MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
3 namespace MediaWiki\Session;
7 use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
8 use User;
17  protected $config, $logger, $store;
19  protected function getManager() {
20  \ObjectCache::$instances['testSessionStore'] = new TestBagOStuff();
21  $this->config = new \HashConfig( [
22  'LanguageCode' => 'en',
23  'SessionCacheType' => 'testSessionStore',
24  'ObjectCacheSessionExpiry' => 100,
25  'SessionProviders' => [
26  [ 'class' => 'DummySessionProvider' ],
27  ]
28  ] );
29  $this->logger = new \TestLogger( false, function ( $m ) {
30  return substr( $m, 0, 15 ) === 'SessionBackend ' ? null : $m;
31  } );
32  $this->store = new TestBagOStuff();
34  return new SessionManager( [
35  'config' => $this->config,
36  'logger' => $this->logger,
37  'store' => $this->store,
38  ] );
39  }
41  protected function objectCacheDef( $object ) {
42  return [ 'factory' => function () use ( $object ) {
43  return $object;
44  } ];
45  }
47  public function testSingleton() {
50  $singleton = SessionManager::singleton();
51  $this->assertInstanceOf( SessionManager::class, $singleton );
52  $this->assertSame( $singleton, SessionManager::singleton() );
53  }
55  public function testGetGlobalSession() {
60  }
61  $rProp = new \ReflectionProperty( PHPSessionHandler::class, 'instance' );
62  $rProp->setAccessible( true );
63  $handler = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $rProp->getValue() );
64  $oldEnable = $handler->enable;
65  $reset[] = new \ScopedCallback( function () use ( $handler, $oldEnable ) {
66  if ( $handler->enable ) {
67  session_write_close();
68  }
69  $handler->enable = $oldEnable;
70  } );
73  $handler->enable = true;
74  $request = new \FauxRequest();
75  $context->setRequest( $request );
76  $id = $request->getSession()->getId();
78  session_id( '' );
80  $this->assertSame( $id, $session->getId() );
82  session_id( 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' );
84  $this->assertSame( 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', $session->getId() );
85  $this->assertSame( 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', $request->getSession()->getId() );
87  session_write_close();
88  $handler->enable = false;
89  $request = new \FauxRequest();
90  $context->setRequest( $request );
91  $id = $request->getSession()->getId();
93  session_id( '' );
95  $this->assertSame( $id, $session->getId() );
97  session_id( 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' );
99  $this->assertSame( $id, $session->getId() );
100  $this->assertSame( $id, $request->getSession()->getId() );
101  }
103  public function testConstructor() {
104  $manager = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->getManager() );
105  $this->assertSame( $this->config, $manager->config );
106  $this->assertSame( $this->logger, $manager->logger );
107  $this->assertSame( $this->store, $manager->store );
110  $this->assertSame( \RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig(), $manager->config );
113  'config' => $this->config,
114  ] ) );
115  $this->assertSame( \ObjectCache::$instances['testSessionStore'], $manager->store );
117  foreach ( [
118  'config' => '$options[\'config\'] must be an instance of Config',
119  'logger' => '$options[\'logger\'] must be an instance of LoggerInterface',
120  'store' => '$options[\'store\'] must be an instance of BagOStuff',
121  ] as $key => $error ) {
122  try {
123  new SessionManager( [ $key => new \stdClass ] );
124  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
125  } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
126  $this->assertSame( $error, $ex->getMessage() );
127  }
128  }
129  }
131  public function testGetSessionForRequest() {
132  $manager = $this->getManager();
133  $request = new \FauxRequest();
134  $request->unpersist1 = false;
135  $request->unpersist2 = false;
137  $id1 = '';
138  $id2 = '';
139  $idEmpty = 'empty-session-------------------';
141  $providerBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DummySessionProvider' )
142  ->setMethods(
143  [ 'provideSessionInfo', 'newSessionInfo', '__toString', 'describe', 'unpersistSession' ]
144  );
146  $provider1 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
147  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'provideSessionInfo' )
148  ->with( $this->identicalTo( $request ) )
149  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $request ) {
150  return $request->info1;
151  } ) );
152  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'newSessionInfo' )
153  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function () use ( $idEmpty, $provider1 ) {
155  'provider' => $provider1,
156  'id' => $idEmpty,
157  'persisted' => true,
158  'idIsSafe' => true,
159  ] );
160  } ) );
161  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
162  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Provider1' ) );
163  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'describe' )
164  ->will( $this->returnValue( '#1 sessions' ) );
165  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'unpersistSession' )
166  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $request ) {
167  $request->unpersist1 = true;
168  } ) );
170  $provider2 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
171  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'provideSessionInfo' )
172  ->with( $this->identicalTo( $request ) )
173  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $request ) {
174  return $request->info2;
175  } ) );
176  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
177  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Provider2' ) );
178  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'describe' )
179  ->will( $this->returnValue( '#2 sessions' ) );
180  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'unpersistSession' )
181  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $request ) {
182  $request->unpersist2 = true;
183  } ) );
185  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
186  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider1 ),
187  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider2 ),
188  ] );
190  // No provider returns info
191  $request->info1 = null;
192  $request->info2 = null;
193  $session = $manager->getSessionForRequest( $request );
194  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
195  $this->assertSame( $idEmpty, $session->getId() );
196  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist1 );
197  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist2 );
199  // Both providers return info, picks best one
200  $request->info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY + 1, [
201  'provider' => $provider1,
202  'id' => ( $id1 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
203  'persisted' => true,
204  'idIsSafe' => true,
205  ] );
206  $request->info2 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY + 2, [
207  'provider' => $provider2,
208  'id' => ( $id2 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
209  'persisted' => true,
210  'idIsSafe' => true,
211  ] );
212  $session = $manager->getSessionForRequest( $request );
213  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
214  $this->assertSame( $id2, $session->getId() );
215  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist1 );
216  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist2 );
218  $request->info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY + 2, [
219  'provider' => $provider1,
220  'id' => ( $id1 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
221  'persisted' => true,
222  'idIsSafe' => true,
223  ] );
224  $request->info2 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY + 1, [
225  'provider' => $provider2,
226  'id' => ( $id2 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
227  'persisted' => true,
228  'idIsSafe' => true,
229  ] );
230  $session = $manager->getSessionForRequest( $request );
231  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
232  $this->assertSame( $id1, $session->getId() );
233  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist1 );
234  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist2 );
236  // Tied priorities
238  'provider' => $provider1,
239  'id' => ( $id1 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
240  'persisted' => true,
241  'userInfo' => UserInfo::newAnonymous(),
242  'idIsSafe' => true,
243  ] );
245  'provider' => $provider2,
246  'id' => ( $id2 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
247  'persisted' => true,
248  'userInfo' => UserInfo::newAnonymous(),
249  'idIsSafe' => true,
250  ] );
251  try {
252  $manager->getSessionForRequest( $request );
253  $this->fail( 'Expcected exception not thrown' );
254  } catch ( \OverflowException $ex ) {
255  $this->assertStringStartsWith(
256  'Multiple sessions for this request tied for top priority: ',
257  $ex->getMessage()
258  );
259  $this->assertCount( 2, $ex->sessionInfos );
260  $this->assertContains( $request->info1, $ex->sessionInfos );
261  $this->assertContains( $request->info2, $ex->sessionInfos );
262  }
263  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist1 );
264  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist2 );
266  // Bad provider
268  'provider' => $provider2,
269  'id' => ( $id1 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
270  'persisted' => true,
