MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
66 class JobQueueRedis extends JobQueue {
68  protected $redisPool;
71  protected $server;
73  protected $compression;
88  public function __construct( array $params ) {
89  parent::__construct( $params );
90  $params['redisConfig']['serializer'] = 'none'; // make it easy to use Lua
91  $this->server = $params['redisServer'];
92  $this->compression = isset( $params['compression'] ) ? $params['compression'] : 'none';
93  $this->redisPool = RedisConnectionPool::singleton( $params['redisConfig'] );
94  if ( empty( $params['daemonized'] ) ) {
95  throw new InvalidArgumentException(
96  "Non-daemonized mode is no longer supported. Please install the " .
97  "mediawiki/services/jobrunner service and update \$wgJobTypeConf as needed." );
98  }
99  }
101  protected function supportedOrders() {
102  return [ 'timestamp', 'fifo' ];
103  }
105  protected function optimalOrder() {
106  return 'fifo';
107  }
109  protected function supportsDelayedJobs() {
110  return true;
111  }
118  protected function doIsEmpty() {
119  return $this->doGetSize() == 0;
120  }
127  protected function doGetSize() {
128  $conn = $this->getConnection();
129  try {
130  return $conn->lSize( $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed' ) );
131  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
132  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
133  }
134  }
141  protected function doGetAcquiredCount() {
142  $conn = $this->getConnection();
143  try {
144  $conn->multi( Redis::PIPELINE );
145  $conn->zSize( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-claimed' ) );
146  $conn->zSize( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-abandoned' ) );
148  return array_sum( $conn->exec() );
149  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
150  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
151  }
152  }
159  protected function doGetDelayedCount() {
160  $conn = $this->getConnection();
161  try {
162  return $conn->zSize( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-delayed' ) );
163  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
164  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
165  }
166  }
173  protected function doGetAbandonedCount() {
174  $conn = $this->getConnection();
175  try {
176  return $conn->zSize( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-abandoned' ) );
177  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
178  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
179  }
180  }
189  protected function doBatchPush( array $jobs, $flags ) {
190  // Convert the jobs into field maps (de-duplicated against each other)
191  $items = []; // (job ID => job fields map)
192  foreach ( $jobs as $job ) {
193  $item = $this->getNewJobFields( $job );
194  if ( strlen( $item['sha1'] ) ) { // hash identifier => de-duplicate
195  $items[$item['sha1']] = $item;
196  } else {
197  $items[$item['uuid']] = $item;
198  }
199  }
201  if ( !count( $items ) ) {
202  return; // nothing to do
203  }
205  $conn = $this->getConnection();
206  try {
207  // Actually push the non-duplicate jobs into the queue...
208  if ( $flags & self::QOS_ATOMIC ) {
209  $batches = [ $items ]; // all or nothing
210  } else {
211  $batches = array_chunk( $items, 100 ); // avoid tying up the server
212  }
213  $failed = 0;
214  $pushed = 0;
215  foreach ( $batches as $itemBatch ) {
216  $added = $this->pushBlobs( $conn, $itemBatch );
217  if ( is_int( $added ) ) {
218  $pushed += $added;
219  } else {
220  $failed += count( $itemBatch );
221  }
222  }
223  JobQueue::incrStats( 'inserts', $this->type, count( $items ) );
224  JobQueue::incrStats( 'inserts_actual', $this->type, $pushed );
225  JobQueue::incrStats( 'dupe_inserts', $this->type,
226  count( $items ) - $failed - $pushed );
227  if ( $failed > 0 ) {
228  $err = "Could not insert {$failed} {$this->type} job(s).";
229  wfDebugLog( 'JobQueueRedis', $err );
230  throw new RedisException( $err );
231  }
232  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
233  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
234  }
235  }
243  protected function pushBlobs( RedisConnRef $conn, array $items ) {
244  $args = [ $this->encodeQueueName() ];
245  // Next args come in 4s ([id, sha1, rtime, blob [, id, sha1, rtime, blob ... ] ] )
246  foreach ( $items as $item ) {
247  $args[] = (string)$item['uuid'];
248  $args[] = (string)$item['sha1'];
249  $args[] = (string)$item['rtimestamp'];
250  $args[] = (string)$this->serialize( $item );
251  }
252  static $script =
253 <<<LUA
254  local kUnclaimed, kSha1ById, kIdBySha1, kDelayed, kData, kQwJobs = unpack(KEYS)
