, $topl2, &$V, &$snake ) {
491  $from = &$this->from;
492  $to = &$this->to;
493  $V0 = &$V[0];
494  $V1 = &$V[1];
495  $snake0 = &$snake[0];
496  $snake1 = &$snake[1];
497  $snake2 = &$snake[2];
498  $bottoml1_min_1 = $bottoml1 - 1;
499  $bottoml2_min_1 = $bottoml2 - 1;
500  $N = $topl1 - $bottoml1_min_1;
501  $M = $topl2 - $bottoml2_min_1;
502  $delta = $N - $M;
503  $maxabsx = $N + $bottoml1;
504  $maxabsy = $M + $bottoml2;
505  $limit = min( $this->maxDifferences, ceil( ( $N + $M ) / 2 ) );
507  // value_to_add_forward: a 0 or 1 that we add to the start
508  // offset to make it odd/even
509  if ( ( $M & 1 ) == 1 ) {
510  $value_to_add_forward = 1;
511  } else {
512  $value_to_add_forward = 0;
513  }
515  if ( ( $N & 1 ) == 1 ) {
516  $value_to_add_backward = 1;
517  } else {
518  $value_to_add_backward = 0;
519  }
521  $start_forward = -$M;
522  $end_forward = $N;
523  $start_backward = -$N;
524  $end_backward = $M;
526  $limit_min_1 = $limit - 1;
527  $limit_plus_1 = $limit + 1;
529  $V0[$limit_plus_1] = 0;
530  $V1[$limit_min_1] = $N;
531  $limit = min( $this->maxDifferences, ceil( ( $N + $M ) / 2 ) );
533  if ( ( $delta & 1 ) == 1 ) {
534  for ( $d = 0; $d <= $limit; ++$d ) {
535  $start_diag = max( $value_to_add_forward + $start_forward, -$d );
536  $end_diag = min( $end_forward, $d );
537  $value_to_add_forward = 1 - $value_to_add_forward;
539  // compute forward furthest reaching paths
540  for ( $k = $start_diag; $k <= $end_diag; $k += 2 ) {
541  if ( $k == -$d || ( $k < $d
542  && $V0[$limit_min_1 + $k] < $V0[$limit_plus_1 + $k] )
543  ) {
544  $x = $V0[$limit_plus_1 + $k];
545  } else {
546  $x = $V0[$limit_min_1 + $k] + 1;
547  }
549  $absx = $snake0 = $x + $bottoml1;
550  $absy = $snake1 = $x - $k + $bottoml2;
552  while ( $absx < $maxabsx && $absy < $maxabsy && $from[$absx] === $to[$absy] ) {
553  ++$absx;
554  ++$absy;
555  }
556  $x = $absx - $bottoml1;
558  $snake2 = $absx - $snake0;
559  $V0[$limit + $k] = $x;
560  if ( $k >= $delta - $d + 1 && $k <= $delta + $d - 1
561  && $x >= $V1[$limit + $k - $delta]
562  ) {
563  return 2 * $d - 1;
564  }
566  // check to see if we can cut down the diagonal range
567  if ( $x >= $N && $end_forward > $k - 1 ) {
568  $end_forward = $k - 1;
569  } elseif ( $absy - $bottoml2 >= $M ) {
570  $start_forward = $k + 1;
571  $value_to_add_forward = 0;
572  }
573  }
575  $start_diag = max( $value_to_add_backward + $start_backward, -$d );
576  $end_diag = min( $end_backward, $d );
577  $value_to_add_backward = 1 - $value_to_add_backward;
579  // compute backward furthest reaching paths
580  for ( $k = $start_diag; $k <= $end_diag; $k += 2 ) {
581  if ( $k == $d
582  || ( $k != -$d && $V1[$limit_min_1 + $k] < $V1[$limit_plus_1 + $k] )
583  ) {
584  $x = $V1[$limit_min_1 + $k];
585  } else {
586  $x = $V1[$limit_plus_1 + $k] - 1;
587  }
589  $y = $x - $k - $delta;
591  $snake2 = 0;
592  while ( $x > 0 && $y > 0
593  && $from[$x + $bottoml1_min_1] === $to[$y + $bottoml2_min_1]
594  ) {
595  --$x;
596  --$y;
597  ++$snake2;
598  }
599  $V1[$limit + $k] = $x;
601  // check to see if we can cut down our diagonal range
602  if ( $x <= 0 ) {
603  $start_backward = $k + 1;
604  $value_to_add_backward = 0;
605  } elseif ( $y <= 0 && $end_backward > $k - 1 ) {
606  $end_backward = $k - 1;
607  }
608  }
609  }
610  } else {
611  for ( $d = 0; $d <= $limit; ++$d ) {
612  $start_diag = max( $value_to_add_forward + $start_forward, -$d );
613  $end_diag = min( $end_forward, $d );
614  $value_to_add_forward = 1 - $value_to_add_forward;
616  // compute forward furthest reaching paths
617  for ( $k = $start_diag; $k <= $end_diag; $k += 2 ) {
618  if ( $k == -$d
619  || ( $k < $d && $V0[$limit_min_1 + $k] < $V0[$limit_plus_1 + $k] )
620  ) {
621  $x = $V0[$limit_plus_1 + $k];
622  } else {
623  $x = $V0[$limit_min_1 + $k] + 1;
624  }
626  $absx = $snake0 = $x + $bottoml1;
627  $absy = $snake1 = $x - $k + $bottoml2;
629  while ( $absx < $maxabsx && $absy < $maxabsy && $from[$absx] === $to[$absy] ) {
630  ++$absx;
631  ++$absy;
632  }
633  $x = $absx - $bottoml1;
634  $snake2 = $absx - $snake0;
635  $V0[$limit + $k] = $x;
637  // check to see if we can cut down the diagonal range