271  'idIsSafe' => true,
272  ] );
273  $request->info2 = null;
274  try {
275  $manager->getSessionForRequest( $request );
276  $this->fail( 'Expcected exception not thrown' );
277  } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
278  $this->assertSame(
279  'Provider1 returned session info for a different provider: ' . $request->info1,
280  $ex->getMessage()
281  );
282  }
283  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist1 );
284  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist2 );
286  // Unusable session info
287  $this->logger->setCollect( true );
289  'provider' => $provider1,
290  'id' => ( $id1 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
291  'persisted' => true,
292  'userInfo' => UserInfo::newFromName( 'UTSysop', false ),
293  'idIsSafe' => true,
294  ] );
296  'provider' => $provider2,
297  'id' => ( $id2 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
298  'persisted' => true,
299  'idIsSafe' => true,
300  ] );
301  $session = $manager->getSessionForRequest( $request );
302  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
303  $this->assertSame( $id2, $session->getId() );
304  $this->logger->setCollect( false );
305  $this->assertTrue( $request->unpersist1 );
306  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist2 );
307  $request->unpersist1 = false;
309  $this->logger->setCollect( true );
311  'provider' => $provider1,
312  'id' => ( $id1 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
313  'persisted' => true,
314  'idIsSafe' => true,
315  ] );
317  'provider' => $provider2,
318  'id' => ( $id2 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
319  'persisted' => true,
320  'userInfo' => UserInfo::newFromName( 'UTSysop', false ),
321  'idIsSafe' => true,
322  ] );
323  $session = $manager->getSessionForRequest( $request );
324  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
325  $this->assertSame( $id1, $session->getId() );
326  $this->logger->setCollect( false );
327  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist1 );
328  $this->assertTrue( $request->unpersist2 );
329  $request->unpersist2 = false;
331  // Unpersisted session ID
333  'provider' => $provider1,
334  'id' => ( $id1 = $manager->generateSessionId() ),
335  'persisted' => false,
336  'userInfo' => UserInfo::newFromName( 'UTSysop', true ),
337  'idIsSafe' => true,
338  ] );
339  $request->info2 = null;
340  $session = $manager->getSessionForRequest( $request );
341  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
342  $this->assertSame( $id1, $session->getId() );
343  $this->assertTrue( $request->unpersist1 ); // The saving of the session does it
344  $this->assertFalse( $request->unpersist2 );
345  $session->persist();
346  $this->assertTrue( $session->isPersistent(), 'sanity check' );
347  }
349  public function testGetSessionById() {
350  $manager = $this->getManager();
351  try {
352  $manager->getSessionById( 'bad' );
353  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
354  } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
355  $this->assertSame( 'Invalid session ID', $ex->getMessage() );
356  }
358  // Unknown session ID
359  $id = $manager->generateSessionId();
360  $session = $manager->getSessionById( $id, true );
361  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
362  $this->assertSame( $id, $session->getId() );
364  $id = $manager->generateSessionId();
365  $this->assertNull( $manager->getSessionById( $id, false ) );
367  // Known but unloadable session ID
368  $this->logger->setCollect( true );
369  $id = $manager->generateSessionId();
370  $this->store->setSession( $id, [ 'metadata' => [
371  'userId' => User::idFromName( 'UTSysop' ),
372  'userToken' => 'bad',
373  ] ] );
375  $this->assertNull( $manager->getSessionById( $id, true ) );
376  $this->assertNull( $manager->getSessionById( $id, false ) );
377  $this->logger->setCollect( false );
379  // Known session ID
380  $this->store->setSession( $id, [] );
381  $session = $manager->getSessionById( $id, false );
382  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
383  $this->assertSame( $id, $session->getId() );
385  // Store isn't checked if the session is already loaded
386  $this->store->setSession( $id, [ 'metadata' => [
387  'userId' => User::idFromName( 'UTSysop' ),
388  'userToken' => 'bad',
389  ] ] );
390  $session2 = $manager->getSessionById( $id, false );
391  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session2 );
392  $this->assertSame( $id, $session2->getId() );
393  unset( $session, $session2 );
394  $this->logger->setCollect( true );
395  $this->assertNull( $manager->getSessionById( $id, true ) );
396  $this->logger->setCollect( false );
398  // Failure to create an empty session
399  $manager = $this->getManager();
400  $provider = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DummySessionProvider' )
401  ->setMethods( [ 'provideSessionInfo', 'newSessionInfo', '__toString' ] )
402  ->getMock();
403  $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'provideSessionInfo' )
404  ->will( $this->returnValue( null ) );
405  $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'newSessionInfo' )
406  ->will( $this->returnValue( null ) );
407  $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
408  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider' ) );
409  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
410  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider ),
411  ] );
412  $this->logger->setCollect( true );
413  $this->assertNull( $manager->getSessionById( $id, true ) );
414  $this->logger->setCollect( false );
415  $this->assertSame( [
416  [ LogLevel::ERROR, 'Failed to create empty session: {exception}' ]
417  ], $this->logger->getBuffer() );
418  }
420  public function testGetEmptySession() {
421  $manager = $this->getManager();
422  $pmanager = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $manager );
423  $request = new \FauxRequest();
425  $providerBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DummySessionProvider' )
426  ->setMethods( [ 'provideSessionInfo', 'newSessionInfo', '__toString' ] );
428  $expectId = null;
429  $info1 = null;
430  $info2 = null;
432  $provider1 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
433  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'provideSessionInfo' )
434  ->will( $this->returnValue( null ) );
435  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'newSessionInfo' )
436  ->with( $this->callback( function ( $id ) use ( &$expectId ) {
437  return $id === $expectId;
438  } ) )
439  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function () use ( &$info1 ) {
440  return $info1;
441  } ) );
442  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
443  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider1' ) );
445  $provider2 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
446  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'provideSessionInfo' )
447  ->will( $this->returnValue( null ) );
448  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'newSessionInfo' )
449  ->with( $this->callback( function ( $id ) use ( &$expectId ) {
450  return $id === $expectId;
451  } ) )
452  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function () use ( &$info2 ) {
453  return $info2;
454  } ) );
455  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
456  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider2' ) );
458  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
459  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider1 ),
460  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider2 ),
461  ] );
463  // No info
464  $expectId = null;
465  $info1 = null;
466  $info2 = null;
467  try {
468  $manager->getEmptySession();
469  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
470  } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
471  $this->assertSame(
472  'No provider could provide an empty session!',
473  $ex->getMessage()
474  );
475  }
477  // Info
478  $expectId = null;
479  $info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
480  'provider' => $provider1,
481  'id' => 'empty---------------------------',
482  'persisted' => true,
483  'idIsSafe' => true,
484  ] );
485  $info2 = null;
486  $session = $manager->getEmptySession();
487  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
488  $this->assertSame( 'empty---------------------------', $session->getId() );
490  // Info, explicitly
491  $expectId = 'expected------------------------';
492  $info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
493  'provider' => $provider1,
494  'id' => $expectId,
495  'persisted' => true,
496  'idIsSafe' => true,
497  ] );
498  $info2 = null;
499  $session = $pmanager->getEmptySessionInternal( null, $expectId );
500  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
501  $this->assertSame( $expectId, $session->getId() );
503  // Wrong ID
504  $expectId = 'expected-----------------------2';
505  $info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
506  'provider' => $provider1,
507  'id' => "un$expectId",
508  'persisted' => true,
509  'idIsSafe' => true,
510  ] );
511  $info2 = null;
512  try {
513  $pmanager->getEmptySessionInternal( null, $expectId );
514  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
515  } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
516  $this->assertSame(
517  'MockProvider1 returned empty session info with a wrong id: ' .