255  -- First argument is the queue ID
256  local queueId = ARGV[1]
257  -- Next arguments all come in 4s (one per job)
258  local variadicArgCount = #ARGV - 1
259  if variadicArgCount % 4 ~= 0 then
260  return redis.error_reply('Unmatched arguments')
261  end
262  -- Insert each job into this queue as needed
263  local pushed = 0
264  for i = 2,#ARGV,4 do
265  local id,sha1,rtimestamp,blob = ARGV[i],ARGV[i+1],ARGV[i+2],ARGV[i+3]
266  if sha1 == '' or'hExists',kIdBySha1,sha1) == 0 then
267  if 1*rtimestamp > 0 then
268  -- Insert into delayed queue (release time as score)
270  else
271  -- Insert into unclaimed queue
273  end
274  if sha1 ~= '' then
277  end
279  pushed = pushed + 1
280  end
281  end
282  -- Mark this queue as having jobs
284  return pushed
285 LUA;
286  return $conn->luaEval( $script,
287  array_merge(
288  [
289  $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed' ), # KEYS[1]
290  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-sha1ById' ), # KEYS[2]
291  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-idBySha1' ), # KEYS[3]
292  $this->getQueueKey( 'z-delayed' ), # KEYS[4]
293  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-data' ), # KEYS[5]
294  $this->getGlobalKey( 's-queuesWithJobs' ), # KEYS[6]
295  ],
296  $args
297  ),
298  6 # number of first argument(s) that are keys
299  );
300  }
307  protected function doPop() {
308  $job = false;
310  $conn = $this->getConnection();
311  try {
312  do {
313  $blob = $this->popAndAcquireBlob( $conn );
314  if ( !is_string( $blob ) ) {
315  break; // no jobs; nothing to do
316  }
318  JobQueue::incrStats( 'pops', $this->type );
319  $item = $this->unserialize( $blob );
320  if ( $item === false ) {
321  wfDebugLog( 'JobQueueRedis', "Could not unserialize {$this->type} job." );
322  continue;
323  }
325  // If $item is invalid, the runner loop recyling will cleanup as needed
326  $job = $this->getJobFromFields( $item ); // may be false
327  } while ( !$job ); // job may be false if invalid
328  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
329  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
330  }
332  return $job;
333  }
340  protected function popAndAcquireBlob( RedisConnRef $conn ) {
341  static $script =
342 <<<LUA
343  local kUnclaimed, kSha1ById, kIdBySha1, kClaimed, kAttempts, kData = unpack(KEYS)
344  local rTime = unpack(ARGV)
345  -- Pop an item off the queue
346  local id ='rPop',kUnclaimed)
347  if not id then
348  return false
349  end
350  -- Allow new duplicates of this job
351  local sha1 ='hGet',kSha1ById,id)
352  if sha1 then'hDel',kIdBySha1,sha1) end
354  -- Mark the jobs as claimed and return it
357  return'hGet',kData,id)
358 LUA;
359  return $conn->luaEval( $script,
360  [
361  $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed' ), # KEYS[1]
362  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-sha1ById' ), # KEYS[2]
363  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-idBySha1' ), # KEYS[3]
364  $this->getQueueKey( 'z-claimed' ), # KEYS[4]
365  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-attempts' ), # KEYS[5]
366  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-data' ), # KEYS[6]
367  time(), # ARGV[1] (injected to be replication-safe)
368  ],
369  6 # number of first argument(s) that are keys
370  );
371  }
380  protected function doAck( Job $job ) {
381  if ( !isset( $job->metadata['uuid'] ) ) {
382  throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Job of type '{$job->getType()}' has no UUID." );
383  }
385  $uuid = $job->metadata['uuid'];
386  $conn = $this->getConnection();
387  try {
388  static $script =
389 <<<LUA
390  local kClaimed, kAttempts, kData = unpack(KEYS)
391  local id = unpack(ARGV)
392  -- Unmark the job as claimed
393  local removed ='zRem',kClaimed,id)
394  -- Check if the job was recycled
395  if removed == 0 then
396  return 0
397  end
398  -- Delete the retry data
400  -- Delete the job data itself
401  return'hDel',kData,id)
402 LUA;
403  $res = $conn->luaEval( $script,
404  [
405  $this->getQueueKey( 'z-claimed' ), # KEYS[1]
406  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-attempts' ), # KEYS[2]
407  $this->getQueueKey( 'h-data' ), # KEYS[3]
408  $uuid # ARGV[1]
409  ],
410  3 # number of first argument(s) that are keys
411  );
413  if ( !$res ) {
414  wfDebugLog( 'JobQueueRedis', "Could not acknowledge {$this->type} job $uuid." );
416  return false;
417  }
419  JobQueue::incrStats( 'acks', $this->type );
420  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
421  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
422  }
