MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
34  return $this->db->checkForEnabledSearch();
35  }
45  function parseQuery( $filteredText, $fulltext ) {
47  $lc = $this->legalSearchChars(); // Minus format chars
48  $searchon = '';
49  $this->searchTerms = [];
51  $m = [];
52  if ( preg_match_all( '/([-+<>~]?)(([' . $lc . ']+)(\*?)|"[^"]*")/',
53  $filteredText, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER ) ) {
54  foreach ( $m as $bits ) {
55  MediaWiki\suppressWarnings();
56  list( /* all */, $modifier, $term, $nonQuoted, $wildcard ) = $bits;
57  MediaWiki\restoreWarnings();
59  if ( $nonQuoted != '' ) {
60  $term = $nonQuoted;
61  $quote = '';
62  } else {
63  $term = str_replace( '"', '', $term );
64  $quote = '"';
65  }
67  if ( $searchon !== '' ) {
68  $searchon .= ' ';
69  }
71  // Some languages such as Serbian store the input form in the search index,
72  // so we may need to search for matches in multiple writing system variants.
73  $convertedVariants = $wgContLang->autoConvertToAllVariants( $term );
74  if ( is_array( $convertedVariants ) ) {
75  $variants = array_unique( array_values( $convertedVariants ) );
76  } else {
77  $variants = [ $term ];
78  }
80  // The low-level search index does some processing on input to work
81  // around problems with minimum lengths and encoding in MySQL's
82  // fulltext engine.
83  // For Chinese this also inserts spaces between adjacent Han characters.
84  $strippedVariants = array_map(
85  [ $wgContLang, 'normalizeForSearch' ],
86  $variants );
88  // Some languages such as Chinese force all variants to a canonical
89  // form when stripping to the low-level search index, so to be sure
90  // let's check our variants list for unique items after stripping.
91  $strippedVariants = array_unique( $strippedVariants );
93  $searchon .= $modifier;
94  if ( count( $strippedVariants ) > 1 ) {
95  $searchon .= '(';
96  }
97  foreach ( $strippedVariants as $stripped ) {
98  if ( $nonQuoted && strpos( $stripped, ' ' ) !== false ) {
99  // Hack for Chinese: we need to toss in quotes for
100  // multiple-character phrases since normalizeForSearch()
101  // added spaces between them to make word breaks.
102  $stripped = '"' . trim( $stripped ) . '"';
103  }
104  $searchon .= "$quote$stripped$quote$wildcard ";
105  }
106  if ( count( $strippedVariants ) > 1 ) {
107  $searchon .= ')';
108  }
110  // Match individual terms or quoted phrase in result highlighting...
111  // Note that variants will be introduced in a later stage for highlighting!
112  $regexp = $this->regexTerm( $term, $wildcard );
113  $this->searchTerms[] = $regexp;
114  }
116  } else {
117  wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": Can't understand search query '{$filteredText}'\n" );
118  }
120  $searchon = $this->db->addQuotes( $searchon );
121  $field = $this->getIndexField( $fulltext );
122  return " $field MATCH $searchon ";
123  }
125  function regexTerm( $string, $wildcard ) {
128  $regex = preg_quote( $string, '/' );
129  if ( $wgContLang->hasWordBreaks() ) {
130  if ( $wildcard ) {
131  // Don't cut off the final bit!
132  $regex = "\b$regex";
133  } else {
134  $regex = "\b$regex\b";
135  }
136  } else {
137  // For Chinese, words may legitimately abut other words in the text literal.
138  // Don't add \b boundary checks... note this could cause false positives
139  // for latin chars.
140  }
141  return $regex;
142  }
144  public static function legalSearchChars() {
145  return "\"*" . parent::legalSearchChars();
146  }
154  function searchText( $term ) {
155  return $this->searchInternal( $term, true );
156  }
164  function searchTitle( $term ) {
165  return $this->searchInternal( $term, false );
166  }
168  protected function searchInternal( $term, $fulltext ) {
171  if ( !$this->fulltextSearchSupported() ) {
172  return null;
173  }
175  $filteredTerm = $this->filter( $wgContLang->lc( $term ) );
176  $resultSet = $this->db->query( $this->getQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) );
178  $total = null;
179  $totalResult = $this->db->query( $this->getCountQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) );
180  $row = $totalResult->fetchObject();
181  if ( $row ) {
182  $total = intval( $row->c );
183  }
184  $totalResult->free();
186  return new SqlSearchResultSet( $resultSet, $this->searchTerms, $total );
187  }
193  function queryNamespaces() {
194  if ( is_null( $this->namespaces ) ) {
195  return ''; # search all
196  }
197  if ( !count( $this->namespaces ) ) {
198  $namespaces = '0';
199  } else {
200  $namespaces = $this->db->makeList( $this->namespaces );
201  }
202  return 'AND page_namespace IN (' . $namespaces . ')';
203  }
210  function limitResult( $sql ) {
211  return $this->db->limitResult( $sql, $this->limit, $this->offset );
212  }
221  function getQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) {
222  return $this->limitResult(
223  $this->queryMain( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) . ' ' .