518  "un$expectId != $expectId",
519  $ex->getMessage()
520  );
521  }
523  // Unsafe ID
524  $expectId = 'expected-----------------------2';
525  $info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
526  'provider' => $provider1,
527  'id' => $expectId,
528  'persisted' => true,
529  ] );
530  $info2 = null;
531  try {
532  $pmanager->getEmptySessionInternal( null, $expectId );
533  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
534  } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
535  $this->assertSame(
536  'MockProvider1 returned empty session info with id flagged unsafe',
537  $ex->getMessage()
538  );
539  }
541  // Wrong provider
542  $expectId = null;
543  $info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
544  'provider' => $provider2,
545  'id' => 'empty---------------------------',
546  'persisted' => true,
547  'idIsSafe' => true,
548  ] );
549  $info2 = null;
550  try {
551  $manager->getEmptySession();
552  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
553  } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
554  $this->assertSame(
555  'MockProvider1 returned an empty session info for a different provider: ' . $info1,
556  $ex->getMessage()
557  );
558  }
560  // Highest priority wins
561  $expectId = null;
562  $info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY + 1, [
563  'provider' => $provider1,
564  'id' => 'empty1--------------------------',
565  'persisted' => true,
566  'idIsSafe' => true,
567  ] );
568  $info2 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
569  'provider' => $provider2,
570  'id' => 'empty2--------------------------',
571  'persisted' => true,
572  'idIsSafe' => true,
573  ] );
574  $session = $manager->getEmptySession();
575  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
576  $this->assertSame( 'empty1--------------------------', $session->getId() );
578  $expectId = null;
579  $info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY + 1, [
580  'provider' => $provider1,
581  'id' => 'empty1--------------------------',
582  'persisted' => true,
583  'idIsSafe' => true,
584  ] );
585  $info2 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY + 2, [
586  'provider' => $provider2,
587  'id' => 'empty2--------------------------',
588  'persisted' => true,
589  'idIsSafe' => true,
590  ] );
591  $session = $manager->getEmptySession();
592  $this->assertInstanceOf( Session::class, $session );
593  $this->assertSame( 'empty2--------------------------', $session->getId() );
595  // Tied priorities throw an exception
596  $expectId = null;
597  $info1 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
598  'provider' => $provider1,
599  'id' => 'empty1--------------------------',
600  'persisted' => true,
601  'userInfo' => UserInfo::newAnonymous(),
602  'idIsSafe' => true,
603  ] );
604  $info2 = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
605  'provider' => $provider2,
606  'id' => 'empty2--------------------------',
607  'persisted' => true,
608  'userInfo' => UserInfo::newAnonymous(),
609  'idIsSafe' => true,
610  ] );
611  try {
612  $manager->getEmptySession();
613  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
614  } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
615  $this->assertStringStartsWith(
616  'Multiple empty sessions tied for top priority: ',
617  $ex->getMessage()
618  );
619  }
621  // Bad id
622  try {
623  $pmanager->getEmptySessionInternal( null, 'bad' );
624  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
625  } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
626  $this->assertSame( 'Invalid session ID', $ex->getMessage() );
627  }
629  // Session already exists
630  $expectId = 'expected-----------------------3';
631  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $expectId, [
632  'provider' => 'MockProvider2',
633  'userId' => 0,
634  'userName' => null,
635  'userToken' => null,
636  ] );
637  try {
638  $pmanager->getEmptySessionInternal( null, $expectId );
639  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
640  } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
641  $this->assertSame( 'Session ID already exists', $ex->getMessage() );
642  }
643  }
645  public function testInvalidateSessionsForUser() {
646  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
647  $manager = $this->getManager();
649  $providerBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DummySessionProvider' )
650  ->setMethods( [ 'invalidateSessionsForUser', '__toString' ] );
652  $provider1 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
653  $provider1->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'invalidateSessionsForUser' )
654  ->with( $this->identicalTo( $user ) );
655  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
656  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider1' ) );
658  $provider2 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
659  $provider2->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'invalidateSessionsForUser' )
660  ->with( $this->identicalTo( $user ) );
661  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
662  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider2' ) );
664  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
665  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider1 ),
666  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider2 ),
667  ] );
669  $oldToken = $user->getToken( true );
670  $manager->invalidateSessionsForUser( $user );
671  $this->assertNotEquals( $oldToken, $user->getToken() );
672  }
674  public function testGetVaryHeaders() {
675  $manager = $this->getManager();
677  $providerBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DummySessionProvider' )
678  ->setMethods( [ 'getVaryHeaders', '__toString' ] );
680  $provider1 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
681  $provider1->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'getVaryHeaders' )
682  ->will( $this->returnValue( [
683  'Foo' => null,
684  'Bar' => [ 'X', 'Bar1' ],
685  'Quux' => null,
686  ] ) );
687  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
688  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider1' ) );
690  $provider2 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
691  $provider2->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'getVaryHeaders' )
692  ->will( $this->returnValue( [
693  'Baz' => null,
694  'Bar' => [ 'X', 'Bar2' ],
695  'Quux' => [ 'Quux' ],
696  ] ) );
697  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
698  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider2' ) );
700  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
701  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider1 ),
702  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider2 ),
703  ] );
705  $expect = [
706  'Foo' => [],
707  'Bar' => [ 'X', 'Bar1', 3 => 'Bar2' ],
708  'Quux' => [ 'Quux' ],
709  'Baz' => [],
710  ];
712  $this->assertEquals( $expect, $manager->getVaryHeaders() );
714  // Again, to ensure it's cached
715  $this->assertEquals( $expect, $manager->getVaryHeaders() );
716  }
718  public function testGetVaryCookies() {
719  $manager = $this->getManager();
721  $providerBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DummySessionProvider' )
722  ->setMethods( [ 'getVaryCookies', '__toString' ] );
724  $provider1 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
725  $provider1->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'getVaryCookies' )
726  ->will( $this->returnValue( [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ] ) );
727  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
728  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider1' ) );
730  $provider2 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
731  $provider2->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'getVaryCookies' )
732  ->will( $this->returnValue( [ 'Foo', 'Baz' ] ) );
733  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
734  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider2' ) );
736  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
737  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider1 ),
738  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider2 ),
739  ] );
741  $expect = [ 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' ];
743  $this->assertEquals( $expect, $manager->getVaryCookies() );
745  // Again, to ensure it's cached
746  $this->assertEquals( $expect, $manager->getVaryCookies() );
747  }
749  public function testGetProviders() {
750  $realManager = $this->getManager();
751  $manager = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $realManager );
753  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
754  [ 'class' => 'DummySessionProvider' ],
755  ] );
756  $providers = $manager->getProviders();
757  $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'DummySessionProvider', $providers );
758  $provider = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $providers['DummySessionProvider'] );
759  $this->assertSame( $manager->logger, $provider->logger );
760  $this->assertSame( $manager->config, $provider->config );
761  $this->assertSame( $realManager, $provider->getManager() );
763  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