424  return true;
425  }
435  if ( !$job->hasRootJobParams() ) {
436  throw new LogicException( "Cannot register root job; missing parameters." );
437  }
438  $params = $job->getRootJobParams();
440  $key = $this->getRootJobCacheKey( $params['rootJobSignature'] );
442  $conn = $this->getConnection();
443  try {
444  $timestamp = $conn->get( $key ); // current last timestamp of this job
445  if ( $timestamp && $timestamp >= $params['rootJobTimestamp'] ) {
446  return true; // a newer version of this root job was enqueued
447  }
449  // Update the timestamp of the last root job started at the location...
450  return $conn->set( $key, $params['rootJobTimestamp'], self::ROOTJOB_TTL ); // 2 weeks
451  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
452  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
453  }
454  }
462  protected function doIsRootJobOldDuplicate( Job $job ) {
463  if ( !$job->hasRootJobParams() ) {
464  return false; // job has no de-deplication info
465  }
466  $params = $job->getRootJobParams();
468  $conn = $this->getConnection();
469  try {
470  // Get the last time this root job was enqueued
471  $timestamp = $conn->get( $this->getRootJobCacheKey( $params['rootJobSignature'] ) );
472  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
473  $timestamp = false;
474  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
475  }
477  // Check if a new root job was started at the location after this one's...
478  return ( $timestamp && $timestamp > $params['rootJobTimestamp'] );
479  }
486  protected function doDelete() {
487  static $props = [ 'l-unclaimed', 'z-claimed', 'z-abandoned',
488  'z-delayed', 'h-idBySha1', 'h-sha1ById', 'h-attempts', 'h-data' ];
490  $conn = $this->getConnection();
491  try {
492  $keys = [];
493  foreach ( $props as $prop ) {
494  $keys[] = $this->getQueueKey( $prop );
495  }
497  $ok = ( $conn->delete( $keys ) !== false );
498  $conn->sRem( $this->getGlobalKey( 's-queuesWithJobs' ), $this->encodeQueueName() );
500  return $ok;
501  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
502  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
503  }
504  }
511  public function getAllQueuedJobs() {
512  $conn = $this->getConnection();
513  try {
514  $uids = $conn->lRange( $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed' ), 0, -1 );
515  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
516  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
517  }
519  return $this->getJobIterator( $conn, $uids );
520  }
527  public function getAllDelayedJobs() {
528  $conn = $this->getConnection();
529  try {
530  $uids = $conn->zRange( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-delayed' ), 0, -1 );
531  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
532  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
533  }
535  return $this->getJobIterator( $conn, $uids );
536  }
543  public function getAllAcquiredJobs() {
544  $conn = $this->getConnection();
545  try {
546  $uids = $conn->zRange( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-claimed' ), 0, -1 );
547  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
548  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
549  }
551  return $this->getJobIterator( $conn, $uids );
552  }
559  public function getAllAbandonedJobs() {
560  $conn = $this->getConnection();
561  try {
562  $uids = $conn->zRange( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-abandoned' ), 0, -1 );
563  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
564  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
565  }
567  return $this->getJobIterator( $conn, $uids );
568  }
575  protected function getJobIterator( RedisConnRef $conn, array $uids ) {
576  return new MappedIterator(
577  $uids,
578  function ( $uid ) use ( $conn ) {
579  return $this->getJobFromUidInternal( $uid, $conn );
580  },
581  [ 'accept' => function ( $job ) {
582  return is_object( $job );
583  } ]
584  );
585  }
587  public function getCoalesceLocationInternal() {
588  return "RedisServer:" . $this->server;
589  }
591  protected function doGetSiblingQueuesWithJobs( array $types ) {
592  return array_keys( array_filter( $this->doGetSiblingQueueSizes( $types ) ) );
593  }
595  protected function doGetSiblingQueueSizes( array $types ) {
596  $sizes = []; // (type => size)
597  $types = array_values( $types ); // reindex
598  $conn = $this->getConnection();
599  try {
600  $conn->multi( Redis::PIPELINE );
601  foreach ( $types as $type ) {
602  $conn->lSize( $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed', $type ) );
603  }
604  $res = $conn->exec();
605  if ( is_array( $res ) ) {