638  if ( $x >= $N && $end_forward > $k - 1 ) {
639  $end_forward = $k - 1;
640  } elseif ( $absy - $bottoml2 >= $M ) {
641  $start_forward = $k + 1;
642  $value_to_add_forward = 0;
643  }
644  }
646  $start_diag = max( $value_to_add_backward + $start_backward, -$d );
647  $end_diag = min( $end_backward, $d );
648  $value_to_add_backward = 1 - $value_to_add_backward;
650  // compute backward furthest reaching paths
651  for ( $k = $start_diag; $k <= $end_diag; $k += 2 ) {
652  if ( $k == $d
653  || ( $k != -$d && $V1[$limit_min_1 + $k] < $V1[$limit_plus_1 + $k] )
654  ) {
655  $x = $V1[$limit_min_1 + $k];
656  } else {
657  $x = $V1[$limit_plus_1 + $k] - 1;
658  }
660  $y = $x - $k - $delta;
662  $snake2 = 0;
663  while ( $x > 0 && $y > 0
664  && $from[$x + $bottoml1_min_1] === $to[$y + $bottoml2_min_1]
665  ) {
666  --$x;
667  --$y;
668  ++$snake2;
669  }
670  $V1[$limit + $k] = $x;
672  if ( $k >= -$delta - $d && $k <= $d - $delta
673  && $x <= $V0[$limit + $k + $delta]
674  ) {
675  $snake0 = $bottoml1 + $x;
676  $snake1 = $bottoml2 + $y;
678  return 2 * $d;
679  }
681  // check to see if we can cut down our diagonal range
682  if ( $x <= 0 ) {
683  $start_backward = $k + 1;
684  $value_to_add_backward = 0;
685  } elseif ( $y <= 0 && $end_backward > $k - 1 ) {
686  $end_backward = $k - 1;
687  }
688  }
689  }
690  }
691  /*
692  * computing the true LCS is too expensive, instead find the diagonal
693  * with the most progress and pretend a midle snake of length 0 occurs
694  * there.
695  */
697  $most_progress = self::findMostProgress( $M, $N, $limit, $V );
699  $snake0 = $bottoml1 + $most_progress[0];
700  $snake1 = $bottoml2 + $most_progress[1];
701  $snake2 = 0;
702  wfDebug( "Computing the LCS is too expensive. Using a heuristic.\n" );
703  $this->heuristicUsed = true;
705  return 5; /*
706  * HACK: since we didn't really finish the LCS computation
707  * we don't really know the length of the SES. We don't do
708  * anything with the result anyway, unless it's <=1. We know
709  * for a fact SES > 1 so 5 is as good a number as any to
710  * return here
711  */
712  }
714  private static function findMostProgress( $M, $N, $limit, $V ) {
715  $delta = $N - $M;
717  if ( ( $M & 1 ) == ( $limit & 1 ) ) {
718  $forward_start_diag = max( -$M, -$limit );
719  } else {
720  $forward_start_diag = max( 1 - $M, -$limit );
721  }
723  $forward_end_diag = min( $N, $limit );
725  if ( ( $N & 1 ) == ( $limit & 1 ) ) {
726  $backward_start_diag = max( -$N, -$limit );
727  } else {
728  $backward_start_diag = max( 1 - $N, -$limit );
729  }
731  $backward_end_diag = -min( $M, $limit );
733  $temp = [ 0, 0, 0 ];
735  $max_progress = array_fill( 0, ceil( max( $forward_end_diag - $forward_start_diag,
736  $backward_end_diag - $backward_start_diag ) / 2 ), $temp );
737  $num_progress = 0; // the 1st entry is current, it is initialized
738  // with 0s
740  // first search the forward diagonals
741  for ( $k = $forward_start_diag; $k <= $forward_end_diag; $k += 2 ) {
742  $x = $V[0][$limit + $k];
743  $y = $x - $k;
744  if ( $x > $N || $y > $M ) {
745  continue;
746  }
748  $progress = $x + $y;
749  if ( $progress > $max_progress[0][2] ) {
750  $num_progress = 0;
751  $max_progress[0][0] = $x;
752  $max_progress[0][1] = $y;
753  $max_progress[0][2] = $progress;
754  } elseif ( $progress == $max_progress[0][2] ) {
755  ++$num_progress;
756  $max_progress[$num_progress][0] = $x;
757  $max_progress[$num_progress][1] = $y;
758  $max_progress[$num_progress][2] = $progress;
759  }
760  }
762  $max_progress_forward = true; // initially the maximum
763  // progress is in the forward
764  // direction
766  // now search the backward diagonals
767  for ( $k = $backward_start_diag; $k <= $backward_end_diag; $k += 2 ) {
768  $x = $V[1][$limit + $k];
769  $y = $x - $k - $delta;
770  if ( $x < 0 || $y < 0 ) {
771  continue;
772  }
774  $progress = $N - $x + $M - $y;
775  if ( $progress > $max_progress[0][2] ) {
776  $num_progress = 0;
777  $max_progress_forward = false;
778  $max_progress[0][0] = $x;
779  $max_progress[0][1] = $y;
780  $max_progress[0][2] = $progress;
781  } elseif ( $progress == $max_progress[0][2] && !$max_progress_forward ) {
782  ++$num_progress;