764  [ 'class' => 'DummySessionProvider' ],
765  [ 'class' => 'DummySessionProvider' ],
766  ] );
767  $manager->sessionProviders = null;
768  try {
769  $manager->getProviders();
770  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
771  } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
772  $this->assertSame(
773  'Duplicate provider name "DummySessionProvider"',
774  $ex->getMessage()
775  );
776  }
777  }
779  public function testShutdown() {
780  $manager = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->getManager() );
781  $manager->setLogger( new \Psr\Log\NullLogger() );
783  $mock = $this->getMock( 'stdClass', [ 'shutdown' ] );
784  $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'shutdown' );
786  $manager->allSessionBackends = [ $mock ];
787  $manager->shutdown();
788  }
790  public function testGetSessionFromInfo() {
791  $manager = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->getManager() );
792  $request = new \FauxRequest();
794  $id = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
796  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
797  'provider' => $manager->getProvider( 'DummySessionProvider' ),
798  'id' => $id,
799  'persisted' => true,
800  'userInfo' => UserInfo::newFromName( 'UTSysop', true ),
801  'idIsSafe' => true,
802  ] );
803  \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $info )->idIsSafe = true;
805  $manager->getSessionFromInfo( $info, $request )
806  );
808  $manager->getSessionFromInfo( $info, $request )
809  );
811  $this->assertSame( $session1->backend, $session2->backend );
812  $this->assertNotEquals( $session1->index, $session2->index );
813  $this->assertSame( $session1->getSessionId(), $session2->getSessionId() );
814  $this->assertSame( $id, $session1->getId() );
816  \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $info )->idIsSafe = false;
817  $session3 = $manager->getSessionFromInfo( $info, $request );
818  $this->assertNotSame( $id, $session3->getId() );
819  }
821  public function testBackendRegistration() {
822  $manager = $this->getManager();
824  $session = $manager->getSessionForRequest( new \FauxRequest );
825  $backend = \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $session )->backend;
826  $sessionId = $session->getSessionId();
827  $id = (string)$sessionId;
829  $this->assertSame( $sessionId, $manager->getSessionById( $id, true )->getSessionId() );
831  $manager->changeBackendId( $backend );
832  $this->assertSame( $sessionId, $session->getSessionId() );
833  $this->assertNotEquals( $id, (string)$sessionId );
834  $id = (string)$sessionId;
836  $this->assertSame( $sessionId, $manager->getSessionById( $id, true )->getSessionId() );
838  // Destruction of the session here causes the backend to be deregistered
839  $session = null;
841  try {
842  $manager->changeBackendId( $backend );
843  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
844  } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
845  $this->assertSame(
846  'Backend was not registered with this SessionManager', $ex->getMessage()
847  );
848  }
850  try {
851  $manager->deregisterSessionBackend( $backend );
852  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
853  } catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
854  $this->assertSame(
855  'Backend was not registered with this SessionManager', $ex->getMessage()
856  );
857  }
859  $session = $manager->getSessionById( $id, true );
860  $this->assertSame( $sessionId, $session->getSessionId() );
861  }
863  public function testGenerateSessionId() {
864  $manager = $this->getManager();
866  $id = $manager->generateSessionId();
867  $this->assertTrue( SessionManager::validateSessionId( $id ), "Generated ID: $id" );
868  }
870  public function testAutoCreateUser() {
873  if ( !$wgDisableAuthManager ) {
874  $this->markTestSkipped( 'AuthManager is not disabled' );
875  }
877  \ObjectCache::$instances[__METHOD__] = new TestBagOStuff();
878  $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgMainCacheType' => __METHOD__ ] );
879  $this->setMwGlobals( [
880  'wgAuth' => new AuthPlugin,
881  ] );
883  $this->stashMwGlobals( [ 'wgGroupPermissions' ] );
884  $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = true;
885  $wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = false;
887  // Replace the global singleton with one configured for testing
888  $manager = $this->getManager();
889  $reset = TestUtils::setSessionManagerSingleton( $manager );
891  $logger = new \TestLogger( true, function ( $m ) {
892  if ( substr( $m, 0, 15 ) === 'SessionBackend ' ) {
893  // Don't care.
894  return null;
895  }
896  $m = str_replace( 'MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::autoCreateUser: ', '', $m );
897  return $m;
898  } );
899  $manager->setLogger( $logger );
903  // Can't create an already-existing user
904  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTSysop' );
905  $id = $user->getId();
906  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
907  $this->assertSame( $id, $user->getId() );
908  $this->assertSame( 'UTSysop', $user->getName() );
909  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
910  $logger->clearBuffer();
912  // Sanity check that creation works at all
913  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate1' );
914  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId(), 'sanity check' );
915  $this->assertTrue( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
916  $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
917  $this->assertSame( 'UTSessionAutoCreate1', $user->getName() );
918  $this->assertEquals(
919  $user->getId(), User::idFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate1', User::READ_LATEST )
920  );
921  $this->assertSame( [
922  [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {url}' ],
923  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
924  $logger->clearBuffer();
926  // Check lack of permissions
927  $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
928  $wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = false;
929  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' );
930  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
931  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
932  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist', $user->getName() );
933  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
934  $session->clear();
935  $this->assertSame( [
936  [
937  LogLevel::DEBUG,
938  'user is blocked from this wiki, blacklisting',
939  ],
940  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
941  $logger->clearBuffer();
943  // Check other permission
944  $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
945  $wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = true;
946  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate2' );
947  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId(), 'sanity check' );
948  $this->assertTrue( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
949  $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
950  $this->assertSame( 'UTSessionAutoCreate2', $user->getName() );
951  $this->assertEquals(
952  $user->getId(), User::idFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate2', User::READ_LATEST )
953  );
954  $this->assertSame( [
955  [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {url}' ],
956  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
957  $logger->clearBuffer();
959  // Test account-creation block
960  $anon = new User;
961  $block = new \Block( [
962  'address' => $anon->getName(),
963  'user' => $id,
964  'reason' => __METHOD__,
965  'expiry' => time() + 100500,
966  'createAccount' => true,
967  ] );
968  $block->insert();
969  $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Block', $anon->isBlockedFromCreateAccount(), 'sanity check' );
970  $reset2 = new \ScopedCallback( [ $block, 'delete' ] );
971  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' );
972  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
973  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
974  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist', $user->getName() );
975  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
976  \ScopedCallback::consume( $reset2 );
977  $session->clear();
978  $this->assertSame( [
979  [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'user is blocked from this wiki, blacklisting' ],
980  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
981  $logger->clearBuffer();
983  // Sanity check that creation still works
984  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate3' );
985  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId(), 'sanity check' );
986  $this->assertTrue( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
987  $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
988  $this->assertSame( 'UTSessionAutoCreate3', $user->getName() );
989  $this->assertEquals(
990  $user->getId(), User::idFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate3', User::READ_LATEST )
991  );
992  $this->assertSame( [
993  [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {url}' ],
994  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
995  $logger->clearBuffer();