606  foreach ( $res as $i => $size ) {
607  $sizes[$types[$i]] = $size;
608  }
609  }
610  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
611  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
612  }
614  return $sizes;
615  }
626  public function getJobFromUidInternal( $uid, RedisConnRef $conn ) {
627  try {
628  $data = $conn->hGet( $this->getQueueKey( 'h-data' ), $uid );
629  if ( $data === false ) {
630  return false; // not found
631  }
632  $item = $this->unserialize( $data );
633  if ( !is_array( $item ) ) { // this shouldn't happen
634  throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Could not find job with ID '$uid'." );
635  }
636  $title = Title::makeTitle( $item['namespace'], $item['title'] );
637  $job = Job::factory( $item['type'], $title, $item['params'] );
638  $job->metadata['uuid'] = $item['uuid'];
639  $job->metadata['timestamp'] = $item['timestamp'];
640  // Add in attempt count for debugging at showJobs.php
641  $job->metadata['attempts'] = $conn->hGet( $this->getQueueKey( 'h-attempts' ), $uid );
643  return $job;
644  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
645  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
646  }
647  }
654  public function getServerQueuesWithJobs() {
655  $queues = [];
657  $conn = $this->getConnection();
658  try {
659  $set = $conn->sMembers( $this->getGlobalKey( 's-queuesWithJobs' ) );
660  foreach ( $set as $queue ) {
661  $queues[] = $this->decodeQueueName( $queue );
662  }
663  } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
664  $this->throwRedisException( $conn, $e );
665  }
667  return $queues;
668  }
674  protected function getNewJobFields( IJobSpecification $job ) {
675  return [
676  // Fields that describe the nature of the job
677  'type' => $job->getType(),
678  'namespace' => $job->getTitle()->getNamespace(),
679  'title' => $job->getTitle()->getDBkey(),
680  'params' => $job->getParams(),
681  // Some jobs cannot run until a "release timestamp"
682  'rtimestamp' => $job->getReleaseTimestamp() ?: 0,
683  // Additional job metadata
685  'sha1' => $job->ignoreDuplicates()
686  ? Wikimedia\base_convert( sha1( serialize( $job->getDeduplicationInfo() ) ), 16, 36, 31 )
687  : '',
688  'timestamp' => time() // UNIX timestamp
689  ];
690  }
696  protected function getJobFromFields( array $fields ) {
697  $title = Title::makeTitle( $fields['namespace'], $fields['title'] );
698  $job = Job::factory( $fields['type'], $title, $fields['params'] );
699  $job->metadata['uuid'] = $fields['uuid'];
700  $job->metadata['timestamp'] = $fields['timestamp'];
702  return $job;
703  }
709  protected function serialize( array $fields ) {
710  $blob = serialize( $fields );
711  if ( $this->compression === 'gzip'
712  && strlen( $blob ) >= 1024
713  && function_exists( 'gzdeflate' )
714  ) {
715  $object = (object)[ 'blob' => gzdeflate( $blob ), 'enc' => 'gzip' ];
716  $blobz = serialize( $object );
718  return ( strlen( $blobz ) < strlen( $blob ) ) ? $blobz : $blob;
719  } else {
720  return $blob;
721  }
722  }
728  protected function unserialize( $blob ) {
729  $fields = unserialize( $blob );
730  if ( is_object( $fields ) ) {
731  if ( $fields->enc === 'gzip' && function_exists( 'gzinflate' ) ) {
732  $fields = unserialize( gzinflate( $fields->blob ) );
733  } else {
734  $fields = false;
735  }
736  }
738  return is_array( $fields ) ? $fields : false;
739  }
747  protected function getConnection() {
748  $conn = $this->redisPool->getConnection( $this->server );
749  if ( !$conn ) {
750  throw new JobQueueConnectionError(
751  "Unable to connect to redis server {$this->server}." );
752  }
754  return $conn;
755  }
762  protected function throwRedisException( RedisConnRef $conn, $e ) {
763  $this->redisPool->handleError( $conn, $e );
764  throw new JobQueueError( "Redis server error: {$e->getMessage()}\n" );
765  }
770  private function encodeQueueName() {
771  return json_encode( [ $this->type, $this->wiki ] );
772  }
778  private function decodeQueueName( $name ) {
779  return json_decode( $name );
780  }
786  private function getGlobalKey( $name ) {
787  $parts = [ 'global', 'jobqueue', $name ];
788  foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
789  if ( !preg_match( '/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/', $part ) ) {
790  throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Key part characters are out of range." );
791  }
792  }
794  return implode( ':', $parts );
795  }
802  private function getQueueKey( $prop, $type = null ) {
803  $type = is_string( $type ) ? $type : $this->type;
804  list( $db, $prefix ) = wfSplitWikiID( $this->wiki );