224  $this->queryNamespaces()
225  );
226  }
233  function getIndexField( $fulltext ) {
234  return $fulltext ? 'si_text' : 'si_title';
235  }
244  function queryMain( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) {
245  $match = $this->parseQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext );
246  $page = $this->db->tableName( 'page' );
247  $searchindex = $this->db->tableName( 'searchindex' );
248  return "SELECT $searchindex.rowid, page_namespace, page_title " .
249  "FROM $page,$searchindex " .
250  "WHERE page_id=$searchindex.rowid AND $match";
251  }
253  function getCountQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) {
254  $match = $this->parseQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext );
255  $page = $this->db->tableName( 'page' );
256  $searchindex = $this->db->tableName( 'searchindex' );
257  return "SELECT COUNT(*) AS c " .
258  "FROM $page,$searchindex " .
259  "WHERE page_id=$searchindex.rowid AND $match " .
260  $this->queryNamespaces();
261  }
271  function update( $id, $title, $text ) {
272  if ( !$this->fulltextSearchSupported() ) {
273  return;
274  }
275  // @todo find a method to do it in a single request,
276  // couldn't do it so far due to typelessness of FTS3 tables.
277  $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
279  $dbw->delete( 'searchindex', [ 'rowid' => $id ], __METHOD__ );
281  $dbw->insert( 'searchindex',
282  [
283  'rowid' => $id,
284  'si_title' => $title,
285  'si_text' => $text
286  ], __METHOD__ );
287  }
296  function updateTitle( $id, $title ) {
297  if ( !$this->fulltextSearchSupported() ) {
298  return;
299  }
300  $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
302  $dbw->update( 'searchindex',
303  [ 'si_title' => $title ],
304  [ 'rowid' => $id ],
305  __METHOD__ );
306  }
307 }
external whereas SearchGetNearMatch runs after $term
Definition: hooks.txt:2598
Perform a full text search query and return a result set.
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
wfGetDB($db, $groups=[], $wiki=false)
Get a Database object.
getCountQuery($filteredTerm, $fulltext)
parseQuery($filteredText, $fulltext)
Parse the user's query and transform it into an SQL fragment which will become part of a WHERE clause...
to move a page</td >< td > &*You are moving the page across namespaces
static legalSearchChars()
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new local masking the global
Definition: design.txt:93
wfDebug($text, $dest= 'all', array $context=[])
Sends a line to the debug log if enabled or, optionally, to a comment in output.
updateTitle($id, $title)
Update a search index record's title only.
update($id, $title, $text)
Create or update the search index record for the given page.
This class is used for different SQL-based search engines shipped with MediaWiki. ...
queryMain($filteredTerm, $fulltext)
Get the base part of the search query.
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated are created Can be used to omit specific feeds from being outputted You must not use this hook to add use OutputPage::addFeedLink() instead.&$feedLinks conditions will AND in the final query as a Content object as a Content object $title
Definition: hooks.txt:312
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
int[] null $namespaces
Whether fulltext search is supported by current schema.
Return a partial WHERE clause to limit the search to the given namespaces.
Returns a query with limit for number of results set.
this class mediates it Skin Encapsulates a look and feel for the wiki All of the functions that render HTML and make choices about how to render it are here and are called from various other places when and is meant to be subclassed with other skins that may override some of its functions The User object contains a reference to a and so rather than having a global skin object we just rely on the global User and get the skin with $wgUser and also has some character encoding functions and other locale stuff The current user interface language is instantiated as and the local content language as $wgContLang
Definition: design.txt:56
Base search engine base class for database-backed searches.
searchInternal($term, $fulltext)
Perform a title-only search query and return a result set.
Return a 'cleaned up' search string.
Definition: Defines.php:47
getQuery($filteredTerm, $fulltext)
Construct the full SQL query to do the search.
Search engine hook for SQLite.
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image and a DIV can begin in one section and end in another Make sure your code can handle that case gracefully See the EditSectionClearerLink extension for an example zero but section is usually empty its values are the globals values before the output is cached $page
Definition: hooks.txt:2376
regexTerm($string, $wildcard)
Picks which field to index on, depending on what type of query.