MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
30 class ProtectLogFormatter extends LogFormatter {
31  public function getPreloadTitles() {
32  $subtype = $this->entry->getSubtype();
33  if ( $subtype === 'move_prot' ) {
34  $params = $this->extractParameters();
35  return [ Title::newFromText( $params[3] ) ];
36  }
37  return [];
38  }
40  protected function getMessageKey() {
41  $key = parent::getMessageKey();
42  $params = $this->extractParameters();
43  if ( isset( $params[4] ) && $params[4] ) {
44  // Messages: logentry-protect-protect-cascade, logentry-protect-modify-cascade
45  $key .= '-cascade';
46  }
48  return $key;
49  }
51  protected function getMessageParameters() {
52  $params = parent::getMessageParameters();
54  $subtype = $this->entry->getSubtype();
55  if ( $subtype === 'protect' || $subtype === 'modify' ) {
56  $rawParams = $this->entry->getParameters();
57  if ( isset( $rawParams['details'] ) ) {
58  $params[3] = $this->createProtectDescription( $rawParams['details'] );
59  } elseif ( isset( $params[3] ) ) {
60  // Old way of Restrictions and expiries
61  $params[3] = $this->context->getLanguage()->getDirMark() . $params[3];
62  } else {
63  // Very old way (nothing set)
64  $params[3] = '';
65  }
66  // Cascading flag
67  if ( isset( $params[4] ) ) {
68  // handled in getMessageKey
69  unset( $params[4] );
70  }
71  } elseif ( $subtype === 'move_prot' ) {
72  $oldname = $this->makePageLink( Title::newFromText( $params[3] ), [ 'redirect' => 'no' ] );
73  $params[3] = Message::rawParam( $oldname );
74  }
76  return $params;
77  }
79  public function getActionLinks() {
80  $subtype = $this->entry->getSubtype();
81  if ( $this->entry->isDeleted( LogPage::DELETED_ACTION ) // Action is hidden
82  || $subtype === 'move_prot' // the move log entry has the right action link
83  ) {
84  return '';
85  }
87  // Show history link for all changes after the protection
88  $title = $this->entry->getTarget();
89  $links = [
91  $this->msg( 'hist' )->escaped(),
92  [],
93  [
94  'action' => 'history',
95  'offset' => $this->entry->getTimestamp(),
96  ]
97  )
98  ];
100  // Show change protection link
101  if ( $this->context->getUser()->isAllowed( 'protect' ) ) {
102  $links[] = Linker::linkKnown(
103  $title,
104  $this->msg( 'protect_change' )->escaped(),
105  [],
106  [ 'action' => 'protect' ]
107  );
108  }
110  return $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams(
111  $this->context->getLanguage()->pipeList( $links ) )->escaped();
112  }
114  protected function getParametersForApi() {
115  $entry = $this->entry;
116  $subtype = $this->entry->getSubtype();
117  $params = $entry->getParameters();
119  $map = [];
120  if ( $subtype === 'protect' || $subtype === 'modify' ) {
121  $map = [
122  '4::description',
123  '5:bool:cascade',
124  'details' => ':array:details',
125  ];
126  } elseif ( $subtype === 'move_prot' ) {
127  $map = [
128  '4:title:oldtitle',
129  '4::oldtitle' => '4:title:oldtitle',
130  ];
131  }
132  foreach ( $map as $index => $key ) {
133  if ( isset( $params[$index] ) ) {
134  $params[$key] = $params[$index];
135  unset( $params[$index] );
136  }
137  }
139  // Change string to explicit boolean
140  if ( isset( $params['5:bool:cascade'] ) && is_string( $params['5:bool:cascade'] ) ) {
141  $params['5:bool:cascade'] = $params['5:bool:cascade'] === 'cascade';
142  }
144  return $params;
145  }
147  public function formatParametersForApi() {
150  $ret = parent::formatParametersForApi();
151  if ( isset( $ret['details'] ) && is_array( $ret['details'] ) ) {
152  foreach ( $ret['details'] as &$detail ) {
153  if ( isset( $detail['expiry'] ) ) {
154  $detail['expiry'] = $wgContLang->formatExpiry( $detail['expiry'], TS_ISO_8601, 'infinite' );
155  }
156  }
157  }
159  return $ret;
160  }
168  public function createProtectDescription( array $details ) {
169  $protectDescription = '';
171  foreach ( $details as $param ) {
172  $expiryText = $this->formatExpiry( $param['expiry'] );
174  // Messages: restriction-edit, restriction-move, restriction-create,
175  // restriction-upload