805  $keyspace = $prefix ? "$db-$prefix" : $db;
807  $parts = [ $keyspace, 'jobqueue', $type, $prop ];
809  // Parts are typically ASCII, but encode for sanity to escape ":"
810  return implode( ':', array_map( 'rawurlencode', $parts ) );
811  }
812 }
Class to handle job queues stored in Redis.
luaEval($script, array $params, $numKeys)
pushBlobs(RedisConnRef $conn, array $items)
#define the
table suitable for use with IDatabase::select()
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global then executing the whole list after the page is displayed We don t do anything smart like collating updates to the same table or such because the list is almost always going to have just one item on if that
Definition: deferred.txt:11
static incrStats($key, $type, $delta=1)
Call wfIncrStats() for the queue overall and for the queue type.
Definition: JobQueue.php:709
doAck(Job $job)
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
Definition: Job.php:290
getJobIterator(RedisConnRef $conn, array $uids)
getQueueKey($prop, $type=null)
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition: hooks.txt:189
throwRedisException(RedisConnRef $conn, $e)
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
string $compression
Compression method to use.
div flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException'returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition: hooks.txt:1980
globals txt Globals are evil The original MediaWiki code relied on globals for processing context far too often MediaWiki development since then has been a story of slowly moving context out of global variables and into objects Storing processing context in object member variables allows those objects to be reused in a much more flexible way Consider the elegance of
database rows
Definition: globals.txt:10
RedisConnectionPool $redisPool
null for the local wiki Added in
Definition: hooks.txt:1435
Class to both describe a background job and handle jobs.
Definition: Job.php:31
This code would result in ircNotify being run twice when an article is and once for brion Hooks can return three possible true was required This is the default since MediaWiki *some string
Definition: hooks.txt:177
and how to run hooks for an and one after Each event has a preferably in CamelCase For ArticleDelete hook A clump of code and data that should be run when an event happens This can be either a function and a chunk of data
Definition: hooks.txt:6
The First
Definition: primes.txt:1
it s the revision text itself In either if gzip is the revision text is gzipped $flags
Definition: hooks.txt:2588
globals will be eliminated from MediaWiki replaced by an application object which would be passed to constructors Whether that would be an convenient solution remains to be but certainly PHP makes such object oriented programming models easier than they were in previous versions For the time being MediaWiki programmers will have to work in an environment with some global context At the time of globals were initialised on startup by MediaWiki of these were configuration which are documented in DefaultSettings php There is no comprehensive documentation for the remaining however some of the most important ones are listed below They are typically initialised either in index php or in Setup php For a description of the see design txt $wgTitle Title object created from the request URL $wgOut OutputPage object for HTTP response $wgUser User object for the user associated with the current request $wgLang Language object selected by user preferences $wgContLang Language object associated with the wiki being viewed $wgParser Parser object Parser extensions register their hooks here $wgRequest WebRequest object
Definition: globals.txt:25
doGetSiblingQueueSizes(array $types)
Prior to maintenance scripts were a hodgepodge of code that had no cohesion or formal method of action Beginning maintenance scripts have been cleaned up to use a unified class Directory structure How to run a script How to write your own DIRECTORY STRUCTURE The maintenance directory of a MediaWiki installation contains several all of which have unique purposes HOW TO RUN A SCRIPT Ridiculously just call php someScript php that s in the top level maintenance directory if not default wiki
Definition: maintenance.txt:1
if($line===false) $args
Definition: cdb.php:64
The ContentHandler facility adds support for arbitrary content types on wiki instead of relying on wikitext for everything It was introduced in MediaWiki Each kind of and so on Built in content types are
serialize(array $fields)
static singleton(array $options)
string $type
Job type.