997  // Test prevention by AuthPlugin
998  global $wgAuth;
999  $oldWgAuth = $wgAuth;
1000  $mockWgAuth = $this->getMock( 'AuthPlugin', [ 'autoCreate' ] );
1001  $mockWgAuth->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'autoCreate' )
1002  ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1003  $this->setMwGlobals( [
1004  'wgAuth' => $mockWgAuth,
1005  ] );
1006  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' );
1007  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
1008  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
1009  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist', $user->getName() );
1010  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
1011  $this->setMwGlobals( [
1012  'wgAuth' => $oldWgAuth,
1013  ] );
1014  $session->clear();
1015  $this->assertSame( [
1016  [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'denied by AuthPlugin' ],
1017  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1018  $logger->clearBuffer();
1020  // Test prevention by wfReadOnly()
1021  $this->setMwGlobals( [
1022  'wgReadOnly' => 'Because',
1023  ] );
1024  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' );
1025  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
1026  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
1027  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist', $user->getName() );
1028  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
1029  $this->setMwGlobals( [
1030  'wgReadOnly' => false,
1031  ] );
1032  $session->clear();
1033  $this->assertSame( [
1034  [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'denied by wfReadOnly()' ],
1035  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1036  $logger->clearBuffer();
1038  // Test prevention by a previous session
1039  $session->set( 'MWSession::AutoCreateBlacklist', 'test' );
1040  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' );
1041  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
1042  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
1043  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist', $user->getName() );
1044  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
1045  $session->clear();
1046  $this->assertSame( [
1047  [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'blacklisted in session (test)' ],
1048  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1049  $logger->clearBuffer();
1051  // Test uncreatable name
1052  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist@' );
1053  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
1054  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
1055  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist@', $user->getName() );
1056  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
1057  $session->clear();
1058  $this->assertSame( [
1059  [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Invalid username, blacklisting' ],
1060  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1061  $logger->clearBuffer();
1063  // Test AbortAutoAccount hook
1064  $mock = $this->getMock( __CLASS__, [ 'onAbortAutoAccount' ] );
1065  $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'onAbortAutoAccount' )
1066  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( User $user, &$msg ) {
1067  $msg = 'No way!';
1068  return false;
1069  } ) );
1070  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [ 'AbortAutoAccount' => [ $mock ] ] );
1071  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' );
1072  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
1073  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
1074  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist', $user->getName() );
1075  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
1076  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [ 'AbortAutoAccount' => [] ] );
1077  $session->clear();
1078  $this->assertSame( [
1079  [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'denied by hook: No way!' ],
1080  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1081  $logger->clearBuffer();
1083  // Test AbortAutoAccount hook screwing up the name
1084  $mock = $this->getMock( 'stdClass', [ 'onAbortAutoAccount' ] );
1085  $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'onAbortAutoAccount' )
1086  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( User $user ) {
1087  $user->setName( 'UTDoesNotExistEither' );
1088  } ) );
1089  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [ 'AbortAutoAccount' => [ $mock ] ] );
1090  try {
1091  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' );
1092  $manager->autoCreateUser( $user );
1093  $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' );
1094  } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
1095  $this->assertSame(
1096  'AbortAutoAccount hook tried to change the user name',
1097  $ex->getMessage()
1098  );
1099  }
1100  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
1101  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist', $user->getName() );
1102  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExistEither', $user->getName() );
1103  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
1104  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExistEither', User::READ_LATEST ) );
1105  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [ 'AbortAutoAccount' => [] ] );
1106  $session->clear();
1107  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1108  $logger->clearBuffer();
1110  // Test for "exception backoff"
1111  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist' );
1113  $backoffKey = wfMemcKey( 'MWSession', 'autocreate-failed', md5( $user->getName() ) );
1114  $cache->set( $backoffKey, 1, 60 * 10 );
1115  $this->assertFalse( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
1116  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId() );
1117  $this->assertNotSame( 'UTDoesNotExist', $user->getName() );
1118  $this->assertEquals( 0, User::idFromName( 'UTDoesNotExist', User::READ_LATEST ) );
1119  $cache->delete( $backoffKey );
1120  $session->clear();
1121  $this->assertSame( [
1122  [ LogLevel::DEBUG, 'denied by prior creation attempt failures' ],
1123  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1124  $logger->clearBuffer();
1126  // Sanity check that creation still works, and test completion hook
1127  $cb = $this->callback( function ( User $user ) {
1128  $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
1129  $this->assertSame( 'UTSessionAutoCreate4', $user->getName() );
1130  $this->assertEquals(
1131  $user->getId(), User::idFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate4', User::READ_LATEST )
1132  );
1133  return true;
1134  } );
1135  $mock = $this->getMock( 'stdClass',
1136  [ 'onAuthPluginAutoCreate', 'onLocalUserCreated' ] );
1137  $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'onAuthPluginAutoCreate' )
1138  ->with( $cb );
1139  $mock->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'onLocalUserCreated' )
1140  ->with( $cb, $this->identicalTo( true ) );
1141  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [
1142  'AuthPluginAutoCreate' => [ $mock ],
1143  'LocalUserCreated' => [ $mock ],
1144  ] );
1145  $user = User::newFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate4' );
1146  $this->assertSame( 0, $user->getId(), 'sanity check' );
1147  $this->assertTrue( $manager->autoCreateUser( $user ) );
1148  $this->assertNotEquals( 0, $user->getId() );
1149  $this->assertSame( 'UTSessionAutoCreate4', $user->getName() );
1150  $this->assertEquals(
1151  $user->getId(),
1152  User::idFromName( 'UTSessionAutoCreate4', User::READ_LATEST )
1153  );
1154  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [
1155  'AuthPluginAutoCreate' => [],
1156  'LocalUserCreated' => [],
1157  ] );
1158  $this->assertSame( [
1159  [ LogLevel::INFO, 'creating new user ({username}) - from: {url}' ],
1160  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1161  $logger->clearBuffer();
1162  }
1164  public function onAbortAutoAccount( User $user, &$msg ) {
1165  }
1167  public function testPreventSessionsForUser() {
1168  $manager = $this->getManager();
1170  $providerBuilder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'DummySessionProvider' )
1171  ->setMethods( [ 'preventSessionsForUser', '__toString' ] );
1173  $provider1 = $providerBuilder->getMock();
1174  $provider1->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'preventSessionsForUser' )
1175  ->with( $this->equalTo( 'UTSysop' ) );
1176  $provider1->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
1177  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'MockProvider1' ) );
1179  $this->config->set( 'SessionProviders', [
1180  $this->objectCacheDef( $provider1 ),
1181  ] );
1183  $this->assertFalse( $manager->isUserSessionPrevented( 'UTSysop' ) );
1184  $manager->preventSessionsForUser( 'UTSysop' );
1185  $this->assertTrue( $manager->isUserSessionPrevented( 'UTSysop' ) );
1186  }
1188  public function testLoadSessionInfoFromStore() {
1189  $manager = $this->getManager();
1190  $logger = new \TestLogger( true );
1191  $manager->setLogger( $logger );
1192  $request = new \FauxRequest();
1194  // TestingAccessWrapper can't handle methods with reference arguments, sigh.