176  $action = $this->context->msg( 'restriction-' . $param['type'] )->escaped();
178  $protectionLevel = $param['level'];
179  // Messages: protect-level-autoconfirmed, protect-level-sysop
180  $message = $this->context->msg( 'protect-level-' . $protectionLevel );
181  if ( $message->isDisabled() ) {
182  // Require "$1" permission
183  $restrictions = $this->context->msg( "protect-fallback", $protectionLevel )->parse();
184  } else {
185  $restrictions = $message->escaped();
186  }
188  if ( $protectDescription !== '' ) {
189  $protectDescription .= $this->context->msg( 'word-separator' )->escaped();
190  }
192  $protectDescription .= $this->context->msg( 'protect-summary-desc' )
193  ->params( $action, $restrictions, $expiryText )->escaped();
194  }
196  return $protectDescription;
197  }
199  private function formatExpiry( $expiry ) {
200  if ( wfIsInfinity( $expiry ) ) {
201  return $this->context->msg( 'protect-expiry-indefinite' )->text();
202  }
203  $lang = $this->context->getLanguage();
204  $user = $this->context->getUser();
205  return $this->context->msg(
206  'protect-expiring-local',
207  $lang->userTimeAndDate( $expiry, $user ),
208  $lang->userDate( $expiry, $user ),
209  $lang->userTime( $expiry, $user )
210  )->text();
211  }
213 }
static rawParam($raw)
Definition: Message.php:979
the array() calling protocol came about after MediaWiki 1.4rc1.
if(!isset($args[0])) $lang
This class formats protect log entries.
static newFromText($text, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN)
Create a new Title from text, such as what one would find in a link.
Definition: Title.php:256
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new local masking the global
Definition: design.txt:93
const TS_ISO_8601
ISO 8601 format with no timezone: 1986-02-09T20:00:00Z.
Determine input string is represents as infinity.
createProtectDescription(array $details)
Create the protect description to show in the log formatter.
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated are created Can be used to omit specific feeds from being outputted You must not use this hook to add use OutputPage::addFeedLink() instead.&$feedLinks conditions will AND in the final query as a Content object as a Content object $title
Definition: hooks.txt:312
static linkKnown($target, $html=null, $customAttribs=[], $query=[], $options=[ 'known'])
Identical to link(), except $options defaults to 'known'.
Definition: Linker.php:255
design txt This is a brief overview of the new design More thorough and up to date information is available on the documentation wiki at etc Handles the details of getting and saving to the user table of the and dealing with sessions and cookies OutputPage Encapsulates the entire HTML page that will be sent in response to any server request It is used by calling its functions to add text
Definition: design.txt:12
null means default in associative array with keys and values unescaped Should be merged with default with a value of false meaning to suppress the attribute in associative array with keys and values unescaped noclasses & $ret
Definition: hooks.txt:1816
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a local account $user
Definition: hooks.txt:242
static link($target, $html=null, $customAttribs=[], $query=[], $options=[])
This function returns an HTML link to the given target.
Definition: Linker.php:203
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
this class mediates it Skin Encapsulates a look and feel for the wiki All of the functions that render HTML and make choices about how to render it are here and are called from various other places when and is meant to be subclassed with other skins that may override some of its functions The User object contains a reference to a and so rather than having a global skin object we just rely on the global User and get the skin with $wgUser and also has some character encoding functions and other locale stuff The current user interface language is instantiated as and the local content language as $wgContLang
Definition: design.txt:56
Definition: LogPage.php:33