Definition: JobQueue.php:35
getNewJobFields(IJobSpecification $job)
wfDebugLog($logGroup, $text, $dest= 'all', array $context=[])
Send a line to a supplementary debug log file, if configured, or main debug log if not...
Some quick notes on the file repository architecture Functionality is
Definition: README:3
Definition: JobQueue.php:528
doDeduplicateRootJob(IJobSpecification $job)
static newRawUUIDv4($flags=0)
Return an RFC4122 compliant v4 UUID.
if($limit) $timestamp
doIsRootJobOldDuplicate(Job $job)
Definition: Job.php:274
Definition: database.txt:21
Subclasses may need to override this to make duplication detection work.
string $server
Server address.
popAndAcquireBlob(RedisConnRef $conn)
and(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files
getJobFromUidInternal($uid, RedisConnRef $conn)
This function should not be called outside JobQueueRedis.
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated are created Can be used to omit specific feeds from being outputted You must not use this hook to add use OutputPage::addFeedLink() instead.&$feedLinks conditions will AND in the final query as a Content object as a Content object $title
Definition: hooks.txt:312
Convenience class for generating iterators from iterators.
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
MediaWiki s SiteStore can be cached and stored in a flat in a json format If the SiteStore is frequently the file cache may provide a performance benefit over a database even with memcached in front of it sites are listed in a key value with the key being the site s global id(e.g."enwiki") and a key-value map as the value.The site list is wrapped with in a"sites"key.Example
Definition: sitescache.txt:17
__construct(array $params)
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
This document describes the state of Postgres support in and is fairly well maintained The main code is very well while extensions are very hit and miss it is probably the most supported database after MySQL Much of the work in making MediaWiki database agnostic came about through the work of creating Postgres as and are nearing end of but without copying over all the usage comments General notes on the but these can almost always be programmed around *Although Postgres has a true BOOLEAN type
Definition: postgres.txt:22
static factory($command, Title $title, $params=[])
Create the appropriate object to handle a specific job.
Definition: Job.php:68
Class to handle enqueueing and running of background jobs.
Definition: JobQueue.php:31
if(count($args)< 1) $job
skin txt MediaWiki includes four core it has been set as the default in MediaWiki since the replacing Monobook it had been the default skin since before being replaced by Vector largely rewritten in while keeping its appearance Several legacy skins were removed in the release
Definition: skin.txt:10
Some quick notes on the file repository architecture Functionality as driven by data model *The repository object stores configuration information about a file storage method *The file object is a process local cache of information about a particular file Thus the file object is the primary public entry point for obtaining information about since access via the file object can be whereas access via the repository should not be cached Functions which can act on any file specified in their parameters typically find their place either in the repository where reference to repository specific configuration is needed
Definition: README:3
doGetSiblingQueuesWithJobs(array $types)
getJobFromFields(array $fields)
Helper class to handle automatically marking connectons as reusable (via RAII pattern) ...
Job queue task description interface.
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such and we might be restricted by PHP settings such as safe mode or open_basedir We cannot assume that the software even has read access anywhere useful Many shared hosts run all users web applications under the same so they can t rely on Unix and must forbid reads to even standard directories like tmp lest users read each others files We cannot assume that the user has the ability to install or run any programs not written as web accessible PHP scripts Since anything that works on cheap shared hosting will work if you have shell or root access MediaWiki s design is based around catering to the lowest common denominator Although we support higher end setups as the way many things work by default is tailored toward shared hosting These defaults are unconventional from the point of view of and they certainly aren t ideal for someone who s installing MediaWiki as MediaWiki does not conform to normal Unix filesystem layout Hopefully we ll offer direct support for standard layouts in the but for now *any change to the location of files is unsupported *Moving things and leaving symlinks will *probably *not break but it is *strongly *advised not to try any more intrusive changes to get MediaWiki to conform more closely to your filesystem hierarchy Any such attempt will almost certainly result in unnecessary bugs The standard recommended location to install relative to the web is it should be possible to enable the appropriate rewrite rules by if you can reconfigure the web server
Get a connection to the server that handles all sub-queues for this queue.