1195  $rClass = new \ReflectionClass( $manager );
1196  $rMethod = $rClass->getMethod( 'loadSessionInfoFromStore' );
1197  $rMethod->setAccessible( true );
1198  $loadSessionInfoFromStore = function ( &$info ) use ( $rMethod, $manager, $request ) {
1199  return $rMethod->invokeArgs( $manager, [ &$info, $request ] );
1200  };
1202  $userInfo = UserInfo::newFromName( 'UTSysop', true );
1203  $unverifiedUserInfo = UserInfo::newFromName( 'UTSysop', false );
1205  $id = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
1206  $metadata = [
1207  'userId' => $userInfo->getId(),
1208  'userName' => $userInfo->getName(),
1209  'userToken' => $userInfo->getToken( true ),
1210  'provider' => 'Mock',
1211  ];
1213  $builder = $this->getMockBuilder( SessionProvider::class )
1214  ->setMethods( [ '__toString', 'mergeMetadata', 'refreshSessionInfo' ] );
1216  $provider = $builder->getMockForAbstractClass();
1217  $provider->setManager( $manager );
1218  $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'persistsSessionId' )
1219  ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
1220  $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'canChangeUser' )
1221  ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
1222  $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'refreshSessionInfo' )
1223  ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
1224  $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
1225  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Mock' ) );
1226  $provider->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'mergeMetadata' )
1227  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $a, $b ) {
1228  if ( $b === [ 'Throw' ] ) {
1229  throw new MetadataMergeException( 'no merge!' );
1230  }
1231  return [ 'Merged' ];
1232  } ) );
1234  $provider2 = $builder->getMockForAbstractClass();
1235  $provider2->setManager( $manager );
1236  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'persistsSessionId' )
1237  ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1238  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'canChangeUser' )
1239  ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1240  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
1241  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Mock2' ) );
1242  $provider2->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'refreshSessionInfo' )
1243  ->will( $this->returnCallback( function ( $info, $request, &$metadata ) {
1244  $metadata['changed'] = true;
1245  return true;
1246  } ) );
1248  $provider3 = $builder->getMockForAbstractClass();
1249  $provider3->setManager( $manager );
1250  $provider3->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'persistsSessionId' )
1251  ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
1252  $provider3->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'canChangeUser' )
1253  ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
1254  $provider3->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'refreshSessionInfo' )
1255  ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
1256  $provider3->expects( $this->any() )->method( '__toString' )
1257  ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Mock3' ) );
1259  \TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $manager )->sessionProviders = [
1260  (string)$provider => $provider,
1261  (string)$provider2 => $provider2,
1262  (string)$provider3 => $provider3,
1263  ];
1265  // No metadata, basic usage
1266  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1267  'provider' => $provider,
1268  'id' => $id,
1269  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1270  ] );
1271  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1272  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1273  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe() );
1274  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1276  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1277  'provider' => $provider,
1278  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1279  ] );
1280  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1281  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1282  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1283  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1285  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1286  'provider' => $provider2,
1287  'id' => $id,
1288  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1289  ] );
1290  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1291  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1292  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1293  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1295  // Unverified user, no metadata
1296  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1297  'provider' => $provider,
1298  'id' => $id,
1299  'userInfo' => $unverifiedUserInfo
1300  ] );
1301  $this->assertSame( $unverifiedUserInfo, $info->getUserInfo() );
1302  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1303  $this->assertSame( [
1304  [
1305  LogLevel::WARNING,
1306  'Session "{session}": Unverified user provided and no metadata to auth it',
1307  ]
1308  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1309  $logger->clearBuffer();
1311  // No metadata, missing data
1312  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1313  'id' => $id,
1314  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1315  ] );
1316  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1317  $this->assertSame( [
1318  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Null provider and no metadata' ],
1319  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1320  $logger->clearBuffer();
1322  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1323  'provider' => $provider,
1324  'id' => $id,
1325  ] );
1326  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1327  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1328  $this->assertInstanceOf( UserInfo::class, $info->getUserInfo() );
1329  $this->assertTrue( $info->getUserInfo()->isVerified() );
1330  $this->assertTrue( $info->getUserInfo()->isAnon() );
1331  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe() );
1332  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1334  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1335  'provider' => $provider2,
1336  'id' => $id,
1337  ] );
1338  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1339  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1340  $this->assertSame( [
1341  [ LogLevel::INFO, 'Session "{session}": No user provided and provider cannot set user' ]
1342  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1343  $logger->clearBuffer();
1345  // Incomplete/bad metadata
1346  $this->store->setRawSession( $id, true );
1347  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1348  $this->assertSame( [
1349  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Bad data' ],
1350  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1351  $logger->clearBuffer();
1353  $this->store->setRawSession( $id, [ 'data' => [] ] );
1354  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1355  $this->assertSame( [
1356  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Bad data structure' ],
1357  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1358  $logger->clearBuffer();
1360  $this->store->deleteSession( $id );
1361  $this->store->setRawSession( $id, [ 'metadata' => $metadata ] );
1362  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1363  $this->assertSame( [
1364  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Bad data structure' ],
1365  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1366  $logger->clearBuffer();
1368  $this->store->setRawSession( $id, [ 'metadata' => $metadata, 'data' => true ] );
1369  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1370  $this->assertSame( [
1371  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Bad data structure' ],
1372  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1373  $logger->clearBuffer();
1375  $this->store->setRawSession( $id, [ 'metadata' => true, 'data' => [] ] );
1376  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1377  $this->assertSame( [
1378  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Bad data structure' ],
1379  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1380  $logger->clearBuffer();
1382  foreach ( $metadata as $key => $dummy ) {
1383  $tmp = $metadata;
1384  unset( $tmp[$key] );
1385  $this->store->setRawSession( $id, [ 'metadata' => $tmp, 'data' => [] ] );
1386  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1387  $this->assertSame( [
1388  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Bad metadata' ],
1389  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1390  $logger->clearBuffer();
1391  }
1393  // Basic usage with metadata
1394  $this->store->setRawSession( $id, [ 'metadata' => $metadata, 'data' => [] ] );
1395  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1396  'provider' => $provider,
1397  'id' => $id,
1398  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1399  ] );
1400  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1401  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1402  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1403  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1405  // Mismatched provider
1406  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'provider' => 'Bad' ] + $metadata );
1407  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1408  'provider' => $provider,
1409  'id' => $id,
1410  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1411  ] );
1412  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1413  $this->assertSame( [
1414  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Wrong provider Bad !== Mock' ],
1415  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1416  $logger->clearBuffer();
1418  // Unknown provider
1419  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'provider' => 'Bad' ] + $metadata );
1420  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1421  'id' => $id,
1422  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1423  ] );