783  $max_progress[$num_progress][0] = $x;
784  $max_progress[$num_progress][1] = $y;
785  $max_progress[$num_progress][2] = $progress;
786  }
787  }
789  // return the middle diagonal with maximal progress.
790  return $max_progress[(int)floor( $num_progress / 2 )];
791  }
796  public function getLcsLength() {
797  if ( $this->heuristicUsed && !$this->lcsLengthCorrectedForHeuristic ) {
798  $this->lcsLengthCorrectedForHeuristic = true;
799  $this->length = $this->m - array_sum( $this->added );
800  }
802  return $this->length;
803  }
805 }
816  public $leftstart;
819  public $leftend;
822  public $leftlength;
825  public $rightstart;
828  public $rightend;
831  public $rightlength;
834  $this->leftstart = $leftstart;
835  $this->leftend = $leftend;
836  $this->leftlength = $leftend - $leftstart;
837  $this->rightstart = $rightstart;
838  $this->rightend = $rightend;
839  $this->rightlength = $rightend - $rightstart;
840  }
842 }
lcs_rec($bottoml1, $topl1, $bottoml2, $topl2, &$V, &$snake)
Definition: DiffEngine.php:446
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
Extends DiffOp.
__construct($leftstart, $leftend, $rightstart, $rightend)
Definition: DiffEngine.php:833
Alternative representation of a set of changes, by the index ranges that are changed.
Definition: DiffEngine.php:813
Extends DiffOp.
Definition: DiffEngine.php:59
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for and distribution as defined by Sections through of this document Licensor shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License Legal Entity shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control are controlled by or are under common control with that entity For the purposes of this definition control direct or to cause the direction or management of such whether by contract or including but not limited to software source documentation and configuration files Object form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source including but not limited to compiled object generated and conversions to other media types Work shall mean the work of whether in Source or Object made available under the as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the whether in Source or Object that is based or other modifications as a an original work of authorship For the purposes of this Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from
find_middle_snake($bottoml1, $topl1, $bottoml2, $topl2, &$V, &$snake)
Definition: DiffEngine.php:490
diff_range($from_lines, $to_lines)
Definition: DiffEngine.php:411
Extends DiffOp.
wfDebug($text, $dest= 'all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
diffInternal(array $from, array $to)
Definition: DiffEngine.php:282
while(($__line=Maintenance::readconsole())!==false) print n
Definition: eval.php:64
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
This diff implementation is mainly lifted from the LCS algorithm of the Eclipse project which in turn...
Definition: DiffEngine.php:44
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
Definition: router.php:66
Sets the complexity (in comparison operations) that can't be exceeded.
Definition: DiffEngine.php:139
__construct($tooLong=2000000, $powLimit=1.45)
Definition: DiffEngine.php:67
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content as context as context the output can only depend on parameters provided to this hook not on global state indicating whether full HTML should be generated If generation of HTML may be but other information should still be present in the ParserOutput object to manipulate or replace but no entry for that model exists in $wgContentHandlers if desired whether it is OK to use $contentModel on $title Handler functions that modify $ok should generally return false to prevent further hooks from further modifying $ok inclusive $limit
Definition: hooks.txt:1020
shiftBoundaries(array $lines, array &$changed, array $other_changed)
Adjust inserts/deletes of identical lines to join changes as much as possible.
Definition: DiffEngine.php:160
static findMostProgress($M, $N, $limit, $V)
Definition: DiffEngine.php:714
Extends DiffOp.
diff($from_lines, $to_lines)
Performs diff.
Definition: DiffEngine.php:81