Split a wiki ID into DB name and table prefix.
=Architecture==Two class hierarchies are used to provide the functionality associated with the different content models:*Content interface(and AbstractContent base class) define functionality that acts on the concrete content of a page, and *ContentHandler base class provides functionality specific to a content model, but not acting on concrete content.The most important function of ContentHandler is to act as a factory for the appropriate implementation of Content.These Content objects are to be used by MediaWiki everywhere, instead of passing page content around as text.All manipulation and analysis of page content must be done via the appropriate methods of the Content object.For each content model, a subclass of ContentHandler has to be registered with $wgContentHandlers.The ContentHandler object for a given content model can be obtained using ContentHandler::getForModelID($id).Also Title, WikiPage and Revision now have getContentHandler() methods for convenience.ContentHandler objects are singletons that provide functionality specific to the content type, but not directly acting on the content of some page.ContentHandler::makeEmptyContent() and ContentHandler::unserializeContent() can be used to create a Content object of the appropriate type.However, it is recommended to instead use WikiPage::getContent() resp.Revision::getContent() to get a page's content as a Content object.These two methods should be the ONLY way in which page content is accessed.Another important function of ContentHandler objects is to define custom action handlers for a content model, see ContentHandler::getActionOverrides().This is similar to what WikiPage::getActionOverrides() was already doing.==Serialization==With the ContentHandler facility, page content no longer has to be text based.Objects implementing the Content interface are used to represent and handle the content internally.For storage and data exchange, each content model supports at least one serialization format via ContentHandler::serializeContent($content).The list of supported formats for a given content model can be accessed using ContentHandler::getSupportedFormats().Content serialization formats are identified using MIME type like strings.The following formats are built in:*text/x-wiki-wikitext *text/javascript-for js pages *text/css-for css pages *text/plain-for future use, e.g.with plain text messages.*text/html-for future use, e.g.with plain html messages.*application/vnd.php.serialized-for future use with the api and for extensions *application/json-for future use with the api, and for use by extensions *application/xml-for future use with the api, and for use by extensions In PHP, use the corresponding CONTENT_FORMAT_XXX constant.Note that when using the API to access page content, especially action=edit, action=parse and action=query &prop=revisions, the model and format of the content should always be handled explicitly.Without that information, interpretation of the provided content is not reliable.The same applies to XML dumps generated via maintenance/dumpBackup.php or Special:Export.Also note that the API will provide encapsulated, serialized content-so if the API was called with format=json, and contentformat is also json(or rather, application/json), the page content is represented as a string containing an escaped json structure.Extensions that use JSON to serialize some types of page content may provide specialized API modules that allow access to that content in a more natural form.==Compatibility==The ContentHandler facility is introduced in a way that should allow all existing code to keep functioning at least for pages that contain wikitext or other text based content.However, a number of functions and hooks have been deprecated in favor of new versions that are aware of the page's content model, and will now generate warnings when used.Most importantly, the following functions have been deprecated:*Revisions::getText() is deprecated in favor Revisions::getContent()*WikiPage::getText() is deprecated in favor WikiPage::getContent() Also, the old Article::getContent()(which returns text) is superceded by Article::getContentObject().However, both methods should be avoided since they do not provide clean access to the page's actual content.For instance, they may return a system message for non-existing pages.Use WikiPage::getContent() instead.Code that relies on a textual representation of the page content should eventually be rewritten.However, ContentHandler::getContentText() provides a stop-gap that can be used to get text for a page.Its behavior is controlled by $wgContentHandlerTextFallback it
skin txt MediaWiki includes four core it has been set as the default in MediaWiki since the replacing Monobook it had been the default skin since then
Definition: skin.txt:10
doBatchPush(array $jobs, $flags)
static makeTitle($ns, $title, $fragment= '', $interwiki= '')
Create a new Title from a namespace index and a DB key.
Definition: Title.php:503
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:310