1424  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1425  $this->assertSame( [
1426  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Unknown provider Bad' ],
1427  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1428  $logger->clearBuffer();
1430  // Fill in provider
1431  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, $metadata );
1432  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1433  'id' => $id,
1434  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1435  ] );
1436  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1437  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1438  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1439  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1441  // Bad user metadata
1442  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'userId' => -1, 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata );
1443  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1444  'provider' => $provider,
1445  'id' => $id,
1446  ] );
1447  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1448  $this->assertSame( [
1449  [ LogLevel::ERROR, 'Session "{session}": {exception}' ],
1450  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1451  $logger->clearBuffer();
1453  $this->store->setSessionMeta(
1454  $id, [ 'userId' => 0, 'userName' => '<X>', 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata
1455  );
1456  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1457  'provider' => $provider,
1458  'id' => $id,
1459  ] );
1460  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1461  $this->assertSame( [
1462  [ LogLevel::ERROR, 'Session "{session}": {exception}', ],
1463  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1464  $logger->clearBuffer();
1466  // Mismatched user by ID
1467  $this->store->setSessionMeta(
1468  $id, [ 'userId' => $userInfo->getId() + 1, 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata
1469  );
1470  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1471  'provider' => $provider,
1472  'id' => $id,
1473  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1474  ] );
1475  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1476  $this->assertSame( [
1477  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": User ID mismatch, {uid_a} !== {uid_b}' ],
1478  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1479  $logger->clearBuffer();
1481  // Mismatched user by name
1482  $this->store->setSessionMeta(
1483  $id, [ 'userId' => 0, 'userName' => 'X', 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata
1484  );
1485  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1486  'provider' => $provider,
1487  'id' => $id,
1488  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1489  ] );
1490  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1491  $this->assertSame( [
1492  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": User name mismatch, {uname_a} !== {uname_b}' ],
1493  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1494  $logger->clearBuffer();
1496  // ID matches, name doesn't
1497  $this->store->setSessionMeta(
1498  $id, [ 'userId' => $userInfo->getId(), 'userName' => 'X', 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata
1499  );
1500  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1501  'provider' => $provider,
1502  'id' => $id,
1503  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1504  ] );
1505  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1506  $this->assertSame( [
1507  [
1508  LogLevel::WARNING,
1509  'Session "{session}": User ID matched but name didn\'t (rename?), {uname_a} !== {uname_b}'
1510  ],
1511  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1512  $logger->clearBuffer();
1514  // Mismatched anon user
1515  $this->store->setSessionMeta(
1516  $id, [ 'userId' => 0, 'userName' => null, 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata
1517  );
1518  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1519  'provider' => $provider,
1520  'id' => $id,
1521  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1522  ] );
1523  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1524  $this->assertSame( [
1525  [
1526  LogLevel::WARNING,
1527  'Session "{session}": Metadata has an anonymous user, ' .
1528  'but a non-anon user was provided',
1529  ],
1530  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1531  $logger->clearBuffer();
1533  // Lookup user by ID
1534  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata );
1535  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1536  'provider' => $provider,
1537  'id' => $id,
1538  ] );
1539  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1540  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1541  $this->assertSame( $userInfo->getId(), $info->getUserInfo()->getId() );
1542  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1543  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1545  // Lookup user by name
1546  $this->store->setSessionMeta(
1547  $id, [ 'userId' => 0, 'userName' => 'UTSysop', 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata
1548  );
1549  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1550  'provider' => $provider,
1551  'id' => $id,
1552  ] );
1553  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1554  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1555  $this->assertSame( $userInfo->getId(), $info->getUserInfo()->getId() );
1556  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1557  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1559  // Lookup anonymous user
1560  $this->store->setSessionMeta(
1561  $id, [ 'userId' => 0, 'userName' => null, 'userToken' => null ] + $metadata
1562  );
1563  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1564  'provider' => $provider,
1565  'id' => $id,
1566  ] );
1567  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1568  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1569  $this->assertTrue( $info->getUserInfo()->isAnon() );
1570  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1571  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1573  // Unverified user with metadata
1574  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, $metadata );
1575  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1576  'provider' => $provider,
1577  'id' => $id,
1578  'userInfo' => $unverifiedUserInfo
1579  ] );
1580  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1581  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1582  $this->assertTrue( $info->getUserInfo()->isVerified() );
1583  $this->assertSame( $unverifiedUserInfo->getId(), $info->getUserInfo()->getId() );
1584  $this->assertSame( $unverifiedUserInfo->getName(), $info->getUserInfo()->getName() );
1585  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1586  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1588  // Unverified user with metadata
1589  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, $metadata );
1590  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1591  'provider' => $provider,
1592  'id' => $id,
1593  'userInfo' => $unverifiedUserInfo
1594  ] );
1595  $this->assertFalse( $info->isIdSafe(), 'sanity check' );
1596  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1597  $this->assertTrue( $info->getUserInfo()->isVerified() );
1598  $this->assertSame( $unverifiedUserInfo->getId(), $info->getUserInfo()->getId() );
1599  $this->assertSame( $unverifiedUserInfo->getName(), $info->getUserInfo()->getName() );
1600  $this->assertTrue( $info->isIdSafe() );
1601  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1603  // Wrong token
1604  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'userToken' => 'Bad' ] + $metadata );
1605  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1606  'provider' => $provider,
1607  'id' => $id,
1608  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1609  ] );
1610  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1611  $this->assertSame( [
1612  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": User token mismatch' ],
1613  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1614  $logger->clearBuffer();
1616  // Provider metadata
1617  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'provider' => 'Mock2' ] + $metadata );
1618  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1619  'provider' => $provider2,
1620  'id' => $id,
1621  'userInfo' => $userInfo,
1622  'metadata' => [ 'Info' ],
1623  ] );
1624  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1625  $this->assertSame( [ 'Info', 'changed' => true ], $info->getProviderMetadata() );
1626  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1628  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'providerMetadata' => [ 'Saved' ] ] + $metadata );
1629  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1630  'provider' => $provider,
1631  'id' => $id,
1632  'userInfo' => $userInfo,
1633  ] );
1634  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1635  $this->assertSame( [ 'Saved' ], $info->getProviderMetadata() );
1636  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1638  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1639  'provider' => $provider,
1640  'id' => $id,
1641  'userInfo' => $userInfo,
1642  'metadata' => [ 'Info' ],
1643  ] );
1644  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1645  $this->assertSame( [ 'Merged' ], $info->getProviderMetadata() );
1646  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1648  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1649  'provider' => $provider,
1650  'id' => $id,
1651  'userInfo' => $userInfo,
1652  'metadata' => [ 'Throw' ],
1653  ] );
1654  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1655  $this->assertSame( [
1656  [
1657  LogLevel::WARNING,
1658  'Session "{session}": Metadata merge failed: {exception}',
1659  ],
1660  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1661  $logger->clearBuffer();
1663  // Remember from session
1664  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, $metadata );
1665  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1666  'provider' => $provider,
1667  'id' => $id,
1668  ] );
1669  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1670  $this->assertFalse( $info->wasRemembered() );
1671  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1673  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'remember' => true ] + $metadata );
1674  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1675  'provider' => $provider,
1676  'id' => $id,
1677  ] );
1678  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1679  $this->assertTrue( $info->wasRemembered() );
1680  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1682  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'remember' => false ] + $metadata );
1683  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1684  'provider' => $provider,
1685  'id' => $id,
1686  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1687  ] );
1688  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1689  $this->assertTrue( $info->wasRemembered() );
1690  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1692  // forceHTTPS from session
1693  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, $metadata );
1694  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1695  'provider' => $provider,
1696  'id' => $id,
1697  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1698  ] );
1699  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1700  $this->assertFalse( $info->forceHTTPS() );
1701  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1703  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'forceHTTPS' => true ] + $metadata );
1704  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1705  'provider' => $provider,
1706  'id' => $id,
1707  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1708  ] );
1709  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1710  $this->assertTrue( $info->forceHTTPS() );
1711  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1713  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'forceHTTPS' => false ] + $metadata );
1714  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1715  'provider' => $provider,
1716  'id' => $id,
1717  'userInfo' => $userInfo,
1718  'forceHTTPS' => true
1719  ] );
1720  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1721  $this->assertTrue( $info->forceHTTPS() );
1722  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1724  // "Persist" flag from session
1725  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, $metadata );
1726  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1727  'provider' => $provider,
1728  'id' => $id,
1729  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1730  ] );
1731  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1732  $this->assertFalse( $info->wasPersisted() );
1733  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1735  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'persisted' => true ] + $metadata );
1736  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1737  'provider' => $provider,
1738  'id' => $id,
1739  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1740  ] );
1741  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1742  $this->assertTrue( $info->wasPersisted() );
1743  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1745  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'persisted' => false ] + $metadata );
1746  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1747  'provider' => $provider,
1748  'id' => $id,
1749  'userInfo' => $userInfo,
1750  'persisted' => true
1751  ] );
1752  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1753  $this->assertTrue( $info->wasPersisted() );
1754  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1756  // Provider refreshSessionInfo() returning false
1757  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1758  'provider' => $provider3,
1759  ] );
1760  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1761  $this->assertSame( [], $logger->getBuffer() );
1763  // Hook
1764  $called = false;
1765  $data = [ 'foo' => 1 ];
1766  $this->store->setSession( $id, [ 'metadata' => $metadata, 'data' => $data ] );
1767  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1768  'provider' => $provider,
1769  'id' => $id,
1770  'userInfo' => $userInfo
1771  ] );
1772  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [
1773  'SessionCheckInfo' => [ function ( &$reason, $i, $r, $m, $d ) use (
1774  $info, $metadata, $data, $request, &$called
1775  ) {
1776  $this->assertSame( $info->getId(), $i->getId() );
1777  $this->assertSame( $info->getProvider(), $i->getProvider() );
1778  $this->assertSame( $info->getUserInfo(), $i->getUserInfo() );
1779  $this->assertSame( $request, $r );
1780  $this->assertEquals( $metadata, $m );
1781  $this->assertEquals( $data, $d );
1782  $called = true;
1783  return false;
1784  } ]
1785  ] );
1786  $this->assertFalse( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1787  $this->assertTrue( $called );
1788  $this->assertSame( [
1789  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": Hook aborted' ],
1790  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1791  $logger->clearBuffer();
1792  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [ 'SessionCheckInfo' => [] ] );
1794  // forceUse deletes bad backend data
1795  $this->store->setSessionMeta( $id, [ 'userToken' => 'Bad' ] + $metadata );
1796  $info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [
1797  'provider' => $provider,
1798  'id' => $id,
1799  'userInfo' => $userInfo,
1800  'forceUse' => true,
1801  ] );
1802  $this->assertTrue( $loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info ) );
1803  $this->assertFalse( $this->store->getSession( $id ) );
1804  $this->assertSame( [
1805  [ LogLevel::WARNING, 'Session "{session}": User token mismatch' ],
1806  ], $logger->getBuffer() );
1807  $logger->clearBuffer();
1808  }
1809 }
static newFromName($name, $validate= 'valid')
Static factory method for creation from username.
Definition: User.php:522
Minimum allowed priority.
Definition: SessionInfo.php:36
Apache License January AND DISTRIBUTION Definitions License shall mean the terms and conditions for use
static setSessionManagerSingleton(SessionManager $manager=null)
Override the singleton for unit testing.
Definition: TestUtils.php:17
Authentication plugin interface.
Definition: AuthPlugin.php:38
This code would result in ircNotify being run twice when an article is and once for brion Hooks can return three possible true was required This is the default since MediaWiki *some string
Definition: hooks.txt:177
static getLocalClusterInstance()
Get the main cluster-local cache object.
$wgAuth $wgAuth
Authentication plugin.
Session Database MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager.
Set the user name.
Definition: User.php:2166
when a variable name is used in a it is silently declared as a new local masking the global
Definition: design.txt:93
Return the session ID.
Subclass of UnexpectedValueException that can be annotated with additional data for debug logging...
Get the user name, or the IP of an anonymous user.
Definition: User.php:2139
MediaWiki s SiteStore can be cached and stored in a flat in a json format If the SiteStore is frequently the file cache may provide a performance benefit over a database store
Definition: sitescache.txt:1
static newAnonymous()
Create an instance for an anonymous (i.e.
Definition: UserInfo.php:74
Permission keys given to users in each group.
The User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights, email address, options, last login time).
Definition: User.php:47
static BagOStuff[] $instances
Map of (id => BagOStuff)
Definition: ObjectCache.php:83
BagOStuff with utility functions for MediaWiki\\Session\\* testing.
static getMain()
Static methods.
IContextSource $context
Definition: MediaWiki.php:32
static install(SessionManager $manager)
Install a session handler for the current web request.
Definition: mcc.php:33
static isInstalled()
Test whether the handler is installed.
This document is intended to provide useful advice for parties seeking to redistribute MediaWiki to end users It s targeted particularly at maintainers for Linux since it s been observed that distribution packages of MediaWiki often break We ve consistently had to recommend that users seeking support use official tarballs instead of their distribution s and this often solves whatever problem the user is having It would be nice if this could such as
Definition: distributors.txt:9
static singleton()
Get the global SessionManager.
please add to it if you re going to add events to the MediaWiki code where normally authentication against an external auth plugin would be creating a local account $user
Definition: hooks.txt:242
Maximum allowed priority.
Definition: SessionInfo.php:39
static getGlobalSession()
Get the "global" session.
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
error also a ContextSource you ll probably need to make sure the header is varied on $request
Definition: hooks.txt:2458
Get the user's ID.
Definition: User.php:2114
you have access to all of the normal MediaWiki so you can get a DB use the etc For full docs on the Maintenance class
Definition: maintenance.txt:52
static validateSessionId($id)
Validate a session ID.
WebRequest clone which takes values from a provided array.
Definition: FauxRequest.php:33
Disable AuthManager.
static idFromName($name, $flags=self::READ_NORMAL)
Get database id given a user name.
Definition: User.php:764
static consume(ScopedCallback &$sc=null)
Trigger a scoped callback and destroy it.
Make a cache key for the local wiki.
This serves as the entry point to the MediaWiki session handling system.
static newFromObject($object)
Return the same object, without access restrictions.
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable modifiable after all normalizations have been except for the $wgMaxImageArea check set to true or false to override the $wgMaxImageArea check result gives extension the possibility to transform it themselves $handler
Definition: hooks.txt:776
static newFromName($name, $verified=false)
Create an instance for a logged-in user by name.
Definition: UserInfo.php:102
Value object returned by SessionProvider.
Definition: SessionInfo.php:34